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One-Eyed Jack (The Deuces Wild Series Book 3)

Page 34

by Irish Winters

  She dragged his shirt over his head next, and the race to be skin on skin was over in about five seconds. Not that he counted, not with his hands full of the globes of her sweet, plump breasts. Manna. This woman was manna in his desert, and he dived right in, suckling those pert nipples until she writhed beneath him and begged for, “More,” in that sultry, throaty voice he adored.

  More, he could do, especially once her hand dipped low to his belly, then to his—yeah, right there—cock. The blaze between them roared to life with every pump of her strong, slender fingers. It wouldn’t take long if she kept working him like that.

  “Stop,” he managed to growl, his back stiff as he willed his body to last long enough to please her first. “On your knees. Face the fire. Now.”

  With a growly giggle, she did what he’d asked, and the sight of her plump round bottom, shaped so much like a heart, so firm and so—mine—nearly did him in. Pressing one hand to the small of her back, he bit the right cheek of her ass. Squeezing the left cheek, he curved his other arm around her waist. That was an ass to spank and mark with his handprint, but Isaiah was not that kind of a man. Nibbles and kisses were what he left. Raspberries and goosebumps.

  Isaiah took his time, watching how her backside flexed and quivered at his touch. Roxy was ready and anxiously waiting, and her soft mewls were music to his heart, but this was the first time they weren’t in a rush. As patiently as he could, Isaiah took in every last expanse of silky smooth skin, her tender curves, and the tuck of her waist. The fullness of her thighs and the proudly arched spine that thrust her rump higher in an invitation he had no intention of denying.

  “You’re killing me,” she whimpered, and with that, he gave her all he had to give, every last piece of his heart and every inch of his sweaty, throbbing body. He took her hard and deep, thrust after thrust until she tensed and pushed into the cradle of his hips and…

  “Come for me,” he ordered as he found his own release, a might too soon, but just in time.

  “Isaiah!” Roxy screamed, shoving back as she matched him every step of the way. Taut muscles gripped his cock just when he thought he was done and—stars. He saw stars as he came again, grinding into her warm, wet heaven to make sure she came with him.

  Roxy angled her hips to take more of him into her body, hissing, “Yes, yes, yessssssssss!”

  What a sight, this fiercely passionate woman, giving herself to him and letting him join his body to hers. Letting him worship her. For that’s what this was, him on his knees worshipping the body and soul of the woman he adored with every last beat of his heart. She was his goddess and he was just a humble guy who—God willing—meant to serve her every day for the rest of his life.

  At peace for the first time in awhile, Isaiah eased her with him to his side. But Roxy had a mind of her own. She wiggled around until she lined up her breasts to his chest and faced him again. Firelight gleamed in her dark eyes, and that right there, the look of love shining from beneath her thick butterfly lashes, was why men fought wars, climbed unreachable mountains, and dreamed impossible dreams. All for the love of a woman.

  “Yes,” she murmured, her lips swollen and wet from his mouth. “Yes, I’ll marry you, but only on one condition.”

  Isaiah threw an arm over his eyes, needing to hide the emotion welling up in them. “Anything,” he breathed, so damned complete that he felt like crying. “Just ask. Your wish is my command.”

  “Awww,” she sighed. “That’s so sweet, and I don’t mean to be ungrateful, and maybe this isn’t the time to bring it up, but…can’t you give all that money away? I mean, money’s so evil. It changes people and I don’t want us to change. I want us to stay like we are right now. Aren’t there other charities that already do what you do? Couldn’t you give everything to them?”

  “Good point,” he admitted. “Or I could make you a trustee and let you manage your own charity. You could give it to whatever cause you want.”

  “I could?” He didn’t have to look at Roxy to know she was considering the proposal. “But it’s yours, not—”

  Without thinking, he gave her ass a solid smack. She yipped with surprise. Good. She needed to know he meant business. “Ours, Roxy. It’s ours. There is no mine and yours anymore, just ours.”

  She pushed him to his back and climbed up his body to straddle his hips. “Oh, well then,” she murmured as she dipped low and planted a kiss on his mouth, her palms flat to his pecs and her hair a sensual tease floating over his naked skin. “The community center could use new floor mats. Maybe a new roof. A kitchen.”

  There she was, thinking about others again. Lifting his arm from his face, Isaiah blinked at the sweet flavor of coconut, lust, and Roxy. “I love you, woman. Marry me. Tomorrow. Right here.”

  “But my dad—”

  “Hayden Thurston already knows and approves,” Isaiah finished for her. “In fact, he told me to ‘get it done’. He’ll be here, you can count on it. So will Tate and his wife, Winslow, Tucker and Melissa, Eden and Ky, and… everyone. Invite everyone, Roxy, and stop worrying about money. Just say—”

  “Yes,” she mumbled, biting his lower lip as she breathed, “Yes, yes, yes, Isaiah. I’ll marry you for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and… and all those other things.”

  “Your cat’s invited, too.”

  That got her attention. “You want Toy at our wedding?”

  He shrugged. “Sure. I saw her at your dad’s. She’s your baby, isn’t she?”

  “Well yeah, but—”

  “But nothing. I had a cat when I was a kid. A longhaired Siamese just like yours, only her name was Hot Toi. She had a belly on her. That’s how she got her name. After Mom died…” Isaiah paused as the image of his mother sprang to life. He’d give anything if Roxy’s and his mothers could be there for this wedding. “Anyway…” He cleared his throat. “I know how much company a cat can be, so yes. Toy is definitely invited.”

  Roxy settled her chin on her crossed arms at his chest. “Hoi Toi? Seriously? What a coincidence. We nearly gave our cats the same name.”

  Isaiah smoothed both hands over her shoulders blades on his way to the soft swell of her butt. “There are no coincidences, Roxy. We were always meant to be together. We just had to find each other.”

  That earned him a smile. “How many kids do you see us having?”

  “A houseful. I was an only child. I want more for my kids than that.”

  “Your favorite color?”

  Ah, so she wanted to play sixty questions. Growling, he rolled Roxy to her back and told her, “Red, white, and blue. Yours?”

  The prettiest dark chocolate eyes peered up at him. She blinked. Her lips were reddened and swollen, and he was a smitten man. The woman he loved with all of his heart was his. Her favorite color could wait.

  This night was just beginning.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Because of regulations, this had to be done at Family Services instead of in Roxy’s home, which she would’ve preferred. Kitty and Darrin were comfortable there. Nugget, too. After a few tense moments, he and Toy tolerated each other quite well.

  She and Isaiah sat on a wooden bench in the waiting room with Kitty and Darrin. Jack Fillion and his wife had been in conference for the last hour with the social worker in charge, a genuinely kind woman Roxy trusted, Naomi Combs. But the waiting drove Roxy nuts. It wasn’t good for the kids, either. No matter how many times Roxy and Isaiah had assured them they’d always be welcome in their home, the kids were both subdued and way too quiet.

  Finally, Naomi’s door opened.

  “Relax,” Isaiah murmured as he pressed a kiss to her temple. “You look like you’re ready to climb the walls.”

  Swallowing hard, Roxy kissed his mouth—chastely—before she turned to the kids she still thought of as hers. It was difficult, but she went for nonchalance. “Today’s the big day.”

  But neither smiled, and Kitty, damn it, was close to tears.
Every last one of his cinnamon freckles showed on Darrin’s face. “I had to leave Nugget behind,” he squeaked, and that did it.

  Roxy gathered him into her arms before she was reduced to tears along with him. “Just for a couple hours. That dog belongs to you, trust me on that one.” Yet nothing was definite yet, and she knew she might’ve just told Darrin a lie. How could she not? Damn, it would break her heart if Family Services split these kids. If either of them had to go into the system. If Jack Fillion didn’t want the dog and Nugget ended up in the pound.

  Naomi exited the conference room ahead of—

  Oh, my hell. That’s Darrin’s dad? Jack Fillion was Darrin Bratton all over again. Only bigger. Wider. He had the same nose. Same color hair. Same freckles. Wow. He stood a good six feet tall, with the frame and musculature of a boxer. Dressed in a plain white T-shirt that couldn’t conceal the plains and angles of his biceps, pecs, or gut, it seemed impossible that anyone could’ve brought him to his knees. Yet Candace had.

  Goosebumps rippled up Roxy’s spine when Jack stepped forward with one hand on the waist of the pretty brunette at his side. “Officer Thurston, this is Cathleen, my wife. Cathleen, Officer—”

  “Roxy, just Roxy. Please.” She could hardly speak by then. “I’m so glad to meet you, Jack and Cathleen.” Only I’m not if you ever hurt either of my kids.

  Isaiah must have sensed her inner turmoil. With one hand cupping her elbow, he reached around her, shook Jack and Cathleen’s hands, and introduced himself. They looked like good people. They looked like they cared for each other. But so help me…

  “It’s up to the kids now,” Naomi interrupted. “Kitty and Darrin, come closer to meet Jack and Cathleen Fillion. They’d like to adopt you.”

  Say what? Roxy froze. “B-b-both of them?”

  Naomi maintained her cool and nodded, while Isaiah’s palm became the only thing holding Roxy upright. She leaned into him. It was either that or fall apart, and the kids didn’t need to see her coming undone. Not now. Not when… Damn, this is really happening. They’re leaving and… Gulp. I’ll never see them again.

  Neither Kitty nor Darrin moved, when Jack crossed the distance between them and crouched at their feet. Kitty reached for Darrin’s shoulders, and Darrin took a step back, pressing against his sister. Kitty’s chin was up in defiance, but Darrin looked ready to run.

  Instead of making direct eye contact, Jack’s gaze fell to the floor. The muscle in his throat seemed to be working extra hard, like he couldn’t swallow.

  Roxy surely couldn’t.

  Finally Jack said, “You kids don’t know me, and I know this isn’t easy.” He glanced up at Roxy then. “You’ve already got someone who loves you. I can see that, and I’m glad you’ve had someone in your corner this last week, but it’d sure be nice if you’d give me a chance, too. I’m not so bad, and I... I...”

  It was like watching a giant on his knees, begging for his life. Jack trembled like his heart was breaking, and then Roxy knew. Sight unseen, he truly loved his son. This coming together was the right and only thing to do. Her kids would be okay.

  Darrin’s sweet little boy voice breathed soft and low. “You’re... you’re really my dad?”

  Jack lifted his chin. Cathleen sniffled. Roxy lifted a hand to her mouth and coughed, while Isaiah’s breath hitched. His hold tightened on her. This was so, so hard.

  “I am,” Jack Fillion replied, blinking fast and his voice rough and hoarse. “And I’d like to be your Kitty’s foster dad too if it’s okay with her and you and your dog and…” His voice faded.

  “I get to keep Nugget?” Darrin asked. Just like any ten-year-old kid, he wasn’t worried about keeping his sister.

  Jack choked, “Yes, son. You love him, don’t you?”


  “Th-that’s how it works, Darrin. We get to keep the people and things we love.” Jack’s palm settled over his heart, where he’d been keeping the love for his little boy all these years.

  The room stilled. Darrin looked up at Kitty, his eyes bright and his face aglow.

  Kitty looked down at him, her lips pinched and tight in that snarky way Roxy loved so much. “I’ve been so mean to you,” she whispered. “You go on and be happy. I’ll understand. He’s your dad, not mine. I’ll be okay.”

  Shit, shit, shit! It was all Roxy could do not to run to those kids to protect them from this awful, good day. But Darrin was Jack’s son. Unlike Candace, who’d only wanted wealth, Darrin wasn’t about to leave his sister behind. Reaching up, he grabbed onto the hand he loved with all of his little boy heart. “But he wants you, too. Come with me, Kitty. Me and Nugget’ll keep you safe. You’ll see. You don’t hafta be scared no more. It’ll be okay.”

  Teardrops dripped down Kitty’s cheeks, when she said, “I love you, brat.”

  A cinnamon freckled smile split Darrin’s face. Releasing her, and with one hesitant step, he flung himself into his father’s arms and said, “Okay.”

  Jack groaned as he tenderly took hold of his son for the first time. Tears ran freely down his cheeks. His fingers straightened, then curled and—

  Aw, shit. Roxy couldn’t take it.

  “And I’ll keep you safe,” Isaiah whispered in her ear. “You’ll see. It’ll be okay.”

  “I know, but… but Kitty’s still standing there all by herself.” This was too hard!

  “They’re strong kids, Roxy. Give her time.”

  “I know, but… but…”

  But wow. Darrin twisted to beckon Kitty, and just like that, Jack hauled her into his arms. She stood there like a stiff little soldier against his knee, still crying, still holding back, but smiling at her baby brother. It was done. Kitty and Darrin were where they belonged.

  Well, shit.

  “Well, good,” Naomi said, her eyes tender as she nodded to the door, her signal for Roxy and Isaiah to leave. Roxy suppressed her selfish side and focused on breathing and smiling like this was the best thing that ever happened. Which it was, if the pain in her heart was telling her the truth. Poor Cathleen hadn’t joined the family huddle. She must’ve sensed the kids could only handle so much, another sure sign they were in the right place with the right people.

  “Bye kids,” Isaiah said, his voice as tight as Roxy’s heartstrings.

  That got Darrin and Kitty’s attention. “You’re leaving us?” Kitty asked.

  “Not leaving,” Roxy said, just to be clear while she could still think. “I’ll always be just one phone call away, honey, but Jack isn’t adopting me and Isaiah. You kids don’t need us hanging around while you get to know your new parents.”

  “B-b-but…” Kitty’s pretty eyes filled as she pushed out of Jack’s embrace. “I love you.”

  Well, damn. Cue the tears all over again.

  “And I love you, sweetheart,” Roxy said stoically, if blinking like a fool had anything to do with stoicism. Then, because she needed it as much as Kitty, she rushed the kids and pulled them both into her arms. “Be good,” she told them as she hugged the stuffing out of them, while Jack and Cathleen looked on. “Give Jack and Cathleen a chance. They already love you. Everyone can see that.”

  Cathleen sniffed again. Jack cleared his throat. And, yeah, Roxy knew without a doubt they loved these kids as much as she did.

  “From now on, it’ll be Aunt Roxy and Uncle Isaiah,” Isaiah told them hoarsely from Roxy’s side. “Can you live with that?”

  Kitty burrowed into Roxy’s neck while Darrin pressed a little boy kiss to her cheek, and said solemnly, “Bye, Officer Thurston. Me and Nugget are gonna write you everyday, so you don’t forget us.”

  “And I’ll never forget you, Aunt Roxy. Never,” Kitty breathed, just before she wiped her teary eyes and let Roxy go.

  They mugged Isaiah next with kisses and tears. “I’m never gonna forget you, either,” Kitty told her first manly crush.

  He tugged her against him and placed a kiss to the top of her head as he looke
d to Jack. “I still owe you kids a baseball game, if your mom and dad don’t mind cheering for the Nats with us.”

  Lifting to his feet, Jack stuck out one hand. “Anytime. We’ll make it a family event. But I’ve got to tell you, Agent Zaroyin, I think we’ve met before.”

  “We have. At the hospital. The night Kitty had an asthma attack,” Isaiah explained. “You were leaving the chapel as I was going in.”

  Jack’s eyes widened. “Oh. Yeah. That was you. She told me to meet her there, said she wanted to make a deal.”

  “Candace? A deal?” Roxy asked, her hackles lifting yet again.

  With a sideways glance at the kids, Jack lowered his voice. “Is there some place we can talk?”

  Naomi nodded to the hall to her right. “You can borrow my office while Cathleen gets acquainted with Kitty and Darrin. Go on. We’re not going anywhere.”

  Once behind closed doors, Jack raked his fingers through his hair. The man had yet to smile. Too much worry had creased his brow and bracketed his mouth, making him look older than his thirty-three years. “She called me to meet her at the hospital. She wanted me to kill her ex-father-in-law, that Chester Bratton fellow, the guy she murdered.” Jack’s Adam’s apple bobbed as if swallowing was difficult. “Do you believe that? She said he was out to kill her, and she knew I’d been watching her, only I wasn’t. I was trailing that other guy, the one at the bank with her. I had no idea who she wanted me to kill. I’ve never met Chester Bratton in my life.”

  Roxy looked up at Isaiah while she told Jack what she now knew. “Chester Bratton wasn’t her ex-father-in-law. She never divorced his son, Bob. But Chester was her lover and he was Kitty’s real father. The only reason Candace was at the hospital that night that you saw Isaiah, was because she’d somehow induced an asthma attack in Kitty. Then later, she reached out to Chester the night she killed him, or he reached out to her, we still don’t know which. That’s when Isaiah finally caught her.”


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