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Sing A New Song

Page 27

by Michelle Lindo-Rice

  “Myra, I already love this baby more than you can imagine. You have no need to worry where that is concerned,” Neil answered matter-of-factly.

  “Neil.” Myra hiccupped. “I was incredibly selfish. Please, baby, forgive me. Give me a second chance.”

  “Consider it forgotten, Myra. Because I do love you, and it was wrong on my part to walk out on you like that in your condition.”

  “But I gave you an ultimatum,” Myra said. “You had every right to do what you did. I deserved it.”

  “Yes, you did,” Neil joked.

  The two shared a laugh. Then Myra spoke. “Neil, lying here in this hospital gave me time to think and reflect. I want Karlie to come live with us, because even though I was not acting like it, I do love her.”

  “Are you sure?” Neil could not disguise the happiness and hope in his voice.

  “I’m positive,” Myra answered. “I am glad that God did not punish me and take away this little gift that He gave us. I promised Him that if He let this baby live, I would do everything in my power to make it up to you and Karlie.”

  Neil caressed Myra on her stomach. “Thank you, Myra. Karlie is going to be so happy because she really likes you.”

  “Does she?”

  “Yes, she does,” Neil confirmed.

  “Then go get her,” Myra commanded. “Go get our daughter.”


  Karlie had just completed her studies when she heard the doorbell. Thomas had declined to send her to school and had hired a full-time tutor for her instead. Karlie hadn’t put up too much of a fight, but she still could not get used to the fact that Thomas was now her guardian. He was nice to her, and Karlie could see that he was really trying to be the father he had never been. She admitted that she was the hindrance. She barely spoke to him and contented herself with her music or television.

  Karlie missed New York, and she missed Jamaal. It was not the same between them with this huge distance. Their conversations were already becoming stilted and sparse.

  Karlie got up when she heard a distinct voice that sounded suspiciously like Neil’s. It could not be. Walking into the foyer, Karlie could not believe her eyes. It was Neil.


  Karlie ran toward him as if she was five years old and pounced into his arms.

  “Neil. What’re you doing here in California?”

  “I came to see you.”

  “You flew all this way to see me?” Karlie was amazed.

  “Yes,” Neil said. “I want to make you an offer.”

  “What?” Karlie became excited and hopeful.

  “I want to know if you want to come back to New York and live with me,” Neil said.

  “I’d love to.” Karlie beamed. “But what about Thomas?”

  “I already spoke to him about it. He says that you’re not happy here, and he is willing to relinquish all his rights as your father. He did not feel good about the lie, anyway.”

  Karlie squealed even louder. She felt as carefree as a kid again. “I had hoped and dreamed for this moment. I prayed and prayed, and when I didn’t see it happen, I was, like, well, God didn’t answer my prayers. But He heard me. He just took His own time answering.”

  Neil laughed at her enthusiasm.

  “How does Myra feel about all this?” Karlie asked.

  Neil wavered for an instant before deciding to tell Karlie the truth. “Well, Myra is coming around. She just has to get used to the idea of having a teenager.”

  Neil quickly gave her a brief version of what had transpired between himself and his wife. To his utter surprise, Karlie defended Myra.

  “Neil, I can understand how Myra felt. I mean, why would she want me around when she is going to have your child? She probably fears that I would replace her child.”

  Neil looked at Karlie, amazed that one so young could be so astute and perceptive. “Does this mean you are not coming with me?” Neil asked.

  “I am definitely coming,” Karlie affirmed. “But I have always wanted a little sister or brother, and Myra is going to need my help. I will be your live-in babysitter.”

  “No,” Neil corrected. “You’ll be a big sister and daughter.”

  Karlie hurriedly called Jamaal and Tanya to tell them that she was coming back to Hempstead.

  The day after Neil’s arrival, Karlie packed enough of her clothes to fill one suitcase. She saw Thomas standing by her door.

  “Hi,” she said shyly. Karlie watched Thomas enter her room to sit on her bed.

  “I love you, you know,” he said.

  Karlie nodded. “I know,” she said quietly.

  “I knew you weren’t happy,” Thomas said.

  “I love you, but . . .” Karlie didn’t know what to say without seeming insensitive.

  Thomas held up his hands and smiled. “It’s fine. I, on the other hand, love it here. I guess I should go house hunting soon.”

  “No.” Karlie shook her head. “Stay here. Mom would have liked that.”

  Thomas nodded, and after moments of awkward silence, he got to his feet. “Karlie, I wish you the best. Neil loves you, and if I thought for one minute . . .”

  A horn tooted. Karlie and Thomas smiled before he picked up her suitcase. The two went out the front door, and Thomas placed her case in the trunk of the car. Suddenly, Karlie remembered something. She ran up to her bedroom to retrieve two items she would never leave behind. Karlie gently placed the blanket inside her suitcase and carried the painting Thomas had given her.

  Karlie walked out of the house, ready to continue her life with Neil and Myra.

  Before they pulled off, Neil asked her, “Are you sure you have everything?”

  “Yes, Dad. I have everything I need.”

  Reader’s Guide Questions

  1. Tiffany faced sexual assault from her stepfather. She reacted by sleeping with four different boys. Do you think her reaction is typical of victims of sexual abuse? How could her mother have helped? What resources for victims of abuse are provided by your church or by your community?

  2. Discuss Tiffany and her mother’s tumultuous mother-daughter relationship. Do you agree/disagree with Merle’s decision to put Clifford above her daughter? Do you agree with Tiffany’s decision to support Merle financially?

  3. Neil and Tiffany shared a lifetime friendship and a special bond. Do you think that men and women can truly be platonic friends?

  4. Why do you think Neil and Tiffany kept their friendship a secret from Myra? Do you agree with their rationale? Do you think that Neil should keep his friendship with another woman a secret from his wife?

  5. Myra desperately wanted a child, so much so that it consumed her. She ate to fill that void. What are some behaviors we engage in to fill a void in our lives?

  6. Neil wondered if Myra battled depression. Do you believe that she was depressed? Share your opinion(s) about whether or not you think it is possible for a Christian to face depression. Should Christians seek professional help, or should God be the only medium used?

  7. Neil became highly involved in church activities as a means of escaping his home life. Should God reward his efforts even if his motives were not truly pure?

  8. Tiffany discovered God’s redemption and forgiveness. Darnell rediscovered his relationship with God. Describe how both Tiffany’s and Darnell’s attitude about God and church changed from the beginning to the end of the story.

  9. Darnell and Tiffany struggled with keeping their relationship pure. What advice can we give for adult Christian singles that are dating?

  10. When Karlie found out the truth about her father, she disrespected her mother and called her a whore. Why do you suppose Karlie wasn’t as angry with Thomas, who abandoned her as a child?

  11. Neil purposely lied to Tiffany about the results of the paternity tests. He also invited Karlie and Thomas in on his scheme to withhold the truth. Is there ever a good reason or time to lie? Is lying ever a necessity?

  12. Darnell struggled with Tiffany’s
impending death and disappeared for a brief period. Do you think his behavior was understandable or reprehensible? Give your rationale to support your position.

  13. Discuss everyone’s reaction to Tiffany’s death. Do you agree with Neil kicking Merle out of her daughter’s funeral?

  14. At the end of the story, when Thomas agreed to let Karlie leave with Neil, was he shirking his duty? Do you think he did the right thing?

  About the Author

  Michelle Lindo-Rice graduated from Argosy University with an education specialist degree in education leadership. A pastor’s kid, Michelle upholds the faith through preaching, teaching, and ministering through praise and worship. As a young teen, Michelle discovered a passion for reading and writing and feels blessed to use this talent to bring God glory. She currently lives in Port Charlotte, Florida with her two sons and works as a reading specialist for elementary special education students. Sing A New Song is her first published work.


  UC His Glory Book Club is the spirit-inspired brainchild of Joylynn Jossel, author and acquisitions editor of Urban Christian, and Kendra Norman-Bellamy, author for Urban Christian. This is an online book club that hosts authors of Urban Christian. We welcome as members all men and women who have a passion for reading Christian-based fiction.

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  There is no membership fee associated with UC His Glory Book Club; however, we do ask that you support the authors through purchasing works, offering encouragement, and providing book reviews, and of course, through your prayers. We also ask that you respect our beliefs and follow the guidelines of the book club. We hope to receive your valuable input, opinions, and reviews that build up, rather than tear down, our authors.


  —We believe that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the Living God.

  —We believe the Bible is the true, living Word of God.

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  Many Blessing to You!

  Shelia E. Lipsey,

  President, UC His Glory Book Club

  Urban Books, LLC

  78 East Industry Court

  Deer Park, NY 11729

  Sing A New Song Copyright © 2013 Michelle Lindo-Rice

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  ISBN: 978-1-6228-6083-8

  This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.

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