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10: His Holy Bones

Page 14

by Ginn Hale

  And now the souls of the tortured, broken, and wronged filled it—fed it. Somewhere among them Laurie’s fury and suffering smoldered. The hilt felt hot against John’s palm. The blade flashed as if reflecting distant lightning as John lifted it and carried it past incantations of torment to the very center of the courtyard, where he’d carved the name of death into the stones with his own fingers.

  Despite the rising sun, the air felt cold and the yasi’halaun in his hand too hot. Fear whispered through John’s certainty. If he was wrong, he didn’t know what he might unleash. He wished Ji could be here to reassure him; more than that, he longed for the comfort of feeling Kyle at his side. But John had ordered him away; he wasn’t safe so near the yasi’halaun. Still John stole a quick glance to the kahlirash’im’s watchtower and noted the flash of a spyglass. He offered a wave and felt a rush of assurance as he turned back to the yasi’halaun, the maze of incantations encircling him.

  Standing at the center of the spell John could see it, not as a trap drawing life and power down into desolation, but flowing in reverse. From the heart of death, countless paths led beyond the words of torment, pain and rage, stripping them away and granting a final release.

  The yasi’halaun stung John’s hand and began to shake violently in his grip.

  John wondered if it was as frightened of this as he was. Or perhaps it was enraged at the threat he presented, when it had been meant to devour him.

  White flames lit up along its blade and hilt.

  But John held it, drawing it to him. Flames poured from the yasi’halaun, engulfing John’s hands and burning through his coat and shirt front. John choked on a cry of pain but didn’t release the yasihalaun even when he felt the hilt searing into the exposed skin of his chest. Smoke rolled up over John’s face. Every reflex in his body screamed out to hurl the blade from him. But John drew it deeper into his body; his lungs convulsed as if filled with flames; his heart jerked in the grip of the yasi’halaun’s burning rage.

  “I will not let you go,” John whispered and he felt the yasi’halaun’s shudder in his grip and then go still. “But I will give you peace.”

  As the yasi’halaun dissolved into his flesh, John took in all those souls that it possessed.

  John clenched his mouth shut to keep from crying out as an agony beyond mere fire spread through him, searing every nerve and filling his thoughts with reeking clouds of raw hurt. His vision blackened and screams rang through his ears—thousands of them roaring and howling ceaselessly.

  An agony of sorrow roared through him as he endured the tortures of flayed flesh and burning bones. John fell to his knees, gasping and choking against sobs. He burned and bled and suffered, alone and endlessly, as every broken, tortured soul filled him—engulfed him. So many wronged souls, so much hurt. He couldn’t bear to hold them all in.

  Rage flared against the pain and John’s mind filled with the fury of hurricanes and the release of magma tearing free of the earth.

  And then he felt Kyle, calm and sure and shining through the bond that linked them. Despite the chaos of rage and torment, John felt Kyle’s faith in him. It shone as brilliant and cool as a morning star piercing the night’s darkness.

  John remembered himself, where he was—kneeling at the center of an immense incantation. He drove his hands down into the stones and released everything that he’d taken from the yasi’halaun.

  The darkness lifted from his eyes. The deafening screams silenced. All around John the spells lit up and brightened, until they blazed like streams of molten gold flowing across the flagstones. Strangely gentle gusts rose and curled around John, caressing him. He thought he heard the whisper of a laugh. Another breeze ruffled his hair. For just an instant he thought he felt Laurie’s hand touch his cheek. Then she was gone. Slowly the spells dimmed and the air stilled.

  John lay back against the stone, exhausted. The blue sky overhead struck him as more brilliant than he’d ever seen it before. He watched as a flock of birds passed over. The air already tasted of spring and budding taye.

  When he lowered his gaze he found Kyle crouched at the edge of the incantations, regarding him.

  “For a minute there it looked bad.” Kyle stood and carefully crossed the maze of spells to kneel at John’s side. John caught his hand and pulled him down to sit beside him. John briefly glimpsed the chain of the gold key Kyle wore hidden beneath his shirt. Strange to think that it had taken so long for that single key to reach Kyle and that Ravishan would be the one to pass it on to him.

  Strange, John thought, but also beautiful. He pulled Kyle a little closer, feeling the warmth of his flesh and the strength of his bones beneath at the same time.

  “Are you all right now?” Kyle asked.

  “I am,” John replied, and though the words were simple—hardly worth saying—he felt the truth of them profoundly.


  After five years of courtship Hirran had at last agreed to wed Joulen Bousim, though the young gaunan had been forced to make several concessions to Hirran’s rank as a Fai’daum representative. Hirran did not wear marriage chains and John doubted that she would tolerate a second wife.

  In spite of all that, Joulen had looked overjoyed during the wedding ceremony that afternoon. His captains and rashan’im had filled the Bousim chapel with wild cheers when Hirran had knelt and allowed Joulen to kiss both of her hands.

  Their enthusiasm spilled out into the streets of Nurjima. Even in the River District, fireworks lit the sky and pleasure boats flickered with festival lamps. Vendors in bright costumes wandered the streets, singing out the virtues of new northern goods. Golden taye, iron pans, and jars of honey spiced with slivers of dried strawberry sold in abundance.

  John took in the beauty of Nurjima’s warm autumn night. Far north in Vundomu the first frost was already on the ground and the city would be hidden in darkness. Most citizens would be asleep at this hour, curled under heavy blankets and exhausted from a day’s hard labor. But in Nurjima bright streetlamps lit the night and gaudy colors flashed over the entries of theatres. Music and the voices of revelers rose up to John from all around.

  Kyle would be with him soon.

  It had been nearly two weeks since John had seen him last. He’d been traveling through the Gray Space out across the southeastern seas to survey the islands there. While John appreciated the maps and cuttings Kyle brought back to him, he also desperately missed his lover.

  John leaned back against the windowsill, listening to a sweet melody welling up from the floor below, wondering if it would ruin all of Hirran’s work if he took Kyle out onto the dance floor.

  Maybe the two of them could just dance up here.

  “All these red and green banners make it look like the entire city suddenly discovered Christmas, doesn’t it?”

  John turned from the window. Kyle smiled at him from the doorway. John’s gaze briefly shifted to the gold key that hung on a fine chain around Kyle’s neck and then dropped to the leather gloves that hid his long hands.

  “What are you looking so serious about?” Kyle asked.

  “Nothing.” John laughed. He really didn’t have anything to worry about and it felt strange to him. For the first time in decades Vundomu was a safe and prosperous nation. “Old habits die hard.”

  Kyle walked to his side and accepted John’s welcoming embrace with an easy, assured smile. He felt warm and smelled just faintly of the sea.

  “I’ve come back to you safe and sound as promised,” he whispered. His lips brushed John’s cheek in a gentle kiss—a reassuring gesture. But John caught his mouth with his own. John felt their bond flare with radiant joy and wanton arousal. They kissed deeply, holding each other as if this contact was all that could sustain them. Kyle leaned into him but then drew back as a wild cheer rose from the floor below them.

  His face looked flushed and when he glance out the window John knew it was only to distract himself; they were both expected downstairs.

  “If you must worry
about something I’d suggest you turn your attention to all the drunk Bousim rashan’im who’ll soon be trampling through your new gardens.”

  “Alidas can worry about them well enough.” John rested his arm on Kyle’s shoulders. “It’s strange to feel so welcomed here in Nurjima.”

  “Well, Hirran’s trade arrangements have made a lot of friends for you.”

  “Her arrangements have served her just as well,” John pointed out.

  “Besh’anya said that she was beaming like an idiot this afternoon,” Kyle agreed. “I’m sorry I missed it.”

  “You haven’t missed anything,” John assured him. “She’s still grinning.”


  Rousma’s voice broke into John’s thoughts. He turned to see Rousma push the door further open with a swat of her oversized black paws. John always felt a pang of sorrow seeing her and thinking of Ji. She would have adored Rousma’s puppy-like enthusiasm.

  “You is suppose to bring him down not stays up and make kissy faces.” Rousma bounded to Kyle’s side and caught the leg of his dark red trousers between her teeth. She pulled at him but without much effect.

  Kyle bent to stroke Rousma’s large black ears.

  “We’re coming,” Kyle assured her.

  “You better.” Rousma released Kyle’s pant leg. “’Cause you is missing everythings. Saimura gaves me this lucky shiny!” Rousma bowed her head to show them yet another delicate gold collar that Saimura had bestowed upon her. John wasn’t surprised. Since he had met Rousma, Saimura had shown a deep brotherly affection for her. Rousma loved the attention and spent much of her time in Nurjima with Saimura and his lover, Du’rai.

  “Peoples is dancing and there is sweets and meats. And everybody says how smarts I am and the Captain Alidas is sneaking me treats whenever I comes and sniffs around his table.” She smiled, showing her long, white incisors. “Come quick or all the meats is going to be eaten up and you will get nothing but nasty old socks to chew.”

  “Go on ahead, Rousma,” Kyle said. “We’ll be right down after you.”

  “I goes, I goes, but yous hurry.” Rousma loped out of the room.

  John turned to Kyle. “There’s something you need to tell me?”

  “No, but I have a Christmas present for you.”

  Kyle reached into his jacket and lifted out something small, glossy, and green. He held it out for John’s inspection. For a moment John couldn’t believe what he saw.

  “That looks just like a jalapeño pepper,” John said at last.

  “I came across a field of them on the southern tip of the smallest island this afternoon.”

  “Did you taste one?” John asked.

  “Oh yeah.” Kyle looked a little amused and John could tell that the taste must have been much more fiery than Kyle had remembered or expected. “I had to drink nearly a quart of goat milk to kill the burn. It’s definitely a jalapeño.”

  John accepted the pepper and found himself wishing that he could have seen the entire field of them growing wild. He tried to imagine their small white blossoms and dark green leaves.

  “I’m not sure, but I think there are mango trees growing on the island as well,” Kyle said. “You’d probably have to look at them in person to be sure. I’m not all that good at botany.”

  “I wish I—” John began to decline the invitation, as he had so many others, but this time things were different. Now, the northlands were free of hungry bones and at peace with the gaun’im. His presence wasn’t needed in Nurjima either. For three years now Hirran and Saimura had taken up the duties of attending the Gaunsho’im Council and the Bell Dance.

  “The Jiamaha will be ready to sail early spring,” Kyle said. “You’ll come with me?”

  “Yes,” John agreed. “Anywhere you like.”

  Characters appearing in Arc Six

  Arren- Head of Fighter’s district in the Warren.

  Ashan’ahma – An ushiri studying at Rathal’pesha.

  Alidas–A rider for the Bousim family; partly crippled.

  Amha’in’Bousim–Lady Bousim, 3rd wife, exiled to the north.

  Bill–Called Behr in Basawar.

  Fikiri Bousim–An ushiri: son of Lady Bousim.

  Hann’yu–An ushman exiled to the north: specializes in healing.

  Issusha’im–The Payshmura oracles.

  Ji Shir’korud–Dog demon; one of the Fai’daum.


  Laurie–Called Loshai in Basawar.

  Nivoun Bousim– Governor of the Bousim’s northern holdings

  Parfir–The earth god.

  Rifter–The destroyer incarnation of Parfir.

  Ravishan–The most promising of the ushiri at Rathal’pesha.

  Rousma–Ravishan’s sister.

  Sabir–The leader of Fai’daum.

  Saimura–Ji’s son.

  Serahn–Powerful Ushman in the Black Tower of Nurjima.

  Tai’yu–Fai’daum fighter.

  Wah’roa–Leader of the kahlirash’im at Vundomu.

  Characters Appearing in Arc Seven

  Alidas–Rashan’im commander and spy master in Nurjima; partly crippled.

  Besh’anya–Ji’s student.

  Chyemon–Besh’anya’s brother.

  Fikiri’in’Bousim–Once an ushiri, now attempting to destroy Jath’ibaye

  Gin’yu–Representative for Silverlake District. Fai’daum war hero.

  Hirran–Fai’daum representative for the Ironheights District.

  Ji Shir’korud–Escaped issusha oracle and Fai’daum leader.

  Jath’ibaye–John Tofler, Jahn

  Joulen Bousim–Bousim commander of northern forces. Gaunsho Bousim’s son.

  Kahlil–Kyle, Kyle’insira, Ravishan

  Laurie– Called Loshai in Basawar. John’s friend from Nayeshi

  Litivi–Faidaum representative for the Westcliff District. Son of Gin’yu.

  Par’sho–Hirran’s younger sister, deeply infatuated with Pesha..

  Pesha–Young kahlirash with ushiri skills.

  Saimura–Ji’s son. Jath’ibaye’s informant in Nurjima and a trained witch.

  Tai’yu–Representative of the Greenhills District. Hirran’s father. Fai’daum war hero.

  Wah’roa–Leader of the kahlirash’im and representative for Vundomu.

  Common Terms and Words

  and ———————-iff

  animal / it ————shir

  asshole —————-wahbai

  bark (tree) ————istana

  bee (honey) ———behr

  best ———————-sho

  black ——————-yasi

  blonde hide ———jahn

  blood ——————-usha

  blue ——————— holima

  bone ——————-sumah

  bones (holy) ———issusha

  book ———————lam

  brothers —————ashan

  but / however ——hel

  chasm ——————kubo

  city ———————-tamur

  cold ———————polima

  dead ———————maht

  deer (mount) —— tahldi

  delicious ————-mosh

  dog (tame) ———-kohl

  dog (wild)/wolf — sabir

  exhausted ————renma

  fast (speed) ———-sam

  fire ———————- daru

  food ———- ———nabi (grain)

  friend ——————pashim

  from / of ————-in

  fuck ———————faud

  goat ———————fik

  good / pretty ——domu

  grain plant ———-taye

  green ——————-ibaye

  harm ——————-ratim

  hawk ——————-alidas

  hill ———————-rousma

  holy ———————ushmana
r />   hot ———————-niru

  how / because —-ahab

  idiot ———————bai

  joy ————————amha

  key ————————hala

  key, death-lock —-maht’tu hala

  knife ———————halaun

  lazy ———————-pom

  little / diminutive —-iri

  lock —————————tu

  lost —————————gasm’ah

  love ————————-mohim

  man/ male ————- vun

  meadow ——————pivan

  meat ————————nabi’usha

  medicinal tree ———yasistana

  monastery —————ushmura

  money ———————jiusha

  mountain —————-rathal

  no —————————-iss

  noble ———————-gaun

  none ————————illin

  orchard ——————-umbhra

  peace ———————-tumah

  place ————————amura

  quiet ————————itam

  rain ————————-parh

  red —————————daum

  river ————————fai

  road ————————nur

  run ————————-sango

  sacred books ———- ushmana’lam

  sacred drink ————fathi

  same ————————kin

  shit ————————-jid

  similar ———————ro

  sky —————————loshai

  snow ————————pelima

  solitary ——————-jath

  speak ———————-vass

  spill ————————-ra

  spoil ————————lafi

  still ————————- tash

  stop ————————-nahara

  strike ———————-bish


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