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Dino's Little Wolf

Page 3

by Fern Fel

  He didn’t know what to look at first. The shadows under Dino’s hooded eyes haunted him, showed him an anguished soul battling a losing battle. Martin dragged his gaze down Dino’s face, noting the little distracting scar across his nose to the curve of his lips. Those lips, Martin had a feeling, were capable of cruelty, roughness he craved.

  “So you don’t want this?”

  This? Martin let out a nervous laugh. He needed to put things into perspective, but his emotions got the better of him. Part of him knew if he stopped this now, Dino and he might never revisit it again. If Martin refused, waived away this chance, what would happen?

  Things would turn awkward. They would become more distant, acting like two men doing a favor for their best friends, nothing more or less. They’d go back to being acquaintances. Martin didn’t want that. Couldn’t bear to experience a taste and be denied after. Dino looked at him expectantly.

  Idiot. Say something.

  “You aren’t gay,” Martin said, feeling dumb that he couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  Dino let out a laugh, more amused than harsh. The sound startled him. Martin had seen Dino destructive, depressed, but this was new. Dino actually sounded amused. “Who the fuck told you that?”

  “I just assumed, I mean…” Martin faltered, not wanting to bring up Michella.

  “You think I’m playing games with you, little wolf?” A tinge of anger coated Dino’s words.

  That nickname sent a shiver down Martin’s spine. He’d never been anyone’s anything. Loving Logan from afar for so long, he didn’t think it practical to have relationships with other men. The stupid and childish part of Martin believed that if he tried hard enough, he’d win his man, but fate proved Logan wasn’t made for him. Was Dino?

  “No, I’m just confused.”

  “I don’t play games, don’t need to. I see what I want, take what I want,” Dino said against his ear.

  The dominant wolf wrapped his huge hand around the base of Martin’s neck, the gesture intimate, possessive. The neck was one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body. Submissive werewolves offered their throat to the Alpha, to those more powerful to them as a show of respect, but intimate lovers did it, too.

  Martin shuddered under Dino’s touch. Crazy of him to want more, but he did. In all his twenty-four years on earth, no one ever coaxed an explosive reaction out of him.

  That was it. Whatever this was, it felt like a bomb about to detonate, but Martin didn’t mind being caught in the carnage after.

  “So you like men and women?” Martin found himself asking.

  He needed to get himself together. Otherwise, he’d be devoured. The facts were there. Dino was still recovering from one serious relationship, and Martin had never been in any relationship that lasted beyond an occasional fuck, a one-night stand. Was this a tragedy in the making or something amazing?

  “Men and women,” Dino spat. “No. I have desired two people in my fucking life.”

  Martin faltered. One was surely Michella. Wait, could Dino mean him?

  “I didn’t know you were slow, little wolf.”

  “I caught on soon enough,” Martin interjected.

  Dino made his move then, shut him up with a kiss. It wasn’t like the sloppy ones Martin received from random lovers. Surety defined every moment, even the clash of teeth and lips. Dino devoured him, rough and relentless, eliciting a response from him. Martin yielded under the demanding press of Dino’s mouth, aware of Dino’s powerful hands on the curve of his back, as he slid one down his groin, pinching his erection through the fabric of his jeans. A muffled moan came out of Martin.

  Someone cleared his throat, but they both ignored the onlooker. That guy should mind his business anyway.

  Dino’s hand moved lower down his spine, cupping his ass and giving it a squeeze. Good Lord, Martin could shoot right there. What would Dino think of him then? That he lacked control?

  Dino shifted his grip, perhaps sensing Martin’s discomfort. It was all a muddled mess. Martin couldn’t think straight with Dino’s heated mouth on his. Dino moved his hand up the hem of his jeans. Martin froze when Dino’s hand disappeared down the denim to the waistband of his boxers to reach his bare buttocks.

  He didn’t know why he spread his legs a little further, not needing instructions, so his ass cheeks could part, and Dino could reach his puckered little hole. Dino drove him mad, fingering his opening back and forth. All thoughts of Dino being confused by his sexuality vanished. Dino clearly knew what he wanted, judging by the ridge of Dino’s hard-on rubbing against his. Martin shamelessly did the same, grinding their bodies together.

  The dual sensation of Dino’s mouth on his and Dino’s fingers in his asshole threw logic out the window.

  “While I understand werewolves are creatures of impulse, may I remind you gentlemen that this is a place of business, and I have other customers to tend to?” Mr. Sharpe’s voice jerked Martin away from Dino.

  Dino released him. Martin took a step back, panting. The mention of other customers made him turn his head, searching. Peering over Dino’s shoulder, he spotted Billy, one of Dino’s close friends. There was another Darkfall wolf whose name he didn’t know, but had seen around town. For some reason, the unnamed wolf glared daggers at him.

  Billy cleared his throat. The guy had also been part of the team that rescued Martin and his pack. “Raul said I’d find you here, Dino.”

  “You need something?” Dino asked, sounding annoyed.

  Martin felt nothing but nervous. What would these other Darkfall wolves think and did it matter? Dino and Raul weren’t the only ones devoted to their Gamma. From what he understood, while they were part of the Darkfall pack, they worked as a separate little entity, operating solely under the Gamma’s orders. Was the wolf beside Billy once part of team Gamma?

  Would Billy and the other wolf see Dino kissing him as a sign of Dino’s betrayal? He could already imagine what his own pack members would say. Davis would definitely come down on him hard and remind Martin he was jeopardizing their position in Darkfall. Brothers Nathan and Kian would remain silent, but Martin could feel their disapproving stares already. How would Logan react? Had his best friend known something like this would happen?

  Lost in the moment, Martin never considered the consequences of his actions. He’d thought Dino and he could keep this to themselves and iron things out later. Dino didn’t look interested in backing down, though. As if sensing Martin’s impending panic, the dominant wolf reached for his hand, gave it a squeeze. Dino’s callused fingers were warm. Martin felt the strength in them and calmed down.

  “Sergio called a meeting. Since Troy and I were in the neighborhood we’d thought we’d pick you up,” Billy explained.

  Martin felt Dino shimmer with unsuppressed anger behind him. He didn’t know what prompted him to start stroking his hand. Dino spared him a glance, cracked a smile before returning his attention to Billy.

  “Raul put you up to this? I don’t need a fucking babysitter. You’re forgetting who usually gives the orders in our team.”

  “And you’ve forgotten you’ve had a mate once,” Troy finished.

  Dino snarled, releasing Martin’s hand. “Don’t fucking talk like you know what I’m going through.”

  Troy bared his teeth. “She meant something to all of us, Dino. All of us were lost and fucked-up, most of us would probably be dead by now if she hadn’t stepped in and stuck her neck out. I always wondered what the fuck she saw in you.”

  Whatever it was keeping Dino tethered and calm, it snapped. Before Martin realized what was happening, Dino lunged at Troy. The other man might be roughly Dino’s size and weight, but he didn’t anticipate Dino’s speed. Dino was on Troy in seconds, sending them both to the ground.

  “You’ll regret saying those words, asshole,” Dino hissed.

  “I don’t. You never deserved her. Why else would you be feeling up another wolf so soon?” snapped Troy.

  “Oh, bloody hell, ge
ntlemen, please calm down,” Mr. Sharpe interrupted, and muttered under his breath, “This is why I don’t like werewolves.”

  “Martin, get Dino to calm down,” Billy shouted, diving in to part the two men. Dino and Troy started to trade blows, but Martin had a feeling they would resort to using claws and teeth soon.

  “What? How do I do that?” Martin was stumped.

  Did Billy really think Martin could do something like that?

  “Help me,” Billy insisted, growling when a stray punch hit him.

  Martin watched the three tangling werewolves who would have no trouble ripping him to shreds. He’d never been a fighter, never had to win a pack duel for a position because he’d been content with following orders.

  All Martin had ever been good at was running. He’d been a coward, too afraid to admit his love for his best friend. When the humans hunted them down in Darkfall, he’d run, too, told the others to do the same. He was done feeling helpless, letting fate carry him who knew where.

  Martin might not be able to fight, but he could try reasoning with Dino. “Dino, stop it, please. Let Troy go. Sergio would be pissed if he found out one of his wolves caused trouble in one of the town’s local establishments.

  More growls came from the two men, and they started to wreck damage. Bolts of cloth rolled on the floor. Shelves came off. Mannequins wearing sample suits came down, so did racks holding five to six digit priced suits. Martin winced. Okay, those words didn’t work.

  He edged his way toward the two werewolves. Billy lay sprawled a couple of meters from Dino and Troy, wiping the blood off his lips with the back of his hand. The fact that Billy looked pissed worried Martin. Billy started looking less interested in breaking up the fight and more in joining it.

  Martin conjured Michella in his head. It hurt a little, knowing Dino still grieved for her, but Martin would figure out if he had any place in Dino’s life later. He didn’t know Michella as well as Logan did, but he always thought she didn’t fit in. Sergio and Alessio, the Darkfall pack Alpha and Beta and Michella’s brothers, were her exact opposite. A gentle soul incapable of hurting anyone, but terrifying when provoked or when her loved ones were in danger, Michella shared so many similarities with Logan.

  He suddenly knew what to say. Martin only needed to imagine their positions being reversed. If Logan passed away and his ghost lingered, how would Logan feel if Martin acted the way Dino did?

  “Dino, her heart would break if she saw you like this.”

  Dino raised his face, bruised and bloody, to stare at him, unflinching and full of rage. It was good timing, too, because he had partially shifted claws around Troy’s throat. That look felt a bucket of cold water thrown over Martin’s face. What right do you have saying those words? Martin could almost imagine hearing him say.

  “Fuck,” Dino muttered, tearing his gaze from Martin to look at Troy beneath him. The other wolf looked far worse.

  “Fuck,” Troy agreed. “Your little pup’s right. We can’t fight amongst ourselves, not when Sergio wants to see us.”

  Dino relaxed his hold on Troy and got off him. No apologies were exchanged between the two men. It seemed they came to some silent, mutual understanding.

  “What do you mean ‘us’?” Dino asked.

  Martin felt like an intruder who didn’t belong there. They talked about Darkfall pack business and Martin wasn’t even Dino’s anything.

  “Sergio’s only meeting our team,” Troy explained.

  Feeling his part was done, Martin began to slip out of the shop. Damn it, but he’d already told Logan he wouldn’t be of much help, but without his intervention, Dino would have dealt that killing blow. He didn’t know what punishment would fit the crime for killing a fellow member in the Darkfall pack, but he was sure it wouldn’t be good. Well, he’d think about Dino kissing him later and the heat between their bodies.

  Martin and his wolf knew they were far from done. They still had unfinished business to resolve, and he started to dread it. A hand fell on his shoulder, and he was surprised to see Billy, less beaten up than Dino and Troy, but it looked like common sense returned to him.

  “Thanks, Martin. You got to him,” Billy said in a low voice.

  Martin shook his head. “I was lucky.”

  “You know how rare that is? He doesn’t listen to anyone, even Raul.”

  Martin nervously shifted his feet. The urge to get some fresh air tugged at him. Maybe he’d drive out to the edge of town, strip off his clothes, and run on all fours to relax. “You’ll…watch for Dino right?”

  Billy gave him a contemplative look. “Of course, we take care of our own.”

  Doesn’t seem like you’re doing a good job, but Martin kept the remark to himself. He’d gotten himself in hot water already, and whatever actions he took might also affect his other pack members. They were only here safe and sound because Sergio allowed it. A sudden chill went down his spine.

  How would the Darkfall pack react if he learned his sister’s former lover was interested in Martin?

  Martin suddenly felt like he stood in quicksand. Looking for exit signs seemed like the best option, but he was selfish. The need to know if this thing with Dino would amount to anything would consume him.

  On his way out the door, Dino’s voice stopped him. “Little wolf, don’t you fucking dare think you can escape from this. We’re far from done.”

  Those words shook Martin to the core. Even after the skirmish, Dino still wanted him?

  Martin met Dino’s steel-gray eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Chapter Four

  “Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to the three of you?” were the first words out of Raul’s mouth once Dino, Troy, and Billy reached Esteban’s Pasta Mania.

  The restaurant had been the pack’s base of operations for years. For the meeting, Dino noticed Sergio put up the “closed” sign on the restaurant. Most of the team was already there, talking among themselves and fell silent at their arrival. Dino knew how they felt, felt the stares lingering on him. Lately, it had been like this. Once, Raul and he led the others. Dino became a shadow of his former self, more trouble than he was worth.

  Guilt rammed into him. Martin’s words hit him again. Damn that little wolf. Dino was half pissed, wanted to tell Martin off, that it was none of his business, but that was no longer the case. That kiss and the feel of Martin’s slender body crushed against his told him truths Dino didn’t want to admit.

  Was Troy right, that if he took Martin, he’d be betraying the memory of his former lover?

  Michella and he never made it to the stage of mate marks, although they were planning to right after they helped Martin, Logan, and their pack. Shit. Dino felt it again. Grief crept out of its confines and weighed him down again.

  Raul looked to him expectantly. Dino wanted to slam his fist into his face and tell his best friend off, demand why Raul would automatically assume it was his fault. Of course it was, though. Dino slumped against the nearest chair and rubbed his face. He couldn’t do this.

  Bless Billy, who spoke.

  “Got into a misunderstanding, but all’s well,” Billy explained.

  Dino waited for Troy to contradict Billy’s statement, but thankfully Troy kept his mouth shut.

  “Why are you here anyway? Thought you were meeting your wedding planner,” Dino pointed out.

  “Logan’s talking to her now. Sergio says this is important,” Raul responded.

  All of them felt the moment their Alpha entered the room. The air suddenly seemed hot, hard to breathe. It didn’t escape Dino that Sergio purposely threw power to get their attention. Werewolves prided themselves on their control, which meant Sergio was in a foul mood. Seeing their Beta and Sergio’s brother Alessio by the Alpha’s shoulder, Dino knew this meeting wasn’t good news.

  Sergio stopped in front of them, frowning. The Alpha eyed each one of them, gaze lingering longest on Dino, Billy, and Troy. “I woke up in a good mood today until I got a call from a certain Mr. S

  “Alpha, that’s—” Raul began, but Dino cut him off.

  “It was my fault. I lost my temper, took it out on my pack mates,” Dino finished.

  Sergio gave him a considering look. “Not the first time either. I recalled Alessio had a talk about keeping yourself in line, what, a week ago?”

  “A week,” Alessio confirmed. The Beta placed a hand on Sergio’s shoulder. “Sergio, we talked about this. We should give Dino some slack.”

  “Why?” Sergio turned to his brother. “He needs time to grieve? We fucking had this argument before.”

  Dino knew he should keep his mouth shut. Accept whatever punishment deemed fit by the leaders of his pack, but for some reason, Sergio’s words sparked old hurt in him. They made him say things he knew he’d come to regret, but he said them anyway. “Funny. She was your sister, your blood, but you seem to be in a hurry trying to forget her.”

  The moment Dino said those words he knew he was done for. A warning growl tickled out of Sergio. He didn’t see Sergio move. Oh, Dino proved himself a fighter, a killer who did what had been necessary for the pack, but Sergio was a different league altogether.

  The first blow to his face staggered him. The second and third had been aimed lower, stealing the air from his lungs. The fourth floored Dino. Agony rang in his head. Sergio utilized the power of the pack bonds and kept his own metaphysical wolf from biting back. Sergio would have killed him if Alessio and Billy hadn’t held him back.

  “Fucking say those words to my face again, Dino. Say it,” Sergio hissed.

  Dino didn’t bother explaining himself. Wiping the blood off his lips, Dino decided to stay down. There was no winning with Sergio. He was Alpha and defying one’s Alpha held consequences. Dino knew these things, but rules no longer seemed to matter now that he had a hard time coming to terms with a world that stopped making sense since Michella died.

  Only being around Martin calmed him, made Dino feel a little normal. In a way, Martin’s comforting presence gave Dino hope he could somehow pull himself up from the hole he’d dug.


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