Our Season (Lifetime Love Series)

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Our Season (Lifetime Love Series) Page 4

by Brooklyn Taylor

She hung on to my neck like a little monkey as Breigh took the presents from my hands.

  “She seems like she is growing every single time I see her,” I commented with sadness.

  “You see her all the time, Emma, geezzz we FaceTime at least every other day.” She laughed off my comment. “Think you might have overdone it again with presents?” She rolled her eyes at me with a shake of her head, already aware of my response.

  “Never,” I giggled.

  As I walked into their home, I was met with the appearance of the man standing in the kitchen. The other children had not showed up quite yet.

  I froze, unsure of what I wanted to say or do. That was not entirely true.

  The voice in my head said to turn around and walk right out the front door.

  My heart said run into him and kiss him until we were both breathless. I managed to resist him one-on-one, I could do it here too.

  “I know what you are thinking… and listen to your head not your heart,” Breigh said in a whisper, knowing my every thought. She always had been good at that, and she got better every day at it.

  I turned around to Cash standing there in a pair of blue jeans and a black T-shirt, showing how beautiful he was. Not many men could look as sexy in jeans as he could in a tailored suit and tie.

  I laughed at the sight of him holding a Coke can with a silly straw sticking out. It was strictly for Olivia’s entertainment.

  Why did he make me so weak? I got a whiff of his scent, a musk and clean mixture, and wanted to lean into him. Instead I straightened my posture, looking down at my bodice as if I needed to fix it. I wore a sundress today, a dress that flowed and hung off my shoulders. It screamed spring. New beginnings.

  I flashed back to that moment I first had him in my eyesight. I was just as weak then.

  “Hi, ladies, would either of you like to dance? Or have a drink?” Cash said, apparently confident he would get a yes out of one or both of us. I was immediately smitten, unlike Breigh. His posture screamed cockiness and I loved it.

  He reached out his well-manicured hand out for us to shake. “I’m Cash.”

  I introduced both of us, giddy with excitement. I may have been acting as if he was a famous movie star.

  His long-sleeved business shirt was pressed and rolled up his forearms, with jeans that looked as if they had only been worn once. A businessman, exactly my forte.

  “I’m good. Emma?” Breigh passed the hot potato to me, hoping I’d brush him off and make it noticeable we had no interest. It may have been girls’ night, but when you connected with a gorgeous man like this; I couldn’t just walk away. Although, I did feel a little bad. It was the first night out for Breigh in a long time.

  Oh forget it! You only live once. I’d deal with the repercussions from Breigh later.

  “I would love a drink… dance… sure both.” My focus had been redirected. I feared I would be in love by the end of the night with this stranger, who might possibly be more in love with himself than me.

  I began to follow Cash, seeing Breigh in my rearview shrugging her shoulders in frustration. She finally gave up, throwing her hands up in the air.

  We stopped at a small circular wooden table where Breigh met us.

  “This is my brother, Wyatt.” He introduced him as if he was dismissing him at the same time, not worth the breath in his lungs. Tension was noticeable indeed.

  Cash and I walked off to the bar, leaving Breigh with the brother. I guess I should have felt bad but I didn’t.

  I had always been a hopeless romantic, unlike Breigh. I knew there was that “someone” waiting for me, I just had to find him. And so far it wasn’t looking so good.

  I glanced over at Breigh and saw she was successfully in a conversation with the brother as Cash led me to the dance floor. As we moved along the dance floor, I could see Breigh looking up making sure I was okay.

  After a couple dances on the floor, the band took a break so we went to join the other two. He moved a chair close to me so he could get sidle up to me.

  I looked at Breigh feeling a little bad I had abandoned her, but the chemistry this man and I had was flaming. If he asked me to leave with him right now, I would. In a heartbeat.

  Breigh was talking to me but I didn't remove my eyes from Cash. We talked easily, not a minute of silence. I felt like I had known him for years.

  “Cash, I’ve got to get going, actually. Is there anything you need to talk about before I leave?” Wyatt pushed his chair back, preparing to stand up. He was just as frustrated as Breigh seemed.

  “I just wanted to spend some time with my brother is all,” Cash said, but he remained in eye contact with me.

  “Not buying it,” Wyatt said with a growl. He then stood and Cash broke our connection to follow him. They walked off. As soon as he had his back turned from me, I wondered how my makeup looked. After all, we had a bad rainstorm earlier that night and I probably didn’t look my best.

  Breigh turned to me irritated. “Emma, I thought we came out for some girl time. Not to meet guys.”

  “Sometimes people are just meant to meet.” I smiled feeling like a teenager. My heart was beating like a rabbit.

  “That guy was hunting tonight… and you fell right into his hands. Pathetic, actually. This is exactly what neither of us need.”

  “Speak for yourself. The guy you were talking to was cute too.” I replied.

  “Yes, he was good-looking… and? What part of I’m not looking isn't clear?”

  “It’s just because you haven't found the right person. You can’t find him if you aren't looking.” I spit the words out at Breigh with a condescending attitude.

  “I’m not looking for the intention of not finding. I have no interest. How many other languages do I need to say that in? Not to mention this is my FIRST night out!”

  “Okay, okay… I get it. I’ll make you a deal. One dance with the brother, and I’ll dance one more time with Cash and then we can go.” I knew it would be hard to pull myself away from this guy, but some of what Breigh was saying was logical. I should listen. I flew by the seat of my pants, when Breigh was good about thinking things out.

  Breigh stood with her hands on her hips, frustrated and ready to tell me to go straight to hell. I had seen that look on her face many of times. I wanted to laugh but thought better of it.

  “This is ridiculous. We are grown women. I can leave if I want to… plus, unlike you, I have to work tomorrow. I have bills to pay and people who count on me.” She was right, I was being unfair, a tad. I pretty much made up my own schedule so could go in to work when I wanted to. As long as my work was completed, I worked when I wanted.

  “Just one. You might even thank me later,” I commented with confidence that annoyed her.

  She turned around, pissed and ready to get this over with. I watched as she marched up to the two brothers.

  Good job, solider.

  I watched as both brothers were staring at her. Cash grinned and winked, intrigued. Wyatt looked like he was interested in what she was going to say. And she didn't really even know the guys.

  He must have agreed because Cash returned to me, took my hand with one hand, a beer in his other, and led me back to the dance floor. Halfway through the song, I was kissing him madly, and he was taking every inch I relented.

  And I’ll be damned if I didn’t love every single second of it.


  I had seen Emma pull up in her black Mercedes AMG E63-S and observed her through the window of the front of Wyatt’s house. She was just as stunning today as she was the first time I saw her on the dance floor. And her car showed her spitfire attitude, which turned me on.

  She was stalling, and I had hoped it wasn't because she was trying to avoid me. Our night out for dinner took every ounce of self-control I had, not to ask her to come home with me. I tried to act ever the mature adult, but in her presence I had zero self-control, and despite what people seemed to think, I did have it. When I wanted to that was. Rarely.

/>   I pulled myself from the window, hoping no one saw me looking like a fool, thinking about how I royally screwed any chances up with her. With any luck she wouldn’t avoid me like the plague today. I stood in the kitchen acting as if I had no idea who was coming in.

  Breigh gave me an eye roll, so she must have spotted me drooling over her best friend.

  I heard Emma enter the house, as I stood in the kitchen sipping on my Coke out of a swirling straw that Olivia insisted I used. Manly.

  “Emma,” I managed to mutter like an idiot. Anyone who knew me would recognize this as abnormal behavior for me. I’d always been a cocky, full of himself prick, and no issues with anyone thinking as such.

  But things had changed. I had a come to Jesus meeting, and frankly, he had hit me with a storm so tremulous it rocked my world.

  I wasn’t sure what was going to come of it and I wasn't sure I wanted to know.

  “Cash.” I could see the knot in her throat and the uneasiness by her arms folding in front of her chest after pulling at her dress.

  “I didn't know you were going to be here,” she said quietly.

  I smiled. “Yeah, I might be sticking around the area for a while, might be moving here, actually. Believe it or not, but I actually came in early to spend some time with the princess.”

  I winked at Olivia, who was trying to steal a cupcake, and watched as the little girl took the opportunity. She knew we were distracted and could get what she wasn't waiting for.

  “How nice of you.” Emma said in a smart-aleck tone.

  Okay, so she was still bitter. Couldn’t say I blamed her.

  I was taking in the scent of her perfume, and eyeing her, admiring what she was wearing today. This woman could make a paper sack look designer. Her espadrilles and sundress, which fit loosely off her shoulders, looked as if they were made for her body. Her fragrance was one I could never get enough of, citrus with a mix of flowers, the perfect balance against her skin. Her dark hair accented the dress she had on. It was hard to look away, but I knew I had to even if it took me reaching for my head and manually moving it.

  “No, ma’am!” Breigh said, bringing me back to reality in a snap.

  Breigh looked over to me, and then Emma and grabbed Olivia’s hand. “Let’s go find Daddy, baby girl.”

  They walked out of the room as children started to show for the princess party.

  My eyes followed Emma to the fridge as she retrieved a sparkling water.

  “I think I am going to try to start spending more time here in Hilltop. What do you think?” I wasn’t going to tell her why that would be happening either. Another discussion for another time. I would be shocked though if she hadn’t already been made aware of it though.

  “I’ve heard that before Cash. Besides, I’m pretty busy with work right now.”

  I moved closer to her and she moved away from me until her back was flush with the stainless steel fridge. The sexual tension between us could have caused us both to be electrocuted.

  I put my arm up above her head and felt as her body shifted, releasing some tension. She still had her guard up though.

  “That’s a shame.” I leaned in to smell her brunette hair. The exact same smell I remembered, lilies and a hint of coconut. “I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”

  She looked away but stayed where she was. “Honestly, I don't know how that is of importance to me.”

  “You aren’t that good of an actress, Emma. I can tell you are still attracted to me. I could tell over the phone when I called you after the concert that you were still attracted to me…I could tell in the restaurant, we both didn’t want the night to end…”

  “I’m not denying I’m attracted to you. But that is the tip of the iceberg, Cash. You have already done a job on my heart. You won’t get another chance to hurt me.”

  She ducked under my arm and walked around to the table that was set up with Olivia’s presents, peeking at the cupcakes that were shaped like a horse. Emma was attempting to brush me off, ignoring my presence.

  “Emma!” I heard Wyatt’s voice and saw him walking in with a guy following behind.

  “Right here,” she said, just as she had walked round the dining room table.

  I looked around the corner in the kitchen to see what this was all about.

  “Emma, I want you to meet my friend from work, Caleb. He just started with the State Patrol and is riding with me, observing.”

  He put his hand out to shake hers and she smiled. A little too big if you ask me.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Caleb.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Their hands pulled apart. “So you’re Breigh’s best friend? I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I watched as she smiled but didn't really respond. She looked awkward and I would be lying if I didn’t like it.

  Breigh came around the corner, saving the day. “Emma, could you come help real quick?”

  “Yes.” She turned and sped away.

  I walked toward Wyatt and Caleb.

  “Cash, this is Caleb, Caleb…Cash.” I put out my hand to shake his and didn’t let go until he did. I looked him in the eyes and didn't have much to say.

  “Let’s get you a drink before all the kids get here.”

  I couldn't wait to get a moment alone with my brother. Was he seriously trying to set them up? Was he blind and didn't see how I was around Emma? Or did he just not care? I swore if I got him alone I would strangle him. Literally.

  And no, the chase of Emma wasn't what I was after. I wanted her, long before Caleb walked into the door. This wasn't a jealous fit; this was God’s honest anger.

  I had never walked away from a challenge and this wasn't a time I would either. I just wasn't quite sure I was going to prove I was worthy of Emma in this lifetime.



  It seemed as if I had run a marathon without a break in the last two days. I had stood on my feet for a total of twelve hours straight in heels at meetings, a marketing campaign shoot that seemed as if it was never going to end, and lastly I had survived Olivia’s third birthday party.

  Believe it or not, the party was the hardest, mentally and physically. Far too many young girls for my liking. Holy Moly. Note to self if I ever have kids, never have them all over at once. The songs they were singing were still being heard in my head. Go away!

  Not long after my conversation with Cash in the kitchen, Wyatt had a coworker arrive, Caleb, who apparently had been set up as a blind date.

  Breigh, the sneaky gal, had said she was going to set it up but I hadn't been prepared for that today. And certainly not with Cash standing in the same vicinity. I was irritated it was at Olivia’s birthday, although I knew she had good intentions. She wanted me to be just as happy as she was.

  Hell, I did too.

  He was every bit charming and good-looking. Caleb seemed to be full of himself but not anything I wasn't used to.

  He was a little taller than men I normally dated, lean, with dark brown hair with light brown eyes. His broad shoulders framed his body, attracting my eye.

  That was the thing about me, I loved the cocky full of himself guy. Always had. Most likely always would.

  Caleb had tried to keep my attention, but instead my eyes kept wandering to Wyatt talking with his mom, and Cash playing with Olivia. She had placed a tiara on his head and he wore it playing with her. She acted like she was playing house, bringing him food she was cooking with her little tea set after her friends had left.

  I helped Breigh clean up, but not before she let me know she saw my eyes and who they were focused on.

  She didn't say any other comment except she wasn’t blind. No crap.

  My phone rang in my purse, which I had thrown on the side of the couch I had buried myself in, kicking my feet up in front of me.

  I laughed when I saw it was Breigh. “Miss me already?”

  “I just wanted to thank you again for the help today. It really meant a lot to Wyatt, me, and Olivia. You are so
important in our lives.”

  “Right back at y’all. I had a great time. Other than Cash and then you trying to set me up today!” She laughed, not feeling the least bit guilty. “Not going to lie though, I am exhausted!”

  “I’m sorry for not giving you a heads-up on Cash. He has been going through a lot and Wyatt thinks…and about Caleb.”

  “Let’s not ruin the night with talking about him. I had a great time, and being around him actually wasn’t too bad. A heads-up would have been nice though. And Caleb he was nice enough.”

  “I hate to have to warn my best friend if someone is going be here. He is Wyatt’s brother and you are like a sister to me. As far as Caleb, I don't think you even noticed him with Cash present in the room.”

  “I’m a big girl. That is completely not true about Caleb, I noticed him….”

  She laughed. She had one of those laughs that made you join in even if you didn’t want to.

  “Okay, so a little,” I agreed.

  “I remember how badly Cash…”

  “Not today, sweets. All is good.”

  “All right. I’m going to go check on Wyatt and Olivia, he is bathing her and she gives him some trouble sometimes with the bubbles. I love you, girl.”

  “Love you. Kiss her for me.”

  “Of course.”

  She hung up and I sat still holding my phone in a daze. The pain of not being married and having a family of my own still lingered, and on days like this it made the pain a little stronger in my chest.

  My bathtub was calling my name and it was exactly what I needed: some wine, a good soaking in a lavender bath bomb, and an empty mind. I would have to settle for a good two out of three.

  Forty-five minutes, and a couple chapters down in my book, I was feeling relaxed. I was a sucker for romantic suspense but had little time to really enjoy a good story with a happy ending of course.

  Was there any other kind?

  The wine had begun to take a hold of my nerves and I was feeling less and less. Instead of taking a glass with me, I decided to drink out of the bottle, the remnants of the cab I had reserved, and said to hell with it. Classy, huh?


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