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Page 51

by Tina Reber

I was. Well, beyond my dad’s dealership getting robbed, being under Adam Trent’s mandated “I’ll drive you to work” orders, and occasionally being home alone, living with him these last few weeks had been beyond blissful. My sister, though, had been sort of avoiding me, making lame excuses for not being able to converse every time I called. Kate had been upset about the robbery, but it was quite obvious that there were other issues affecting her, which I presumed were caused by her current boyfriend.

  “You look like you’re in pain.”

  “Braxton Hicks,” she muttered, rubbing her lower back.

  I leaned onto the counter. “Why are you even here?”

  Her pained smile faltered and scrunched. “I have two weeks yet and then…” Another scrunch. “Oh shit, that hurt.”

  I’d just worked on a twenty-four-year-old male who’d been on the losing end of a bar fight and yet seeing my friend in distress was making me all sorts of nervous. “I think we should call Obstetrics, get someone to take a look at you.”

  Sarah groaned. “I’m not in labor.”

  “Then maybe you should go home and rest.”

  “Can’t.” She was puffing her words now. “Brett’s in Utah at that seminar. I’d be alone. I’m better off here.” She tried to sit up. “What better place to be than a hospital, right?”

  I looped my arm under hers, helping to keep her steady. “Kimberly, help me?”

  Kimberly set some things down and rushed over. “What’s going on, preggo?”

  Sarah hunched over in pain. Her tight grip was starting to hurt my arm. “Let’s get her over into an exam room.”

  “I’m not in labor,” Sarah insisted, that was until another contraction seized her.

  “Humor me. Can we get someone from L&D down here?”

  We shuffled Sarah closer to one of the empty bays, but she stopped in the middle of the hall. “Oh shit.”

  “Oh shit?” Oh shits were not good sounds.

  “I think I just peed myself,” Sarah panted.

  After seeing every which way people could lose their dignity and having no threshold for being grossed out anymore, we all looked down her legs.

  That was quite a bit of pee. “I think your water just broke.”

  Sarah squeezed my arm harder. “No. My water can’t break until Sunday.”

  We moved the last twelve feet, getting Sarah situated on a bed.

  “Brett’s going to be so pissed.” She groaned while we propped her up, hissing when another contraction hit. “And I peed myself.”

  I pulled the privacy curtain over the window and grabbed some exam gloves. “Well, apparently Brett Junior doesn’t care if dad’s home or not. He wants his birthday.” I tried to keep her calm and in good spirits while Kimberly got her vitals.

  “You have to stay with me, Erin,” she pleaded. “If I have to deal with Brett’s mom by myself, I’ll go crazy.”

  We covered her legs with a fresh sheet and I grabbed shears. No sense trying to save amniotic fluid-soaked scrubs. I sliced up one pant leg, trying to ignore her “crazy” comment while in labor. My fears were unfounded. “I will. I promise.”

  Sarah calmed her breathing, thank goodness. She was actually making me nervous. “Officer Hottie won’t mind?”

  “Nah, he’s busy catching bad guys.” I purposely left out the details, as I wasn’t even supposed to be aware of them, but Adam and I had made a pact that there would be no more secrets.

  I knew every name, every suspect, which made me privy to information I had no business knowing, but how else could we support each other without knowing the full extent of the stress?

  We needed full disclosure. It was the only way we’d make it as keeping things bottled up was a recipe for disaster.

  Adam also made sure I knew exactly where he was too, most of the time. Over the last few weeks, he and several teams from different units had conducted simultaneous raids, taking out locations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and two places in New York City, seizing almost a million dollars’ worth of stolen cars. Today he was going after the leader. My nerves were shot.

  He told me not to worry and that he’d be fine but it didn’t make me worry any less. I knew loving a police officer came with a certain set of understood rules that I had to abide by. He willingly placed himself in danger every time he left the house.

  They were rules I was quickly coming to terms with, because loving Adam was no longer an option—it was a fundamental need and vital to the survival of my heart.

  This case had him working different hours of night and day. Our paths crossed here and there, and we made the most of our time together: bonding, connecting, wrapped up in each other’s arms, falling deeper in love.

  And now, while he was hunting down the mastermind of the operation, I needed to tend to my dear friend who was well on her way in labor.

  I DIDN’T KNOW how Sarah was holding up this long. She’d been in labor for almost ten hours and now her OB was telling her to push. I’d managed to catch a two-hour nap while she continued to dilate, but now that she was in active labor, I was exhausted just standing here, gripping her hand in mine.

  Her husband Brett was on his way after managing to get an emergency flight back to Philly, but his indirect stop in Dallas was still two hours out. There was no way he’d make it in time.

  This wasn’t my first live childbirth as I’d done a month-long rotation through obstetrics my first year, but it had been something I’d avoided ever since. Seeing my friend experience it though was an eye-opener, especially as she tore through the emotions from her husband so selfishly leaving her here alone to go to that seminar.

  At least I was able to use some of my Psych 101, talking her down from everything from castration to murder. I imagined Adam wouldn’t miss his child being born for anything. He was on his way here and it wasn’t even his child.

  Sarah breathed through the contractions and when the baby’s head was out, I was close to sharing Sarah’s tears. Our bodies were fucking marvels, capable of mysterious and astonishing things. I felt like an interloper while all the activity flourished about, but I wasn’t here as a doctor; I was here as her friend—a friend who stuck with her through the entire process.

  “DO YOU WANT to hold him?” Sarah asked after all was said and done, cooing at her newborn. Gone was the strained face of a woman birthing a child; in its place, complete serenity and adoration. The nurse had wrapped her son like a little baby burrito, down to the little blue cap.

  Part of me wanted to put as much distance between her child and myself as humanly possible, but another part, a much larger part, was surprisingly curious. My fears are irrational, I told myself. After all, I knew my touch didn’t cause death. I didn’t put that antifreeze into that innocent child’s formula. I knew that. Still, just the mere thought of being accused of doing something so atrocious, of even putting myself in the position of being suspected or accused, was paralyzing.

  My friends didn’t know. None of them knew of the horrid crime I’d once been accused of. If they did, I was sure they wouldn’t be so willing to hand over their newborns.

  “Erin.” Sarah smiled, encouraging me. “Take him for a second. I want to sit up.”

  She left me no choice. I swallowed hard and fought the rising panic.

  Okay, I can do this.

  Oh my God. What if I break him?

  Stop shaking before you drop him.

  Okay, I can do this.

  Holy shit.

  I tucked him close to my chest, cradling him as best I could in my arms. The little bundle was warm and cozy and so fragile—a tiny human in a cotton cocoon. Little button nose. Such tiny little pink lips.

  Oh, he yawned! How cute!

  His face scrunched and puckered.

  No, No. Don’t cry. You’re safe. I got you.

  His cheek was feathery soft.

  “Hey little one,” I crooned, gently patting him to keep him soothed. “Happy birthday. It’s nice to meet you.” I didn’t even realize it at f
irst, but I found myself swaying from foot to foot, a rocking motion that seemed so natural.

  Could I do this?

  I never thought I’d regain those maternal instincts, but here they were, coming out without me even trying. A strange tingle rolled all throughout my body, easing the worry.

  Could I really do this one day? Be holding my child like this? Adam’s child—a son or daughter that he and I created together? A tiny human with the same soft cheeks and perfect eyelashes?

  His tiny mouth formed into an “O” and then he scrunched up again, poking the little tip of his tongue out.


  There was a small knock and then the answering smile of my badass police officer, clad head to toe in his badass black uniform. His strides ate up the distance separating us.

  Adam beamed at me with such awe, I felt electrically charged and giddy. It was hard to hide my excitement—Sarah had created life and I wasn’t afraid. That alone was mind-blowing.

  He graced me with a cherished kiss and a grin filled with wonderment. “Who’s this little guy?”

  I loved Adam’s soft, sweet voice—overflowing with pure tenderness. I felt my heart clench. Would I ever stop falling in love with this man?

  “Meet Aiden.”

  “Hey, Aiden. Welcome to the world, little man,” Adam whispered. I knew exactly what Sarah was thinking without her saying a word. Her broad smile said it all, duplicating my thoughts exactly.

  Maybe motherhood wasn’t so bad after all?

  I exhaled and let the fear, anxiety, apprehension, and paranoia I’d held tightly within for years flow out.

  ADAM AND I barely made it into the kitchen before stripping each other out of our clothing.

  He showed me a new way to utilize the dining room table, making a meal out of me. Fingers, tongue, his expert touch. I unraveled.

  I straddled him on the dining room chair while he rocked his hips up into me. His mouth on mine, sharing each breath, scoring my cheeks with his stubble. His strong hands held me, lifted me, branding my heart forever with his fingerprints.

  My back hit the cold wood, feeling him drive into me with purpose. This was lust and carnal desire mixed with the feeling only invoked by merging with the other half of your soul.

  His thumb circled vigorously, rending all the air from my lungs when my second orgasm hit.

  “That’s it,” he whispered out. “Come for me. Fuck, baby.”

  The cool air brushed my back when my body bowed into the sensation. Adam shifted my thigh and slammed up into me, groaning as came. My legs were like jelly, feeling the last stutters of him pressing inside me.

  “That was incredible,” he panted, resting his face on my chest.

  I succumbed to the after-orgasm happy giggles and the powerful aftershocks that quaked through my muscles.

  Adam scraped his stubbly chin between my breasts, playing with me. “I think we should break in all the furniture this way. Sound good?” He pressed his hips again. Another shudder rippled across me.

  I wiped a lock of hair off his damp brow. He made me laugh. “Is it too early to worry about serving Thanksgiving dinner on this table?”

  Adam chuckled, making those adorable dimples appear. “No, it is not. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, Doc.”

  “I love you.” My smile was so wide, my face started to ache.

  “Just remember who said it first.” He kissed my bare chest and then moved up to recapture my mouth. “Thanks for helping me celebrate.”

  “Celebrate?” I clutched his neck. “You got them?”

  “Yep.” He grinned proudly. He pushed his hips up into me one last time and then slowly withdrew, leaving me feeling sticky and chilled from the loss of his warmth.

  “Mancuso, his brother, the crew that hit your dad’s dealership—all of them.”

  “All of them?”

  “All of them. The name that Scott gave up to us? Switch? He was shocked as hell to see us at five a.m., I tell you that.”

  “I bet.” Elated didn’t seem like an accurate description to define how I felt. “I’m so proud of you!”

  He hid his face on my chest, smiling while I ran my fingers through his hair. His shy grin rolled up to greet me. “I’m proud of you, too.”


  Adam kissed me softly. “In the hospital earlier.”

  I could see he was more than proud—he was gloating. The smirk he wore was filled with it.

  Adam helped me off the table and strolled into the kitchen, giving me one hell of a delicious view. Those muscles in his lower back… the way they blended into those sculpted ass cheeks and down into those muscular thighs. He exuded power and authority without even trying.

  “Babe, we seized four laptops, a pile of key fobs, forged shipping manifests… all sorts of electronic equipment and software. He’s fucked. That combined with the sting op Newark ATTF conducted last week, we netted all seven drivers. We met with the DA right before I met you at the hospital. He told us we have enough solid evidence to prosecute them.”

  He washed his hands and then grabbed a few paper towels. “Man, I wish I would have been the one to apprehend the Mancusos, but NYPD took care of them.” He shrugged. “I’m sure Turk will tell me all about it.” Adam’s head swayed. “This is going to get messy with all three jurisdictions involved.”

  I picked our clothes up off the floor. “What about the one who shot your informant? Carter Mancuso?”

  Adam’s jubilation crumbled down quickly. “He’s still a fugitive. We haven’t been able to form any solid leads.” His eyes were somber, though he tried to be comforting. “Don’t worry. We’ll catch him. Let’s get cleaned up. I’m exhausted. I’m sure you are too.” He pulled the pile of clothing out of my arms and set everything on top of the table. “Just leave it. We’ll get it later.” He took my hand. “Come on, Doc. Let’s get some sleep and then afterwards I’m taking you out to dinner.”

  Watching his incredible naked body and that luscious ass lead me up the stairs to his bedroom, I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

  I DIDN’T LIKE answering Adam’s door, especially while I was home alone. My stomach was full from the delicious breakfast he’d cooked for us and my lips still tingled from the amazing kiss he planted on me before he’d left a half hour ago, clad in his badass cop duds.

  I’d rearranged my schedule when Sarah went into labor, so I was off today while Adam was working. The doorbell sounded again. So much for staying in bed enjoying my post-breakfast orgasm.

  Even though I was living here it wasn’t my house, and the likelihood the person on the other side was actually here to see me was very slim. I made a mental note to tell Adam that the bush in his landscaping blocked my view of the front door. There wasn’t a peephole either.

  I cracked the door open, instantly regretting answering. “Can I help you?”

  Melissa Werner’s surprised sneer was annoying. “Is he here?”

  “What do you want?”

  She clenched her teeth. “Is he here? I need to speak to him.”

  I held the door firmly. “I suggest you try calling him first.”

  Melissa held up her cell phone, scowling at me. “Tried that. He’s not answering. I went to the station twice; they won’t tell me where he is.”

  I fought my smile. “Then I would take that as a sign that he doesn’t want to speak to you. And you showing up at his house like this? How the hell did you even know where he lives?”

  “It’s listed on his contract.” She pressed her hand to the door. “Where is he, Erin?”

  I was shocked she even remembered my first name. “His whereabouts are none of your business and if he isn’t returning your calls then he has nothing to say to you.”

  “Adam!” she yelled over my head.

  There was no way she was getting invited in. “Save it. He’s not here.”

  “You tell him to get his ass out here right now.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “His bull
shit is costing me millions,” she shrieked. “We need to start filming again. Everyone cleared their lie detector tests.”

  “His bullshit? Unbelievable. It was your sound tech that put their lives in danger, not him. Now move.”

  “I fired Scott.”

  “Convenient, seeing as he’s in jail.”

  “There’s no reason why they can’t keep filming. Adam needs to tell them that.”

  “You need to get off my porch.” I pushed the door, but she pushed back.

  “You don’t understand,” she insisted. “My reputation will be ruined. I can’t let that happen. I have shareholders… He needs to fix this—right now—or else—”

  “Or else what?” I snapped back.

  She sneered at me. “You have no clue who you’re messing with.”

  “Oh, I think I have a good idea.”

  Melissa scowled, pushing the last of her weight against the door. “I will sue him, understand? Him, his entire unit, everyone.”

  Her aggressive behavior was alarming. “Go for it. Leave or I’m calling the police.”

  “He needs to fix this. You tell him to call me immediately.”

  I gave the door a final shove, which made her stumble back on her high heels.

  The deadbolt snapped in place, assuring it was locked.

  She smacked the door and called me a few nasty names.

  Screw her. I didn’t have time for her nonsense. I had laundry to do—that’s about as important as she was to me. Adam needed to deal with her because as far as I was concerned, her showing up at his home crossed the line. I took the laundry out of the dryer, stewing as I folded. She had some nerve! And she called me a bitch on top of it. Wait until I tell him what she called me. He’ll want to rip her head off.

  The doorbell rang again, making my anger blister into fury. She just wasn’t going to quit.

  I flung the front door open, completely incensed. “What do you want?”

  Instead of seeing Melissa Werner, I was staring at the barrel of a gun.

  I should have tried to close the door; I should have tried to do a lot of things. Scream. Run. A flash of clarity told me that any of those choices would get me shot. My first instinct after the flood of panic was to back up—put distance between it and me.


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