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A Bride for the Billionaire Bad Boy (The Romero Brothers, Book 2)

Page 3

by Richards, Shadonna

  “Good point!” Lucy spoke up. Since coming into the family circle six months ago, she rarely spoke up at family meetings such as this.

  “I second that,” Zack concurred.

  “Yes, you do have a point, Lucas. I understand you don't want to play into the publicity game, but you must understand that we have a reputation to uphold. I don't want you to be the easy target and prey of every young woman out there.” Toni rose from his seat with cane in hand and hobbled over to his grandson. “I just wish you were more steady in your life. I wish you would settle down. I wish you would…” Toni broke off. His voice choked.

  “Settle down?” Lucas felt his blood drain . “What does this have to do with me settling down?” Fury erupted inside him. He felt his muscles tightening again and it had nothing to do with the rigorous workout he had over an hour ago. He was fit as an Olympic athlete but had a temper like a volcano when certain topics were thrown at him—such as his issues with commitment.

  Now just what was his old grandpa up to this time? Lucas was beginning to get suspicious. He didn’t like where this conversation was headed one bit.

  “Perhaps I didn't choose the right words, Lucas. Forgive me,” Toni backed down. His voice was more curt than before but his eyes were downcast.

  Lucas's jaw clenched. His lips were pressed together in a thin line. He knew his old gramps was only trying to make things easier for him, but there were just some places he wasn’t willing to go and a wife with kiddies waving from behind a white picket fence was one of them.

  “I know you wanted me to give you more time, Toni, but I think we should make an announcement soon or tell the reporters there will be no further comment. We need to say something to quiet the commotion outside,” Pamela interjected softly.

  She was a younger woman who’d been hired as the Romero family’s new spokesperson and informal press secretary. She did indeed look anxious as she waited for a response. Pam was seated with her notepad and pen in hand. The room was packed with family members and the temperature level was off the chart. The heat was sizzling, and not from the sun beaming through the window!

  “She’s right, Lucas and Gramps,” Zack added. “We look guilty as hell right now. We need to say something.”

  “I realize your job is to help my family maintain a positive public image, Pamela,” Lucas spoke with cool authority. “And it is appreciated. But I think I will handle this one my way.”

  His stomach clenched at the thought of finally getting even with the scandal-hungry media that had taken great pleasure ignoring his hard work while digging up all sorts of juicy stories at his expense. Did they even check out the women’s claims before posting their news online? Anger seared through his body.

  “What?” Toni called out. The rest of the clan looked just as shocked as Toni. “That’s nonsense, Lucas. What has gotten into you?”

  “I’m heading to the office, and when I leave this house, I’m going through the main entrance and I’ll be giving them a piece of my mind so that I can have peace of mind and this can all be done with.”

  “Don’t, Lucas. You’re upset. You’ll say something you may end up regretting. Let me be the one to speak,” Pamela urged.

  “I see where Lucas is coming from, Pam.” Zack also paced nervously by the fireplace. “It looks bad that Lucas is always seen in compromising positions and always seems to hide behind sugar-coated prepared statements by our spokesperson. He’s never spoken up for himself. Maybe this would put an end to this media circus.”

  “Or feed it further!” Toni growled.

  Lucas’s jaw tightened. He was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. “Fine, Pam. Say whatever you want." Lucas’s gut was telling him to give the press a piece of his mind but right now he’d already been caught saying enough in public. Maybe it was time enough for him to lay low.

  “In the meanwhile, I suggest you focus on all that good stuff you’re putting into the new software from Healthy Start, Lucas. You’re doing such a fine job with that.”

  “Thanks,” Lucas responded half-heartedly. Like any good he’d done ever got noticed. He worked hard to make systems better. Luckily, he’d been a bit of a tech genius and when he’d aced his courses in college, a rival accused him of hacking into the institution’s main computer. Of course, that was untrue. He could crack most passwords if he wanted to but he’d much rather be doing more productive things with his time.

  “In fact, Lucas, I need to speak with you privately. I have a job I would like you to personally oversee. This will take a bit of time, but it will get you away from the office and away from the office gossip that is sure to follow after today.”

  Lucas narrowed his eyes. He was often a man in control, feared even in the business arena but around his family he was just little Lucas—at least that’s what his granddad always called him when they’d met because he was one of the youngest, though also one of the tallest in the family at six-feet-four inches. So that was ironic. Still, he had to remember that he wasn’t always going to win battles with his dear old grandfather.

  Just what did his old man have up his sleeve? He hoped it wouldn’t be some inane publicity stunt planned with Pamela, this neophyte image consultant and advisor. As much as Lucas liked Pamela as a person, he often wondered why the family needed an employee in her position twenty-four-seven.

  “Listen, Granddad, we can all leave so that you two can have some privacy,” Antonio said as he helped Lucy up from the leather recliner seat.

  “Very well,” Toni responded. “And, Pamela, please let me go over the draft before you make your announcement to the media.”

  “I will, of course, sir,” Pamela said before leaving the study with the rest of the clan.

  “Hey, Lucas! Are we taking the chopper into town or are you driving?” Zack called out from the foyer after exiting the study.

  The Romero family was one of the few residents of the town that had access to its own spacious helipad right out near the east entrance. It would take a couple of hours to drive through the morning traffic to Toronto but the chopper would get them there as the crow flies. Lucas was already running behind and had several meetings to attend during the course of the day.

  “Sure, I won’t be long,” he assured his cousin. Zack winked and grinned before turning towards the corridor of the left wing.

  “Okay, let’s have it, Gramps! What’s this all about?” Lucas probed as he turned to his grandfather. He eyed Toni skeptically at first, then by looking at the elder patriarch of the family something inside him melted. He resisted the urge to grin. He didn’t know if he should be annoyed or amused at what his grandfather was about to do. He could almost predict every little scheme he had up his tailored sleeves.

  “You almost say it as if you expect something awful, my dear grandson.” Toni sat back down on the recliner.

  “Because I know this is about something I’m probably not going to like.”

  “You see, Lucas, how do you expect to achieve positive results if you expect negative ones?”

  “Aren’t those my words, Gramps?”

  “Yes, and I’m giving them back to you, grandson, because sometimes we all need reminders.”

  “Fine.” Lucas’s lips melted into a grin as he pulled up a chair and sat opposite Toni. He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and looked into his grandfather’s tired, dark brown eyes.

  Lucas had to hand it to him. The man looked great for his age. Lucas hoped he would look as fit when he reached that age. Except for the fine, silver strands of hair on his head, you’d never know Toni was pushing eighty in a few years. He barely looked half his age. He had smooth olive skin, a family trait that was a blessing…and sometimes a curse.

  “Do you remember Maxine Summers from Dream Weddings, Inc.?” Toni asked casually as he dusted imaginary lint from his tailored blazer sleeve.

  Lucas’s gut reacted. He didn’t know why. But it just did. The sound of her name. Maxine Summers. There was something about that wo
man that switched him on and he wasn’t all that pleased about that right now. Why would his grandfather bring up Maxine? What did she have to do with anything? Funny thing was that Lucas was thinking about Maxine earlier. In fact, she crossed his mind with naughty thoughts on a few occasions.

  “I remember Maxine. Why?” Lucas got up and shoved his hands in his pockets again. He often did that when he was compelled to pace or think. Right now, he wanted to get the heck on out of there if he knew where his grandfather was headed with this.

  “Well, as you know, she’s a good friend of your cousin by marriage, Lucy.”

  “I know.” Lucas gazed out at the garden outside. “And?”

  “Well, she needs to revamp the business. The Dream Weddings business to make it more interactive for a new generation of clients. Most people prefer to interact online these days and well…she needs a bit of help.”

  “Okay. So what does this have to do with me?”

  “The Healthy Start Program is interactive, isn’t it?”

  “But it wouldn’t apply to her business.”

  “Oh, it just might. I thought maybe you could tailor it for her. Spend some time with her and-”

  “Oh, no! Wait a minute. If she’s looking for new software for her company, she can have one of my tech guys come in. I’m way too busy-”

  “Lucas! Let me finish!”

  Lucas rolled his tongue in his cheek and decided to let his elder carry on. “Fine. What is it that you have in mind, Grandfather?”

  “She’s a nice girl, Lucas, and I think she could do with a bit of help.”

  “Don’t you think I should be steering clear of women right now?”

  “Yes. The wrong kind. But this isn’t a date, Lucas. This is business. Good business. If it hadn’t been for that agency’s wonderful encouragement, Shelly and I would not have had our happily-ever-after.”

  Lucas felt his heart squeeze. And that didn’t happen often. At times, he may challenge his grandfather but he loved the old man more than his own life. It gave him immeasurable satisfaction to see Toni happy after his stroke and certainly the fact he moved on after four failed marriages was an accomplishment in and of himself.

  His old man was right. It wasn’t a date. It was a personal appointment with a client. Heck, CEO of world-renowned companies often went to celebrities to launch their products or personally show them how to use the latest gadget. It was the least he could do. And he would never forget who saved his life—practically saved his life, when his father lost everything and was forced to live out of their old minivan before they even found out about the famous Toni Romero being their own flesh and blood. Who knew where he would be if they didn’t have that saving grace. Sure, he’d help out Maxine. She was pretty much one of the few women he could probably trust. She didn’t seem to have any tricks up her sleeve.

  “Okay. I’ll have my secretary hook us up with an appointment.”

  “Good. That’s all I ask, Lucas.”

  Lucas wasn’t sure but it looked as if his grandfather had a smug grin on his face. But he let it go and rolled his eyes playfully.

  “I’m heading to the chopper now. Can I get you anything before I leave?” Lucas added.

  “Just stay out of trouble, Lucas. I beg of you.”


  “Hey, don’t you go getting this one knocked up, either!” Zack teased his brother as the helicopter landed safely on top of the Romero skyscraper in the downtown core. It seemed like a perfect summer day. The sky was cloudless and deep blue. The wind was blowing a mild beginning-of-summer breeze. The temperature outside might have been mild but there was nothing mild about the way Lucas was feeling at the moment. The rotors settled down and the motor quieted.

  “You’re not freaking funny, Zack!” Lucas shot back.

  “Hey, lighten up, bro. You can’t take everything so seriously.”

  Zack was always the prankster and the one to come out with the most hilarious things but this time Lucas was too much on fire to be cooled by even his brother’s sense of humor.

  “I’ve got a lot on my mind, Zack,” Lucas sighed heavily. He placed on his Ray Bans and prepared to exit the Romero1, the name given to the blue and orange helicopter, one of the first gifts the boys gave to themselves after they’d reached their first major business milestone on their own.

  Their first billion dollars in worldwide sales for their software programs and successful stock options.

  It was also the time they set up their own wing at the Romero Foundation unique from the other sectors their grandfather managed. They were a strong part of the Romero empire yet had their own independent successful ventures.

  “Yeah, I know,” Zack replied grabbing his shades from the dashboard. He placed on his sunglasses and unstrapped his seatbelt after powering off the equipment.

  As soon as they entered the building, Zack hit the elevator button to head to the executive floors of the corporation while Lucas pressed the main floor button to get to one of his BMWs parked on the premise and left there for days like today when he flew into the city but needed his own vehicle to get around. “I should be back by late afternoon so you can have admin prepare the report for me in time for our meeting,” Lucas added, swiping the screen of his iPad while he made arrangements. It was a good thing they were in a private elevator so they wouldn’t have to deal with any onlookers or undercover reporters. His grandfather was right. It was better to be out of the office for a while, given the latest hoopla in the media.

  “Have fun, but not too much!” Zack playfully slapped Lucas on the back before exiting the elevator on the 43rd floor.

  Lucas growled and mock punched his brother in the arm. Of course, they were both athletic and had iron biceps, so it wasn’t as if he could really hurt his darling big brother. Zack was only one year older than Lucas but he looked up to him. They always looked out for each other. Of all the brothers, they loved each other and fought for each other but Zack and Lucas seemed to hang out the most. Their interests were more similar than the other siblings.


  Later, Lucas pulled up to the offices on Front Street for Dream Weddings, Inc. He had already called ahead of time to speak with security about having access to the private back entrance in case any reporters were lurking about. That way, they wouldn’t see which office he would be going to. Luckily security and he were tight and it wasn’t the first time they’d done favors for his family. Lucas had to always think two steps ahead. That was the blessing, or the curse, of being a Romero.

  When he got to the loft offices at Dream Weddings, Inc., Lucas was shocked to see a detective there. “Is everything okay here, officer?” Lucas’s deep voice commanded authority.

  Maxine felt as if her limbs were going to give way. Heat rushed through her body. Lucas Romero?

  Oh, my God! What is he doing here?

  Why was she always captivated by this…sexy Adonis? Oh, no. Not Lucas too-hot-for-his-own-good Romero. Anyone but him.

  “Yes, everything is fine, sir,” the officer said to Lucas. “Just a routine report.”

  “Oh, good,” Lucas’s voice was edgy and curt as he responded to the officer.

  The detective nodded and left. It was evident that somehow the officer knew who Lucas was. There seemed to be that air of respect there. The Romero family was well-known in the city. They were a prominent family for a reason.

  Maxine was stumped. She still couldn’t get her head around this.

  Lucas Romero?

  She knew Toni Romero had said he was going to assist her in helping her secure new software for her company but she had no idea Lucas Romero would be the man in charge. Why hadn’t Toni warned her?

  Her mind was mush all of a sudden.

  She couldn’t think. She was in a daze. Giddy like a school girl with a massive crush on the captain of the football team.

  Maxine stood in the reception area of her office when she caught sight of his tall, lean frame and his broad shoulders accentuated by
the expensive looking dark blue suit he was wearing. It looked like an Italian designer cut from what she had studied in that workshop on selecting the best tailored suits for grooms. His dark cropped hair and sexy stubble caught her off guard. The man had a sexually-charged rugged bad boy appeal, that was for sure.

  “Hi. Are you okay?” Lucas’s deep, rich voice caused a surprising reaction in Maxine. She was in a momentary trance from the moment he said “hi.” His dark, rich caramel eyes melted her inside like warm butter in a pan. Oh, his eyes were so sexy.

  Oh, no. I can’t be around this guy. Not now.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” she replied a little more breathless than she intended. Her heart rate must have been climbing by the second. “I’m surprised to see you. Did you have an appointment?” Maxine tried to compose her voice and quiet the internal trembling.

  Maxine, he’s just a guy. Just an ordinary guy.

  Yeah, one who’s headlining every tabloid in town right now. And he’s here. In my office.

  “Well, I’m here by special request. But what was that all about with the police?”

  “Oh, I just…it’s nothing. Just some prank notes.”

  “Prank notes?” His voice grew dark. Lucas seemed very much concerned. Angered even. Was he that worked up over something that happened to her?

  “Um…I’ll go to Starbucks to get some coffee,” Betty interrupted, sounding uncomfortable as she eased out of her chair in the reception area. Maxine almost forgot Betty was present.

  “Sure. That would be great, Betty. Lucas, can we get you anything?”

  “I’m good. I just want to know if you’re going to be alright.” Lucas's voice was baritone low and edged with steel. His jaw was clenched. He was fired up all right.


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