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Business is Business PT 3

Page 6

by Silk White

  “I ain’t with all this hiding shit,” Jimmy said. “I’d rather die like a man instead of hiding like some coward.”

  “You’ll never be a coward baby,” Cherokee purred as she washed Jimmy’s back. “You just have to be smart and not put yourself in lose-lose situations. Start thinking like a boss.”

  Jimmy spun around, faced Cherokee, and gripped her ass. “Why you love me so much? I’m no good.”

  “You may be no good, but you’re great for me,” Cherokee looked him in the eyes. “When I think of a husband I think of you. You’re smart, funny, and you don’t take no shit. Did I mention blessed?” She reached down and pulled on his rod. That last statement put a smile on Jimmy’s face.

  Cherokee stepped out the shower, dried off, and exited the bathroom naked. “Let me take you out tonight.”

  “Maybe best if we stay inside,” Jimmy said drying off the back of his neck with a towel. “What you had in mind?”

  “Dinner and a movie,” Cherokee stepped into her thong. “It’ll be fun.”

  Jimmy leaned back on the dresser and watched Cherokee wiggle in her jeans. He walked over to the nightstand, grabbed the bottle of liquor, and poured him and Cherokee a shot. Jimmy downed the liquid fire in one quick gulp, and then handed the other shot glass over to Cherokee. She tossed the shot back like a trooper then headed to the bathroom to put on her make up.

  Forty-five minutes later, Jimmy and Cherokee stepped into the theater. “Just in time,” Cherokee looked up at the screen and saw that the movie was just coming on. Once the couple were seated, Cherokee opened her purse and took out all the snacks that she had snuck in. She didn’t care how much money her and Jimmy had, she refused to pay six dollars for some popcorn.

  “You mad ratchet,” Jimmy joked as he reached for some chips.

  Cherokee playfully slapped his hand away. “Nope keep your hands off my ratchet chips.”

  Jimmy leaned back in his seat and enjoyed the movie. This outing was exactly what he needed. This quality time with Cherokee was refreshing. Jimmy was enjoying the movie until the man sitting behind him kept on talking during the movie. Cherokee could tell that the man talking was bothering Jimmy so she squeezed his hand signaling for him to calm down and relax. Jimmy looked back and saw that it was a man with dreads who had the motor mouth.

  “You see,” the man with the dreads said, in an outburst. “This the shit I be talking about... watch this white chick fall... what I tell you... they always fall and hurt they leg or some dumb shit.”

  “Yo can you shut the fuck up!” Jimmy turned around enough was enough he was sick and tired of hearing the man’s mouth. “I can’t even hear the movie!”

  “I paid for my ticket like everyone else!” The man with the dreads shot back. “I can talk if I feel like it... who gon stop me?”

  Jimmy’s hand moved in a blur as he leaned over and smacked the shit out the man with the dreads then followed with a quick right cross that stunned him. Before Jimmy could hit the man again, he saw Cherokee get two clean punches in on the man with the dreads face. Jimmy sat back for a second and watched Cherokee go to work on the man with dreads. It felt good to know he had a rider on his side. Jimmy stepped in and finished the man off with a belly-to-belly slam from there him and Cherokee stomped the man out until security came and forced them out of the movie theater.

  Chapter 22


  A week later, Mike stepped out of the car and entered the small diner that he had met Derrick at a few days ago. He didn’t want to be there again, but Derrick called him and said it was an emergency, so he decided to see what was up. Sitting in the back of the diner again was none other than Derrick Mason. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Watch your fucking mouth when you talk to me!” Derrick warned with a finger pointed in Mike’s face. “Now sit down and listen to what the fuck I have to say!”

  Mike reluctantly sat down across from the man that raised him. “You got five minutes.” He said with an attitude.

  “I saved your life the other day. You owe me,” Derrick said with evil smirk on his face.

  “As much work as I put in for this family I don’t owe you shit!” Mike spat. “All I want is to be free. Why can’t you just let me get out and be happy for me?”

  “You get out when I say you get out!” Derrick growled. “I raised you since you were a child and this is how you repay me?”

  “Why won’t you just let me go, huh? Why do you want me to stay in this game until something bad happens to me?”

  “Because I need you right now son, that’s why,” Derrick said. He knew Mike’s heart wasn’t in the game anymore but he couldn’t let something as small as that stop the big picture.

  “Fuck you!” Mike said as he stood up and headed for the exit.

  “If you don’t help me I’ll expose you to the media and tell them how big of a part you played in our organization,” Derrick threatened with a serious look on his face. “I’ll tell them everything,” Derrick stood up and walked over, and stood nose to nose with Mike. “You work for me, you always have, and you always will,” he smiled. “Nothing personal but business is business.”

  “What the fuck do you want from me?” Mike growled. He knew that Derrick had him by the nuts not leaving him many options.

  “As you know it’s been hard for me to move around lately with all the heat on us not to mention these crazy ass Columbians coming out of the wood works,” Derrick said. “I have a shipment of guns coming into town in two days it’s a big shipment, two cars so I’m going to need someone I can trust to drive one of the cars while I drive the other,” Derrick explained. “Don’t even worry; the money we make off of these guns will be sure to put a smile on your face.”

  Mike wanted so badly to break Derrick’s face for blackmailing him He couldn’t believe that the man he would of given his life for didn’t want to see him get out of the game and live a normal life. The more Mike thought about this the more it angered him and made him want to kill Derrick even more. He always knew Derrick had snake ways he just never thought that those ways would have ever been used on him.

  “We don’t have a problem do we?” Derrick asked with a smirk.

  “Nah no problem at all. Can I go now?” Mike asked.

  Derrick disrespectfully flicked his wrist in a dismissive manner as he watched Mike exit the diner. He hated to have to play hardball with Mike, but it was crunch time and he didn’t really have time to go back and forth with the man he raised from ground up. Right now, Derrick had to figure out how he was going to get his family out of the hole that they were in. All the time he spent in jail was a serious setback but now it was time for him to regain control and get the family back on top.

  Chapter 23


  Jack Mason laid on the couch with his leg propped up. He still couldn’t believe that Derrick had shot him in the leg. The last thing Jack wanted was for Derrick to find out it was he behind all of the attacks on the family business. The way Jack had it planned he wanted Derrick and, Jimmy Mason dead. With the muscle out of the way, he figured he’d be able to buy Eric off or either hire him and have him work for him instead. But things didn’t go the way he had planned them too. It seemed like every time he had a master plan it would get messed up somehow. Jack knew that with the Columbians hunting the Mason family, it would only be a matter of time before he was the last Mason standing. The ringing of the doorbell snapped Jack back into reality he had totally forgot that he had a meeting with some new up and coming drug dealer named Rico. Jack needed a person on his team that he could depend on to get rid of a large quantity of product and, Rico was perfect. Not only did he have spots that he operated out of all throughout the city he also had a few spots out of town as well.

  “Your guests are here,” One of Jack’s bodyguards announced, leading Rico and another man into the den.

  “Gentlemen welcome make yourselves at home,” Jack said gesturing for them to sit down with a wave of his hand.<
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  “Nah we’d rather stand,” Rico said. He stood in the den dressed in all black, on his feet were a pair of construction timberlands, covering his eyes were a pair of dark shades and a blue Yankee fitted hat sat low on his head almost covering his eyes. “If you don’t mind I’d like to get down to business.” His partner that stood next to him also wore all black with a serious I don’t play no games look on his face.

  “I’m willing to give you ten kilos on consignment,” Jack began. “You report to me and to me only and every now and then if I need a favor, I’ll call you and have your team take care of it for me how does that sound?”

  Rico shook his head with a serious look on his face. “I’m not here for consignment. I’ll pay for the ten kilos and I’ll call you when I’m ready to buy ten more. I don’t do favors.” He said in a serious tone.

  “Listen Rico, I don’t think you understand,” Jack sat up. “I have a lot of product that I have to get rid of and I heard that you were the man to move this amount of product, you pay for ten kilos, and I’ll give you thirty you just pay when you get it. How does that sound? I didn’t call you here to nickel and dime.”

  “Whatever you give me I’ll move it,” Rico said. At first, he was hesitant to work with Jack. He had heard all the stories about how much of a grease ball he was and planned on staying as far away from him as possible, but with the streets running dry he didn’t have too many options on where he could get some work from and at the moment he needed a steady connect.

  “That’s what I like to hear,” Jack smiled. “I’ll have one of my workers drop the work off to at a location of your liking.”

  Rico pulled a pen out of his pocket, scribbled down an address, and handed it to, Jack. “Have it dropped off at that address at 10pm.”

  Jack nodded. “Will do.”

  Rico and his sidekick, a man that went by the name; Benny turned and headed for the exit. Once outside, Benny turned and looked at Rico. “I don’t trust that motherfucker.”

  “Me either but it’s all good,” Rico said in a cool tone. The truth was he never had intention of paying Jack for the extra twenty kilos that he was about to receive. Rico turned and looked at Benny. “Business is business.”

  Chapter 24


  Eric sat on the jet with his eyes closed but he wasn’t sleep. No way could he sleep at a time like this. He had no idea what to expect with this meeting between him and The Black Dragon. This guy was supposed to be the best at what he does and if that were true, then this mission would be money well spent. Eric couldn’t wait to finally end this silly war and get back to making money because at the end of the day, that’s what it was all about. Every time, Eric tried to go to sleep, his mind started thinking about Kelly. He had been trying to call her for the last few hours but every time he called, it went straight to voicemail. Eric knew he was in a dangerous business, a business that on any given day, he could end up with a bullet in the back of his head and it wasn’t fair to ask Kelly to fuck up her life just because of him. A part of him understood why she was ignoring his calls. Eric tried to put himself in Kelly’s shoes and see where he was coming from.

  “You alright over there?” Pistol Pete asked. He could tell that Eric wasn’t asleep.

  “Yeah, I’m good just got a lot on my mind,” Eric admitted. Being the boss was a job that required his immediate attention all the time it was starting to feel like he never had any time for himself anymore or his personal life. If he could go back in time and change things back to the way that they used to be, he would do it in a flash.

  “Once we holla at, The Black Dragon and get Chico off our backs things will go back to normal,” Pistol Pete told him. He had no idea how things were going to play out. All Pistol Pete could do was keep his fingers crossed.

  Eric and Pistol Pete stepped off the jet and into the tinted out truck that awaited them. “When we get there make sure you watch my back this guy is supposed to be the real deal.” Eric had been responding back and forth with the assassin over email but for some reason, The Black Dragon refused to use a phone so it was kind of as if they were going into the situation blindly.

  Pistol Pete nodded his head. “I got you.”

  Twenty minutes later the truck pulled up in front of a nice looking building. Eric read the numbers on the front of the building and looked at Pistol Pete. “Yeah this the right building.” The two men entered the building and pushed the call button for the elevator. When the elevator arrived, both men stepped on with nervous looks on their faces not because they were scared but because they didn’t know what to expect. Eric stepped off the elevator and walked down the hall until they reached the apartment they were looking for. Eric took a deep breath, raised his fist, and knocked on the door. He waited a few seconds before he knocked again. Eric went to knock on the door again, when the apartment behind him door swung open. Eric and Pistol Pete spun around to find themselves looking down the barrel of two silenced guns.

  A dark skin fit man dressed in a snug fitting black uniform stood with a silenced gun in each hand. “Who the fuck are ya’ll?”

  Chapter 25


  Derrick Mason sat in the passenger seat of the Benz and stared out the window with a grin on his face. He was happy to be a free man again, and with Eric taking care of the Chico situation, he knew it wouldn’t be long until he was on top again. Today Derrick was meeting his gun supplier out in the middle of nowhere he needed a lot of guns especially if he was going to war. As the Benz slowed to a stop, Derrick saw his gun connect standing, leaning up against the hood of his van. Derrick stepped out of the Benz with a smile on his face dressed in an expensive suit. “Hey Henry, it’s good to see you again,” he said as the two men shook hands.

  “You’re twenty minutes late. I was just about to leave,” Henry said with an attitude. He was anxious to unload all of the guns he had in the back of his van. Henry liked doing business with Derrick he just wished that he’d show up on time, but the money he made, made it all worth it.

  “Got caught in traffic,” Derrick lied. “For as much money as I pay you, you sure do a lot of complaining.”

  Henry walked around to the other side of the van and slid the side door open. “Here are your guns, let me get my money so I can be going.” He liked Derrick but he didn’t like being a sitting duck especially when he was riding dirty.

  “Why you in such a rush?” Derrick asked looking Henry up and down.

  “Not trying to be sitting around here with a vehicle full of guns out in the open,” Henry spat.

  Derrick’s driver walked back to the Benz then returned carrying a briefcase. “Here’s your money,” Derrick handed the briefcase over to Henry. “Now help my driver load these guns into my trunk.”

  “All these guns not going to fit in that trunk,” Henry said.

  “Hush, my son is coming with a second car. He should be here any minute,” Derrick said as he slid a cigar in between his lips and lit it up. He blew out a ring of smoke when he looked up and saw two cars headed in his direction from a distance.

  The two cars pulled up side by side and just stood there for a while. Seconds later, Mike hopped out with his gun drawn. “Freeze!” He yelled. “You’re under arrest!” All four doors on the second car swung open and four detective’s hopped out with their weapons drawn. Seconds later, a helicopter hovered over the vehicles.

  “On the ground now!” Mike yelled. Out the corner of his eye, he saw Derrick’s driver reaching inside his suit jacket without thinking twice, Mike quickly put him down with three shots to the chest. “Get on the ground now or else you’re next!” Mike warned with his gun trained on Derrick. He hoped and prayed that Derrick made a wrong move so he could have a reason to put a bullet in Derrick’s ass.

  Derrick slowly dropped down to his knees and placed his hands on his head. “You making a big mistake,” Derrick growled. “I think you may want to rethink this,” he could tell that Mike was moving off of emotion and really didn�
��t think this out.

  “You mad?” Mike whispered in Derrick’s ear as he slipped the cuffs on his wrist. He growled as he roughly pulled Derrick up to his feet and slammed him against the car. Mike smiled as he gave Derrick a hard gut punch that forced him to double over in pain then forced Derrick to look him in the eyes. “I told you I wanted out but you wouldn’t listen!”

  Derrick looked, Mike in the eyes. “You just killed yourself you idiot. You’re forgetting that I know all your secrets,”

  Mike roughly shoved, Derrick in the back of the unmarked car. “This ain’t business this is personal motherfucker!” Mike growled then slammed the door shut.

  Business is Business PT 4 Now Available




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