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Two Sirs, with Love [McQueen Was My Valley 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Karen Mercury

  “Yes, I always wanted to be a symphony conductor. But I had to be more practical and take an economics degree from Oxford instead.”

  “Why? I mean, why did you have to be more practical? Did you have a wife and children?”

  Victor’s question made Ian wonder if he had a wife and children. “No, of course not. But I needed a less dodgy career to pay for my mother’s medical care. My father vanished when I was fifteen after a decade of beating the crap out of me and my mum. By that time she had Parkinson’s and needed constant looking after.” He laughed a little, carelessly. “She’s gone now, of course, after twenty-five years of caretaking.”

  No one spoke for a few moments. Then Victor said, “You must have a lot in common with Felicity McQueen. You probably know her father is in a home with dementia.”

  Ian was in a cocksure mood, so he said mysteriously, “That’s not the only thing I have in common with Mistress Felicity.” And he began to sing. “Can it be that it was all so simple then, or has time rewritten every line...”

  Chapter Nine

  It was a short walk from Sasha’s cabin to Victor’s cabin.

  Felicity was getting to know her sisters again, and she quite liked them. Alexandra—Xandra—was brash and no-nonsense, as befitted the former moll of a drug kingpin. Sasha and Felicity were older than Xandra, but Felicity could see why their father had chosen Xandra to own and run the lodge. For one, he wanted her to get away from the bad atmosphere of the world she’d built in Charleston. For another, she was a damned hard worker. The father of her son Sam was apparently unknown. Was it Nathan Horowitz or their good “friend,” Julian Longtree? Felicity supposed Sam was Nathan’s, because it would be easy to see if he was part Navajo like Julian.

  Then there was the flighty wild child, Brooke, the youngest. All she had ever done was model lingerie for a famous catalogue. She had evidently done a lot of growing up since coming to Utah, too. Along with her art appraiser husband Adrian, Brooke ran Doug’s cattle ranch. Adrian still flew to the Middle East quite often, appraising coins or mummies or something.

  Bride-to-be Sasha was the oldest and most responsible. She displayed this now in the concern in her voice as she walked alongside Felicity, snow squeaking like Styrofoam beneath their boots. “Now, Felicity. If you’re going to start improvising toys with these two men, I want you to be careful.”

  Felicity’s jaw hung low. It took her awhile to find her voice. “Who said anything about using toys on the two men?”

  Sasha cocked her head. “We conjectured it. Yesterday you were gone quite awhile at the same time they both were. And everyone saw the sparks between the three of you out front by that ostrich. Then when you came back, you had...that look.”

  Felicity decided to relax and trust her sister a bit. Who else could she trust if not her medical examiner MD sister? Slyly she said, “You mean that ‘just had the most monumental orgasm of my life’ look? Yes, I admit it.”

  It was Sasha’s turn to gape. She stopped walking. “What? Wait—which man? Let me guess. I’m guessing Dr. Reznik, of course. Perry’s friend. He’s got that dashing Iron Man thing going on. Rowan’s friend Ian seems a bit more repressed and timid. Inexperienced. Well? Am I right?”

  “You’re right,” Felicity admitted. Gaining more confidence, she looked from side to side as though someone were eavesdropping. “But my aim is to get the two men to play with each other and me at the same time.” She held her breath, hoping this wasn’t just too, too forbidden and taboo, even for a medical doctor who appeared to be marrying two men at once.

  Sasha looked her sister up and down. “Well, now.” A smile formed on her shapely mouth. “If that doesn’t just run in the family! Have you been talking to Brooke and Xandra?”

  “No, not at all. I mean, not about...”

  “Ménages? It’s okay, sweetie. You can talk to us! You know that after the chat with Dad last night, we all want you to move here to Utah to be close to us. And we don’t expect you to change your lifestyle, your quirks, your...”

  “Kinks,” Felicity supplied. “Well, that’s awful broadminded of you gals. I know. I’ve been thinking about it since seeing Dad and hearing his pleas again last night. I know I can’t just run around being a Dominatrix forever. It’s not exactly a career that’s steeped in longevity.”

  “You could still keep your share in your Stockholm club. Nothing says you can’t.”

  “Yes. But what would I do out here? I’m used to the big city, the hustle and bustle. And what sort of skills have I gained since Brad’s death that would translate into something useful out here?”

  “We’re thinking about that. You obviously have managerial skills. Anyway, go, Felicity. Go! Give those two sexy men a good spanking for me.”

  Felicity shared a conspiratorial look with her sister and turned. She gasped because Victor was standing right in the cabin’s doorway, close enough to have heard what Sasha said. But Felicity was accustomed to holding her head high and walking past disapproving stares. She sucked it up and marched down the walkway, shoving past Victor.

  “Ian!” She was so delighted to see the submissive CFO. The last time she’d seen him—apart from polite meals in the restaurant—he’d been steaming with jealousy that she’d been playing with Victor. His jealousy boded well, though. She’d seen the spark in Ian’s eyes when she’d suggested a three-way scene with Victor. She’d been around enough bi-curious men to know that Ian had a repressed longing for both Rowan and the ruffian boys who’d been circle-jerking on him in his boyhood alleyway. It was only a matter of time before Ian busted loose in a big way and acted out his decades-old fantasies, and Felicity wanted to be there for it. “I’m assuming you’re taking me up on my offer of a play session with Victor and I?”

  Ian dug his hands deeper into his pockets and blushed. “Actually—although that does sound intriguing—we needed your help on a project we’re working on.”

  “Oh? A project?” Felicity couldn’t hide the disappointment in her voice. To cover it up, she bent and swiped up something from the couch that looked like a handcuff stuffed into a black case. Unsnapping it, she found that it did, indeed, contain a pair of handcuffs. These must be police-issue cuffs. She looked suspiciously from the innocent Ian to the devious Victor.

  Victor acted first, moving close to Felicity and easing the handcuff case from her hand. With his other hand he smoothed a tendril of hair from her forehead. “Yes, there’s a boring project we’ve been doing together, but that’s not important. We were discussing the play session—right, Ian?”

  “Oh. Right,” said Ian, not very convincingly. He seemed just as surprised as Felicity.

  Felicity’s senses tingled with anticipation. What had these two men been up to? Now he stroked Ian’s face with the back of his hand. Ian gave him the smoldering, low gaze he’d had when recounting the story about the back alley in England. “And we decided it would behoove both of us to accept your offer. No more competition. No more fighting each other for your attention. Ian’s content being a passive submissive, and I’m glad to dominate him. Right, Ian?”

  “Right,” Ian said dully. It was as though Victor was hypnotizing the chief financial officer. Ian’s aquamarine eyes were glazed over with a dull sheen, and his lower lip drooped deliciously.

  The same thoughts must have occurred to Victor, for he suddenly took Ian’s jawbone into his palm and planted a lusty, open-mouthed kiss on him.

  Felicity didn’t know one’s legs could actually liquefy. She swooned sideways, propping herself up against a bookshelf. Ian’s prick lengthened and plumped in the crotch of his 501 jeans as the horny biologist sucked on his mouth. At first, Ian gripped Victor’s forearm with a death grip. He was probably completely swept away and mortified by the sudden kiss.

  But he soon seemed to relax into it. Felicity could see by the way the men’s jaws worked together they were deeply French kissing each other, and it was the most stimulating thing she’d viewed in ages. She dared not make a peep
to distract them—she even held her breath, fingering the cuff case she clutched. The men’s nostrils flared as they snorted against each other’s faces. Ian allowed Victor to plaster his torso to his and press him back into the wall. Now Ian slid his palms across Victor’s waist, cupping his rounded ass in his palms. Ian parted his feet on the floor, displaying to Victor his submissiveness, as Victor drew back, licking and nibbling Ian’s lower lip.

  A trickle of juice ran down Felicity’s inner thigh as Victor slid his hand up Ian’s muscular ribcage. He shoved his hand between two shirt buttons to pinch and fondle Ian’s nipple. Ian groaned and banged his skull back against the wall, further showing his obedience. Felicity nearly fainted when Victor bent at the knees to take a lewd slurp from the side of Ian’s throat.

  I must take control. I can’t let these two men manipulate my scene. She had to do something other than lean on the shelf with drool running down her chin.

  The idea came to her half-formed. Felicity acted on it before it even had a chance to register in her brain.

  Grabbing Victor by the bicep, she yanked him aside. He stumbled with a surprised expression, but didn’t make a move to prevent her from twirling Ian to face the wall. “Submit to me,” she said in his ear. She kneed him in the backs of his hamstrings while yanking both of his wrists around to the small of his back. She fumbled a bit with the handcuff case, but it soon dropped to the floor, and her experienced fingers snapped a cuff around one wrist. “You’re a good boy,” she purred now. She clutched his thigh between hers and gave a little squirm, dry-humping him.

  “That’s okay,” Ian gasped. He allowed her to turn him around once the cuffs were secure, and his subservient manner aroused and inflamed her. Those long, ash-blond lashes batted at her, highlighting his bedroom eyes. “I don’t mind anything you do. I trust you.”

  That she should be trusted was a concept so intriguing Felicity temporarily forgot what her plans were for this slave.

  Victor, however, wouldn’t let her forget. With his arms crossed in front of his abdomen, he stepped closer to the couple, chuckling. “Very admirable move, Mistress Felicity. Have you studied martial arts? You’re very adept at manipulating men.”

  Shoving Ian against the wall to indicate he shouldn’t move, Felicity stepped back. She faced Victor squarely as she slowly, methodically, stripped off her bulky down coat. She knew this sky-blue sweater minidress hugged her curves and would knock any man out. Victor was no exception. His eyes swept up and down her entire form as she stood with hands on hips in her tall, snug, black leather boots. She remembered how he had looked in the shower, utterly naked, his fist pumping his long, meaty tool. But she couldn’t be weak. Picturing him naked wasn’t strengthening her position any.

  Truth was, Felicity was angry at Victor for his treatment of her in his hotel room. No one had ever gotten the drop on her before. Although she had come out of it happy as a clam, she couldn’t let him get away with binding her wrists, giving her no option. “You laugh at Ian’s predicament?”

  Victor’s face drained of all humor. “Laugh? No, not really. I—”

  “You might not be laughing soon when you see what rewards Ian’s good behavior gets him.” Smiling cunningly, Felicity snaked her way to Ian. She took a great, big handful of his well-hung cock, hot and bursting beneath the fabric of his jeans. Ian gasped, his eyelids fluttering. She squeezed the prick as she shimmied her torso against his side, making sure his pectoral got the full benefit of both tits. “This beautiful, fat cock is all mine. I control when or if you’re allowed to come.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Ian said through gritted teeth.

  “And I saw you watching me masturbate in the shower,” she cooed. “You’re a good but dirty little boy. Is that why your cock is so hard?”

  Ian nodded obediently. “Because I watched you masturbate in the shower.”

  “You’re going to have to pay for that, you know.”

  Ian couldn’t even hide his smile. “Yes, I know. You must punish me.”

  She had his belt unbuttoned and his jeans were down below his knees in a flashing of a moment. And she fished the elastic ponytail band from the pocket of her down coat. She briefly noted Victor, now clinging to the bookcase like she had been, mesmerized by the proceedings. As she cinched the elastic around the base of Ian’s cock, she purred, “You’ve never been with a woman like me, an experienced woman. You’re just used to other little girls who don’t know what they’re doing. Little girls just fumbling around.” As she withdrew her hand, she stroked the shiny jutting cock, rewarding him for being so good.

  “Yes,” Ian panted, “you’re the most mature, experienced woman I’ve ever seen. You’re beautiful, stunning—you blow me away, Mistress Felicity.”

  “Do you trust me?”


  “Do you want me to punish you?”

  “Oh, God, yes.” Ian squeezed his eyes shut. “Please punish me, Mistress.”

  “All right, then.” Felicity stepped back to her coat. She knew the men would be surprised, but even she hadn’t predicted how their jaws would drop when she pulled the leather riding crop from the coat’s inner pocket.

  She smiled. It came in handy having a stepbrother who owned a cattle ranch and called everyone “buckaroo.” The two men were obviously stunned with arousal.

  Raising one eyebrow, she brandished the crop between both hands, approaching Ian directly. His cock twitched, his eyes moist at the sight that was probably bringing back memories. “Dear boy. You’ve been awfully naughty. You just can’t control yourself, can you?” Slap. The cock bobbed with excitement at being spanked, already reddening. Felicity could feel Victor holding his breath.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Ian gasped. “Of course I would look at you in the shower.”

  Slap. Felicity caressed his cock with stinging slaps that would flow through his full balls, warming his entire pelvis. Yes, Ian was spreading his boots apart on the floor and turning his head aside, showing his complete submission. Felicity spanked the bulging ball sac, pleased with the tight swatting sound the crop made. God, how I want to get down on my knees and suck this beautiful cock. Victor could pull down my tights and fuck me doggie style from behind...

  Stay in control. Maintain your supremacy.

  Slap. “You just want to be spanked by an older woman, don’t you?” Smack. Droplets of semen glistened at the slit of the aroused prick.

  Ian grunted with rapture. “In front of these neighborhood boys...”

  Felicity grinned. For all of his virtue, Ian knew intuitively how to play the game. Slap. “Watching me torture your cock and balls is making this one hot.” Turning to Victor, she saw that yes, he was massaging his swollen penis through the camo fabric. His handsome superhero features were all blurry with obscene arousal, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

  Felicity grabbed Victor by the arm and yanked him over to Ian. “Kneel, you twisted boy!” It seemed that Victor gladly dropped to his knees. That surprised Felicity, who had the biologist pegged as such a diehard Dom he had probably never sucked off another man before. She grabbed a handful of his thick hair and rattled his head about. She held Ian’s prick at the base where the hair elastic constricted it, and shoved Victor’s face at it. “Suck! Pleasure your friend, you perverted little devil! You know you want it. You know you—”

  It was Felicity’s turn to gasp as Victor eagerly inhaled the stiff cock down his throat.

  Chapter Ten

  Watching Felicity spank Ian’s cock was arousing Victor almost to the point of insanity. He was so unbelievably aroused his knees actually went weak, and he had to hold onto the back of a couch for support.

  They seemed to be enacting some previously agreed-upon scene—some kink they had performed in their previous session. Ian had evidently told Felicity about an event, real or imagined, that had had a big impact on him. Apparently, he’d been spanked by an older woman while some neighborhood boys had watched.

  Seeing Felicity in the
skintight sweater dress spanking Ian’s bound cock nearly sent Victor over the edge. Ian’s angelic, sultry face flinched with what seemed a mixture of pain and pleasure every time she slapped his cock or balls. Not only did the cock remain erect, it became more purple and seemed to extend even farther every time Felicity spanked it. It was Victor’s custom to dominate the other man in a scene, but he found himself admiring the length and thickness of Ian’s uncut cock. Victor’s mouth watered every time the crop cracked against the thick phallus.

  He barely noticed when his hand went to his crotch to massage his own erection. God, I’d love to get up on that. Kissing Ian had been a stimulating, erotic pleasure. He’d never kissed another man, merely forced them to lick and suck his prick. He’d never put much effort into teasing or seducing them—just forced them to their knees to swallow his load. Now he shocked himself by fantasizing about actually mounting the delicious CFO and spending deep inside of him. Good God, what’s gotten into me? Somehow it didn’t seem to matter.

  Not with the radiant tigress Felicity spanking the handcuffed sub. Ian even spread his boots apart to allow Felicity better access to his balls. Victor was this close to tearing Ian’s shirt apart and sucking on his nipple when Felicity yanked him by the arm.

  “Yes, watching me torture your cock and balls is making this one hot.” Victor was so dazed he stumbled, and it wasn’t difficult for Felicity to shove him to his knees. “Suck! Pleasure your friend, you perverted little devil! You know you want it. You know you—”

  Victor heard no more, because he gulped his friend’s cock down his throat.

  Gratification surged through him, the satisfaction of a craving he hadn’t even known he possessed. How long had he been dying to suck a cock without even knowing it? Victor found as he bobbed his head back and forth, spearing the velvety cock down his throat, that sucking on the tool was satisfying a deep hunger in him. It stimulated and pacified an overwhelming craving to feel the bursting glans stroke his upper palate. He stretched his tongue to massage the urethral canal where he already felt jism trembling, ready at any moment to surge.


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