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Redemption (Iris Series)

Page 20

by Lynn, Rebecca

  “I miss you too, babe,” he said and she could hear the smile in his voice.

  “How’s your mom?”

  “Much better. I should be coming home soon. I’m trying to get there, babe. You know how much I want to be there,” he said.

  “Do you know when you’ll be able to head back?”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ll be on my way in the next day or so. I’m just helping my dad with a few last minute things.”

  Ayanna tried not to sound impatient. “Okay. I totally understand. I’ll just see you when I see you.” She paused. “Will you let me know when you’re on your way?”

  “I’ll be home soon, baby. I promise. Are you doing okay? How have things been going?”

  “Good. I have lots to tell you, but I’ll wait until you get back. Suffice it to say I’ve been very busy which has helped distract me from thinking about you, JBG.”

  “We’ve both been busy, which I guess has kinda been a blessing in disguise, huh?”


  There was a pause.

  “Tomorrow’s Day 40,” he said quietly.

  There was another pause.

  “Yeah,” Ayanna sighed with a sad smile.

  “Do something fun, okay? Go out and party. And think of me.”

  “I will. I can’t wait to see you. Call me when you know you’ll be on your way back.”

  “I’ll be back soon, baby. I’m almost there.”

  Ayanna wanted to say more, but a lump formed in her throat. This love stuff sure did throw her. Dev was right. She didn’t even know who she was at times.

  “I can’t wait,” she breathed.

  “Ditto,” he said back. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Then he disconnected.

  Chapter 14

  It had finally arrived. Day 40.

  She took the morning to pamper herself, got a mani/pedi, and then went for a Brazilian wax. She had always liked getting waxed. It made her feel sexy and powerful, like she could take on the world. Given that she was missing Jonathan so much, she needed to feel some of that.

  Since she and Janie were taking a much needed break and there were no events planned again until Tuesday of the following week, all of the girls decided to take Ayanna out dancing that night to celebrate her successful 40 day fast.

  That morning before running her errands, Ayanna posted to her blog the whole pizza experience and what she’d learned from the fast, then posted the note about the upcoming opening of Chez Catherine’s.

  Later that afternoon before meeting up with the girls, Jeremy came over with the tabletop for her dining table. Ayanna was stunned at how gorgeous it was and was giddy with excitement.

  Although Jeremy was a well-known art dealer in the City, he had a woodshop in his home where he made authentic handmade pieces for himself and his family. She was so lucky to have him make this for her. She knew he was talented having seen his custom made pieces in his own brownstone, but the fact that he’d made this beautiful piece of art just for her made her love the guy even more.

  He had gone all out, building a rectangular shaped top in a Craftsman style large enough to fit six people around it easily, but surprisingly compact looking to not overwhelm the small space.

  “Jeremy,” she clapped her hands excitedly, “This is gorgeous! I might just leave this on all the time,” she said beaming at him as they laid it over her existing tiny tabletop. “I won’t even need to put a tablecloth over it, it’s so beautiful,” she said, running her hand over the walnut stained smooth surface. “I can’t believe you finished this in a week.”

  He shrugged and looked slightly embarrassed by her praise. “I’m glad you like it. I know having your family over for dinner is going to be a big deal and I wanted it to look good.”

  She hugged him, “Thank you. You’re seriously stellar,” she said sincerely. “I’m so glad you and Ryann found each other.” She pulled back. “How are things going between you two?” Ayanna wiggled her eyebrows.

  He rolled his eyes. “Considering you talk to the woman a few times a week, I think you know how well it’s going. Probably more than I want you to know,” he muttered with a smirk.

  “Oh, yeah. That part is definitely going well. She doesn’t talk about it much, just so you know, unless I twist her arm, of course,” she chuckled. “But the glow that surrounds her is telling enough. You’ve turned her into a sex maniac. I never thought I’d see the day.”

  He chuckled. “Fine by me. And speaking of sex maniacs, you’ve held off for 40 days. You look like you’ve survived.”

  She sighed. “Yeah. But I’m definitely looking forward to breaking my fast.”

  “When’s Jon coming back, do you know?” he asked quietly.

  She didn’t know why she was surprised that Jeremy knew of her plans for Jon, but she was. And her face must have shown it.

  “I am sleeping with your best friend, Yan, so let’s not look too surprised,” he said with a lazy smile. “Plus, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see the sparks that night at the precinct and restaurant. He’s a good guy. I hope things work out with you two.”

  She sighed again. “Me, too. I won’t know how things are gonna go until he gets home. Which I hope will be in the next day or two.”

  On Day 41, she’d hoped to be spending the day barricaded in a room with Jonathan. At this point however, she wasn’t sure if that was going to happen.

  He nodded, his eyes twinkling. “Well, let me get out of here so you can get ready for tonight. Manny will be here with Ryann around seven.”

  “I’ll be ready, and thanks for lending us Manny,” she said, affectionately punching him in the arm.

  “As if I would let Ryann and you girls out in the City without him,” he said dryly. “Have a good time celebrating tonight,” he said with a smile then was out the door.

  Well, she thought, she would just go out with the girls, have a good time, and come home to her lonely apartment to wait for a call from the man of her dreams.


  It was a little after 11 that evening.

  The girls had been hopping from club to club, dressed to the nines and mixing it up in some of the best bars in the City.

  Ayanna hadn’t received any messages from Jonathan to say he was on his way. She had been checking every 10 minutes even in the midst of her tipsy state. Since Manny was driving all of the girls around that night, she figured being slightly inebriated was no biggie since someone else would be getting her home. She was determined to have the time of her life celebrating one of her greatest achievements.

  For about the fifth time that night, however, she’d wished Jonathan was there.

  While the girls sat at a table resting, Emily reached for her phone to read a text message that had just come in. She snickered at whatever it was then she leaned down to rub at her foot.

  “Man, my dogs are bahkin’,” she said in her Boston accent with a pained look.

  Ayanna chuckled. “Come on. You don’t have another round in ya?”

  “No way. Some of us have to work in the morning, you know. I’m just gonna sit here and work on my drink. You, however, should probably be heading home.”

  Ayanna did not want to leave yet. Going home to what could’ve been an incredible transition from Day 40 into Day 41 was now only going to be lonely and depressing.

  “Not yet,” she whined. “I don’t want to be alone.”

  “I know it’s still early, but I’m a little tired too,” Ryann moaned as she flopped back into the chair, giving Emily a wink and a smirk then turning back to Ayanna. “And who says you’re gonna be alone?”

  Ayanna stilled.

  “What’s going on here?” she asked, waving her finger between the two.

  “I think it’s time we all headed home, but especially Ayanna.” Janie said, giving Ayanna a pointed look. “Maybe it’s time for you to go find Manny.”

  Ayanna paused.

  “What’s going on?” she asked again. Ayanna’s heart rate st
arted to pick up. “Do you guys know something I don’t?”

  They wouldn’t tease her about this, would they? Not with something like this. Was Emily’s text—? Was Jonathan—? Her brain was stalling.

  “I’d say we know a lot of things,” Emily said, a smile touching her mouth. “But probably the most important thing we know is you need to get your ass home. Now.”

  Ayanna’s hands went to her cheeks then she stood quickly, knocking the chair over. “Fuck! Ry?” Ayanna asked in whirlwind.

  “Manny’s already at the curb. Luke is sending his driver to come get the rest of us,” she said, the grin nearly splitting her face. She got up and hugged her tight. “Now go enjoy Day 41, honey.”

  “Ry, please don’t joke about this. Are you shittin’ me?” she asked, nearly crying.

  Tiffany screamed with a laugh, “Just go, already!!”

  Ayanna nearly tripped in her haste and all of the girls began whooping and hollering. She squealed as she ran for the door.


  The entire car ride home Ayanna had to fight off hyperventilation. When she arrived to her building, she quickly said hello to George the doorman who smiled at her, then she ran to the elevator. By the time she got to her hallway she was forcing herself to take deep calming breaths.

  She looked down at her shimmery gold sleeveless dress with her red sandaled heels. Would she have time to change? Did she need to change? Where was he, at his place?

  She leaned her back against her door and bent forward using yoga breaths to calm down.

  She finally turned around, inserted the key, and turned the knob. She walked into her living room and all of the lights were off. But it was completely lit with candles. All tea lights. There were easily a hundred of them.

  And before she could stop herself, she covered her mouth and began to cry. A movement near the kitchen entrance caught her eye and she turned her head.

  There he stood. That wonderful, gorgeous, sweet, dream of a man. A lazy smile on his lips, his beautiful blue eyes shining and looking at her with a mixture of tenderness and lust. He was standing there barefoot in jeans and a t-shirt. No glasses on his face.

  She didn’t think. She just reacted. And ran into his arms.


  The Yummy Ammie Thursday, August 13

  “DAY 40” by Ayanna Sarin

  My best friend loves 80’s flicks. So, naturally as the BFF I’ve sat through many a John Hughes film.

  Two things you may not know about me:

  One, 40 days ago, I gave up my most favorite food. Dare I say, the best food ever conceived.

  Two, little did I know I would be calling upon my own inner 80’s muse to help me share with you the slice of self-discovery from this 40 day fast.

  One of the more memorable moments from a popular 1985 Rob Reiner film exemplifies the best cinematic scene with John Cusack describing what is, indeed, The Sure Thing - for even the worst representation of this culinary perfection brings joy.

  “When I recollect my most truly excellent experience,

  the current images buzz through my brain:

  The big bubbles of crust that expand right up through the sauce,

  glistening pools of oil as still and inviting as a mountain lake.

  The ropy knots of cheese had gathered to achieve perfection in the center

  as the slices are pulled apart…”

  And let’s not forget the importance of the cheese to sauce ratio, folks.

  You guessed it.

  I’m talking about pizza.

  Today, my friends, is Day 40, and tomorrow I am very much looking forward to breaking my fast. My Lenten journey has brought me to a deeper appreciation of an oft consumed American staple, sometimes enjoyed three to four times a week in my own kitchen.

  I say ‘enjoyed,’ but as I reflect on the past several weeks of sacrifice, I’ve made many realizations. The most important discovery is this, and can apply to life in general: When the best things are taken for granted, it’s often wise to back off of them for a while to allow yourself some time to contemplate, enabling you to appreciate them in a new light for when they’re reintroduced into your life again.

  What was once simply enjoyed, is now valued.

  The senses are opened to a whole new experience…

  …the array of cheeses that cradle us with such comfort…from mild and creamy, to sharp and spicy...

  …the assortment of crusts that hug the warm goodness of cheese…from thin and crunchy, to soft and pillowy…

  …the range of sauces that explode on the taste buds...from tangy and fiery, to flavorful and zesty…

  …the variety of toppings that cling to the slice like a lover’s kiss...from sweet and salty, to savory and sublime…

  These revelations are difficult to realize when a traditional pizza joint is on every corner and the food is so readily available, not to mention, consumed.

  I’ve discovered I no longer want to settle for a “sure thing” in my culinary adventures which can sometimes bring a ‘ho hum’ quality to the experience.

  Rather, I would like to strive for the ultimate expression of that dish, one that embodies the different nuances of the flavors that when combined can give me a little slice of heaven, and maybe a new experience every time I enjoy it.

  And hopefully, open my eyes to a whole new love.

  Join me for the rest of the week,

  as I share with you creative artisan pizza recipes from friend and fellow chef

  Janie Callahan, owner of The Local Yokel catering.

  A different one each day this week will be coming your way!

  Chapter 15

  Ayanna catapulted herself into Jonathan’s arms, nearly knocking him over. Clinging to him with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms tight around his neck, he clung to her as well burying his face into her hair. He had one arm under her ass and the other curled around her upper back, his hand in her hair at the base of her skull.

  They stood that way for a moment or two in the silence, simply resting in the wonder of the embrace. Quiet tears were streaming from her eyes. She didn’t want to let him go.

  And now that it was the end of Day 40, she didn’t have to.

  “Hey, stranger,” he said, his voice muffled in her hair. She could feel the rumble deep in his throat.

  She turned her face into his neck and breathed in his scent, then began kissing him. His neck, his cheek, then his eyes, nose, and finally settling on his perfect mouth, holding his head still with her hands to accept her onslaught.

  The only things that could be heard were her kisses and their moans, as he walked with her toward the bedroom.

  “Jon,” she breathed in between kisses. “Tell me you’re really here. I’m a little drunk. Am I hallucinating?”

  He growled on a laugh as his hands had moved to her ass by this point, holding her tight against him so she could feel his excitement and arousal. Her sex was throbbing for him.

  His mouth devoured hers not giving her a moment to breathe, and mated with hers claiming it as his own while he groaning in frenzied desire.

  “Yan,” he said, breaking away. “I’m definitely here. Can you feel this?” He ground into her again. “This is not a hallucination. How drunk are you? God, I missed you.” He kissed away her tears, then continued to pull at her mouth with his own, plucking and sucking at her lips.

  He walked her into the bedroom still holding her tightly in his arms. Candles were lit in there, too. They were everywhere.

  He was here. Jonathan was here.

  And it was going to be Day 41.

  She couldn’t seem to wrap her brain around that fact. She loved him so much it was almost painful and she wanted, no needed him to fill her in every way possible. If she could, she would crawl beneath his skin and burrow there.

  She pulled back her lips from his and looked deeply into his baby blues, touching his face.

  “Not too drunk. Your mom? Is everything okay—?”
/>   “Shh. Everything’s great. There’ll be plenty of time to talk about that later,” he said quietly, raising one hand from her bottom and gripping her hair. He planted soft kisses all around her lips, her chin, her neck. “Right now, it’s just you and me. It’s just you and me,” he whispered, ending at her lips.

  Resting his mouth on hers, he whispered, “Have you reflected enough? Do you need more time?” he asked with a smile.

  She breathed out a light laugh.

  “Not on your life, JBG. I’m so ready,” she moaned, grinding her hips into his, gripping him tighter with her legs still wrapped around his waist.

  “Yeah?” he teased. “What have you learned during this 40 day fast, sex goddess?” He tossed her onto the bed so she bounced slightly.

  Before she could even answer, her heart nearly stopped. His hungry eyes were pinned on her, mesmerizing her. Licking his lips, he let his gaze travel down her body zeroing in on the juncture of her thighs where her lace black thong was now in full view since her short dress had moved up when he tossed her. His eyes burned into hers with lust while he took one foot in his hand and slowly began removing one of her sandaled heels.

  She was so turned on and distracted by his look that she momentarily forgot what he asked her.

  “What was the question again?” she breathed.

  “You sure you’re not too drunk?” he smiled.

  “Baby, don’t you dare think about stopping. I swear, JBG. I’m not too drunk. Don’t get all noble on me,” she moaned.

  He chuckled. “The question was,” he began quietly, kneading at her instep, “what have you learned?”

  When he pressed his fingers into her foot, she nearly climaxed. She felt on fire and her breathing was coming out in choppy breaths.

  His look was so intense, so focused on her. It told her he was going to fuck her, and good. She couldn’t wait.

  His eyes were latched onto hers then he raised her leg and rested her ankle on his shoulder. With some force and still waiting for her reply, he grabbed her hips and yanked her to the edge of the bed.


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