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Redemption (Iris Series)

Page 24

by Lynn, Rebecca

  “I want to eat the dinners that you make me. I want to sleep with you. I want to fuck you,” he murmured and ground his already hard cock into her sweet spot.

  “And I definitely want to meet your parents so they can see how much I love their beautiful and brilliant daughter. They’ll see that even though you’re not a doctor or lawyer, you’re still worthy of being loved. And even though you may not put on the airs of the ‘Day 1’ Ayanna anymore, the ‘Day 1’ Ayanna is just as worthy of being loved as the ‘Day 41’ Ayanna,” he said kissing her.

  He released her mouth, but stayed close. “You made the effort to patch things up with them. You did that, Ayanna. And no matter what happens at dinner, no matter how they act, you’ll know that I’m there, being so damn proud of you for making that first move despite your fears, and being so proud of how much you’ve grown and accomplished,” he said, touching her hair.

  Tears were streaming down her face and she reached up and kissed him silly again.

  He moaned into her mouth and before he could stop himself, he slipped inside her, all the way to the hilt.

  They both gasped while kissing and went at each other, stroking and touching, her hands all over his back, his in her hair holding her down on the bed. She pulled her legs back as far as she could and pushed up into him, taking more of him inside.

  “Condom,” he groaned then kissed her again. “I need to get a condom,” he said, trying to still their movements and catch his breath to slow down.

  “I’m on the pill,” she breathed. “I’m on the pill,” she said again.

  He groaned again and pulled out, then thrust into her. “Are you okay with this? Because you feel fucking amazing,” he said nuzzling her neck. “I’ll stop if you want me to, but I really don’t want to stop.” He let out a deep satisfied sound then moaned, “I’m healthy, I promise.”

  “I am too,” she panted. “God, JBG, you feel so good. I’ve never had sex without a condom before,” she moaned.

  “Me either,” he said, breathing heavily. She could feel his smile on her neck. “Mmm. I’m glad we have this ‘first’ together,” he murmured. “Are you sure you’re okay with this? Because I’m totally okay with this. God, you feel good,” he whispered as an afterthought.

  “Oh, yeah,” she groaned. “No condom, no condom,” she said as they increased their rhythm, and sounds of sexual satisfaction echoed through the room.

  He hooked his arms under her knees and pushed them back as he lunged forward into her. He was so deep she cried out, her knees practically back by her ears with him creating a steady rhythm moving in and out of her.

  “Yan,” he whispered then gritted his teeth. “You feel fucking incredible. So wet, and hot. Your skin,” he was saying. Although at this point she wasn’t even understanding him, she was so in her own world of pleasure.

  He was so deep inside her, surging into her over and over, she could barely contain herself from yelling every time he passed over her G spot, hitting her clit each time he slammed into her.

  “Jon, harder,” she sobbed.

  He chuckled while pumping. “You want it harder, babe? Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” she yelled.

  He growled, pushed her knees back even more and had his hands on the bed on either side of her, with her legs almost over his shoulders. His speed had increased even more and the bed was shaking at the force of his thrusts.

  A keening sound began to form in the back of her throat as he brought her closer and closer.

  “Ahh, Jon—athan!” she cried. She was screaming, breaking apart, coming and coming and coming, her muscles clenching around him.

  He yelled through his teeth with completion and triumph, spilling his seed inside of a woman for the first time.

  She was whimpering, trying to catch her breath, so thirsty from the exertion of the monumental fucking he just put her through.

  He allowed her legs to slide from under his arms and he rested on top of her while he caught his own breath.

  “Day 41 is a fucking awesome day,” she said chuckling lightly, running her hand in his hair and pulling his head up to look at her.

  He laughed, and said, “Without a doubt the best day ever,” he whispered, kissing her then resting some more.

  They both spent the next minute simply enjoying the intimacy of the moment. Finally Jonathan spoke.

  “Come on. Let’s clean up.”

  He easily rolled them to the edge of the bed and then lifted her up, her legs still wrapped around him. She felt like she was dead weight she was so lethargic in his arms, but he carried her as if she weighed nothing.

  They walked into the bathroom where they left the light off, but cleaned each other with a washcloth. He took his time wiping the warm cloth on her body, taking extra care between her legs. She cupped her hand under the faucet to relieve her parched throat then they went back to the bed.

  Finally settled with the sheet over them, she snuggled up next to him and smiled. After sighing contentedly, she closed her eyes.

  “Good night, babe,” he whispered, rubbing her scalp.

  “Mmm. Good night, JBG. I’m glad you’re home,” she murmured, already half asleep.

  “Me too, babe.”

  Within minutes she was asleep.

  Chapter 17

  They both slept like the dead, neither of them stirring until close to nine in the morning.

  Having worked in the restaurant business for so many years and at such late hours, Ayanna had long ago invested in a blackout shade so she could sleep in without the sun waking her. She brought the special shade from her previous apartment and had it fit for her new bedroom window. She customized the look by using a sari as a window treatment.

  She awoke first and took a moment to enjoy looking at the gorgeous man sprawled out on the bed next to her, naked and sexy. After a minute of happily reminiscing over the night’s events, she extricated herself from the bed to use the bathroom before he awoke.

  She came back into the room just as he was reaching over on the bed for her. She hurriedly got back in, letting him find her just as he pulled her back snuggly to his front, spooning her from behind, both of them lying on their left side.

  He was humming into her hair while his roaming hand pulled her tightly to him and she could feel his erection. Then his hand took a leisurely stroll to touch her breasts, plucking gently at her nipples until they were standing tall seeking out more of his attention. His hand continued its journey making its way to rest between her legs where he slowly teased her, rubbing his fingers over her mound until she began pumping lightly into his hand.

  She looked down and noted the paleness of his arm mixed with her latte colored skin. For some reason, the contrast seemed erotic as she watched his arm muscles work each time he moved his hand over her.

  He bent his right leg and pushed it between hers, lifting her top leg so she moved it back over his thigh, opening herself to him. He accepted the invitation and dipped two fingers into her opening, making lazy slow circles on her clit with his thumb while he pumped into her with a slow sleepy rhythm.

  She was slipping under his spell, letting the warm current of pleasure wash over her and she reached her right arm back to his ass pushing them closer together.

  “Morning,” she murmured, while gripping his ass.

  “Yes, it is. And a great one at that,” he said into her ear, his morning voice husky from sleep and desire. “I could get used to this as my wake up call. Smooth and soft skin,” he began, then continued with humor in his voice, “sexy siren with Sri Lankan heritage—”

  She interrupted him with a chuckle. “Ooh. Such alliteration so early in the morning. I’m impressed, JBG,” she murmured then let out a small gasp as he lightly pressed at her G spot just as he circled her clit.

  “There are a lot of impressive things I can do in the morning, sweetheart,” he said, grinding his cock into her behind as he worked at stimulating and pumping his fingers at a faster pace.

  Without warning, he pushed the leg she had resting on his forward and with both of their right knees bent, he leaned her half on her stomach. Then he took his left hand and ran it up under her hair, gently gripping it close to her skull and holding her down so he could mount her from behind.

  Ayanna let out a contented breath, so ready to be taken. She loved that he took the reins in the bedroom. It was liberating. Perhaps it was because she had always been the one in control when it came to sexual activities with men. Now that she was with a man whom she loved and trusted, it was nice to relinquish that up to him. For the time being, she thought with a chuckle.

  He probed at her opening with his shaft then pushed inside her already aroused sex. Because she wasn’t completely on her stomach, he kept his right hand on her clit, working that magic button while he slowly and languorously fucked her.

  “I don’t know about you baby,” he breathed, “but being inside you without any barriers—feeling every slick inch of you—it’s a little slice of heaven here on earth.”

  He groaned and ground into her, pumping in and out at an unhurried pace.

  She let out contented sigh. The silky sheets rubbed along her side and nipples adding to the sensuality of the moment. She pushed her behind up to meet his lazy thrusts, trying to increase his movements.

  He gripped her hair a little tighter.

  “This one’s gonna be slow. A nice sleepy fuck,” he murmured. “Something to wake us at an easy. Gradual. Pace,” he whispered in her ear, punctuating each thrust with a circle grind of his hips. His fingers on the swollen bundle of nerves at the top of her sex mimicked each movement of his cock, and she was pretty sure she was going to feel the wave of intensity crash over her at any moment.

  She was definitely awake and there was nothing lethargic about how she was feeling. Her breath caught in the back of her throat as she came to the crest, and he heard it. He didn’t increase the pace, but rather began fucking her a little more forcefully, now pinching lightly at her clit.

  She let out a low moan then gasped as she came around him, her muscles milking him, clenching over and over in slow intense waves. She rode it out while her toes curled.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, then thrust into her faster and faster until she felt him come inside her, his body shuddering behind her.

  They lay there exactly as they were, their bodies still connected and his hand between her legs, calming their breaths and enjoying the sweetness of the contact.

  She stirred first.

  “I plan on making you the king of all breakfasts, champ,” she purred, wiggling her behind.

  He grunted, “Sounds great.” He kissed her hair where his hand had been gripping. “In fact I may take you up on that tomorrow morning. But for this morning, I may have a better idea.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What was the other thing you wanted to do on Day 41?”

  She stilled. “You wanna have pizza for breakfast?” she giggled.

  “Not only do I wanna have pizza for breakfast, I wanna take you up to my place, take the mini pizzas Janie made for you yesterday out of my freezer, heat them up, and feed you.”

  She dislodged herself from his hand and looked back at him over her shoulder.

  “Janie made me pizzas yesterday?!” she shrieked. “How on earth did you get them?”

  “Please,” he said as if insulted. “I’m the king of planning. I had a ton of people as part of the scheme, and it was executed perfectly...worked like a well-oiled machine,” he huffed proudly.

  “Jonathan,” she said with a little dreaminess to her voice. “How did you do this? Who let you into my apartment?”

  “Let’s get some sweats on, head up to my place and while I feed you your absolute favorite food in my bed, I’ll tell you all about it.”

  She giggled with glee as he got up to use the bathroom, and she quickly dressed. With him in his jeans and t-shirt from the night before, and her in a pair of lounge pants and a tank top, they left her place hand in hand and took the elevator up two more flights to Jonathan’s floor.

  His apartment was on the other side of the hall from Ayanna’s since he had one of the two bedroom units. She knew the two bedrooms were a fortune and knowing he couldn’t have made an enormous amount of money as a teacher, she could only assume it was due to his smart investing and his consulting on the side which allowed him to obtain the space.

  They walked in and Ayanna got a little starry eyed. It was tastefully decorated in nautical colors, lots of taupe, beiges and creams with some navy blues thrown in on the side. He had dark brown plush leather sofas with cloth throw pillows to go with the decor. Across from one of the sofas against the wall was a nice entertainment cabinet with a flat screen and all of the accoutrements normally found there.

  The layout was a little different from hers due to the extra bedroom and space, but it was really nice.

  “This is nice, champ. Do I get a tour?”

  “Yup,” he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her with him.

  “How much square footage is this?” she asked as they entered the kitchen.

  “Almost 1000.”

  She walked into the kitchen and ran her hand over the stainless steel appliances but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the Wolf cooktop.

  And started salivating like the beast it was named after.

  Whipping her head back to him, she nearly screamed, “What the fuck are you doing with a Wolf?! Do you even know what you have here?!”

  He smirked with a twinkle in his eye then shrugged innocently, “Previous owner liked to cook.”

  She blinked.

  “Shut! Up!” she yelled, still dumbfounded and her mouth practically on the floor. “And they didn’t take it with them?!”

  He chuckled, continuing to enjoy her reaction. He cleared his throat. “The previous owner died.”

  “Oh. Well, that explains it. You can’t take it with you and all that.”

  She turned to look back at the culinary work of art and seriously almost creamed her pants she was so excited. She wanted to use that stove. In the worst way.

  Continuing to shake her head in awe, she looked at the sleek design of the kitchen with deep beige walls, cream colored cabinets and silver pulls, with charcoal gray quartz countertops. It was masculine, and clean, and she wanted it.

  He must’ve seen the glimmer in her eye because he said, “You only want me for my appliances.”

  “Damn straight!” she snorted.

  He laughed out loud and pulled her to him, hugging her and burying his face in her hair.

  “If I wasn’t a confident man, I might be jealous of a stove,” he said humorously.

  She looked up at him and tapped him lightly on the cheek, saying, “That, my friend, is not just a stove. And I guess it’s good that you’re a confident man, champ. Because I want that stove, as you so crudely describe it. Do you know how wet I am just looking at that thing?”

  His eyes went from laughter to lust in a split second.

  “Yeah? How wet?”

  She leaned up on her toes and whispered against his mouth, “Very.”

  “Don’t tease me.”

  She chuckled. “Come on, big boy. Finish the tour.” She turned him around then hopped on his back for a piggyback ride through the apartment.

  He laughed while carrying her, passing a small dining nook and the living room, until they entered the hallway.

  “You know one of my fantasies is for you to cook me a meal at that stove. Naked. With just an apron on.”

  She laughed and kissed his ear. “Hmm. That sounds kinda kinky. I’ll make a note of it.”

  There was a small three quarter bath in the hall next to a bedroom that held a day bed, but was mainly set up for his office. He continued to walk her into the master bedroom that had an attached master bathroom.

  His room was masculine in tone and very clean. The colors were even more soothing than in the rest of the place, with pale slate blue walls and a cr
eam colored comforter and matching pillows on the bed. He walked her into the bathroom which housed a large shower, a nice sized vanity, and a toilet off to the side. It was done in grays and whites, and had beige towels hanging on the towel bars.

  He finally put her down, turned on the faucets, and stripped off his jeans and boxers.

  She raised an eyebrow then while he turned a very appreciative gaze to her, she stripped. He led her into the shower where they leisurely washed each other, laughing and enjoying each other’s bodies.

  “I wanna know how you got into my apartment, champ,” she teased as he ran his soapy hands up her torso and over her breasts.

  He looked at her as he let his slippery hands play with her nipples.

  “That would’ve been Ryann, via Jeremy.”


  “When he dropped off your tabletop yesterday afternoon, he swung up to see me and gave me the key from Ryann. Along with the pizzas from Janie.”

  He finished washing himself and turned off the faucets.

  She stood there and blinked. “You were home yesterday afternoon?” she asked in a deceptively calm voice. “How early?”

  He smirked and grabbed a towel to wipe her down.

  “Around three.”

  She stopped his movements. “Are you fucking kidding me? I could beat you right now! Do you know how much I was dying to see you?”

  He wrapped her in the towel and pulled her to him.

  “About as much as I was dying to see you,” he said looking deep in to her eyes. He leaned down and captured her mouth with his, sipping and nibbling. “I wanted it to be a surprise, and I needed supplies, like the candles. I needed to shower, unpack, straighten up my place, and rest because I knew I’d be keeping us up...” He let his voice drift off, and looked pointedly at her.

  She huffed and looked disgruntled.

  He laughed and swept her up in his arms, only to toss her lightly on the bed a moment later after walking out of the bathroom.

  “Now if I remember correctly,” he said peeling the towel from her flushed body, “we have some pizza to eat which you’re gonna heat up in that sex oven of mine. And I could really use a cup of coffee.”


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