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Bedding Her Billionaire Boss (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)

Page 8

by Angelo, Judy

  Dana almost groaned. How could he, just when she was getting her dance groove back? But one look at Rock’s face told her it was non-negotiable. With a sigh she took his hand and he led her away.

  Out in the hallway, with the sounds of the disco fading behind them, Dana reached out to touch Rock on the shoulder.

  He stopped, turned and looked down at her.

  “I just wanted to say thank you,” she said as she smiled up at his questioning face. “Today…and now tonight. I can’t remember when I’ve had so much fun.”

  He smiled. “You don’t get out much, do you?”

  Dana couldn’t hide her blush. How right he was. Since leaving college she’d been too busy with work and then with graduate studies to have much of a social life. At least, that was what she’d told herself. Her relative isolation had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that she’d sworn off men after a bad experience with an ex co-worker. Nothing at all.

  Luckily for her, Rock didn’t press her on the question. They continued on their way and, much too soon, they were standing at her door.

  “Well, thanks again,” Dana said softly. “I guess I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “You will,” Rock said, then smiled. “No more migraines. Promise.” He glanced at his watch. “Not bad. I got you to bed before ten o’clock. What say we meet at seven thirty for breakfast? That will give us plenty of time for our ten o’clock meeting.”

  Dana nodded. “That’s fine,” she said and then she stood there, staring up at Rock, not saying anything else.

  When he gave her a puzzled look – probably wondering if she’d dropped a screw downstairs on the dance floor – she knew she had to say it. Come on, girl. Be brave for once. Spit it out.

  She sucked in her breath then plunged in headfirst. “Rock, would you like to come in? For a drink…since it’s still fairly early.”

  There. She’d done it. She’d gone and invited a man into her hotel suite, for Christ’s sake. Idiot. How could you do such a thing? Now what’s he going to think? Take it back, quick. Tell him you’re tired, you didn’t mean it. Tell him-

  “I’d love to.”

  Rock’s words brought her racing thoughts to a screeching halt. He’d said yes. He was coming in.

  But…but in her state – still hot and bothered from all that dancing, heart still unsteady, hormones racing – would she be able to keep her hands off him? It would be sheer torture. She was such a glutton for punishment.

  “Great. Come on in,” she said, pretending to be calm and composed as she opened the door and stepped in.

  And as she walked into the suite ahead of him all she could think was, “Oh, Lord. I’m in big trouble.”


  Now that they were in the living room Dana was at a loss as to what to do next. Then she remembered. Drink. She’d invited Rock in for a drink.

  “Uhm, have a seat,” she said, waving to the sofa. “Just make yourself comfortable.”

  She turned away, not waiting to see if he’d sat or remained standing, and headed for the fridge then peered in. “I can offer you Sprite, Mountain Dew or apple juice,” she said over her shoulder. “Take your pick.”

  “After all that dancing my adrenaline’s still pumping,” Rock said, sounding quite relaxed. He was probably lounging on the sofa. Dana didn’t turn around to find out. “Mountain Dew’s definitely out. I’ll have the apple juice.”

  Dana poured the juice into a glass then poured some Sprite for herself. When she turned with glasses in hand and looked across the room Rock was watching her, his amber-colored eyes now darker in the shadows of the dimly lit room. She swallowed.

  “Sorry I couldn’t offer you anything stronger,” she said, forcing a tone of brightness into her voice. She walked over to the couch and held the glass out to him.

  “Right now,” he said softly, “juice is perfect.”

  She didn’t know why, but the way he said the words sent tingles racing up her spine.

  And then he reached up and took the glass from her. And their fingers touched. And it was like a jolt of electricity shot up her arm.

  She almost let go of the glass. Luckily, he took it from her hand just in time.

  Her body still in shock, Dana retreated to the armchair on the other side of the room. She had to put some distance between them. And she had to stay calm. Surreptitiously, she drew in a breath then let it out slowly. Okay, Dana. Get a hold of yourself. You’re the one who invited the man in, remember. Don’t go dumb now. Say something.

  “So, that was some fun, huh?” Dumb, dumb, dumb. Do you call that conversation? Maybe it’s better if you just shut up. Dana drew in another breath, trying desperately to think of something to say, something that wouldn’t sound inane.

  “Let’s dance.”

  Dana blinked. “Excuse me?” She stared at Rock and saw that while she’d been lost in thought he’d already finished his juice and was leaning over to rest his glass on the coffee table. She, on the other hand, still had a full glass of Sprite.

  She didn’t get much chance to think on this further as just then, Rock stood up and walked over to the safe haven of her armchair. Now it didn’t seem quite so safe anymore.

  Without asking her permission Rock plucked the glass from her fingers and turned to deposit it next to his. Then he took both her hands and drew her up to stand in front of him.

  “We left before the DJ put on the slow music. We have to remedy that.”

  His voice was low, seductive, and his eyes gleamed with a light that made her go warm inside.

  Was her boss coming on to her or was this a dream? If so, she prayed she wouldn’t wake up.

  “But there’s no music.” Her voice cracked with nervousness and she bit her lip.

  Rock gave her a confident smile. “I can fix that.” He walked over to the TV and switched it on. Then he flipped channels till he came to one that showed only a blue screen with tiny words at the bottom – Love FM. And they were playing one of the most poignant love ballads she knew – Beyonce’s ‘If I Were a Boy’.

  This time, when Rock pulled her into his arms there was no resistance. She wanted this, probably more than he did. Why should she deny herself the pleasure?

  So she melted against him, melted into the liquid silver of Beyonce’s song, her arms going up of their own volition to wrap themselves around the solid mass of man pressed against her.

  And when the song ended they danced to another…and another…losing themselves in the pulsating rhythms of love. And so, when Rock’s lips descended to slide along her neck and down to her collar, Dana was ready to receive all that he had to give. She moaned and arched against him, silently begging him for more.

  To her sweet relief he obliged. With a groan, Rock slid his lips lower, until he was kissing the tops of her breasts, sending thrills coursing through her body.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Please.”

  She could say no more. All she could do was give in to the pleasure of his kisses on that most sensitive part of her body.

  Rock groaned and lifted his head then covered her mouth with his, kissing her till she had no air and could only cling to him. Capturing her head in his big hand he tilted her face, the better to plunder her mouth and drain all resistance from her. Not that she had any left.

  And then he was bending to lift her into his arms and before she could regain control of her swirling thoughts they were in her bedroom and he was laying her gently on the bed.

  Dana had no time to wonder, no time to question what was happening. Rock was in control, stealing from her every ounce of doubt or fear. She wanted this, more than anything in the world.

  Rock slid his thumbs under the spaghetti straps on her shoulders and gently slid them down, lower and lower, till the top of her dress followed. A wave of shyness washed over her and Dana closed her eyes. He’d exposed her to his gaze and she knew exactly what he was seeing right now – the tops of her breasts swelling over the cups of her strapless bra, the pa
le skin of her belly bared to his view. She wished he would just kiss her, take away her trepidation, transport her to the heights of ecstasy with his lips.

  And he did. As Dana stole a peek at him Rock licked his lips then lifted a long, lean finger to slide her right bra cup down, exposing all of her breast and its rose-tipped nipple to his gaze. Then he lowered his head and sucked the bud deep into his mouth.

  Dana moaned, unable to hold back the sound of her passion. That felt so good. At the feel of his lips, his tongue on her, her body trembled and she grew moist. Oh God, she wanted more. So much more.

  Then Rock slid the other bra cup down and gave her left breast the same loving treatment, turning her insides into lava, making her writhe in sweet agony. Whether it was desperation or boldness, she didn’t know, but something made Dana slide her hands up under Rock’s shirt to caress the rippling muscles of his belly and then the muscled breadth of his chest. And here, her fingers found his nipples and she touched them and teased them, drawing a gasp from his throat.

  And then she heard it. The strains of music coming from the living room, a love song so exquisite yet so filled with pain. As Maroon Five’s ‘Daylight’ drifted into her room, and even as her hands slid over Rock’s body, she couldn’t stop the doubts from invading her mind. Like the words of the song, would she have Rock for this one night and then next day have to pretend it never happened? The thought was like a knife to her heart and her body went cold.

  A lump rose in her throat and before she could stop herself a sob escaped her lips.

  Rock froze. He looked down at her and the concern was apparent in his eyes. “Did I hurt you?”

  Unable to speak Dana stared up at him then shook her head.

  Slowly, he slid his body away from her then got up off the bed. His frown told of his confusion. He sat on the bed by her side and reached over to pull the top of her dress up and over her breasts. “You don’t have to do this, Dana,” he said gently. “Do you want to stop?”

  Again, no words came. And again all she could do was nod.

  To his credit, Rock demanded no explanation. Leaning over, he patted her on the shoulder then stood up. “I’ll show myself out,” he said, his voice quiet. “Good night, Dana.”

  With that, he turned and walked out the door.

  And as Dana heard the front door close behind him she wrapped her arms around herself and began to sob in earnest.

  Now there was no doubt in her mind. She’d gone and fallen in love with Rock St. Stephens. How would she survive this hopeless situation?

  And, after what had happened tonight, how would she face him in the morning?


  Even though Rock was deep in conversation with Gregory Smith, the owner of the luxury resort he was considering buying, he was one hundred percent aware of Dana. As he negotiated with the elderly man he was watching her out of the corner of his eye, and although her pen was flying across the paper as she feverishly took notes he could tell that her mind was miles away.

  Apparently she had a lot to think about, most likely about last night. He could understand that. He’d been thinking about it, too. But what the hell happened to make her change her tune right in the middle of their passionate embrace? He was still baffled.

  No time to think too much on that, though. He would get to the bottom of it later. Right now he had business to take care of.

  Rock did not get a chance to dwell further on the mystery of Dana Daniels. Immediately after the meeting they had lunch then Gregory Smith took them on a detailed tour of his property, two and a half hours long. By that time it was evening so they only had time to do a brief wrap-up meeting then Mr. Smith had to go.

  Finally, Rock was alone with Dana in the conference room they’d used for the meeting. Their main order of business now was to review the meeting then plan a course of action. He looked across the table at her but she looked away, obviously agitated. She’d seemed to be managing earlier when she had Mr. Smith as a buffer between them. Now, though, she was all nerves.

  For several seconds Rock just looked at her, saying nothing. What had he done to turn the girl off? Or did she get cold feet because she suddenly remembered that he was her boss? If that was the case she had nothing to worry about. He knew he’d crossed the boundary - only because he’d thought they were on the same page – but he’d already decided that at the first indication that she wanted out, he’d be gone. And this was it.

  “All in all, a good meeting,” he said as he gathered up the sheets of papers then began stuffing them into his briefcase.

  She nodded and began gathering up her papers, too, but she said nothing.

  Okay, this was going to be just a bit harder than he’d thought. Trying to put her at ease, he spoke again. “The good news is, our work in the Bahamas is all done for now. You’re free to do whatever you want.” Briefcase packed, he got up. “And depending on how you look at it, the bad news is, we’re not leaving the island till Sunday.” He gave a bitter laugh. “I don’t know if that excites or depresses you.”

  That got a reaction out of her. Barely. She gave him the tiniest of smiles then she said, “That’s good news. That will give me time to check out the beach.”

  Rock gave her a tight smile. “Good. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the beaches here. They’re among the most beautiful in the world.” Then giving her a curt nod, he walked to the door. “Thanks for your help with the meeting. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

  She murmured a soft reply but it was so low he couldn’t make out what she said. It didn’t matter, though. She’d made it clear that she had absolutely no interest in him outside of their professional relationship. He’d been a fool to even think of crossing that line. As old as he was, and as experienced as he was as an employer, he should have known better. Done better. But no, like a chump he’d given in to his base desires and had taken advantage of the girl.

  As much as it pained him to admit it, he knew he was right. Dana had been dazzled by the power of his position and then had realized at the last minute, what she was getting herself into. She’d done the sensible thing by pulling back. Who could blame her?

  With a sigh, Rock pressed the button to close the elevator door then leaned back against the wall. It hurt like hell but he’d have to accept defeat. As much as he desired Dana Daniels she was his employee and she was out of bounds.


  I’m bored. For the fourth time since she’d spread her towel on the sand and sat down, Dana glanced at the time on her cell phone. Eleven thirty-two. Was that all? Time seemed to be going so slowly.

  After she and Rock had parted the evening before, she’d gone straight to her room and hadn’t even looked outside for the rest of the night. His cool departure had told her all she wanted to know. Rock was angry with her…because she had refused to go all the way with him.

  And how unfair was that? She worked herself up into such a sweat thinking about it that she had no energy left to face a single soul that night. She hid out in her suite and ordered room service then sat there picking at her salad and grilled chicken while she watched old movies until almost one o’clock in the morning.

  And then she’d slept in until eight thirty. It was Saturday morning, there was no work on the day’s agenda and she could do whatever she wanted. And so she’d breakfasted alone at nine-thirty then had returned to her room and donned her bikini and headed back down to the beach. There was no way she was going back to New York City without being able to say she’d taken a dip in the Caribbean Sea.

  And here she was, two dips in the sea later, and bored to bits.

  It was then that she realized that you could be in heaven – well, in her case, in paradise – but if you didn’t have good company it was hardly worth being there. It was no fun being alone.

  She twisted round and stared back at the hotel building towering above her. Did she dare? Was she woman enough to swallow her fears and go find the one person who she knew on the island? And what if he didn’t w
ant to be found? What if he was still angry?

  Dana twisted her body back and stared out at the waves rolling in to the shore. Then she gave a grunt. There was only one way to find out.

  Her mind made up, she dug her toes in the sand then got up, taking her beach towel with her.

  Back in her room she picked up the phone receiver and dialed Rock’s number. He picked up on the third ring.


  At that moment Dana had no idea what to say. I’m calling you because I’m bored? She cleared her throat and even so, her voice came out in a high-pitched squeak. “Hello…I mean hello, Rock. It’s Dana.”

  “Hello, Dana. How can I help you?” His tone was clipped and businesslike. Obviously, he was not in a very warm mood.

  Dana almost beat a hasty retreat but then she decided to be brave. And honest. “Are you busy? I’m…so bored. I was wondering if you would like to come down to the beach with me?”

  Silence. For at least six seconds. Finally, Rock spoke. “Are you sure about this, Dana? I don’t want you to feel forced to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  “I’m very sure,” she said quickly. “I…just want somebody to hang out with. It’s lonely being on a beach all by yourself.”

  That drew a chuckle from Rock. “So you’re only calling me because you’re desperate?”

  “Well,” she said, dragging out the word, “since you put it like that…yes.”

  More laughter then he said, “Okay, I’ll meet you on the beach. Fifteen minutes good?”

  “Sounds great,” she said, relief and joy flooding through her. “I’ll see you there.”

  The ordeal over, Dana hopped off the bed and picked up the towel she’d tossed onto the sofa. Rock was coming down to the beach with her and she couldn’t have been happier. In fact, corny as it sounded even to herself, her heart sang at the thought.

  And for now her fears from the night before disappeared in the brilliant sunshine of a new day. She was going to see Rock and that was all that mattered.


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