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Emmy's Lesson [Classics Rekindled 2] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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by Josie Dennis

  Classics Rekindled 2

  Emmy's Lesson

  Emmeline Woodson is an independent, strong-willed, and opinionated young lady. Gabriel Kingley, Emmy’s staid and stoic brother-in-law, is forever scolding her, even though he has secretly wanted her for years. When Stephen Churchill, Gabriel’s longtime friend and Emmy’s childhood chum, returns to town, he declares that he wants her as well.

  Stephen proposes that he and Gabriel share her, and when they begin to teach her about desire and discipline, Emmy takes to their passionate lessons eagerly. Every skill she masters is rewarded, and every lapse is tantalizingly punished, until she craves the pleasure only they can give her.

  But when Emmy learns that Stephen is engaged, she fears they will each find proper women to marry, and she will end up with neither, which will break her heart.

  Gabriel and Stephen are determined they must teach Emmy to believe they love and want only her, but will this be her most difficult lesson yet?

  Genre: Historical, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Regency

  Length: 21,895 words


  Classics Rekindled 2

  Josie Dennis


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2011 by Josie Dennis

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-721-8

  First E-book Publication: August 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Classics Rekindled 2


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter 1

  Surrey, England, 1821

  “There, Father.” Emmeline Woodson smoothed the blanket covering her father’s knees. “Is that better?”

  “Better?” Her father huffed. “There is nothing to be done, Emmy. First your sister and now Miss Taylor.”

  “Mrs. West,” Emmy corrected. “She has been married these four months now.”

  “She was your governess. How can you stand her defection?”

  Emmy laughed, settling herself before the fire. The evening was chilly for May. “Hardly that, Father. Mrs. West resides not ten minutes from here by carriage.”

  His eyes grew wide. “You will not go!”

  She took in a breath. “No, not this evening.”

  He seemed placated by her words and began to doze as Emmy stared idly at the flames licking at the logs in the hearth. Another lonely night spent with only her father for company. She did have her thoughts, however. And they had become quite compelling of late. Of Mr. Gabriel Kingley, of all men. So starchy in company, yet his reproving gaze on her now gave her heat she had never expected. Her sister had married his brother three years earlier, and he seemed to take on the responsibility of seeing to her and her father’s welfare. He could be very overbearing, however.

  Oh, was he handsome! She had thought so forever, and had pined for him in secret. Glossy, black hair, deep blue eyes, fine physique. The thought of him sent a stab of desire through her. Now, at twenty-one years of age, it seemed as if her body wanted him as much as her heart did.

  He never showed any particular attention to her as a woman, to her chagrin. Just as a nuisance. In fact, the last time she saw him he’d pulled her aside to berate her for voicing her opinions in company. Imagine his high-handedness!

  He’d insisted that the farmer her dear friend Harriet desired was more than good enough for her while Emmy countered that the girl was worthy of more. That moment he’d drawn her close, however… Those eyes of his, so intense on her for a moment suspended. His strong body, nearly touching hers. Her breasts tingled now as they had that night, her nipples tight against her stays.

  To complicate her maidenly sensibilities another gentleman had recently returned to Surrey, one who amazingly awakened the same feelings Gabriel did. The son of the man her old governess had married, Stephen Churchill. He of the golden hair and laughing brown eyes, he was the perfect counterpoint to Gabriel’s glowering looks of disapproval. She hadn’t seen him in four years, but the memory of the kiss he’d stolen at one long-ago picnic had seemed the start of something.

  The other evening, when she’d dined with the Wests, he’d been in attendance. And would be for some time, if his declaration was to be believed. The heated looks he’d given her when his father’s attention was elsewhere caused her to hope he would renew the passion she’d naïvely mistaken years ago.

  Tonight, however, she sat here bored beyond belief. The trouble with being one of the elite in their little hamlet was that one spent a lot of time alone. No particular friends, no sister for company, and now no governess either. She flattered herself that both her sister and Mrs. West’s matches were of her doing, but there was little to occupy her now.

  Glancing over at her snoring father, she sighed. This was how she would spend the rest of her life. She would never marry, for her father declared he would perish if she went away.
Gabriel would never find her suitable and, with her new attraction toward Stephen, did she even wish to settle for only one man?

  “Emmy?” her father snuffled.

  Sighing, she rose and readjusted the blanket on his legs. Who was she to even consider settling with any man, let alone with the two she desired? She was tied to her father as sure as if she were shackled to the fine marble hearth.

  It seemed she would only have her heated dreams to keep her company.

  * * * *

  “Surely there is something to do in Highbury other than get deep in one’s cups and diddle the nearest bar wench.”

  Gabriel Kingley eyed Stephen Churchill, giving a shrug. “How long have you been back in Surrey, Stephen? A sennight, perhaps? Already you are eager to leave.”

  Stephen shook his head. “Not this time, Switch.”

  Gabriel blinked at the man’s easy use of that old school nickname, though it caused a smile to tease his lips. “Pray, educate me.”

  Stephen laughed then, a joyous sound that always lingered in his voice. How Gabriel had missed him.

  “You are the one who likes to teach,” Stephen said. “Remember that new maid at Cambridge? I daresay she enjoyed that lesson as much as we.”

  Of course Gabriel recalled that maid, and the lesson. He’d schooled her well that night, with teasing slaps and soft bondage until she’d begged for both of them. They’d each taken her then. Repeatedly. The girl had sucked his cock down to the root while Stephen fucked her from behind.

  He shifted to ease the pressure on his shaft as he raised his hand to order another ale. “Of course,” he allowed.

  Stephen grinned. “Still so stiff. What have you been about here in Highbury since I’ve been gone?”

  “It has been close to four years, Stephen. I daresay I have been about running my estate and seeing to my tenants.”

  “How exciting, Switch.” Stephen eyed the serving girl’s ample breasts then took a long sip of his ale. “What of the ladies?”

  Gabriel waited until the wench left their table. “I admit it has been some time since I have…indulged.”

  Stephen arched a golden brow. “Truly? There are no maids in the village open to your particular brand of—”

  “Hardly,” Gabriel cut in. “I have a position in Highbury that precludes that sort of interaction. Any interaction, truth be told.”

  Stephen grew quiet, a contemplative expression on his face that Gabriel rarely spied. “I am glad I have returned, then.”

  Gabriel straightened. “Explain.”

  “Perhaps it is time to shuck off that mantle. I’ve thought about resuming our exploits, but now I am sure of it. You need this.” He drank some more of his ale before continuing. “There is a girl here, Gabriel. One I’ve thought about during my years away.”

  “Emmeline Woodson,” Gabriel said.

  Stephen raised his brows then smiled. “Precisely. I daresay Emmy is the one.”

  Gabriel ran his fingers over his glass. “Oh?”

  Stephen laughed. “I knew it!”

  “Knew what, pray?”

  “You desire her for yourself,” Stephen whispered.

  “Yes.” It felt good to admit it at long last. “I’ve wanted her for years now.”

  “I want her as well.” Stephen let out a low whistle. “She is beyond beautiful, Switch. All that golden hair, those bright blue eyes. Her full and rosy lips. And have you noticed those breasts?”

  “I’ve noticed every inch of her delectable body, Stephen.”

  “I thought her a pretty thing four years ago but she is bloody beautiful now.”

  Gabriel met his gaze. “You will not trifle with her.”

  Stephen pulled back. “That is telling. No worries, however. What I am considering is no trifle.”

  “You wish to marry her?” Gabriel snorted. “I cannot see you settling with one woman.”

  “I have never wanted a woman like I want her. I would not consider it settling.” He shrugged. “I can see that we both want her. Why shouldn’t we have her?”

  “What?” Gabriel glanced about, seeing that no one paid undue attention to their conversation. “She is not meant for that.”

  “Whyever not? She is a passionate woman of independent means.”

  “She is an innocent, Stephen.”

  “Perhaps in body.” Stephen leaned in closer. “Not in spirit. She has a woman’s lust. I’ve felt it. At dinner the other night it was in all her looks. Tell me you haven’t smelled arousal on her. Underneath that delectable scent of lemons that always clings to her skin. Surely you have seen that rush of heat cover her beautiful face.”

  Gabriel recalled the other evening when he’d drawn her close. She had been visibly irritated with him but titillated as well. Her pupils dilated, her breath coming fast. It was both surprising and satisfying, and he’d fought the urge to lift her pretty skirts and touch her pussy to see if she was wet.

  “I have,” he rasped.

  “I wish to settle in Highbury,” Stephen said. “My Aunt Churchill has passed away and I no longer have to dance to her tune, nor stay in Yorkshire. I want Emmy. And I want you and I to share her.”

  Stephen had never looked so serious.

  “You’ve been thinking about this?” Gabriel asked.

  “For years, truth be known.”

  The possibility of both of them loving Emmy caused a shift in Gabriel’s chest, a sense of inevitability. It was as if their past exploits had been a rehearsal for the rest of their lives.

  “I haven’t shared a woman since school,” he admitted.

  “Nor employed your paddles and restraints?”

  Gabriel shook his head.

  “But you want to, don’t you? On one Emmeline Woodson?”

  “She rouses that need more than any other woman ever has. That saucy mouth, those vexing comments.”

  “Not to mention the thought of baring her delectable backside,” Stephen put in. “Causing a rosy flush on those smooth cheeks until she begs you to take her?”

  Gabriel grunted his assent. “The notion has plagued me for months now.”

  “It is settled, then.”

  Gabriel shook his head. “She is not a dalliance, Stephen.”

  “I know. We are two intelligent fellows, Switch. We could have it all, I daresay.”

  The times they’d shared a girl had given Gabriel the most pleasure he had ever experienced. To have that with the woman they both loved? Forever? Stephen was his closest friend, accepting all of his foibles and weaknesses without censure. A lifetime spent with him and with Emmy? He would do anything to make that happen. “Tell me your plans.”

  Stephen slapped a hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. “Happy to, my friend.”

  Chapter 2

  “How have you been, Emmy?”

  Emmy smiled at Mrs. West. “Well.”

  More than well, were she to be honest. She’d managed to escape her father’s home this evening, with the promise that she would turn down any invitations for the next three days. It would be easily kept. She had no desire to accept any invites that did not include passing some time with Gabriel or Stephen. And tonight both gentlemen graced the Wests’ table.

  “You look quite well, Miss Woodson,” Mr. West put in.

  “Indeed,” added Stephen.

  She glanced over at him, seeing heat in those brown eyes. Her cheeks flushed hot and she pulled her gaze from his only to find Gabriel’s deep blue gaze on her. She parted her lips, hoping to deliver a comment to quell the odd tingling in her belly, when he arched a brow. Here was the sanctimonious Mr. Kingley she’d known her whole life. Except he was not scowling. No, this evening a smile teased one corner of his well-formed mouth. For the first time in her memory, she fell silent before him and forced her focus on her plate.

  Soon the meal was concluded and they retired to the parlor. Mrs. West had certainly found a pleasing place to settle with her late-life love. Though not as grand as Hartfield, the home was comfortable and well-a
ppointed. There was the mystery of Stephen living far from his father for so many years, but Emmy recalled something about his aunt and her need to keep him close to her as she had no children of her own. The old woman passed away a few months ago, which no doubt allowed Stephen to come home to Highbury.

  “Do play for us, Emmy,” Mrs. West urged.

  Emmy affected a false modesty as she regarded the pianoforte. “Oh, I daresay I am out of practice since your leaving Hartfield.”

  Mrs. West laughed at that. “Have you forgotten your lessons already?”

  Something flickered over Gabriel’s face then, mirrored in Stephen’s open countenance. Contemplation or speculation, she would guess. But whyever would they give a care to her lessons?

  “I…” she murmured.

  “Do allow me to assist you, Miss Woodson,” Stephen said, taking her hand. “I shall turn the pages for you.”

  She could not refuse him, the touch of his skin to hers sending a flicker of awareness over her. Gabriel eyed their clasped hands, that smile once more evident. What was this? He had spoken harshly of Stephen in the years since his latest defection, saying if a man could return to Highbury he should. There was something in the back of her mind, a sense of hurt in Gabriel’s tone that had bellied his ire at Stephen’s absence. They had been friends at Cambridge. Why, Gabriel had missed him!

  “Surely Mr. Kingley can aid us as well,” Stephen said.

  Emmy swallowed. Both of them standing so close to her? She inclined her head and let the two of them bear her toward the instrument. She settled down on the bench, meeting Stephen’s gaze as he sat very close to her. Gabriel stood at her back, his heat sending sparks over her flesh. Between the two of them she could barely make her mind work. However would she make her fingers play the keys?


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