Kayla McQueen: Vampire Slayer & Half-Breed

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Kayla McQueen: Vampire Slayer & Half-Breed Page 3

by brett hicks

  “What would a little one like you know about my line of work cherri?” I gave him a very sweet smile and said, “I believe you are the one that resorted to following this little one, in order to get a lead no?”

  He very reluctantly conceded the point. “Tell me why I am not arresting you for posing as a federal agent?”

  I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and said, “Because I just lead you to a potential suspect in this crypt.” I pointed into the little stone building I was just trying to enter.

  “This suspect is the one in whom, this one works for then?” He was gesturing to our Igor on the ground now, being hand cuffed.

  “Can I draw my damn blade again, without having to dodge a bullet? I am not planning on using it on a living person anyway.”

  “You looked plenty happy to use it on this living person, “He pointed to the Igor. I shrugged again and said, “Strictly speaking, I do not count his kind as living anymore. Neither does the United States laws under the amendments for human familiars.” I went on to spout the whole article number and everything. He arched his eyebrow and said, “You are interested in being a cop then are you?”

  “Sure, when I can be one that is, but I also want to study supernatural anatomy and criminal justice farther, not just go to the academy and patrol the streets.”

  “Go on and draw you weapons, I will reframe from shooting you ok?” I nodded, but I could not hide my curiosity, at his sudden acceptance of the situation. He just gave me his best blank cop face back. He was only about four years older than me and he already was a detective in homicide and had a damn fine poker face too.

  I plucked both my sheathed silver and cold iron daggers from my wrist sheaths. I kicked in the door to the crypt and let the light bath the darkness of the small stone building. I could feel the heat of the large male presence at my back. He still had his gun drawn, but pointed above my shoulder, to cover me.

  I began to flip the old coffin lids up one by one. So far I had only found bones, but I spotted one back behind the very unorganized rows of ancient wood coffins. This one was flat black and much newer. I bulled up on the handle and inside was a mid-frame red haired vampire woman; she was about the same age as the detective upon death.

  I sensed her awakening and I shoved one blade into her chest, just short of her heart. I pinned her to the casket with the other through her right shoulder. I hissed to her, “Move and you are dead bitch.”

  She looked up at me with as much distaste as she could manage and hissed, “Dyamphyr!” It was a curse and a declaration. I gave her a cheeky smile and nodded in confirmation.

  “You are going to answer some questions, or I am going to throw you out into the afternoon light. As much as I hate trying to wash the smell of roasted vampire out of my clothes, I will just have to suffer through it.”

  “Ask your questions little girl.”

  “You were clubbing up Canal Street last night. Did you happen to notice any male vampires stalking a few she-wolves?”

  “I saw your she-wolves all early twenties and barely more than pups right?”

  I nodded and said, “Yes, continue.”

  “I did not get a good look, but I saw a few of my kind take note of them, no one I associate with though. I am more of a drink and erase type of girl myself.”

  “You don’t kill your victims. You glamor them and send them on their way, is that right?”

  She nodded slightly. “Why draw unwanted attention to yourself, if you can just live on the down low right?”

  I shrugged a little and said, “Can’t say that it does not make sense. These others, they do not share you compassion for the humans I take it?”

  “No, of course they don’t. The young think only of the thrill of the hunt and the fun to be had. Their mommies did not teach them about playing with their food.”

  I grimaced at that thought and gave her a murderous look. “If I let you go, will you bring me back some information on the others?”

  She stared at me for a long moment and nodded, but clearly wanted to rip out my throat. “I will do as you ask. What has become of my human?”

  I looked over to Detective Divichi and said, “He is taking him in now. If you both cooperate then maybe you will live to escape New Orleans.”

  I pulled my blade form her shoulder and cut a lock of her red hair. “I will take this with me to the apex of the wolf pack. If you try to fuck with me or this fine detective, you will be dead in hours. One of the young she wolves was killed last night and three other vamps gang killed a young human. You really want to cooperate, or you will be left out to dry, so to speak.”

  I saw her throat bob a few times. Her murderous waves of magic were clearing away quickly. I pulled my other blade from her chest and I sheathed one blade. I offered her my now empty right hand.

  “Do we have an accord?” She was hesitant, still very pissed at me, but she controlled her anger and her pale, cold hand grasped my warm one.

  “By my blood I swear to you I shall do this favor for you and you shall let me leave this city to never return.”

  I nodded and said, “By blood I swear to uphold my end of the deal, if you do not cross me in any way.”

  “It is done then child. I shall find you once I have something of value to you.”

  I shut the lid on her coffin and walked out the crypt, shutting the door behind me. Detective Divichi was right behind me and he looked bewildered.

  “Who are you that you can strike a deal with a damn blood sucker and walk away unharmed?”

  I gave him a small smile and said, “Detective I told you not to ask a girl all her secrets in one day. Hopefully this will produce something for one or both of your murders.”

  “And you actually plan to let her go?”

  I shrugged and said, “I swore on my blood to do just that, if she does not cross me in any way, by extension she cannot cross you, since she saw you with me. You really should show more gratitude. You would never be able to score a CI like that without me.”

  He looked like he was wrestling between respect for me, and disgust at my making a deal with the undead. Hell I did not like making pacts with evil things, but she did not lie to me when she insisted that she does not go killing. I did not pick up any violence in her cent trail and she left a damn strong scent.

  “Cherri just what are you?”

  I shrugged and smiled sadly. “I’m Just a normal girl, who happens to hunt vampires Detective Divichi.”

  He did not buy that for a second and I knew it, but I was not about to confess what I was to him. He clearly mistrusted me enough as it was.

  “Enjoy your Igor, maybe you can get something useful out of him.”

  “Petit, how do I reach you? I would like to know when that vampire contacts you.”

  “Sorry but I will just have to handle that myself. You will see my work, when they are all dead.”

  “Not good enough, I need to know how to contact you.”

  “You’re the detective, figure it out for yourself!”

  I strode off and began to retrace my steps, back to my car.

  Chapter: 6

  I updated the pack on my finding and left the red lock with Sally’s dad. He was more than happy to agree to hunt down a she-vamp if needed. I made him promise me to reframe from hunting her unless he had no choice. I may hate what I am, but swearing on your blood is a serious thing for anyone with vampire blood in the veins.

  I was having problems getting my “friends” in the pack to behave with me, so I opted to spend the evening in the local clubs. I had my fake ID like any other New Orleans teen, which spent time on Canal. I was not drinking tonight though, I was hunting. I was dressed down in my leather mini skirt and my black tank top, with a leather jacket covering my arms. I had my small nine millimeter zipped in the pocket of my jacket. I had my eyes lined with black liner and my lips were bright pink.

  I was going for local girl with a wild side, not easy skank. I had been forced to brush off several men
trying to get into my skirt. It was disgusting with whole male condition these days. It just seemed like everyone was cheap and easy. I was born and breed here, but I had a lot of dignity, considering how much I generally hated myself.

  I had intended to invite Sally, but she was busy with the vigil for Jenifer Barns. I was not welcome to this naturally, but I would settle for getting justice for Jenifer Barns as my form of honor to her memory. I hated how I was treated by the pack, but I could not blame them. I hated me plenty enough for us all. I just wish that being good enough to help find a murder, also meant being welcome to her vigil.

  Over the years I had grown accustom to the two faced nature of most pack rules regarding my kind. Good enough for Dylan to want to bang my brains out, bad enough for every wolf to be ready to kill me, while I tried to find a murderer. If I had more love for myself, I would be very angry right now, but I am just numb to it. I sipped on seltzer water and shook my booty to the beat of the drums. Tonight there was an in house live hard rock show. I was trying to act the part of club rat, in all truth it was not much of an act, I really love this kind of hard, loud music.

  I picked up the musk of a particular human male, with a subtle trace of spicy aftershave. I knew his scent well enough by now, but I did not expect him to lock his hands firmly around my center and pull me close to his hard body. Detective Jon Divichi was dressed in comfort fit jeans with wear holes in the knees and a tight black metal band shirt. He did not look like the law at all, he looked every bit the young man he really was.

  I will admit that my body was torn between tightening and heating to his touch and being worried about what he was doing here. He leaned down and spoke into my ear.

  “You are trying to get yourself killed now, are you cherri?” I really had to forget what he was for about five second, because he was mortal. He could not sense my lust. I gave myself to the count of five to enjoy his hands on me and then I gave him a subtly hard look in my stormy grey eyes.

  “I am working Jon Divichi and you are going to scare away all my potential murder suspects, if you keep touching me like that.”

  He tightened his grip down a little and my hormones were wagging war on my commonsense. I focused on being angry and used it like cold water on my needy body.

  “Detective this could be considered sexual harassment you know?”

  I gave him a sweet smile and he still did not let me go. I am a half-breed, so I am very strong; my supernatural instincts loved being man handled like this. I was going to lose my mind, if he did not stop this and now. I had not had any blood today; I had rushed out of the house too fast to drink my blood. Now a sexy long detective was grinding way too close to me and I was stuck between my vampire needs and my hormonal needs and they did not disagree with each other at all. Vampires generally had blood and sex at the same time.

  I felt my eyes change and I quickly, too quickly pushed away from Jon and began to walk out of the club. I passed the bouncer and he winked at me good night. He was a local were-panther, so he knew what I was.

  I was struggling to get my eyes back to their human grey and shape. My blood was boiling for more of that intimate touch and some of his mortal blood. I cursed in a long string and did not realize I was cursing loudly. I heard and felt him following me, but I hit my unlock button and slid into my car and left the parking lot in a hurry.

  I saw the detective standing there, like a confused, sad little boy. I hated what I was and I wished to God I could have just been human, or shifter, or witch. I was a freak of nature and I hungered for mortal blood. I could never trust myself to be with one sexually and I knew it. That was the most contact I had ever let a man have with me, outside of training and Jujitsu classes.


  I pulled up at my house and hopped out of my car and locked it up. I was distracted with my blood hunger, so I almost missed the magic of the vampire lurking on my porch. I was going for my dagger, when I heard her voice.

  “I am just here to honor our accord Kayla McQueen.” I cursed vividly to myself and said, “Have a seat, I am going to get us both something to drink ok?”

  She shrugged and seated herself, like a lady from an old European court in one of my rocking chairs on the porch. I quickly went in to my house and I pulled the type A blood bag from the fridge. I poured two glasses to the brim and I returned the bag. I walked back out carefully not to spill any and handed her a glass.

  “Thank you little one. I shall not have to hunt this night then.” I ignored her and took a long gulp of my blood and I felt myself beginning to calm down.

  “Oh you were experiencing the blood hunger little one.”

  I nodded, not really knowing what she benefited by knowing that information. “I danced with a guy and I forgot to eat this morning. I had to leave the club very quickly.”

  “Oh yes your hormones and your blood hunger intertwined. That only happens to us, if we are neglecting out needs. You just need to drink more little one; you are a growing little dyamphyr after all.”

  “Well I just eat as little as I can to be honest. I am not exactly in the habit of drinking as much blood as I can.”

  “What are you eating; give me an example of your current diet.”

  “A glass of pig’s blood once a day and a glass of the human stuff once a week roughly.”

  I heard her laugh and I looked at her to see her pale eyes and bright hair gleamed in the light. She was very amused with my foolishness.

  “Little one you should not be drinking animal blood now. Once you pass puberty, you will need human blood every day. Once you start to do that, you will notice your control will come back to you. You will also be a lot stronger, than the half-starved dyamphyr that you are now.”

  “Well sorry, it’s not like I have a vampire sensei to teach me all of this stuff. It is just trial and error. Hell I have never sat down and talked to a vampire, before now.”

  “Why do you think that is?”

  “Because I don’t want to end up being evil!”

  She snorted and laughed again. She pressed her right hand to her chest. “Sorry little one, but we are no more evil, than the wolves are. Some give in to the blood hunger and let it control their logic, but the rest of us just eat and let our humans live none the wiser.”

  “Well forgive me if I don’t just take your word on that bit.”

  “Yes I have seen the peril that your kind walks day in and day out little one.”

  “Did you have the information I asked for in our accord?” I decided that Vampire Dr. Phil time was up.

  “Yes I have two names, who claim to be taking action against the local were wolves. One has killed and the other plans to kill this night.”

  “What are the names and where can I find them?”

  “James of Whales and Drake of South France, they are both hanging out in the edge of the voodoo lands on the fringes. A bar called The Coffin and the Nail. I am sure your were wolves can find it.”

  I stood up and plucked my phone from my left pocket. “Thanks, um what do I call you?” She smiled sweetly and said, “Bella of London child, I will be leaving tonight and I shall just keep my mouth shut about your little vampire hunt. Be warned child, you shall make very powerful enemies if you see this hunt through. You are already known to the community and are becoming a very large pain in their collective asses. They will seek retribution, if you aid the wolves in this hunt.”

  I hit my speed dial number for Sally’s dad and it rang twice, before he picked up. “Yes?”

  “Apex, this is Kayla McQueen. I have the names and the location for the two guilty parties.”

  “Give me everything you have Kayla.” His deep, soothing voice boomed in my ear. I repeated everything that Bella told me and I just left out the little warning at the end.

  “I will meet you down there with my enforcers and my alphas. Thank you Kayla and I will see you soon.”

  “Sure, my pleasure sir.”

  I could not help but wonder what sh
e meant, by retribution, but I could not linger on the thought, because I had vampires to slay.

  Chapter: 7

  Down near the Mississippi located outside the Quarter, is an area known to sups as the Voodoo lands. Something about the graves and the fresh water make it a hot bed of necromancy and other voodoo practices. Hiding on the fringes of the voodoo lands takes a lot of balls, but it was not some where the wolves or I would have checked.

  I was waiting outside the Coffin and Nail bar for my back up to arrive. It took me about ten less minutes of travel time to reach the bar, because I live much closer to the heart of the city, than the pack does.

  After just about eight minutes of pacing near my car, I saw three SUV’s roll up. I knew it was pack, because they love their cheesy black SUV’s so much. They are like the furry mob in that respect I suppose.

  I saw the wolves unload and most went to circle the building. I saw Sally come to stand next to me.

  “Kay we are going in with my dad and his second. We will identify the vamps we are looking for. The rest of the wolves are to spread out and make sure no one slips out nets.”

  I nodded and accepted her plan, because she was using her alpha female voice right now. She was here for vengeance, not to play best friend. If I ever forgot what Sally really was, I remembered anytime I saw her game face and game voice.

  I had strapped a short sword to the spine of my back and I had two extra daggers in my boots. I had a small seven shot clip and a spare for my nine. I had my little switch blade in my right pocket too.

  I saw her dad nod to me and I followed him into the Coffin and Nail. We were barely in the door, before the music literally stopped. I pushed out my magic like a protective coat around myself. I was immune to glamor, but this also protected me from any spells. It also prevented any kind of psychic abilities from touching me.

  A tall man, a few inches taller than Sally’s dad came to a stop in front of us. “What do you animals and this little half-breed want?”


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