Kayla McQueen: Vampire Slayer & Half-Breed

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Kayla McQueen: Vampire Slayer & Half-Breed Page 4

by brett hicks

I let my eyes slit and turn silver in anger. I was not here to play nice, I was here to kill. Using his Apex voice, Jean Early boomed, “You have two here who broke the peace and have attacked my pack. I am here for them and no one else.”

  The giant spiky black haired vampire looked amused now. “And whom do you want me to hand into your gentle embrace mister Early?” He sounded south western, like he was turned in the old, Wild West days.

  Jean boomed again, “We are looking for James of Whales and Drake of South France. Surrender them and we will leave.”

  The whole bar was so quiet, that I could have sworn I heard a few mice squeaks. I felt the tension mount to the breaking point, and then a middle aged vampire rushed me. I spun to the side at the last moment and I took out one dagger and as he came back for a second pass, I thrust the blade, lightning fast into his chest. I heard him cursing in French and I quirked one eye brow up.

  “Apex Jean, I believe I might have killed the one from France.” I gave him a sheepish look and he just shrugged, like, “What can you do?”

  I was able to get a good whiff of the dead man, but he was not the one that killed the she-wolf last night. He must have been the one Bella claimed was planning to kill a wolf. I breathed in the scents of the various death and grave musk. I caught the scent I wanted and it led me to a very snobby looking young man.

  “I wouldn’t do that little dyamphyr. His sire is the lord of these lands.”

  I looked at his in the eyes and he tried to glamor me. When it failed he looked confused, because most vampires and dyamphyrs could be tricked and their minds could be invaded, but I was immune for some reason.

  His eyes went wider for a moment, realizing that I was immune to his charms. “James of Whales I assume?”

  I saw his nostrils flare in insult and anger, but he nodded. He thought too much of himself, to not admit to his own name and reputation. I felt the spike of magic in the air and I went to the handle of the short sword at my spine and I pulled the twelve inch blade from its sheath.

  I turned in time to parry a full broad sword off my blade. In the next split second all hell broke loose. The wolves outside had shifted to wolf form and they jumped in through the windows and began to attack anything without a pulse.

  The broad sword touting crazy vamp was the one that warned me not to kill James. It was basically even numbered fight on both sides of this melee, but were wolves in their animal form are more agile and slightly more powerful than the average vampire. It is their natural edge in battle. Fight them in human form and it is close to equal power.

  I was trying to keep James in my sights, but I had no choice but to devote my full attention to this broad sword wielding mad man. I Jumped out of range of his blade and I spun into a fierce side kick. It caught him in the gut and I tried to advance, but one of the other vampires came in from the side.

  I hit the floor in a roll to the right side and brought my blade across his flank. I heard him grunt in pain and He spun my blade up in time to catch another blow from the broad sword on it. I kicked at his knee, then rolled back and popped up into a crouching ready stance.

  “You train very well child, but I’ve had three hundred and fifty years to practice with my blade.” I could see the truth in his statement. Despite being able to land a few blows of no real importance on him, he was not breaking his defense. He circled me slowly and looked for an opening. I stayed in a low ready stance; I had practiced staying in this stance for hours at a time for years now. I could hold any defensive stance for a very long time, without breaking form.

  I saw him blur forward into me and I brought my blade horizontal and deflected his powerful blow. I crouched low and made him flip over my head. I could not avoid the gab of his powerful blow of the hilt into my cheek. I heard crunching and felt bones break.

  I felt the pain blossom fully and I danced back and away from a thrust, but it caught my belly and it cut nearly an inch into my stomach. I front kicked him to give me enough time to recover, as much as I could.

  I saw him blur and I blurred straight into him and I dropped my sword, palling my dagger from my sheath and I jabbed it into his neck. I caught his sword hand, with my left hand at the same time. I saw the gleam of pride and respect in his eyes. He smirked at me and winced under my dagger.

  I was about to dig my blade deep into his throat, when a blow caught me full in the back and I fell away from the tall Scottish vampire. My sight was going spotted now and my right shoulder burned in pain.

  I did not have time to think; I just drew my small hand gun and fired at the blur coming at me. I had silver hollow points in my gun. He stopped in mid motion with three bangs of my gun fire. I caught him in the chest with the next crack and the hollow point destroyed enough of his heart to drop him.

  I pulled a dagger from my left boot and it clashed with the heavy broad sword coming down on me. I cursed, through my broken jaw and kicked viciously at my large sandy haired attacker. I saw him look over his shoulder and he said, “Latter Lassie, we will settle this.”

  He kicked me in the face and I saw him jump out the window, and the world went black around me.

  Chapter: 8

  I woke to the sound of running water and I sat up in a hurry. I was still disoriented from being knocked out and I expected to have to parry a blade. I was restrained by two heavy male hands. I looked up and into Dylan’s eyes. I saw a little concern and amusement mixed together.

  “Hey champ you’re up!”

  “Where am I and what happened?”

  He let me go and he reached beside the bed and handed me a bottle that was filled with blood. “Drink this champ, you are probably starving right?”

  I blushed dark red at the rumble of my stomach, as if it was on cue to embarrass me. I looked down and I was wearing an extra-large male tee shirt, which fit me like a gown. I think I looked like a cherry right about now, because I was nearly naked under the tee shirt and it smelled like Dylan.

  I took the bottle of blood from Dylan quickly and spun the cap off. I turned it up and chugged it down in record time. I never needed extra incentive to drink blood, when I was recovering from a real injury.

  Dylan sat next to me and folded his hands on his lap. “Well basically we did get the one you killed, before the brawl started. We took out about half a dozen more vamps after, plus the second one you dropped. When you were knocked out, the big ass Scott and the pussy James fled through the window. We would have had James if that fucking Scott did not keep guarding him. Some of the survivors are in our cells now and they are singing like pigeons. James of Whales is the sired son of the king of New Orleans.”

  I cursed and I touched my hand to my cheek gingerly at first. I was already healed. “How long was I out for?”

  “You have been out about seven hours now. It is currently five a.m. in the morning.”

  “How the hell am I already healed up then? I have never healed this fast before.”

  “Well we gave you a blood transfusion, when we first got here and you began to heal pretty fast after that. Apex thinks that you have been starving yourself or something. He said that was why you healed slower before.”

  So Bella was telling the truth after all. I nodded and said, “How many were hurt from the pack?” He smiled brightly and said, “Honey you took on the big bad and we just picked off the little bitty vamps. We had some bruises and some cuts, but you got off worse than the rest of us.”

  I allowed myself a little smile, because I was the worst of the damage. I did not like the wolves’ behavior towards me, but I did not wish them any harm. I knew we lived in a world full of violence, but I did not relish the thought of wolves in pain.

  “So Sally and her dad are both ok?”

  “Yep, she would have taken you to her place, but your mom was looking for you and she knew she would see you bloody and beat up, if she did.”

  I let out a string of curses and I saw Dylan flush a little at my language. I pulled my knees up to my chest and hugged them. �
�Is she still stalking the pack grounds?”

  “Oh she is camped out at Sally’s house waiting for you.”

  “Shit, do you mind being my camouflage?” I gave him a sweet pleading look and my grey puppy eyes. Dylan sighed and said, “What do I get out of this?”

  I felt his desire, before I even smelt it this time. I was very aware of my half naked state on his bed now. I must have looked like a deer in headlights, because he cupped my chin and said, “I was only joking, well mostly. You cannot blame a young guy for wanting you. You are beautiful.”

  I felt like I was still caught in headlights, but I cleared my throat and swung my legs off his bed. “Where are my clothes?”

  “You sure you really wanna get dressed Kay?” I saw the lust glazed look he was giving me and damn my hormones agreed with him. I shook my head and said, “I gotta go. Mom may drive me half crazy, but she is all I’ve got.”

  “I got you a change of clothes from your stash in Sally’s room.” He sat one of my hard rock tee shirts on the bed and a long sleeve under shirt. I had a pair of comfort fit jeans and clean socks. Dylan let me get changed and I did not have a bra, but I was not huge of chest, so I could manage.

  Dylan walked me back to Sally’s house and right before we got into view, I buried my head into his chest and wrapped one tiny arm around him. He looked at me with unveiled curiosity.

  I heard my mom storming to me, with a thundering heart rate. “Where have you been young lady?” I gave her a very cheeky smile and said, “Having lots and lots of safe sex.” Her eyes widened and then she took in Dylan with his one hand at the mall of my back. He did not look much over twenty in human terms, because wolves barley age past puberty, just like Dyamphyrs.

  “You were what?”

  “Sex, with Dylan, you need me to paint you a picture?”

  She threw up her hands in defeat and said, “Here I thought my daughter was off bleeding to death in a ditch somewhere. All you were doing was turning yourself into a whore with a male wolf.”

  “Well it was very good sex mom; you really should try it sometime.”

  “Mom I am gonna drive home in a few minutes ok. I just fell asleep at Dylan’s house and lost track of the time. I’m sorry for not calling.”

  She looked very far from happy with me, but she seemed relieved just to see me in one piece. She stalked off to her car and waved goodbye to Sally’s mom, who apparently had been stuck babysitting my mom this would time.

  “Sorry Mrs. Early and thank you for covering for me.” She smiled sweetly at me and said, “Kayla dear, do you really think it is a good idea to lie to you mom and let her think you were just being irresponsible and promiscuous?”

  “I never thought I would hear the word promiscuous from a she-wolf Mrs. Early.” I heard Dylan cough and cover his laughter.

  “Ok sassy pants I will see you tomorrow. “ I waved good bye to her and I detangled myself from Dylan’s warm body.

  I got in my car and hurried home to face the wrath of the world’s deadliest monster, my mom.

  Chapter: 9

  I was too wired to sleep when I got home, so I put on a pot of coffee and began to read some more material on a local school for criminal law and supernatural studies. I was trying to wrap my head around the courses required to graduate with a duel major in these two areas of study, when I heard my mom come down.

  I went into the kitchen and refilled my mug. I poured one for her and sat it across from me, on the table in the living room. Mom and I had our little spots picked out for when we chilled in the living room, one of the perks to being a two person household. She picked up her mug and took a long sip. I was looking at her out of the corner of my eye. I was very curious, because I expected all hell to rain down on me soon enough. She had crashed for about four hours, after getting home. I really did feel bad for lying to her and practically rubbing a hot guy in her face. I am going to blame that on my vampire DNA.

  “So you and that Dylan guy.” I nearly spit up my coffee, where I sat. I looked over at her slowly and hoped my poker face stayed in place.

  “Dylan and I are friends and he helps me learn more martial arts. He is a third degree black belt in Jujitsu.”

  “Honey you’re a third degree black belt in Jujitsu.” I wanted to curse like a sailor right about now. She did not by my lies at all and I knew it now. One good look in her eyes and I knew she saw through the smoke screen.

  “I would be more relieved that you’re still a virgin, if I was not pissed beyond comprehension at you lying to me like you did.”

  I sagged in my comfy chair and said, “What was I supposed to say? Hey mom sorry I did not come home, I accidentally screwed up and got cut up in a sword fight.”

  I saw her eyes widen and I sighed and said, “I helped them catch the vampires who murdered a young she-wolf not much older than Sally and I. I am not sorry for it and I am tired of having to justify myself all the time. I’m sorry you don’t have a normal daughter, who is throwing her legs around every man that moves and not at danger, but I am supernatural mom. What do you expect me to do? To shut up and watch people be killed, when I can find the killers, with my Dyamphyr abilities?”

  I saw the weariness in her eyes and she said, “I don’t know what to do anymore Kayla. You are about to turn eighteen and you are running around like you live in a Kill Bill movie!”

  I crinkled my nose at that comparison, because I thought I looked cooler than Uma Thurman, with a sword in hand.

  “Mom I try to be as safe as I can, but supernaturals play for keeps. You don’t go to jail for crimes against our community, you die for it. That is the only reason why crime is not worse than it is in this city and hell this whole world.”

  My mother, Jenny McQueen just hung her dead in defeat for a long moment. “Look I am just trying to keep you safe Kayla. I know the wolves tolerate you, but you don’t fit into any sect of supernatural in this city. You are playing hard and loose, with no backup. Your little Buffy routine is going to get you killed and soon.”

  I rubbed my temples with my fingers and said, “Please no more Buffy references, because it is an insult to the real deal sitting right in front of you.”

  She looked at me with such sorrow deep and cutting. “Yes your kind often ends up being real life slayers. It is just as if fate puts you here to kill off the very creatures that gave you life.”

  I gave her a very pointed look and said, “You gave me life, not some creature. It’s not your fault that your husband was turned and was still human enough to miss the signs, hell he probably had you glamoured the whole time.”

  She said very tartly, “Oh trust me, I am as immune to glamor as you little slayer.”

  My intelligent remark to this discovery is, “Huh?” My mom dropped her gaze and said, “You should know, since you are playing so lose. I am a born witch Kayla and I was once second in line for leader of my coven. That is why the witches hang around me so very often. You were supposed to be the next heir, but they refused you, because of your vampire blood and sealed away your magic.”

  I stopped her and held up my hands. “What witch powers dammit? I don’t have any witch magic, just the vampire magic and glamor.”

  My mother looked at me and her stormy eyes glowed and I felt her mantle of power for the first time in my life. “Not yet my dear, but you are my daughter and on your eighteenth birthday, you will have access to you powers for the first time in your life. Your witch half will come back to the surface and you will have much more power as a Dyamphyr too.”

  “So why does this mean I am going to die young?” I had a bad feeling about where this conversation was headed.

  She sighed in exasperation and weakly said, “Because not only will the vampires wish you dead, but the covens too. You have no true allies and no sect at your back to protect you. You are running wild and killing every vampire that crosses you. Do you honestly think that they will sit still now? I heard the whispers about the little raid last night. I know you targeted the ki
ng’s son and the little twit is in a hissy to see you bleed dry and tortured to death.”

  I was feeling very angry again and I felt my heat rising up. “How could you keep all of this from me? How have you known so much all my life and let me believe you are just a mundane? Maybe things would be a little different if I knew I could actually talk to you about this shit? How old are you really mom?”

  That last question hit a nerve and she said, “I am not that old Kayla Danielle McQueen.” I winced at the use of my full name. Only a pissed off mother could make a full name cut like a whip.

  “I grew up with Jean Early. He and I are only a year apart in age. That is the second reason why he is kind to you Kayla. He accepts you, because you are Sally’s best friend and because I was his best friend growing up.”

  I blinked about two dozen times in surprise at this development. It makes a hell of a lot more sense now, because no mortal could just storm onto the pack’s land and demand anything. I just assumed that he was overlooking that fact, because it was my frail mundane mom. In fact she could have spelled him half way to Sunday and he knew it. That makes a lot more sense, than the weak mundane demanding her daughter in the middle of the night.

  “Wait, so what was dad? Was he really a human?” She looked away and said, “No he was a witch too.”

  “SO he is a witch and a vampire, then why are people not trying to kill him then?”

  “Because once you become an undead vampire, you do lose you living ties to the mantle of magical power of your witch bloodline.”

  “Why are you telling me all of this out of the blue? What has changed that you are suddenly saying, “Congratulations, you’re even more of a supernatural freak, than you already thought you were.”

  “You’re not a freak Kayla! You need to stop hatting yourself so much! You are the granddaughter of the greatest witch of all of New Orleans. McQueen is a noble bloodline of witches honey. I am telling you all of this, because there is a lot of unrest in the city now. The mundane police are finding a lot of murdered women. It is more than just vampire feedings too. There is blood magic and death magic being used openly again. The wolves are restless, because there are many dissentions in the ranks of their pack too. There are so many things going on right now and it is all happening very close to the coming of age of all the next generation of heirs of power. Kayla you are one of the four heirs of power. As much as most of the covens hate the thought, that is the fact. They also hate how invested you are into the pack, but they hated my friendship with the pack just the same.”


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