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Vampire Charming

Page 11

by Cassandra Gannon

  He began to look exasperated with her. “I do not sleep with them. They just inevitably find it pleasurable. If I were to bite one of the female rebels, her mate would be… unhappy with the results. Women find me nearly irresistible, even when I don’t bite them. After I taste their blood, they are forever smitten with me.”

  Jane really wished she could argue with that narcissistic statement. It was hard to miss the truth of it, though. Especially when a woman with scales and neon yellow hair swooned at the very sight of him. The twit squealed his name like something out of Bye Bye Birdie and then collapsed to the ground in ecstasy. Her fellow yellow-haired creatures tried to bring her around. Well, the ones who weren’t blowing kisses at Slade, anyway.

  “Here’s looking at you, King!” One of them shouted.

  “Come up and see me sometime.” Another offered in her best Mae West voice.

  “Hasta la vista, Slade-y.” A third one called, even though the line made absolutely no sense in this context.

  God, Jane hated it here.

  Slade cast his comatose fan an unconcerned look, disregarding the propositions. Apparently, he was used to insane spectacles. Why wouldn’t he be? Every time he strolled through town it became a parade of his deluded fan club. Literally. The man had an actual fan club. “Also, I am not sure that most of these beings are exactly human, so their blood might not nourish me.”

  Jane saw where this was headed. “Well, you’re not biting me. Are you crazy?”

  “It will only take a moment.”

  “A moment where I’m bleeding from the neck!” She jerked open the rickety door to her hut. “I mean it. No way is this happening.”

  “It’s painless. I promise.” He ducked through the doorway after her.

  “How would you know? Have you ever been bitten?”

  “No, but…”

  “Well, neither have I and I don’t like the idea of some Vampire at my jugular. Is that really so hard to understand?”

  “But, it’s not ‘some Vampire.’ It’s me.”

  She looked over at him.

  Blue eyes locked onto hers, holding fast. “It’s just me, Jane.” He repeated, softly. “I know it is hard for you to have faith in anyone, but --deep down-- you trust me. You would not be here if you had any doubts. I will take your blood, but I will not hurt you. I swear it.”

  She thought for a long moment, weighing her feelings for this guy. “How much blood?” She finally asked.

  Slade’s expression lit up. “Just enough to survive.” He promised, looking eager to convince her that this was a good plan. “I cannot eat the things you do, but I still need sustenance.”

  “Like you’re missing so much with the à la carte squirrel dishes every night.” She crossed her arms over her chest, still considering her options. “You can’t --like-- drink deer or something?”

  “No. It must be human blood. You’re my best hope.”

  “Do not try guilt-tripping me. It won’t work.” Except, she already knew it was going to work. Damn it.

  “This will help you, too. Your blood will restore my strength, so I can fly us out of here. It will save us both.”

  “We’ll think of another way.”

  “There is no other way. Even if there was, this cannot be avoided for much longer. I am a Vampire. I will die without blood.” He regarded her gravely. “Please help me, Jane.”

  Damn it.

  Jane blew out an irritated breath. It was the “please” that did it. And the fact that he was so mind-meltingly handsome. And she did want him flying up there and finding them an escape route. Mostly, she just didn’t like the idea of him being hungry, though. She’d been hungry too many times in her life to inflict that on Slade. It made no sense for him to go without blood when she could fix it so easily.

  “Alright.” Jane muttered.

  Slade blinked at her easy agreement. “Alright?” He repeated. “Just like that?”

  “What, you think I’m mean enough to let you starve?”

  “No.” He gave her a strange smile. “You would never let anyone suffer, Jane. You have the softest heart I have ever encountered.”

  “I don’t have a soft heart.”

  “Of course you do. I am just surprised that you did not make me beg a bit more. I was prepared for at least an hour of pleading, while you tried to recruit some other women to feed me.”

  “I guess I’m not that smart.” Imagining him touching anybody else pissed her off to an unhealthy degree. If Slade needed to do some weird, sexual, bloodsucking thing, it should be with her, damn it. “But --hey-- if you want another donor, I can…”

  “I want no one else.” Slade interrupted firmly. The door slammed shut behind him, so he filled the small interior. “I only wish to drink from you, Jane.”

  “Eww. Don’t say that. Call it…” Crap. No pleasant euphemism sprang to mind. “Never mind. Shit. Whatever. Let’s just get this over with.”

  “Right now?” He urged, like a kid who couldn’t wait for Christmas to come.

  There didn’t seem much point in putting it off. “You have something better to do?” Jane stomped across the dirt floor of her temporary home. It was furnished in a stylish way that any Puritan would envy. From the roughhewed log table, to the stained stone fireplace, to the uncomfortable mattress on the ground, it was a snapshot of why air-conditioning and television sets were totally the way to go.

  Slade moved closer to her. For a second, his blue eyes glowed with a hunger that didn’t seem like it had much to do food, but it was probably just her imagination. “You will not regret this, Jane.”

  “Of course I will. I’m already positive that it’s a bad idea, but what’s one more bad idea this week, right? You can have an ounce or two, if that’s what it takes.” She jabbed a finger at his chest. “But, if I catch Vampirism, I guarantee you’re going to be my first victim.”

  Chapter Eight


  Unlike most supernatural beings, Werewolves don’t have destined brides. Their species is perpetuated by stealing the mates of their enemies. Luckily, they have a lot of enemies. It’s the plus side of being the most hated supernatural beings in the universe. FANG has never been bothered by the idea that there is no special woman waiting for him, because he knows that he can take any woman he chooses.

  And he’s chosen SLADE’S human.

  He has no idea what JANE looks like, but it’s not important. Each rebel he captures and each spy who reports back to him, tells tales of JANE SQUIRE. She is a harridan. Bossy, pushy, annoyed with the rebels, impatient with SLADE. Yet, she is also loyal to the Vampire above all others and far too smart for anyone’s peace of mind. All sides of the war are coming to fear the woman. No one can predict her and it frightens them. FANG knows the DARK FAIRY’S prophesy was correct. JANE SQUIRE is the key to Vampire’s success.

  That’s not the only reason he wants her, though.

  At first --sure-- FANG was mainly interested in JANE because he assumed that she was SLADE’S Eternal-One. Now he’s beginning to wonder if that is even true. How could this infamously difficult woman belong to the Vampire? In fact, when FANG finally tracks them down, SLADE will probably be glad to be freed of such shrew. Vampires like their females vapid and weak. …But, Werewolves appreciate some seductive bitchiness. Forcing obedience is so much more rewarding than having it freely given.

  Besides, there are whispers that JANE carries a book with her that can predict the future. The DARK FAIRY is desperate for it, claiming that it holds much power from the world of Chicago. FANG is dreaming about it, too. When you’re struggling to hold onto your kingdom, a terrifying woman and a magickal book might come in pretty damn handy.

  Redrafted Film Script- “From Here to Infinia”

  Jane took a deep breath, trying to calm down. Her heart was pounding, already panicking over what she’d just agreed to. Why did she always go along with his insane ideas? She was pragmatic enough to know better, but Slade som
ehow overwhelmed her common sense.

  He was like a Milky Way bar. You’re in the checkout line and you know not to pick it up. You think you can ignore the shiny wrapping and just walk away. You’re strong and smart and full of willpower… but somehow the candy still winds up in your basket.

  “We’re not having sex, Slade.” She tacked on a little belatedly. “I mean it. Whatever aphrodisiac-y stuff goes on when you bite a girl, it isn’t going to work on me. No sex.” It would be a huge mistake to get in any deeper with this guy.

  He nodded, his expression dazed. “Whatever you wish.” He murmured. He would probably agree to anything in order to have his dinner. “We must touch, though.” His huge body shifted behind hers, moving quickly before she changed her mind.

  And she should totally change her mind.

  “Yes, fine. Touching. But nothing else.” Jane’s eyes drifted shut, feeling the strength of him pressed up against her back. One of his arms encircled her waist, drawing her against him. Oh wow… “Just –like-- what you have to do biologically.” She got out unsteadily.

  He nuzzled the curls at her temple as he lowered his head. “Only what is necessary.” He whispered and Jane’s insides took a sensual dip. That felt like it was more than just necessary. Slade’s breath was hot on her throat and she was suddenly understanding the whole aphrodisiac thing.

  Against her better judgment, her body melted into his. “Slade…” She whispered, unsure what caveat she was about to tack onto this terrible, terrible idea.

  He didn’t give her a chance to figure it out, either. Slade let out a groan at the sound of his name and then his teeth sunk deep into her flesh.

  Jane’s eyes went wide, flames tearing through her system. “Oh my God.” She couldn’t breathe. She couldn’t think. All she could do was hang on. “Oh my God.” Just that quickly, she was on the brink of the largest orgasm of her life. It was like Slade was stroking her in a thousand places at once. She instinctively began moving against him, feeling the hard length of his erection and needing it.

  She’d never needed anything so much.

  Slade gave a low snarl, gripping her tighter.

  “Oh yessssss.” Her head fell back against his shoulder, loving this. And hating it. The pleasure was making her crazy. It felt like he was licking every secret part of her. She couldn’t process anything except the tension growing tighter and tighter. And tighter… “Oh please.” Her hips undulated against his, needing relief. “Please, Slade.”

  The begging did the trick. Kings liked supplicants.

  One of Slade’s hands slid down her body, finding the opening in his jacket. He yanked the fabric aside, ripping off the buttons, so she was naked before him. She was too far gone to care. Slade’s fingers moved like he wanted to memorize each inch of her skin as quickly as possible.

  Jane arched into touch, as his massive palm caressed her everywhere. She dimly recognized that she should’ve felt self-conscious about her size, but he seemed to like what he saw and she was having a too good a time to care about anything outside of Slade’s hands. He brushed the junction of her thighs and the grazing touch was enough to have her seeing stars.

  It felt really, really, really right.


  Jane’s eyes popped open. “Wait.” She gasped and caught hold of his wrist. She tried to focus through the sensual haze. This was a mistake. It wasn’t supposed to feel so right. That was just going to lead to a broken heart. It was too big a risk to go any further with Slade.

  …For some reason that she could no longer remember.

  Slade pulled back to lap her skin. A bead of blood trailed down her neck and he licked it away. Jane shivered at the sensation, her body weeping for him. Pragmatism faded as quickly as it had appeared.

  “Gods, you taste even better than you smell.” He whispered. “How is that even possible?” His free hand tangled in her hair, gripping the curls with erotic strength. He angled her head to a more vulnerable angle and Jane whimpered with lust. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “N-no.” She panted. “Please.”

  “Good, because I don’t think I can.” He looked down at her naked curves and swallowed hard. “I need you too much.” He bit her again, even deeper. Like he wanted more. Like he was passed all control.

  Jane gave up trying to resist. Some part of her knew this was a mistake, but she needed him, too. Her restraining palm slid free from his wrist, letting him continue south. Slade rewarded her with a pleased growl. His massive hand slid between her damp folds of flesh. He started a gentle massage, urging her legs apart.

  All Jane’s senses went into meltdown. She helplessly shifted her stance, giving him better access. He could do whatever he wanted, just so he’d let her come. She had to come or she was going to burn alive.

  That surrender was what he wanted. Instantly, his long fingers were pressing inside of her. Jane let out a wail of desire as he thrust two of them into her tight channel. She went up tiptoe, needing even more.

  He wasn’t giving her more, though.

  He kept her like that for several centuries of time. Just milking very drop from her body and listening to her plead. Slade seemed as close to the edge as she was. His other hand left her hair and found her breast. Her nipple beaded against his palm, pressing deeper into his touch. He molded her flesh like he wanted to mark her.

  “Mine.” He rumbled and she nearly broke down in sobs.

  Holy shit. Slade’s idiot ex-wife had chosen some Werewolf over him in bed? The woman must have had the IQ of a really stupid brick. Nobody could be better at this than Slade was. It was a goddamn revelation. Jane suddenly saw what the fuss was about when it came to sex. Before, it had always seemed kind of lackluster, but now she finally got it.

  Holt shit, did she get it.

  Just when Jane was sure she was going to die of pleasure, Slade’s thumb stroked the straining nub of her desire and she exploded. Hot, wet waves of ecstasy pulsated through her. It went on and on, washing away everything except the incredible sensations he’d create within her. She collapsed against him, breathing hard and unable to keep her head up.

  Slade lifted his face from her throat, looking as stunned as Jane felt. His gaze locked on hers he coaxed every last tremor from her body.

  Her eyes dazedly traced the perfect angles of his face and she gave a stunned smile. “Wow. You are the king.” She whispered.

  Then, she sank into darkness.


  He’d taken too much.

  “Jane!” Slade grabbed her closer, lifting her limp body against his chest. Her head lolled against his shoulder, her toffee-colored hair sending off small sparks wherever it touched him. Gods, what had he done?

  He should’ve stopped when he’d had enough blood to survive. He’d told her he would, but he’d been too greedy. Too lost in the incredible taste of her. And the feel of her. And the sensual sounds she made. She’d trusted him and he’d taken advantage, because he’d been helpless to let her go. He’d wanted her so badly that he’d become an animal.

  For the first time in his life, Slade had lost himself while feeding. This not-so-ordinary little human set his whole system on fire. His body was still throbbing for release. It had been all he could do not to strip off his clothes and take her fully. He’d wanted to slam inside of her body until he was spent. And then do it again. And again. Until Jane knew exactly who she belonged to and so would everyone else who might think to steal her. He’d felt his Dark Instincts pulling him down, telling him that she was his. Telling him to claim every piece of her, so she’d never slip away.

  That wasn’t supposed to happen. Even with Melessa, Slade had stayed restrained and the taste of an Eternal-One was supposed to drive Vampires mad with passion. Slade’s powerful self-control and innate honor has made it easy to resist drinking too much from his ex-wife, though.

  Very easy.

  Too easy.

  The whole process with Melessa hadn’t gone well. She hadn’t liked being bitten
and Slade never pressed the matter. Her blood had a bitter, unpleasant taste. He took exactly enough to keep him alive without having to drink from another.

  They’d never even fully consummated their Eternal-Bond. That had become a sticking point at the trial. The Vampire King was supposed Eternally-Bond with his mate by his thousandth birthday. That was one of the stupid rules of the kingdom and Slade had tried to bypass it. Bonding with Melessa had somehow seemed… worthless. His enemies had used his hesitation when they stole his land. He’d lost the crown, thanks in large part to his aversion to Melessa’s blood.

  It was nothing like Jane Squire’s. Even knowing it was selfish, Slade couldn’t get the sweetness of her out of his mind. No one else had ever tasted so good. Christ, how could he ever go back to the bland, tepid blood of others now that he’d had her?

  It was as if she was made for him.

  “Jane?” Slade laid her down on the straw mattress, working hard not to stare at her naked body. Jesus, she was beautiful. Hating himself, he quickly covered her with a blanket. His gaze traced over her pale face, instead. “Jane, open your eyes.” He fumbled to remove her glasses. “You must open your eyes. I am your king and I insist you obey.”

  She didn’t open her eyes. The woman never did as she was told.

  Slade sank down beside her, wanting to cry at how still she was. His Jane was always so full of insults and confusing ideas and life. “Please, look at me.” He smoothed back her incredible curls, marveling at their soft texture, and not even hearing his own desperate pleas. “Please, my One. You cannot leave me here alone. I need you. I need you so much.”

  Humans were fragile. He knew that. How could he have been so rough with her? So demanding? What if she didn’t recover? The thought filled him with fear and the King of the Vampires feared nothing.

  Slade rested his head on her chest, listening to the steady beats of her heart. If she would just awaken, he would make this up to her. He would never drink from her, again. He would do anything she asked.


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