Vampire Charming

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Vampire Charming Page 19

by Cassandra Gannon

  “Remember when you asked me what wooden robots are?” Jane asked softly. “I think those are wooden robots.”

  “I take it you are the one who activated them, when you detoured into Symon’s workshop as we fled the village?”

  “Seems that way.” She smiled at him. “I didn’t really read the instructions, though. I just flip a switch to see what happened.”

  Slade’s mouth curved, adoring her.

  “Kill them all!” Fang bellowed.

  The mass of his army fled, but his private guard remained. His most trusted and highly-trained soldiers shielded him, trying to drive the robots back. This was a staggering defeat for the Werewolf and Slade hadn’t even had to raise a hand. It was beautiful.

  Fang cursed violently. He craned his neck, trying to spot her through Slade’s protective grasp. “Give me the human and I’ll give you Princess What’s-Her-Name.” He offered desperately, sensing that he was nearly out of time. “It’s an even trade, Vampire.”

  Jane Squire would never duck behind anybody. No way. In her mind, death by Werewolf was no doubt preferable to admitting weakness. But, she instinctively moved her head so Fang couldn’t see her face through Slade’s shoulder. Her fingers twisted in the fabric of his shirt, hanging on like she wanted to be as close to him as possible.

  Slade’s breath caught in wonder.

  She trusted him to protect her.

  It was the first time Jane had ever believed in him as a man. Probably, it was the first time she’d ever believed in anyone. His optimism about their connection returned in a rush. If his independent Eternal-One could rely on him, then anything was possible. In that second, he knew he could win her over completely. …Assuming they survived this.

  “It’s alright.” Slade murmured and turned his back to the enemy. Strategically, it was a stupid move, but it made Jane feel safer and that was all that mattered. “I have you, my One.”

  “I want to get out of here.” She whispered, again.

  “The woman you want, for the woman I want.” Fang persisted, still trying to get a good look at Jane. Goblins and robots battled around him, but he didn’t even glance in their direction. “You take the princess and I will take Jane Squire. Your honor will be assuaged. I’m not going to harm the human. You know that’s not what I want from her.”

  Oh, Slade knew full well what the bastard wanted from Jane. Fang could sense she was the greatest treasure in this universe. His animal instincts were trained on claiming her as his own. Slade would die first. He started flying towards the opposite side of the field, frustrated that he had to leave Fang alive, but not willing to subject Jane to this any longer.

  “Maybe this Werewolf talisman thing-y is busted.” Jane muttered. “He doesn’t seem repelled.”

  “That is not how the bracelet works…”

  Fang cut him off, frantic that Jane was leaving his sight. “The princess is a centerfold, you know.” He tried. “Quite the supernatural beauty. And she’ll legitimize your quest for the kingdom. You need her, if you’re going to claim Infinia, Vampire. And I need Jane Squire. She’s destined to be my mate. I can feel it.” He sweetened the pot. “I’ll even throw in my favorite pegasus. I recall your fondness for horses, Slade. Be smart and we’ll both leave here winners. Make the pragmatic choice, for once in your life.”

  Jane glanced up at Slade, her expression concerned. “Don’t believe him. He’s doing all this to trick you into going over there. I can’t possibly be what this is about. Guys do not get obsessed with me.”

  “I am.”

  Jane blinked at him in surprise.

  How could she still not understand? “I am beyond obsessed with you, Jane. You are every thought in my head and every beat of my heart. My best friend. My Eternal-One. My partner. Do you honestly believe I would ever give you to Fang? Do you think so little of me?”

  “No.” She looked hypnotized. “No, of course not.”

  Slade wasn’t appeased by her quick answer. “You are what this about. I told you that. Fang wants you, because he knows you are extraordinary. He is not a fool.” Slade shook his head. “But, there is no prize that I would ever trade you for, Jane. Not Infinia. Not a pegasus. Not my own life. I will kill and die to keep you at my side. No matter the cost, I will always see you safe. You should know that.”

  “I do know it. I’m sorry. Really. I didn’t mean…” She trailed off and gave a strange smile. “I’m just not used to someone caring about me. I’m used to being nonessential to the plot.” Her hands came up to cradle his face. “Or maybe I’m used to hanging out with pragmatists instead of heroes.”

  “You do not believe in heroes, so…”

  She lifted her lips to his and Slade forgot to be irritated. She was kissing him! Jane had never instigated anything between them before. She’d never thought he was worth the risk. Shock and delight flickered through Slade, but they were quickly overshadowed by desire. He would never get enough of the woman’s taste.

  “Jane.” His mouth opened over hers, hungry for more. “You are the most essential part of my life. I would not…”

  An arrow slammed into Slade’s arm cutting him off.

  “Open fire!” Fang screamed at the Goblins, a bow clutched in his hand. The projectiles wouldn’t kill Slade, but the Werewolf was too angry to care. “Forget the robots! Bring down the Vampire!”

  Jane screamed in panic. “Slade!” She tried to examine the wound, her fingers soft and searching. “Oh my God, you’ve been shot!”

  Slade quickly overpowered her efforts to help, knowing what was about to happen. He dragged her arms in front of him, so every part of her body was shielded by his. He curved himself around her as more arrows rained down. Slade didn’t even try to get out of their path. If he moved, it would expose Jane as a target. A single arrow could be deadly to a human and now she was inches away from hundreds of them.

  Everything that was Jane was housed in this small, mortal form. What had he been thinking to bring such a delicate creature to Infinia? Gods, he’d been so fucking selfish! Slade surrounded Jane and prayed the onslaught wouldn’t harm her.

  She was already struggling to get free. “Are you out of your mind?! What are you doing?!”

  He ignored that, holding her still. He felt the arrows piercing his back and shoulders, disrupting his magicks. Despite his best efforts, so many projectiles hitting him at once knocked him from the sky.

  “NO!” Fang bellowed, realizing his mistake. “Stop shooting! The Shadowmen will kill my woman!”

  Slade barely heard him. Half-a-second before he slammed into the ground, he turned his body to protect Jane. Still holding her against his chest, he hit the field on his back, the arrows breaking off and tearing more of his flesh. The impact created a ten foot furrow in the dirt and left Slade dizzy with pain, but he didn’t have time to assess his wounds. The Shadowmen were already moving towards them.

  “Slade!” His grip loosened enough for Jane to get her head up. Anxious gray eyes met his. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” He got out, not sure if it was true. “We have to go.” He staggered to his feet and picked her up, again. He could see the end of the Corpse Road now, but the Shadowmen were right on top of them. Clawed hands reached out for them, trying to drag them down. Slade pushed himself into the air, narrowly evading capture.

  “Jesus! Slade, stop!” Jane tried to stanch the bleeding. “You’re hurt too badly.”

  “If I stop, we’ll die.” Pure determination had him flying towards the boundary of the field. Injuries had drained too much of his power. He wasn’t sure he could make it.

  He saw the green grasses shifting into blackened rocks. Forty feet. Saw the boiling red pools that could only be the Magma Pits of Maldondorr. Thirty feet. Saw the Shadowmen keeping pace beneath him, fighting each other for the blood that dripped from Slade’s body and expecting him to fail. Like he always failed, when it was important. Twenty feet.

  Too far.

  His strength was fading f
ast. He wasn’t going to make it. They were so close, but Slade could feel himself beginning to blackout. He’d known his earlier victory against them had been too easy. He’d known that he’d blow it in the end.

  “I’m going lose.” He wasn’t aware he’d whispered the words out loud until Jane responded.

  “No, you’re not.” She took a deep breath like she was trying to center herself. “A pragmatist would lose, but you’re better than that. You’re Slade, King of the Vampires. You can do anything.”

  He looked at her in surprise.

  Ten feet.

  Ten feet between Jane living and dying. Ten feet and she’d be safe. She met his eyes, trusting him, and all the doubts faded away. In his entire life, she was the only thing he was absolutely sure of. Jane was his Eternal-One. And the Eternal-One of a woman like this could surely keep going for ten more feet.

  Slade’s gaze stayed locked on hers as he somehow got them passed the field.

  The staggering relief he felt sapped the last reserves of his energy. Slade tumbled to the ground again. He automatically shifted to protect Jane, which was fortunate since this landing was even less graceful than the last one. The best he could say about it was he somehow avoided the magma pits and most of the bigger rocks. His arms shielded her head, her delicate body cushioned by his. He skidded to a halt in the black gravel, Jane clutched on top of him.

  Less than a second later, a perfect face hovered above his. “You are totally crazy.” Jane whispered, her voice awed. “But you are the only real hero I’ve ever met.”

  At which point Slade knew he wasn’t a hero, at all. Almost losing her to the Shadowmen… Fang’s unceasing attempts to steal her away… Nearly dying… all of it pushed his Dark Instincts to the breaking point. They screamed at him to do whatever it took to claim this woman. Now. And, for once, he was going to listen to their ravenous urgings.

  …Just as soon as he could sit up.

  Chapter Thirteen


  ROLAND has followed the river into the Endless Woods. With the curse on them (somehow) lifted, he isn’t afraid to venture into the darkness of the trees. If TEGAN was right, then SLADE is hiding here with the rebels. Unfortunately, ROLAND has been searching for hours and there’s no sign of his enemy. As much as he wants a live-and-in-person chance to see ALLANDRINA topless, ROLAND is getting tired. And hungry. And bugs are biting him.

  This quest is totally harder than he thought it would be. Damn it, he’s got stuff to do, ya know? ROLAND is thinking about saving himself a lot of trouble, and just going home to jack-off to ALLANDRINA’S picture instead of rescuing her. …Then he sees the woman.

  She’s washed up on some rocks by the edge of the stream. Her body is broken and burned and she is clearly close to death. She’s still super-hot, though. ROLAND has a thing for gals in S&M outfits and she’d dressed in a leather leotard. He scampers down the embankment to check on her breasts. Um, make that pulse.


  Hey, you okay, mysterious and sexy stranger?


  (In a wheezy, dying -but still kind of Russian sounding- voice)

  No. The Vampire has killed me.


  Now he’s killing chicks with big boobs? God, he’s such a dick. I’m going to make Slade pay.

  Where is he?


  (Still wheezing)

  The Vampire and his bitch human left the Endless Woods, after they pushed me over the waterfall.



  Yeah, but if it happened after you went over the falls, how could you possibly know that they left…


  (Reaching up to grab his stylish tunic)

  Death is upon me, boy! Stop with your mindless questions and focus on what’s important.

  The Vampire is on the Corpse Road. You must stop him from completing his quest.


  (Nervously tugging on his ear)

  The -uh- Corpse Road? No offence to the dying, but that sounds pretty gross. I don’t think…


  (Wheezing her last breaths)

  Circle around and cut Slade off at the Magma Pits of Maldondorr.

  Go forth and prove you are… king of the world.

  DALLYN spreads her arms LEONARDO DICAPRIO-style and then dies. (Note: OMG, we MUST get LEONARDO DICAPRIO for this movie. That would be so cool.) The camera pulls back in an overhead crane shot, implying her upward ascension, because attractive people should always go to heaven. Though he’s just met her, ROLAND is deeply affected by the death of someone with such a smoking body. Um, make that indomitable spirit.


  (Throwing back his head and screaming out in manly pain)


  Redrafted Film Script- “From Here to Infinia”

  Jane was surrounded by a wasteland of lava straight out of Return of the King and she didn’t even notice. Slade was hurt. That was all she could process.

  What was she supposed to do? Jane wasn’t a doctor. The only time she’d ever even played one had been in some stupid local TV commercial when she was twenty-three. Her only line had been, “My patients love the great taste of Geno’s Pizza.” Why would a doctor be advertising a pizza restaurant? The role hadn’t made any fucking sense! Goddamn it, if she’d tried out for better parts, this wouldn’t be happening. If she’d become a regular on Gray’s Anatomy or something, she would have picked up some medical pointers. As it was, Jane was useless. She didn’t know how to help Slade. How could she…?

  Jane’s frantic thoughts skidded to a halt, as she stared down at her hands. They were covered in blood. Slade’s blood. He was losing too much blood.

  Vampires needed blood.

  Her eyes desperately glanced around, falling on a jagged piece of obsidian. That looked sharp enough. Jane grabbed the stone, yanking open the front of her shirt. “Alright.” She could do this. Without giving herself time to think, she sliced open a long, shallow cut on her neck. Actually her hands were shaking so badly, that she missed and it was more like her collarbone, but it would have to do. “Slade?” She lifted his head, bringing it to her torn skin. “Slade, sweetie, you have to drink.”

  He certainly wasn’t fighting the idea. Slade gave a low groan, his mouth opening against her wound. His tongue slowly tasted the flowing blood. Following it as it pooled onto the top of her breast. His teeth grazed and then…

  “Oh God!” His teeth sank into the delicate globe and Jane’s whole system went into meltdown. It wasn’t the time to jump the poor guy. He was hurt, for Christ’s sake. But her body didn’t seem to realize that. When Slade bit her it was like being dropped headfirst right into the middle of the best sex ever. Her libido just wanted more. Jane’s hand clenched in his hair, her eyes squeezing shut, as she tried to keep control.

  Slade wasn’t trying to keep control.

  Not at all.

  He fed with insatiable greed for a long moment and then slowly lifted his head to look at her. …And Jane knew she was in trouble.

  Those Dark Instincts he was always going on about were running the show. Slade’s eyes were half-crazed with lust and hunger. His body was healing fast, but he sure wasn’t thinking clearly. “Jane.” He rasped and began tugging at her clothes. “Now.”

  Her chances of spontaneous combustion reached one hundred percent. “Slade, you’re injured.” She tried to push his hands away from her bra and get him to focus. “Hang on. You’re not yourself. You can’t…”

  Or maybe he could. Slade ripped the scrap of lace right off of her and then moved on to her khakis. “Have to have you now.” He sounded guttural. “Can’t wait.”

  “We’re outside.” There was nobody around, but it was still pretty scandalous. At least to Jane. A certain Vampire seemed fine with it. “Slade, someone could see.”

  “Don’t care.”

  He held her against him, even as he stripped her naked. The guy had in
credible dexterity for someone so recently shot. Jane had no idea how he moved that fast. Not that she was exactly trying to fight him off. Her body was screaming for him. She loved that he was so intent on making love to her. But, this wasn’t like him. He was usually such a gentleman.

  Jane tried to remember how to breathe as the hot air of the magma pits blew across her exposed nipples. “Later, Slade. We can do this later.” Sleeping with him had always been inevitable, but he was too hurt for this kind of activity. What if it caused permanent damage? What if they did this and then he snapped out of his caveman mood and regretted it?

  It didn’t seem like he was going to regret it, though.

  The guy was as aroused as she was. She could feel it.

  Slade caught both of Jane’s wrists behind her back, dragging her forward so she was straddling him. His fingers rubbed against the links of that ugly silver bracelet. He always checked to see if she still wore his gift and he always smiled when he felt it. His free hand found his belt, freeing his massive shaft. He probably would’ve taken his shirt off too, but there was still an arrow holding it in place.

  “Now.” It was an order.

  The guy always had a one track mind. Typically, it was fixed on getting his stupid crown. Right now, it was all about having her do hot and dirty things to his incredible body.

  Jane whimpered at the feel of him straining beneath her. If she sank down Slade would be inside of her and it would be… incredible. She tried to tug her wrists free, but he wasn’t letting go. She should’ve known he’d want to dominate in bed. Kings liked obedience. Jesus, she really liked this, too. She had no idea she was into bondage until she met up with the Vampire. She wanted him to hold her down and make her beg.


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