Vampire Charming

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Vampire Charming Page 20

by Cassandra Gannon

  Still, she made one last effort to get through to him. “Listen, when you’re better, I promise you can do whatever you want to me, okay? I’ll happily go along with all kinds of kinky shit. I swear, Slade.”

  “Now, Jane.” He arched his hips to brush her core with the crown of his erection.

  She bit her lower lip, trying to stay strong. He wasn’t going to go any further until she okayed it. Not even in his current frenzy. She completely trusted him in that. So she could just refuse and then…

  His forehead dipped forward to rest against hers. “Please, my One.” He breathed. His lips found hers, coaxing and sweet. “I need you so much.”

  Oh shit. There was no way she could resist that.

  “Now.” She surrendered and slowly lowered herself onto him. Her eyes stayed locked on his as she eased down. “Tell me what you want and you can have it, Slade. You know that. Just don’t hurt yourself.”

  His hand came up to tangle in her hair, holding on like she might try to slip away. “Not want. Need. I need all of you.”

  She slid forward at the harsh command, taking his even deeper. Her eyes dipped down as her body yielded to his. She wasn’t a submissive person, but this game was jacking up her desire to even greater heights. “Like that?”

  “Yes.” His head went back, his expression rapturous. “Mine.” His jaw locked, his voice darker than she’d ever heard it. “Finally.”

  God she could orgasm just from his rasping tone. Sex with him was so good, she couldn’t believe it. It just wasn’t possible for something to be this fucking incredible. “Yours.” She panted, knowing that was what he wanted to hear. And it was completely true. Who else could ever compare to this man? “Are you sure you’re okay to do this?”

  Blue eyes burned into hers. His free hand stopped touching her long enough to reach over his shoulder and yank the arrow from his back like it was a splinter. “The wounds won’t kill me.” His lips found hers again, tossing the arrow aside. “But, if I can’t have you now, I will die.”

  Only Slade could get away with dialogue that cheesy. Jane chuckled and kissed him back, starved for the taste of him. “So, have me. You’re the king, remember? You can do anything you want.”

  Oh, he liked that remark. Slade shifted his hips, driving into her as deep as he could go and she cried out. He gave a snarl of pleasure at the sound. “You are my soul, Jane. It’s not just something that you give me. It’s you. It’s the way I feel about you.”

  “Uh-huh.” Jane was barely listening to him. She couldn’t focus on anything except the heat. She could feel Slade throbbing deep inside of her and she had to move. She was so close to release that she could taste it, but he was holding her still. “Please.” She whispered needing release.

  “Please what?”

  “What?” She couldn’t think. He was so big that he stretched places she hadn’t even known existed. She bit back a sob. If he would just move, she could…

  “Please, sire.” He breathed into her ear. “That’s how you address a king, Jane.”

  Jane’s gaze flashed back to his in surprise and Slade had the audacity to smirk. He was teasing her. God, that was adorable. “You’re supposed to be a hero.” She reminded him breathlessly, playing along. “A hero wouldn’t say something so kinky to a damsel in distress.”

  “Are you in distress?” Now that he was inside of her, he seemed calmer, like he was reassured. “Don’t worry. I’m fair to all my subjects. My Eternal-One insists on it. She has a very soft heart.” He lifted her slightly and then dropped her down again, eliciting a moan of pleasure. “In fact, every bit of her is soft.”

  “I’m going to get you for this later, you know.” She gasped.

  Slade looked thrilled to hear that. “Gods, I hope so. But, right now, you’re so tight, Jane. I can feel how close you are. Just two little words.”

  He wasn’t going to relent. She loved it. “Please, sire.” She asked seductively.

  “Again.” Slade released her hands to grip her hips, guiding her movements. Rewarding her with several deep strokes.

  This game was turning her on so much she might just die. “Please, sire. More.”

  “Yes.” He lowered his face to the curve her neck, his fangs scraping against her hammering pulse. His teeth sank deep and Jane almost blacked out from ecstasy. His hands came up to squeeze her breasts together, measuring their weight. It didn’t take a mind reader to know that he was planning to do all kinds of unchivalrous things with them.

  The hero of this movie was going bad.

  It was incredible.

  Jane tilted her head so he could have better access and rode him up and down. “Slade, I’m going to come.” She couldn’t hold on much longer.

  “Not yet.” He shifted again so she couldn’t get the last bit of friction she needed. “Not yet, my One. It has to be together.”

  She bit back a curse as he stopped her release. “Are you sure you’re not the villain of this movie?”

  “I am about to be.” He lifted his head, his eyes still not completely clear. “Wizard-Warlocks need consent before they claim their mates. Vampires do not.” He lifted up a piece of obsidian from the ground and made a small gash in her palm.

  A drop of blood pooled and Jane blinked. “Hey, what are you…?”

  “You do not wish to drink from me, so this is the only way. Don’t worry. It will heal in a moment.” He sliced his own hand, much deeper than he’d cut her. “I did not want to do it this way, but the Dark Instincts are beyond my control. It is the best way to protect you. The only way.”

  Jane’s eyes widened, panic fissuring through her sensual haze. Hang on, was he doing that Eternal-Bonding thing? Could he do that? “You can’t do that!”

  “I can do it.” He assured her. “No one can stop me from claiming my Eternal-One. Not even my Eternal-One.”

  Definitely, not Hollywood love scene dialogue.

  So why was it making her feel safe? Like maybe Slade wasn’t going to make her jump off that bridge, after all. Like maybe he was going to climb up to meet her. He slammed their palms together, so their blood joined, and Jane yelped in surprise.

  …Or maybe he was going to push her off.

  “I’m sorry.” He told her, not sounding sorry. “I will not lose you, no matter what I must do.”

  “It won’t work.” She frantically shook her head. “I’m not the heroine.”

  “Then, we are a perfect match. I told you, I am not feeling much like the hero.”

  “You’re not acting like it, either. This is crazy, Slade!”

  He shrugged, unrepentant about his sudden heel-turn. “If you’re right, and you are not my Eternal-One, then nothing will happen and you can gloat about how smart you are.” He dipped his head to nuzzle the curls at her temple. “If I’m right, then you and I will be linked forever.” His voice got deeper. “And Jane?”

  “Yeah?” She got out, her eyes glazing over. It was really, really hard to concentrate on arguing when he was inside of her, but as soon as she’d recovered her normal brain functions, she was going to clobber him.

  “I am Slade, King of the Vampires.” His teeth grazed her ear. “I’m always right.”

  She sucked in a quick breath as he took control of their pace. Supporting most of her weigh, he thrust into her, again and again. Her mouth opened in a silent scream. He was going to shove her over the edge, only she had no idea what was down there. “I can’t, Slade!”

  Slade stopped. Their bodies were still intertwined, but he wasn’t moving. No matter what either of them said, he could never be anything but a hero. She could see the strain he was under, but he wasn’t going to push her.

  …And that was enough to calm most of her fears.

  He waited. “Do you want me to continue?” He finally asked, as seconds ticked by.

  Did she want him to continue?

  Jane swallowed. “You don’t understand the risk you’re asking me to take.” She whispered, trying to think. Damn it, she wanted t
o be brave enough to jump. She just didn’t know what would happen if she let go. Could she really do this? What if it all went wrong?

  Slade’s hand was still clasped to hers, their fingers locked. “There is no risk.” His voice was low and desperate. “Even if we somehow weren’t Eternal-Ones, you are still the only woman I would ever want.”

  “But, the kingdom…”

  “Means nothing compared to you. I am completely and totally in love with you, Jane Squire. Just you.”

  What did he just say?

  Her damp eyes flew to his, shocked by the calm pronouncement.

  Slade seemed amused by her astonishment. “Did you not notice my feelings? Everyone else has, I assure you. I am not a subtle man.”

  She gaped at him. He loved her?

  “You have consumed me from the second I first saw you in that grocery store and nothing will ever change that.” His free hand touched the side of her face. “You are not taking a chance with me. We are a sure thing, no matter what this ritual does. Just have a little faith.”

  Jane stared at him. Slade stared back, waiting for some kind of response. Too bad for him words were totally beyond her current capabilities.

  “This is the part where you tell me what you want.” He prompted after a long moment. “You say I don’t ask you that enough and you are right. It isn’t egotism, though. It’s fear. I am always worried that you’ll tell me good-bye, so I try to push ahead and drag you with me. I will not do that anymore. It’s your choice, Jane.” He eased away from her. “Do you wish me to stop? Because I will stop if…”

  Jane jumped.

  Yanking him back, her mouth sealed over his. Her hands grabbed his body closer, trying to be careful of his wounds, but mostly just wanting him as hard and deep as he could go. She was plummeting towards the unknown, but she wasn’t afraid. Hell, why would she be? Wherever she was headed, Slade was going with her and he wasn’t going to let her go splat.

  “Oh, thank gods.” Slade groaned, kissing her back like he was wild for her. “Releasing you may have been beyond even my strength. You are so beautiful and I am so in love with you, Jane. Do not ever leave me. I would be nothing without you.” He pistoned inside of her and the words washed over her and there was no way Jane could hold back.


  Her orgasm was powerful enough to drag him down, too. Slade gave a roar as he erupted inside of her, his arms tightening around her body, like he’d never let her go. Jane arched towards him, as waves of pleasure crashed through her system. The wonder of it went on and on. It was like nothing she’d ever experienced. As the wracking pleasure eased into small aftershocks, she looked at Slade…

  …and knew she’d come home.

  He wasn’t exactly a cute little bungalow with red shudders, but he was right where she belonged. He was the place she’d been looking for. She’d been an idiot to doubt this guy.

  Slade, King of the Vampires was always right.

  Jane’s dazed eyes met his and she saw him smile. She felt something in her palm, the blood they’d shared growing hotter, but she barely noticed. Whether or not they bonded didn’t matter nearly so much, now that she knew the truth.

  “Slade, I…”

  She didn’t get to finish her words. A dark shape moved behind Slade. Not one of the ghostly Shadowmen, but a person. A guy with emo hair and tunic embroidered with the words, “I AM the Band, Bitches.”

  “Do you feel lucky Vampire?” He shrieked, lunging forward.

  Roland. There was no one else it could be.

  Jane saw the glint of metal in his hand and her heart stopped. He was going to stab Slade! “No.” She cried.

  Slade spun to face the kid, instinctually shielding Jane, but there wasn’t enough time for him to defend himself. Roland lifted his arm, preparing attack Slade, and Jane didn’t hesitate. Her hand shot up behind Slade’s back to protect him from the weapon. It sank into her arm rather than Slade’s neck. But, instead of the searing agony of a severed limb, she felt the small prick of…

  …a needle?

  Hold on, did Roland inject her with something? Jane looked down at the tiny hole in her skin. “He gave me a shot.” She said vaguely, already feeling the mysterious liquid moving through her system.

  Slade grabbed her arm to examine the damage. The jagged edge to his breathing told Jane that this film was about to become a tragedy. He let out an inhuman bellow, lunging at the Roland.

  “Shit!” Roland tried to scamper away. “Dude, I didn’t know you had a chick with you! It wasn’t supposed to go this way.” He blurted out, as if this was all some wacky sitcom misunderstanding. “For realz, I didn’t mean to stick her, I was aiming for you.” He tried to evade Slade, while studiously not looking at Jane’s naked body. “Seriously, my bad. Let’s just have a do-over and…”

  Slade grabbed Roland by the front of his stupid tunic, lifting him right off the ground. “What the fuck did you give her?!”

  “Calm down, man!” Roland’s eyes were huge with fear. “It was an accident! I didn’t even see her! It’s your fault! You’re so big, you blocked her with your stupid back when…”

  Slade gave Roland a furious shake, as Jane grabbed for her clothes. “What did you give her?” He repeated at a roar. “Is it poison?”

  “No! It’s just some Vampire blood! I swear. The Wizened Enchantress said that it won’t harm a human!”

  The color drained from Slade’s face, so Jane was betting the Wizened Enchantress was full of shit. He dropped Roland like he forgot the boy even existed and dashed back to her side. “Jane, what have you done?”

  Roland sprawled to the gravel with a grunt. “Hey, that hurt, man!”

  Jane ignored him. She swallowed hard, staring up at Slade. “You were lying about Vampire blood being medicinal, weren’t you?”

  “I would never lie to you. Except about the small things like when I can fly.” His words were coming out way too fast. “I swear, I did not think you would ever be exposed to another Vampire’s blood, in addition to my own. That will trigger a transition. I didn’t foresee it, but I should have. I am so sorry, my One.”

  “Transition? Like to a Vampire? I don’t want to be a fucking Vampire!” Worse, Slade thought Vampires were God’s gift to supernatural world and he’d never suggested this transition thing before. If he didn’t want her to become a Vampire, there was a reason.

  …Like maybe humans didn’t come through the process so well.

  Pain was already eating through Jane’s body. “Am I going to die?”


  The way he shouted it meant “yes.”

  Fucking typical. The sidekick always died in fantasy movies. This never would’ve happened if she was the heroine. Jane knew living happily ever after with Slade was a longshot. So much for the King of the Vampires always being right.

  She felt herself getting dizzy and reached out to steady herself on Slade’s arm.

  “Jane!” He grabbed her closer, holding her against him. “Don’t do this. Please, don’t leave me.” His voice cracked, tears welling in his celestial eyes. “I will fix this. Somehow I will fix this. Please, Jane. Just hang on.”

  Jane looked up at him and realized… She wasn’t a pragmatist, after all.

  Not anymore. Maybe Slade was wrong about their Hollywood ending, but he was right about everything else. She should have risked more. She should have gone out for the parts she really wanted, instead of just settling for the extras. She should have believed in fairytales. Jane had lived her whole life so afraid of failure that there was no way she could succeed.

  Until Slade.

  Because of him, she wasn’t dying with any regrets. None. Maybe she’d been afraid for most of her thirty years, but she’d pulled it out in the end. She’d taken a huge, crazy, illogical chance on this Vampire. …And it had paid off better than she could’ve dreamed. Knowing Slade helped Jane feel brave and strong and whole. He challenged her to be the best person she could be and pushed her to have faith
in herself.

  With Slade, she was a star.

  “It’s alright.” Jane touched the side of his face. “I’ll be a Vampire or I’ll die trying.” Not exactly a great set of choices, but undead sure beat real dead. “Either way, I wouldn’t have changed any of it, Slade. Not one second.” She gave him her best shot a smile. “Not even this one.”

  He shook his head, his eyes wild. “I wish to change it! How could you risk yourself like this, Jane? Do you think I would want that? Ever? Why didn’t you just let him inject me?”

  What a bunch of stupid questions for a smart guy to ask. “Because, I am completely and totally in love with you, too, dumbass.” She muttered and then the world went dark.

  Chapter Fourteen


  PRINCESS ALLANDRINA stares into the mirror of her vanity. She is amazingly beautiful, with a lush body and a face exactly like ANGELINIA JOLIE’S. In fact, (ideally) she’s being played by ANGELINA JOLIE. Hopefully, ANGELINA JOLIE is reading this script and is super-happy to be offered a part in this movie. (Hi, ANGELINA!) Anyhow, everyone in the kingdom has always been in awe off ALLANDRINA’S overall amazingness.

  Until lately.

  Lately, it seems that she doesn’t exist, at all. Lately, all anybody cares about is JANE SQUIRE. ALLANDRINA hears the name being whispered all over the castle. JANE SQUIRE. JANE SQUIRE. JANE SQUIRE. It’s like a broken troubadour. …And it pisses ALLANDRINA off. When will ALLANDRINA have some attention? What does she have to do, invent neon and point a big, blinking arrow at her head to remind everyone that she’s here? Clearly, something will have to be done, if this tale is ever going to get back on track.

  Redrafted Film Script- “From Here to Infinia”

  “No.” Jane collapsed and Slade’s world bottomed out. “Jane!” He laid her limp body on the gravel, frantically assessing her still form.

  Shit! What could he do? There had to be something. He had to do something!

  “Uh-oh.” Roland gazed down at her, looking dim and troubled. “Is she dead? ‘Cause she looks dead.”


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