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The Hookup

Page 19

by Kristen Ashley

  Then I went back in, sucking hard, moving fast.

  I felt him begin to strain around me, his big body getting tighter. Tighter.


  Then it broke him and he started thrusting and I liked it so very much that I didn’t put my fingers between my legs the way I needed to because I didn’t want to miss anything.

  I sensed him squeezing his balls and instinctively I knew.

  I released him, surged up and put my forehead to his, curling my hand around his cock and jacking him tight.

  His gaze glued to mine, his breath harsh, he wrapped his hand around mine and guided the way, loosening at the bottom but going in hard and tight at the top.

  My mouth open, my breaths coming fast and shallow, I covered his hand at his balls.

  “Squeeze,” he grunted.

  Gently I squeezed his hand over his balls.

  “Fuck yeah,” he bit off, his eyes closing. They opened and they were on fire. “With both, baby.”

  I squeezed with both.

  “Don’t miss it, Iz,” he warned.

  Leaving my forehead on his, I tipped my head down and watched the both of us working him, his hips restless, half thrusting, half writhing.

  His hand on his shaft tightened tight, his other hand shifted so it was on the outside and I was cupping his balls skin to skin.

  “God, beautiful,” I breathed reverently, my hips mimicking his, my wet so wet, it was dripping down the inside of one thigh.

  “Fuck,” he ground out. “Fuck,” he groaned.

  And then he blew.

  His powerful body strung tight and his cum jetted up his chest. His hands manipulating mine in a rough, tight, fierce way I’d never begin to touch him, it seemed he forced the cum out of his cock, squeezed it from his balls, and I whimpered and whinnied through my panting at the splendor of it.

  “You’re . . . just . . . beautiful,” I breathed.

  I barely got that out when my hands were pulled away and Johnny slid under me, taking me off my knees.

  I landed on him and he pulled me through his cum as he hauled me up his chest. When he could, he grasped my hips and yanked me higher.

  I gasped as I made my knees, exposed over him, and grabbed the headboard as his hands gripped my hips and he planted me on his mouth.

  My head fell back and I ground into his face in a way that might have dawned on me was too much if his hands at my hips weren’t pulsing me into him.

  He was tongue fucking me, sucking my clit, biting it and I was rolling into every move, breathless, riding his face like I’d ride his cock.

  My hand moved to his at my hip, and like he’d done to me, I showed him the way, pushing it back, curling his fingers in until the tip of his middle found my anus.

  He growled up my cunt and then I was off, on all fours beside him on the bed.

  But only for half a second.

  He pulled me back on his face but with me facing the other direction, a hand between my shoulder blades shoving me down.

  His cock was still hard.

  I gobbled it in my mouth.

  He grunted up my pussy, yanked me down to his mouth and I felt a wet finger gently pressing up my ass.

  I lost him with my mouth as my neck arched back, a cry escaped me before I forced out a breathy, “God, yes,” and when he started to slide his finger out, I went back to his cock and again sucked it deep.

  He ate me rough, fucked my ass gentle and I sucked his cock hard, cupping his balls, squeezing, feeling his grunts just as I heard them, taking his thrusts when he started driving up into my mouth, grinding my pussy in his face.

  I just had the presence of mind to wrap my hand warm around him when my entire body arched up and back, smothering his face with my cunt.

  I moaned, loud and long and low as he shoved his finger up my ass and ate me through an overwhelming climax that shook me from head to toe, leaving me blinded to all but his mouth, gasping for breath, straining into him, lost.

  I vaguely became aware his hand was again around mine on his cock and he was pumping and it was fortunate I vaguely became aware of that because I did just in time to watch him come again all over his belly.

  The gushes were weakening, he was using both our hands to milk himself dry, and that was when I collapsed on him, my cheek to the junction of his thigh and hipbone, my hair falling everywhere, my face nuzzling his shaft and balls, a soft sound escaping my mouth when he tenderly pulled out of my ass.

  Johnny shifted my hair off my cheek and kept running his fingers through it as he ran his lips along the inside of my thigh.

  I trembled on top of him.

  He sank his teeth into the inside of my thigh.

  I jolted and then melted into him.


  I shifted just enough to nuzzle the area between cock and balls.

  “Iz.” That sounded gruffer but also amused.


  More amused than gruff. “You goin’ to sleep?”


  “As much as I like your pretty pussy and the idea you can fall asleep with it in my face, you wanna roll off?”

  It took effort but I rolled off.

  He shifted me around so I was righted in bed and rolled on me.

  I looked at his handsome, sated, amazing face.

  He was smiling.

  “Okay. Good to know that you can get hotter than jumping my junk in a barn,” he declared.

  “I didn’t jump your junk,” I mumbled, physically incapable of offering more than a mumble.

  “Baby, you hopped right up and nearly planted yourself on my dick.”

  “Whatever,” I muttered, finding I had the energy to trail my fingertips up and down his back, so I did that.

  His amusement didn’t flee but it got warmer and sweeter.

  His voice was warmer and sweeter too, when he asked, “You wanna know what I like?”

  “Can I guess?” I asked back.

  “Shoot,” he offered, still smiling.

  I expended the effort to lift my head to touch his mouth with mine and found it took it all out of me, so I let my head plop to the pillows and wrapped my arms around him.

  “You like blowing for me.”

  “Oh yeah, I like that,” he agreed.

  “I liked it too,” I shared.

  “I noticed,” he replied.

  “Like . . . a lot,” I told him.

  I felt him chuckle. “Yeah. I noticed.”

  “A lot, a lot, alotalot,” I unnecessarily confirmed.

  He smiled again. “You wanna know what else I like?”

  “Me riding your face.”

  His smile got bigger. “Yeah, baby. Definitely. When you totally lose it and become all sex kitten, it rocks my world.”

  “Good,” I muttered.

  “Iz,” he called.

  “Yes?” I answered.

  “You’re covered in my cum, baby,” he whispered.

  “Hmm,” I hummed, deciding to expend more effort and I did this by lifting my head and running my nose along the side of his neck.

  Then I let my head plop back.

  His thumb started rolling circles on my temple.

  “You haven’t guessed it, spätzchen,” he told me.

  “Guessed what?”

  “What I like.”

  “I thought you liked blowing for me.”

  “I do.”

  “And me riding your face.”

  His voice shook with laughter. “That too. But that’s not all.”

  “You like my guac.”

  “Yeah,” he whispered, and the way he did made my sex haze dissipate.

  I looked into his eyes and I saw humor there, for sure, warmth and sweetness, definitely.

  But something more.


  Everything more.

  “What else do you like?” I asked quietly.

  “You,” he said simply.


  “Johnny,” I breathed.

His face disappeared in my neck and he said there, “The sex kitten you who nuzzles my dick after I blow for her twice, and I haven’t done that shit since maybe I was thirteen. And the working woman you. And the take-care-of-her-sister you. And the miss-her-mother you. And the thinking-Margot-is-sweet-instead-of-bossy-and-controlling you. And the love on your dogs, my dog, your cats, your horses and letting birds jump all over you you. The you in that blue dress yesterday and the you in the jeans I met you in and the you in that white dress at The Star and the you in my tee in the stables.”

  His thumb was still drawing circles on my temple opposite where his face was in my neck so I turned my head and kissed his wrist.

  He lifted his head and I turned mine back.

  “I don’t mind changing diapers, baby,” he whispered.

  “I’m glad,” I whispered back.

  “I do mind my cum drying on you.”

  “It’s okay,” I told him.

  “It’s not.”

  I gave him a squeeze. “I really don’t mind.”

  “I do ’cause getting it off you gives me an excuse to wash it off in the shower.”

  My eyes got bigger.

  His eyes got hotter.

  And then he was off me and I was being dragged across the bed to my feet whereupon I was promptly being tugged down the hall toward the shower.

  I was brushing my teeth in the basin Johnny didn’t use in his bathroom, wearing his tee, no panties (I tried to put them on but Johnny was too close and he ripped them from my fingers, threw them in the middle of the bed and shook his head at me, saying, “Babe, would you get with the program? Your man likes easy access,” after which he’d sauntered off in nothing but a towel and disappeared in the bathroom).

  We’d obviously had our shower.

  After, and after I’d pulled his tee back on, when I’d joined him back in the bathroom and rooted through the bag I’d brought to get my toothbrush, I found out what “easy access” meant.

  This did not mean he did me braced against the basin.

  What it did mean was offering me another nuance of how Johnny could be appreciative.

  This being me brushing my teeth, Johnny coming up behind me, lifting my T-shirt (so I stopped brushing my teeth because I froze) and then running his hands across my behind while he watched his hands move and I watched him moving his hands in the mirror.

  If I worshipped his cock, he was right then worshipping my behind.

  It was sexy as all get out.

  It was also somehow piercingly sweet.

  When he was done, he slid his hands flat from my hips across my belly with the shirt still up, wrapping his arms around me so he could kiss my neck. He tipped his head back and looked into my eyes in the mirror.

  “Sweetest piece of ass ever and not just because she likes it fucked,” he muttered. He kissed my neck again, gave me a squeeze and then said, “I’ll bring you some coffee.”

  He walked out still in his towel, Ranger following him.

  It took me a while to get myself together to start brushing my teeth again but then it happened.

  I saw it.

  Or I didn’t see it.

  And I stopped brushing.

  The pretty jar of bath salts was gone.

  I heard a phone ring, and since Johnny and I had the same ring, it could be either of ours, so I spit, rinsed and was wiping my hands to dry them when Johnny strolled in wearing just his towel, phone to his ear, cup of coffee in his hand, dog at his heels.

  He came to me, put the coffee down by my sink, leaned a hip against the counter and said into the phone, “Not sure, I’ll have to ask.”

  By the way, he did all this, from the second he entered the bathroom, looking at me.

  “All I can do is ask, Margot,” he continued.

  Oh boy.

  Margot was in the mix.

  Johnny kept going.

  “Yeah. It’s fine.” Pause then, “Yeah, like I said, it’s fine.” His lips hitched at me. “It’s good.” Another pause then through a chuckle, “You wanna ask her? She’s standing right here in my bathroom wearing nothing but my tee.”

  I instantly grew horrified.

  “Johnny!” I snapped, slapping his chest.

  He captured my hand and held it flat against his chest.

  “Yeah, it’s that fine,” he stated. “And yeah, her sister is here, and she and her kid are coming over and hanging with me today and I’m gonna grill for them tonight. But no, you can’t come over unless I ask Iz and make sure it’s okay.”

  I felt my eyes get big.

  Johnny took them in smiling and talking. “Right. I’ll call you back.” Pause then, “No, I haven’t shopped yet, so if Izzy says it’s okay I’ll buy enough for you and Dave.” Another pause then, “Margot, Christ, I love you. I’d take a bullet for you. I’d give you my kidney. But no, don’t make your cherry pie right now because I don’t know if you’re comin’ over here for them to eat it.” He listened for a second then said softly, “Ich liebe dich auch, mein liebling.”

  After that, he hung up.

  I was feeling residual warmth and a newfound adoration of the German language when I asked, “Do you speak German full stop?”

  “Enough I could go to Germany and get myself around.”

  That was impressive.

  I let that go and continued with my questions.

  “Do you know what kind of hell we’d both be in if Margot and Addie got together?”

  He let my hand go, both of his came to my hips, they turned me, pulled me to him and only when I was resting against him with my hands on his chest did he answer.

  “We can hack it.”

  “Johnny, your house is one room. I don’t know if I can be in the same room with Margot as the room I did what I did to you this morning.” I paused and added, “And the other times I’ve been here.”

  “Margot loves Dave more than he loves her, and I know that sounds impossible but trust me, she does. They had three kids. I think she knows what men and women do together when they like each other.”

  “Especially now that you told her I was in your T-shirt and nothing else.”

  He grinned. “Sometimes shock therapy is the way to go with Margot.”

  Why did I not find that surprising?


  He pulled me closer. “Izzy, baby, we can’t chose the way our lives go and shit got sorted when your sister is here and Margot is horning in because she’s worried about me. Where I was at when Shandra left was not lost on her. Where I was at with you sitting beside me at dinner was not lost on her either. She thought from the story, like everyone thought when they heard the story, that I’d blanked you to go after Shandra. She wants to make sure I’m okay but it’s more, she wants to make sure you’re okay. And you can say no and I’ll tell Dave who might be the only one who could stop her from coming here anyway. But I don’t know why I’d do that since your sister loves you, Margot loves me, she likes you a lot, she’ll feel the same way about Addie and she’ll adore Brooks. So it’s gonna be a big Memorial Day cookout. And it’s probably gonna be fuckin’ fantastic.”

  “If Addie offends Margot so much she tries to make you break up with me, you have to promise right here and now to stand strong.”

  He pulled me even closer. “I can promise that.”

  My gaze drifted to his shoulder and I muttered, “I’ll tell Addie to behave herself.”

  “Will she do that?”

  I looked again at him. “Absolutely not.”

  He burst out laughing, doing it clutching me to him.

  Yes, when Johnny wasn’t holding back, he was very affectionate.

  I fit myself to him and wrapped my arms around.

  When he quit laughing, he asked softly, “So can I call her back and say she can make her cherry pie?”

  “I was going to make my chocolate silk pie,” I told him.

  “We’ll have both,” he decreed.


  I smiled.
r />   “Best call her and then get you home to your sister.”

  I nodded.

  Johnny kissed me.

  After he finished doing that, he called Margot. We got dressed.

  And he took me home to my sister.

  I made French silk pie, got dolled up, loaded up my dogs and my family.

  And we went back.

  Look at Her


  RANGER PERKED UP as Johnny was slipping the meat into the marinade.

  He watched his dog run to the door so he turned to the sink, rinsed his hands, dried them and moved that way.

  The minute he opened the door, Ranger sprang out and rushed down the steps.

  Johnny went a lot more slowly and not because he didn’t want to get to the burgundy Murano parked thirty feet from the foot of his stairs (she hadn’t lied, it was now covered in dust) but because going slow gave him the opportunity to enjoy the show.

  As usual, Izzy didn’t disappoint.

  He watched as she got out of her car.

  That day, she was wearing a cream dress with big lilac flowers on it that had long, loose sleeves, a short flowy skirt, which hit her at mid-thigh, and a low vee dip that offered up a hint of her tits.

  With it, she was wearing a pair of simple, flat, fawn suede sandals that had a wide strap across her toes but notched up the sex-kitten factor with the tasseled strings that snaked up her calves.

  Another dress he wanted the skirt of it up to her waist.

  But that was after he took her out somewhere. For a burger. For drinks at Home. To Margot and Dave’s. Somewhere for dinner with his friend Ben and his wife Cait.

  Sit by her side in that dress. Walk by her side while she was wearing that dress. Have her on his arm whatever way he could while she was in that dress.

  When he was sitting across from Dave in The Star, he’d finally got it. He’d finally got why, all Johnny’s life, it seemed whenever Dave was with Margot, he stood straighter, walked prouder.

  Because that was how Johnny felt sitting next to Eliza at The Star.

  She wasn’t his then, exactly, but anyone seeing them would think she was.

  And he sat straighter, moved prouder as the man who caught that woman’s attention. The man she let be in her life.

  She tipped her head, with her huge seventies-style sunglasses over her eyes, up his way and smiled.


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