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The Horror Squad (Book 1.5)

Page 9

by Kris Weeks

  Ashley was having to get way too close to them to put the claws of the hammer in and had gotten herself surrounded and away from the group. Alex and Thomas saw her trying to fight her way out and hacked their way over to her. She took a swing and landed her hammer deep enough in one she could not pull it out. A

  woman grabbed her around the neck from behind and went in for a bite of Ashley’s neck; she almost made it before Alex took her out. He grabbed Ashley by the leg and pulled, Ashley hit the ground face first hard and zombies fell on top of her expecting to have their next meal right there.

  “MOM!” Karlin screamed.

  Eric snickered at Karlin’s tears that streamed down her face as he thought of their fight, if that is what you want to call it.

  Alex pulled hard and dragged Ashley out of the middle of them. She was dead weight since the asphalt knocked her out when she hit. He ran backwards and the stiffs were left without. They all raised their heads in unison and followed their meal being taken away. They began to crawl to catch their meal. Blood trailed behind Ashley’s lifeless body.

  “Do you want to go help your mom?” Eric asked.

  Karlin could not answer and only shook her head yes. “Come on!” He started down the ladder and ran over to the gate. “Ready?” He questioned.

  Karlin held up her machete. Eric opened the gate with a wooden bat set up on his shoulder. He latched the gate and walked calmly down to the group trying to fight their way out. Karlin stabbed upward at the first one she came to and pulled her large knife out of the man’s chin. He fell to the ground and Karlin moved forward to another one as the tears stung her eyes. Adrenaline had set in and she screamed at the monsters that were surrounding the group that had become family. Eric took few out with the bat he had and knocked them in the head and their bodies fell off to the side of the road.

  The rest of the crew were trying to drag Ashley and swing their weapons at the same time.

  “Karlin, get back!” Atora screamed at her as she went for her mother.

  Dropping her weapon, Karlin grabbed onto the leg Alex had and tripped him trying to help pull her. He fell backwards and the stiffs were getting closer to all of them. He pushed Karlin back and tried to pull Ashley as he scooted backwards on the pavement.

  “Karlin, get up!” Alex screamed at her.

  Karlin caught her feet, turned to pick up her weapon and ran. She ducked away from the grasp of stiffs that were trying to slowly move their dilapidated arms to her to catch her as she passed them and ended up at the front of the car. Her machete still in hand, she swung at any that made it past the group taking them out. Eric still swung his bat and the rest of the group still swinging their weapons, trying to dwindle down the herd of them coming on.

  Karlin kept an eye on Alex and her mom while he tried to pull her away and protect them both. Nate still stood on top of the car, taking the most out. Eric stopped swinging and backed up towards the gate with Karlin since the horde had lessened to just a few that were left. After a ten to twenty minute battle, Nate was finally able to get off of the car. Atora backed up to the front of the car bloody and out of breath. Bryan was bent over with his hand on his knees, gasping. Thomas took out the last two that were coming up from the side of the road before they even hit the asphalt.

  Willy and Alex had picked up Ashley and were carrying her bloody body back with them. They laid her in the back seat of the car and took off their shirts and began to clean her off looking for injuries.

















  A blood moon sets in as a serial killer squats over another victim in a victim filled room and rakes his thumb across his stainless steel blade of his buck knife. Time is always short, so he goes to work on removing each of the victim’s hearts.

  He saws at the flesh and uses the handle to break through the rib bones. He swallows frequently to keep from drooling as he touches each body and being impressed by his work.

  He wears gloves, but they’re thin enough to get a real feel of things. Not that it would much matter, these murders would be pinned on someone or something else.

  David Scott was raised in a little town of Valley Drift, Texas. The population was only fifty-eight, but even in a small town it had had its fair share of claims and back stories. In fact, the history of Valley Drift was known for very devilish activity throughout the years.

  David made a slit in every chest then took every heart in the room. When all was said and done Adrianna Davis, Kim Sizemore, Thomas Lawrence and Delton Weeks all laid in their own puddle of blood.

  David was about to make his get away, but couldn’t help but see the firm and perky titties of Kim

  Sizemore just laid out. He walked over flicked the nipple a few times. Her face was paused in time, still molded to the fear and shock her and her friends had just endured, but her eyes were still open facing Thomas with her mouth slightly open.

  Scott unbuttoned her faded blue Lucky You jeans and slipped them down. He slipped two fingers inside her to feel nothing but a dry socket. He quickly slipped his blade inside her to get some blood running before pulling his own pants down and penetrating her with his cock.

  Nice and warm still, he thought as he rammed in and out of her. He grabbed a handful of tit in each hand as he continued to ram her bloody pussy. Her tits were getting more and more firm the longer her body started its dying process. He pulled another rubber glove out of his pocket as he pulled out and put his cock inside the glove and ejaculated inside. He pinched down and stroked his cock a few times to finish the job.

  “What a dead fuck.” He stated as he got up.

  He reached over and used

  Thomas’s shirt to wipe down his blade and then the blood from his bloodied penis. He then grabbed a small bag of sand from his black commando bag and started to pour the sand inside the gutted bodies before wiping his hands of the situation.

  David opened the door and stepped out before closing it behind him. He then pulled his gloves off, turning them inside out and slipping them in a side pocket of his bag and walking off.

  He started walking down a dark alley. There were homeless that lined the alley. Most of them sat on the ground with their backs up against the red brick walls and hunched over sleeping. A few of them were

  gathered around an old rustic burn barrel with a medium sized flame going, trying to warm themselves.

  At the end of the alley he saw a police cruiser pass by at a high rate of speed with his red and blue lights flashing. He stepped back into the shadows of the alley until it looked clear and started away from the crime scene.


  Scott and Heidi Harper had been looking into foster homes for a new baby. They had three kids of their own, but they always wanted to equal them out and have another boy.

  Chrystal Harper was eighteen and their oldest daughter. She was a brunette with hair down to the small of her back. She had recently decided to put blonde streaks in her hair. She had blue eyes and a few freckles spread across her cheeks and nose. She was a little hefty in size and stood toe to toe with her dad, Scott, at five foot and nine inches tall.

  Fiona Harper was fifteen years old and what most would call a dirty blonde. She was more of a tomboy with her hair down to her shoulders. She had green eyes and had a missing canine tooth from being hit in the face with a football about a year ago. You could say that she lost the battle, but won the war. Even though the foot
ball implanted itself in her face, she still caught it for the winning touchdown that won the game.

  Lewis was the youngest and the only boy. He was twelve years old and was addicted to horror. He had short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Lewis was a shy boy, but he loved to draw and write. He wrote short horror books with his personal illustrations in each one of them. He followed in his dad’s footsteps.

  His dad was a horror author and had many bestselling books on the market, like “Obsessed With The Kill”, “Devil Days” and “Silent Screams.” Lewis often blamed his dad for his obsession with horror when he was caught sneaking a peek at a horror movie now and then. He would always say that he liked horror because his dad liked horror.

  Heidi Harper was thirty-six years old and had married her husband at the early age of eighteen which is also the year they brought Chrystal into the world. She was a stay at home mom and a keen editor that did all the edits for her husband’s work, along with some publishing companies. She often found it funny to watch her husband work, because he would look really busy writing and then out of the blue holler out a word. At first she would almost refer to it as a writers Tourette’s syndrome, but caught on that it was just his way of asking how to spell a word.

  Scott had been writing for as far back as he could remember and even had his first book published out when he was in the sixth grade. One of his teachers had read one of his short books and had the school publish it out for him. He thought it was neat, but didn’t pay much mind to his gift until his mid-twenties. Scott had been with a few different publishers, until one day he decided to go off on his own. From there, he reaped in the benefits.

  One day a social worker called Mrs. Harper to inform her that they had a five year old boy they had taken in, and needed a good home if they were still interested in adopting. Heidi was excited and almost forgot to respond before hanging up and telling her husband. Usually Scott didn’t like to be disturbed when working on a new novel, but was happy to save the file and meet up with this social worker.

  Heidi ran to the bathroom to fix her hair and do a quick makeup job before meeting her husband at the car. Their car was a brand new black Lincoln with chrome trim. It had more gadgets than most people had in their homes.

  They pulled out of their concrete driveway and pulled out onto the street. Even though they were both excited, Scott drove the speed limit so he was not stopped. He had learned his lesson a few years back after being pulled over by a police officer that recognized him, which turned into what seemed like a cop meeting on the side of the road so they could all take pictures with him and have him sign some books they had bought.

  Driving through downtown they could hardly anticipate each red light and it almost seemed as if they caught each one. Finally they could see a sign ahead that read “Health and Human Services”. They pulled into the drive and onto the parking lot.

  Heidi straightened her dress as she got out of the car and the both walked at a fast pace up to the glass door that had white decal letters that read “Family and Child Protective

  Services, Government Assistance and Health Department”.

  Scott pulled the door open and allowed his wife to walk in first as he followed behind. There was a long line of people waiting to get

  assistance with other things. They ventured around to another office as the sign read “Family and Child Protective Services”. There was a thin woman with blonde hair sitting behind her desk staring aimlessly into her computer screen.

  The couple introduced themselves before being asked to take a seat.

  About ten minutes later a young black woman with a small scar above her right eye walked through the door and into the waiting area.

  “Mrs. and Mr. Harper, I presume?” The woman questioned.

  “Yes ma’am.” Heidi responded.

  The woman directed the couple to her office and pulled out a manila folder that contained a picture of the little boy.

  “Thi s is Chris, like I said on the phone, he’s five years old. He’s a very bright kid, but he is very quiet.” The young woman stated.

  Heidi picked up the picture and almost fell to tears as she showed her husband. Scott was so pleased to see his wife’s eye light up like a

  Christmas tree. He was the cutest thing ever. The blonde hair brought out his big brown eyes and his smile provided a small dimple on his right cheek.

  “We would like to meet him.” Heidi stated.

  “I figured you would.” The woman stated with a smile. “He’s in one of our foster homes about thirty minutes from here. If you care to make a trip with me.”

  “I’ll need to gas up, but we’re ready when you are.” Scott stated with a grin, still staring at his wife’s eyes so full of life.

  “Could we possibly stop at a nearby store to grab Chris a toy?” Heidi asked.

  “That would be a great idea!” The woman stated as she started to gather her things and push them into her leather purse.

  The couple walked back out to their black Lincoln and waited for the young woman to make her way to the front.

  A hunter green Envoy pulled to the exit as Heidi told her husband to pull behind it as she recognized the

  woman to be the social worker.

  Scott pulled their car around the parking lot and pulled in behind the SUV. The woman stepped out of her car and walked back to the couples Lincoln. Scott rolled down the window.

  “Why don’t I follow y’all until you can get what you need and then you guys can follow me from there?” She suggested.

  Scott nodded his head to agree. He rolled is window back up as she walked back to her car. He then pulled around in front of her and waited till she flashed her headlights stating that she was ready to go. He pulled off and put on his right blinker as he came to the road. After a few passing cars and a sputtering old model truck drove by, he pulled out onto the road.

  A few red lights later they were out of the downtown area and were able to speed up their adventure. They started passing many trees and some big hilltops that had windmills making their huge turns. A big yellow billboard sign with red writing stated “County Line Gas Station two miles”. Scott reached over and took Heidi by the hand and gave it a gentle kiss to let her know that he was with her on this.

  Two miles later he flipped on his blinker once again before turning into the gas station parking lot and pulled up to pump number two of the eight pumps available.

  Heidi got out and walked into the gas station. She walked directly to the souvenir section of the station. There was rattlesnakes on pieces of wood and magnets everywhere, but wasn’t exactly a gift for a five year old boy.

  Scott pushed his debit card into the pump and pushed in their zip code and started filling up before joining Heidi in the store.

  He could see the disappointment on her face before noticing some stuffed animals on the shelf next to the one she was on. He walked over and seen a medium sized teddy bear that was camouflaged in color. He picked it up and held it over the shelving.

  “What about something like this?” He questioned.

  “Oh my, that’s perfect!” She stated in relief.

  Scott smiled and they walked over to the check out to pay for the bear. The gas attendant looked a little rough as if he was up all night or hadn’t had enough coffee for his morning. He was very scruffy and his eyes were bloodshot.

  Scott threw a fifty dollar bill on the counter and the attendant presented his change. Scott shoved the change in a small jar next to the register that read “Help Timmy Tate fight cancer” and had a small black and white picture of the little boy.

  Scott and Heidi walked back out to their car and he tapped the gas nozzle a few times to top the tank off before giving it a few shakes and hanging it back up on the pump. The pump spit out his gas receipt as he ripped it from the pump and waving to the young woman that was still waiting patiently in her car for them. She waved back as she saw that they were ready.

  She pulled up to the road and Sco
tt pulled behind her. Feeling the tires grip back onto the black rock paved road, they were off to one of the biggest decisions their family had made together.

  Scott kept a fair distance behind the social worker as they drove the winding road. Heidi stared out of the window watching all of the trees and hilltops. She used to say that it

  reminded her of the ocean the way the hills rolled looked like waves on the earth’s surface.

  Heidi was all about the unknown and had tried to start writing a book based on creatures of similar species that had been discovered in the deep bottomless pits of the ocean. If you really thought about it, it was like a horror movie. You’re in the dark, not seeing things until they’re right in front of your face and you never know if it’s friend or enemy. After many attempts she decided that Scott was going to remain the writer of the two.

  It was about an additional twenty minutes before pulling into the dirt drive of a small beige brick home.

  The young woman brought her Envoy to a halt as she parked and stepped out. The couple followed suit parking behind her and joined her.

  “Now, you’re the first couple to meet up with Chris in quite some time, so I’m not sure on his reaction or how he will feel about new

  people.” She stated to the couple.

  “Hopefully we’re the only couple he has to meet.” Heidi stated holding the camouflage teddy bear.

  The case worker smiled and started directing them to the front door of the bricked home. She knocked on the door and waited patiently. The door opened up with an older woman with short light grey hair standing to greet them.

  “Hello, I’m Ms. Sears. Please come in.” She greeted.

  They walked in and the couple took a seat on the tan couch in the living room. The social worker pulled up a light oak chair from the dining room table and Ms. Sears sat in a tan recliner next to some yarn and some crocheting needles.

  Ms. Sears stared at the social worker in almost disbelief before turning to the couple and telling them that Chris was in the room playing if they’d like to go talk to him. The social worker widened her eyes at the old woman before standing up and leading the couple to the room.


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