Straight on Till Morning
Page 48
Gandar Dower, Kenneth, Amateur Adventurer (Ryerson, 1934).
——, The Spotted Lion (Ryerson, 1934).
Goldsmith, Barbara, Little Gloria, Happy at Last (Knopf, 1980).
Hamilton, Genesta, A Stone’s Throw (Hutchinson, 1986).
Hemsing, Jan, Then and Now: Nairobi’s Norfolk Hotel (Sealpoint Publicity, Nairobi, 1975).
Herndon, Booton, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks (Norton, 1977).
Hill, Mervyn Frederick, Permanent Way (Crown Agents for Colonies, 1950).
Hobley, C.W., Kenya, from Chartered Company to Crown Colony (Frank Cass, 1970).
Holman, Dennis, Inside Safari Hunting (Putnam, 1969).
Hunter, J.A., Hunters’ Tracks (Hamish Hamilton, 1959).
Huxley, Elspeth, Flame Trees of Thika (Penguin, 1984).
——, Nellie (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1984).
——, No Easy Way (East African Standard, 1957).
——, Out in the Midday Sun (Chatto & Windus, 1985).
——, White Man’s Country (Macmillan, 1935).
——, With Forks and Hope (Morrow, 1964).
——, and Arnold Curtis, Pioneers Scrapbook (Evans Bros., 1980).
Jablonski, Edward, Atlantic Fever (Macmillan, 1972).
Jackson, Sir Fredk, Early Days in East Africa (Humanities, 1970).
Lomax, Judy, Women of the Air (John Murray, 1986).
Loos, Anita, Kiss Hollywood Goodbye (Viking Pr., 1974).
Markham, Beryl, Kwaheri, Kwaheri (Hutchinson, 1987).
——, West with the Night (North Point Press, 1983).
Marsh, Zoe, and Kingsnorth, G.W., A History of East Africa (Cambridge University Press, 1961).
May, Charles Paul, Women in Aeronautics (Thos. Nelson).
Mcdonough, K., Atlantic Wings (Model Aero-Press, 1966).
Meinertzhagen, Richard, Kenya Diary 1902–06 (Eland Books, 1983).
Migeo, Marcel, Saint-Exupéry (McGraw, 1960).
Miller, Charles, The Lunatic Express (Macmillan, 1971).
Mollison, J.A., Death Cometh Soon or Late (Hutchinson, 1932).
——, Playboy of the Air (Saunders, S.J.R., 1937).
Nicolson, Harold, Diaries and Letters 1930–1939 (Collins, 1966).
——, King George the Fifth (Constable, 1952).
Oakes, Claudia M., United States Women in Aviation (Smithsonian Studies Number 6).
Paget, Guy, Bad ’Uns to Beat (Collins, 1936).
Parsons, Bill, The Challenge of the Atlantic (extract only, publisher and date unknown).
Penrose, M., British Aviation–Ominous Skies (HMSO, 1980).
Powys, Llewelyn, Black Laughter (Macdonald, 1953).
Roseberry, C.R., The Challenging Skies (Doubleday, 1966).
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, Flight to Arras; Wind, Sand and Stars (Harcourt, 1969).
——, Southern Mail and Night Flight (Heinemann, 1971).
Seaton, Henry, Lion in the Morning (Transatlantic, 1964).
Sarp, C. Martin, The History of De Havilland (Airlife, Ltd., 1982).
Sorrendsen, M.P.K, Origins of European Settlement in Kenya (Oxford University Press, 1968).
Thurman, Judith, Isak Dinesen – The Life of Karen Blixen (St. Martin’s, 1982).
Trzebinski, Errol, Kenya Pioneers (Heinemann, 1985).
——, Silence Will Speak (University of Chicago Press, 1985).
Turner, John Frayn, Famous Flights (Arthur Barker, Ltd., 1978).
Van Hoorebeeck, A., L’Epopèe de L’Atlantique Nord (Bruxelles Aero Astronautique, Belgium, 1961).
Windsor, Duchess of, The Heart Has its Reasons (McKay, 1969).
This book could never have been written without the help and support of many people. Whether such assistance amounted to the answering of letters and telephone calls, or submitting to the trauma of a lengthy interview or – as in some cases – the offer of generous hospitality, I am deeply grateful and wish to thank everyone involved. Some informants wished for anonymity and are therefore not named here, nevertheless my thanks to those persons is included. I am particularly indebted to the Markham family, the Bathurst Norman family and Mr Nigel Clutterbuck.
Bunny Allen; David Allen; R. Anjeo (Standard Newspapers); Ulf Aschan; Cptn Hugh Barclay OBE, MC; E.R. Block; David Bowden; Juanita Carberry, Rose Cartwright; Jack Couldrey OBE; David Dykes; Lady Erskine; F.D. Erskine; the late Robin N. Higgin; Molly Hodge; Mrs F. Iceley; E. Maina Kimani (McMillan Library); Nicholas M. Kioko (Standard Newspapers); Sir Charles Markham Bt; Flora ‘Paddy’ Migdoll; Mickey Migdoll; Hugh Morton; Mr Muraguri (Jockey Club, Nairobi); K. Musangi: E. Muwangi; Odero and Adiambo (Beryl’s servants); Charles and Eve Satchwell; Pamela Scott; Jørgen Thrane; Bill Purdy; V.J. Varma.
Great Britain:
Hon. Doreen Bathurst Norman; His Hon. Judge George Bathurst Norman; Patricia Barclay; Katy Belcher; Allen Bell (Rhodes House Library, Oxford); Doris Briggs; Nigel Clutterbuck; Tobina Cole; Sharon Cornwell; John Dawson; Florence Desmond; the Countess of Enniskillen; Victoria Eyre; Jacqueline ‘Cockie’ Hoogterp; John Grigg; Elspeth Huxley; James Fox; Hilda Furse; Lady Claud Hamilton; Jane Leggett; Mary Lewis; Peter Leth; Sybil Llewelyn; Graeme Lovell, Fleur Markham; Katherine Moore; Pam Moore; Langley Morris; Greta Nissen; Anna Parnell; Gwyneth, Duchess of Portland, Lady Sorsbie, Doris Smart; Mr and Mrs Stuart Taylor; Lt Col Ward (KOSB); Reginald Wooley; Mary Wright.
Dr Warren and Mrs Bunny Austin; Edward Baring-Gould; Oliver Daniel; Douglas Fairbanks Jr; Florence Feiler; Judy Flannery; John B. Greene Jr; Dr Sadja Stokowski Greenwood; George Gutekunst; Dr Douglas Hall; Col. Hopper (CAP); Gloria Loomis; Scott O’Dell; Donald Ott; Bertrand Rhine, Harold Troxel; Fay Troxel; Barry Schlachter; Lee Van Atta; John T. De Blois Wack; Wendy Withington; Judy Whiting, John Yabsley.
Viviane Markham (France); Valery Carol Markham (France); John F. Potter (France), Anneleise Bang (Denmark); Else Brundbjerg (Denmark); Ryan ‘Buster’ Parnell (Denmark); Clara Selborn (Denmark), Robert Leader (Spain); Gustaf Kleen (Sweden); The Hon. Mrs Patricia O’Neill (South Africa); Mrs Tiny Cloete (South Africa), Tonni Arnold (Denmark).
I wish to record an immense debt to my agent and friend, John Belcher, who provided incalculable help and support during the entire project. John died with devastating suddenness a few weeks before this book was published and so never saw the results of his hard work on my behalf. My thanks to a large number of friends who loaned books and magazine articles, and to Andrea Ranson and Patricia Taylor Chalmers at Century Hutchinson. Finally – but certainly not least – my editors: Tony Whittome at Century Hutchinson, and Susan Rabiner at St Martin’s Press; both of whom have made many constructive suggestions and with whom it has been my great privilege to work.
In addition to assistance from individuals, I have received enormous help from the staff of organizations and libraries. In particular I should like to thank the staff of the Salisbury (Wiltshire) Public Library, who have diligently acquired out-of-date and rare books on Kenya on my behalf; and to the staff in the archive room of Standard Newspapers in Nairobi.
Special Collections and Reference Libraries:
Houghton Library, Harvard, Cambridge, Mass., USA; Butler Library, Columbia University, NY, USA; UCLA Ref. Library, and Theatre Arts Library at the University of California in Los Angeles, California, USA; UCSB Ref. Library, Santa Barbara, California, USA; Santa Barbara City Library; California, USA; Santa Barbara News-Press, California, USA; Reference Library: University of Southern California (USC) Los Angeles, California, USA; Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, California, USA; National Personnel Records Centre, Mo. USA: Rhodes House Library, Oxford University, Oxford, England; Wiltshire County Library, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England; British Library, Colindale, London, England; Daily Express Library, London, England; McMillan Library, Nairobi, Kenya; Kenya National Archives, Nairobi, Kenya; Jockey Club, Nairobi, Kenya; Jockey Club, Newmarket, England; East African S
tandard Archives Library, Nairobi, Kenya; Newarke House Museum, Leicester; Army Records Office, Chelsea.
The Times; Daily Telegraph; Daily Express; Daily Mirror; Southern Evening Echo; Liverpool Echo.
New York Times (USA); Los Angeles Times (USA); East African Standard (Kenya); Leader (Kenya); Globetrotter (Kenya); Mombasa Times (Kenya); Cape Times (South Africa); Cape Argus (South Africa); Santa Barbara News-Press (USA); Truth (Australia).
Extract Rights:
My particular thanks go to the Runstedlund Foundation for their permission to quote from Karen Blixen’s works including previously unpublished letters, and to Anne Born who provided translations for these from the original Danish. Grateful thanks are also extended to the Houghton Library, Harvard University for permission to quote from the collection of letters between Beryl Markham and her publishers Houghton Mifflin. In addition the following publishers, authors and literary executors generously gave permission to quote from copyrighted materials:
The Lunatic Express by Charles Miller: permission granted by Macdonald & Co Ltd and by the author’s representative Gunter Stuhlmann.
Ernest Hemingway – Selected Letters compiled by Carlos Baker; permission granted by Grafton Books, a division of Collins Ltd, and the Ernest Hemingway Foundation.
Black Laughter by Llewelyn Powys; permission granted by the Society of Authors.
Out of Africa and Letters from Africa by Karen Blixen (Isak Dinesen); permission granted by Florence Feiler on behalf of the Runstedlund Foundation.
Out in the Midday Sun and White Man’s Country by Elspeth Huxley, permission granted by Chatto & Windus Ltd and The Hogarth Press.
Kenya Diary by Richard Meinertzhagen; permission granted by Eland Books.
Kenya Chronicles by Lord Cranworth; permission granted by Macmillan and Co. Ltd.
Florence Desmond by Florence Desmond; permission granted by Harrap Limited.
Hunter’s Tracks by J.A. Hunter; permission granted by Hamish Hamilton Limited.
Silence Will Speak by Errol Trzebinski; permission granted by William Heinemann Limited and the Chicago Press.
Inside Safari Hunting by Dennis Holman; permission granted by W.H. Allen & Co PLC
Isak Dinesen: The Life of Karen Blixen by Judith Thurman; permission granted by Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd and St Martin’s Press.
Prince Henry: Duke of Gloucester by Noble Frankland; permission granted by Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd.
Aberdare Mountains
Abingdon, RAF
Abyssinian War
African Air Services
African Hunter
Aga Khan
Air Cruisers Ltd
Al Menasco Incorporated
Aldenham, Lord
Aldenham House
Alexander, Clara, see Clutterbuck, Clara
Alexander, Gerald
Alexander, Jacqueline, see Hoogterp, Cockie
Alexander, Ulick
Alice in Wonderland
All Saints Church, Nairobi
Allen, Bunny
Allen, David
Allen, Petal
Allington C. G. M.
Angelus, Muriel
Anglo-American Oil
Anstey, A.
“Appointment in Khartoum,”
Aschan, Ulf
Ashley, Lady (Sylvia)
Austin, Dr. Warren
Bagshawe, Jack
Baldwin, Lake
Baldwin, Stanley
Barker, Lebaron “Lee,”
Bathurst Norman, Charles
Bathurst Norman, Doreen
Bathurst Norman, George
Bathurst Norman, Victoria
Batten, Jean
Bedford, Mary, Duchess of
Beethoven, Ludwig van
Belvoir Hunt, The
Bendix Air Races
Berle, Milton
Beverley Wilshire Hotel
Birkbeck, Ben
Birkbeck, Cockie, see Hoogterp, Cockie
Bjorkvall, K.
Black, Tom Campbell
Bleriot, Louis
Blixen, Karen, see Blixen-Finecke, Karen
Blixen-Finecke, Bror von
Blixen-Finecke, Cockie, see Hoogterp, Cockie
Blixen-Finecke, Eva (formerly Dickson, Eva)
Blixen-Finecke, Hans von
Blixen-Finecke, Karen “Tania,”
Block, Abraham
Block, E. R. “Tubby,”
Blundell, Sir Michael
Bowden, Daphne
Bowden, David
Bowker, Mrs.
Bowring, Mr.
Boyer, Charles
Boyle, Kay
Brighton College
British East Africa (BEA)
British Empire Exhibition
Broad, Hubert S.
Broadlands Stud
Brooks, Paul
“Brothers are the Same,”
Broughton, Sir Jock Delves
Bruno, Harry
Buckingham Palace
Buller (dog)
Buller, General
Bumpus, Sonny
Burke, Alex
Burrough Court
Cafe Society
Cameron, Jock
Cameron, Roderick
Campbell Black, Tom, see Black, Tom
Campbell “Captain and his Horse, The,”
Carberry, John
Carberry, Juanita
Carberry, June
Carberry, Maia
Carminati, Tullio
Carroll, Madeline
Carsdale-Luck, Mr. and Mrs.
Cartwright, Rose
Castle, Molly
Cathcart-Jones, Owen
Cavalry Club
Cavendish, General Frederick
Cavendish, Patricia (later O’Neil, Patricia)
Cavendish-Bentinck, Lady (later Duchess of Portland)
Cavendish-Bentinck, Major (later Duke of Portland)
Chalmers, Patrick
Chamberlain, Neville
Chicago Field Museum
Cholmondeley, Hugh, see Delamere, Lord Hugh
Cholmondeley, Tom, see Delamere, Lord Thomas
Churchill, Sir Winston
Civil Air Patrol (California)
Cloete, Evangeline
Cloete, Stuart
Cloete, “Tiny,”
Clouston, Arthur E.
Clutterbuck, Annie
Clutterbuck, Charles Baldwin
Clutterbuck, Clara (Beryl’s mother; née Alexander, Clara; later Kirkpatrick, Clara)
Clutterbuck, Henry (uncle)
Clutterbuck, Jasper (cousin)
Clutterbuck, Nigel (cousin)
Clutterbuck, Richard (brother)
Clutterbuck, Richard Henry (grandfather)
Cochran, Jacqueline
Cohen, Jack
Cold Harbour, SS
Cole, R. B. Berkeley
Colliers Weekly Magazine
Colonial Office
Columbia Pictures
Connell, Evan
Coombe, Mr. and Mrs.
Cornwallis, Earl of
Cottar, Michael
Cottesmore Hunt, The
Cotton, Joseph
Couldrey, Frank
Couldrey, Jack
County Hotel Company
Coward, Noel
Cranworth, Lord
Crighton, Kyle
Crosby, Bing
Culley, Mary Lou
Cunningham-Reid, Michael
Daily Express
Daily Mirror
Dar es Salaam
Darling, Fred
Dawson of P
enn, Lord
De Janze, Alice
Delamere, Lady (Florence)
Delamere, Lady (Gwladys) (formerly Markham, Lady)
Delamere, Lord Hugh “D,”
Delamere, Lord Thomas
Delamere Gold Vase
De Mott, Maddie
Derby, East African
Derby, English
Desmond, Florence “Dessie,”
Dickson, Eva, see Blixen-Finecke, Eva
Dietrich, Marlene
Dinesen, Ingeborg
Dinesen, Isak, see Blixen-Finecke, Karen
Dinesen, Thomas
Djemnah, SS 16
Djinn Palace, see Oserian
Donohue, Steve
Dorchester Hotel
Doyle, Jack
Drury, John
Dupre, Francois
Eagen, Eddie
Earhart, Amelia
East African Aero Club
East African Airways
East African Protectorate, see British
East Africa
East African Standard
Edward, Prince of Wales (later Edward VIII, HM King and Windsor, Duke of)
Edwards, A. O. E.
Edwards, Wing Commander
Edye, George
Eliot, Sir Charles
Elkington, Jim and “Mrs. Jim,”
Elkington, Margaret
Enniskillen, Earl of
Equator Ranch
Erroll, Lord Joselyn
Erskine, Sir Derek
Erskine, Elizabeth
Erskine, F. D.
Erskine, Petal, see Allen, Petal
Exupery, Antoine de Saint, see Saint-Exupery, Antoine de
Fairbanks, Douglas
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
Ferrar, Charles
Fettes College
Financial Times
Finch Hatton, Denys
Findlay, Max
Fischer, William
Flame Trees of Thika, The
Flannery, Judy
Fleming, G. D. “Flip,”
Flight to Arras
Floyd Bennet Airfield
Forest Farm
Fort Belvedere
Fox, James
Furness, Lady (Thelma)
Furness, Lord (Marmaduke)
Furse, David
Furse, Hilda (née Hill-Williams, Hilda)
Garbo, Greta
Geddes, Mr.
Gelhorn, Martha
George V, HM King
George VI, HM King
Gladstone, Tony
Gloucester, Duke of, see Henry, HRH Prince