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Holiday Bliss Complete, Box Set Books 1-3: a Pride & Prejudice Intimate

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by Lily Lord



  Praise for Lily Lord

  Books by Lily Lord

  Title Page

  Pemberley Before Christmas

  Pemberley At Christmas

  Pemberley After Christmas

  Marital Bliss, an Excerpt

  Other Authors

  A Note from Lily Lord

  Pride & Prejudice Stories from Lily Lord



  In faith I do not love thee with mine eyes




  Books 1-3

  Mr. and Mrs. Darcy are celebrating Christmas! In this collection of three intimate novellas about Jane Austen’s beloved characters, we follow Lizzy and Darcy through their first holiday season together.

  Pemberley House is full of visitors—Darcy’s sister Georgiana and Elizabeth’s Aunt and Uncle Gardiner have arrived, and the Bingleys are about to make an appearance. Elizabeth has unexpected news, and the traditional Darcy Christmas party for the tenants and townspeople is getting some updating… at least, it will if Elizabeth has her way.

  It is a blissful first holiday season for the newly married Mrs. Darcy, but not without its challenges, both due to her position as the mistress of the great estate of Pemberley, and because of its ever-beloved and occasionally stubborn master Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  Holiday Bliss Complete contains Books 1-3 in the trilogy of novellas that describe the early days of the Darcy-Bennet marriage.

  Lily Lord is the nom de plume of a bestselling author who has been a fan of Jane Austen’s books since she was a girl. Like many readers, she has often wondered about the intimate parts of Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship, and fantasized about what happened after the happily ever after.

  The Holiday Bliss trilogy follows the Marital Bliss series of seven novellas. These books provide Lily’s slightly steamy account of what took place between our two favorite characters after they got married. Written in the language of the era, this series explores the explicit details of post-wedding relations between handsome Regency period “billionaire” Fitzwilliam Darcy and his virginal (of course!) wife Elizabeth Bennet.

  Praise for Lily Lord

  “Lily Lord portrays the perfect mix of innocence and animal attraction that I imagine Darcy and Elizabeth actually experienced on their wedding night.”

  Elizabeth Ann West, bestselling author of A Winter Wrong and Seasons of Serendipity

  “Lily Lord’s Marital Bliss series offers everything lovers of Darcy and Elizabeth’s romance can desire: teasing, heartfelt touches and talks, and the most intimate encounters between a husband and wife proceeding to unite in mind, body, and spirit.”

  Rose Fairbanks, bestselling author of No Cause to Repine

  “Lily Lord creates mesmerizing prose that sings to this reader’s heart. Her stories embody romance with a light note of sweet to hot. I highly recommend her Marital Bliss series.”

  Barbara Silkstone, bestselling author of the Mister Darcy series of comedic mysteries

  “Lily Lord’s Wedding Night captures the spirit of Darcy and Elizabeth in fine fashion, making the most intimate and sacred acts truly a pleasure to read!”

  Belle Jansen, bestselling author of Ravished at Rosings and A London Liaison

  Pride and Prejudice Intimates

  by Lily Lord

  (clickable links)

  Marital Bliss series

  Wedding Night

  Twice Tempted

  Third Tryst

  Fourth Foray

  Fifth Flirtation

  Sixth Seduction

  Seventh Heaven

  Marital Bliss Box Set I

  Books 1-4

  Marital Bliss Box Set II

  Books 5-7

  Marital Bliss Complete

  Books 1-7

  Holiday Bliss series

  Pemberley Before Christmas

  Pemberley At Christmas

  Pemberley After Christmas

  Holiday Bliss Complete

  Books 1-3

  Baby Bliss series

  Due in 2016!

  Holiday Bliss



  Pemberley Before Christmas

  Pemberley At Christmas

  Pemberley After Christmas

  Books 1-3

  a Pride and Prejudice Intimate

  Lily Lord

  Pemberley Before Christmas

  Book 1, Holiday Bliss

  a Pride and Prejudice Intimate

  “Her husband brought his lips down against hers, his tongue pushing boldly into her mouth, perhaps to stop her passionate moans or perhaps only to satisfy his own powerful need.”

  Elizabeth came out of her dreams to find her new husband gazing at her. It was still a thrill to wake up every morning and find him beside her in bed. They had been married for nearly three fortnights, and life at Pemberley was more wonderful every day.

  Being with Darcy was a joy. Adjusting to being a wife, and living in such a big house, was going to take some time. Elizabeth realized, wryly, that she was getting quite accustomed to the generous number of servants at Pemberley, despite having expressed reluctance about the situation before living in such luxury. It was in fact necessary to have so much help, because the large estate required constant upkeep.

  Now that the holidays were upon them, there would be even more work. Most of the decorating for the season was in place, and Elizabeth was now finalizing a plan for the customary Christmas party for neighboring tenants and their families. Darcy had explained to her that it was traditional to hold such festivities for the local people, and she was only too pleased to help ensure that the event was a success. She had some ideas of her own about how it could be modernized, and planned to discuss them with Mrs. Reynolds today.

  More important was the incipient arrival of Georgiana. Elizabeth had not seen her since a brief conversation at the wedding breakfast the previous month, and she was looking forward to having the opportunity to spend more time with her new sister. Darcy was equally eager to see his dear younger sister and to make certain that she knew that Pemberley was still her home. Of course, she would always be welcome to live with them.

  As Elizabeth yawned and stretched in the bed, her husband reached out for her.

  “Good morning, Lizzy, my love.” Darcy nuzzled her cheek, his face rough with morning bristles. “Are you feeling better today? I am happy to send for the doctor if you still feel unwell.”

  “No doctor is necessary, though appreciate your concern, Fitzwilliam. I am sure it is nothing. Just a slight queasiness in my stomach.” She smiled at her husband. “Probably all of the lovely rich food that I am being served at your table. You had better watch out or you will soon have a very plump wife.”

  Kissing her softly, Darcy reached out and ran his hand down her side, feeling the curve of her waist and the rise of her hip. “A plump and ripe wife is fine with me,” he said. “You are already completely delicious, and more of you would be even more delectable.”

  His hand slid up to her breast and immediately her nipple rose to attention. Elizabeth felt that yielding sensation that was becoming so familiar. For a moment she lay there and let him caress her, her lips seeking his as she felt that warm connection. Then she pulled back, shaking her head with a rueful smile.

  “Fitzwilliam, I cannot stay in bed this morning. Georgiana is coming, as you well know, and I have to make certain that the preparations are settled for the te
nants’ Christmas party.”

  With a groan, he pulled her back to him gently. “Stay in bed. Let the servants do it.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “The servants do nearly everything. But I still have to make some decisions as the mistress of Pemberley. Perhaps tonight we’ll have time to—”

  Darcy rolled over with a mock sigh. “Is this how you will be, Mrs. Darcy, when we have children? Always busy with matters of hearth and home, with no time for your husband?”

  Rising from the bed, Elizabeth smiled, and then moved quickly as his hand reached out to pat her on her nether regions. “That way well may be, husband. Because I can certainly see that there is quite a lot to attend to even in the absence of children.”

  She put on her dressing gown and made her way to the wash basin to freshen her face.

  “And how can we expect to produce any children if you do not stay in bed with me and satisfy me as a wife should?” Darcy’s expression was not in the least bit serious, as he smiled at her and raised his eyebrows in mock dismay.

  “In truth, Mr. Darcy, you have been quite assiduous in your attempts to make certain that I fulfill my marital duties. And you must agree that I am more than willing on most occasions.” She turned back to him while wrapping her gown more firmly about her person. “But today, sir, I must attend to other things.”

  Elizabeth approached him swiftly, planting a quick kiss on his mouth as he sat on the side of the ornate bed, and then retreating. She managed to escape his grasp as he reached out once more, laughingly. She disappeared through the adjoining door to her dressing room, to ready herself and begin her work as mistress of Pemberley at holiday time.

  Physical delights would have to wait until this evening, when she knew her husband would be as eager to pleasure her as ever.

  Elizabeth smiled as she heard a quiet humming from Mr. Darcy in the bedchamber. She had come to love these times when they could be alone, and Fitzwilliam demonstrated his true tender and passionate nature. He was always kind… or nearly always… but sometimes he could be obstinate. And she wondered if Darcy was uncomfortable having a wife who was as bold about expressing her opinions as she was.

  She heard the door to her bedchamber close, and only a moment later there was a small knock.

  “Come in,” Elizabeth said, pulling her dressing gown around her. She stepped out to see Fiona entering the door.

  “Good morning ma’am,” Fiona said, giving a brief and awkward curtsy, a bit of etiquette she must have picked up from her time assisting Georgiana’s lady’s maid. Elizabeth covered her mouth to stifle the small smile emerging on her lips.

  “Good morning, Fiona.” She crossed the room to her dressing table. “You know that Georgiana is arriving this evening. I would like to wear my nice blue gown.”

  “Yes ma’am” Fiona said, her brown eyes meeting Elizabeth’s as her mistress sat down in front of the mirror. “I will have it ready for you.”

  “And I would like my hair to look especially nice today. Do you think you can do that?”

  It was a new sensation for Elizabeth to have help in dressing and with her hair. She was frankly astonished to discover how quickly one could get used to such comforts. And depend upon them. Suddenly the idea of dressing without a servant at hand seemed very difficult.

  Fiona’s eyes in the mirror had widened. “Oh yes. Grace… she’s my sister… taught me a new style that she learned from a friend who has just been in London. They say it’s what all the fashionable ladies are wearing. Very elaborate, ma’am, with braids on the side looping.”

  As she spoke, Fiona lifted Elizabeth’s hair into a rough suggestion of the style. “She practiced it on me, and then we found a mirror so I could see the sides. And then I did it on her. It will be just the thing for greeting Georgiana.”

  Elizabeth smiled at Fiona’s enthusiasm. “That sounds lovely, Fiona. Thank you.”

  Fiona picked up a wide comb and began gently untangling Elizabeth’s long tresses. Once she got going, she began chattering away, giving Elizabeth detailed news of her family and then moving on other members of the community. It occurred to Elizabeth to caution Fiona about being so free with her conversation, but she rather enjoyed the unselfconscious way the young girl had of talking to her.

  It seemed that, at Pemberley, very few people were willing to talk to Elizabeth as an equal. Upon reflection, she understood why that was so. Living as the mistress of a large manor had already given her plenty of opportunity to think about the disparity between various stations in life. She had come to realize that her marriage to Mr. Darcy, while undertaken for true love and nothing else, had certainly increased her status in the eyes of the world, and put her in a very different position than that in which she had experienced before her marriage.

  Elizabeth brought her attention back to Fiona’s conversation, which seemed to require little in the way of response. The new hairstyle was turning out to be elaborate and very elegant indeed. She could well believe that ladies of the court in London were wearing this new coiffure.

  “… So Maggie is telling me that Harry from the bakery is sweet on her. Oh, did you hear that, ma’am? I made a joke, and I didn’t even know it. My mother says I’m funny that way.” Fiona deftly braided together three long handfuls of Elizabeth’s hair and pinned them to her crown. “Anyway, Harry is making some of the pastries for the Christmas party, and Maggie says that after he’s all done, he’ll get some time off that day. They’re planning to go walking, and she hopes that he’ll try to give her a kiss.”

  Fiona’s eyes rose to Elizabeth’s in the mirror and she put her hand over her mouth. “Please ma’am, forgive me. I did not mean to say something so personal to you. Or to tell on Maggie. She’s a good girl, she is.” Her fingers had stopped moving on the braid, and she looked quite afraid of what the consequences of her gossip might be.

  “That’s all right, Fiona,” Elizabeth said. “I have met neither Maggie nor Harry, and if they want to kiss, I certainly will not share their secret. But do be careful when you speak about other people. Think about whether what you’re discussing might be embarrassing for them.”

  Fiona looked near tears. “My mother is always telling me I’m too much of a chatterbox. Please forgive me, ma’am. I promise I will watch my words more in the future.”

  “It might be better if you did, Fiona.” Elizabeth patted the younger woman on her arm. “Now please do your best to finish up my hair because I have a meeting with Mrs. Reynolds to talk about tonight’s dinner for Georgiana.”

  Fiona finished up the elaborate hairdo quickly and said hardly anything for the rest of the time she was Elizabeth’s room. By the time she left, Elizabeth was satisfied that her dress for the evening would be in readiness and that Fiona was suitably chastened about her earlier breach of confidence.

  As Elizabeth made her way down the hallway and then down the grand front staircase to the foyer, she was once again struck by the deference of the servants that she passed, and how different her life was now from theirs. It had never before occurred to her that with the kind of position she now had she would not only have people to assist her in every task, but she would have responsibilities to them as well. A young girl like Fiona, who was barely trained as a lady’s maid, could ruin her future by speaking too freely. So it was up to Elizabeth to make her understand the limitations of her position. Although it would be charming to have a confidante in Fiona, she would not be doing the young girl a favor by encouraging too intimate a relationship.

  After having a small breakfast, because it was all she could stomach this morning, Elizabeth sat down with Mrs. Reynolds to discuss the evening meal.

  “Miss Darcy is very partial to pheasant, Mrs. Darcy, and that is the fowl that Mr. Darcy usually orders for her on the evening she returns home to Pemberley.”

  “Well if that’s Georgiana’s favorite, and certainly we will serve it to her. Is there a pudding that she prefers?”

  “Oh yes, she loves my trifle. But lately she h
as been skipping the pudding because she wants to fit into the most fashionable gowns.”

  “Is she concerned about retaining a slim silhouette? That surprises me, because she is still so very young.”

  “Well, now that Miss Darcy is out, I believe she wants to do credit to her brother in town. Whatever she can do to please him and reflect well on the family is very important to her.”

  Elizabeth nodded. She could not help but recall what her husband had told her about Georgiana and the nefarious Colonel Wickham. Probably the poor thing was still trying to make up for her youthful error in judgment in giving in to his romantic blandishments.

  “Well, Mrs. Reynolds, it sounds to me as though you have this evening’s dinner very well in hand. And what did you have in mind for Christmas dinner, when Georgiana and my aunt and uncle Gardiner will also be here? I would like it to be an especially delicious meal, but not pretentious.”

  Mrs. Reynolds seemed taken aback at Elizabeth’s statement. Her response, when it came, was slightly frosty. “I should hope, Mrs. Darcy, that nothing we do here at Pemberley house is pretentious. Lady Anne Darcy, your Mr. Darcy’s dear departed mother, was very precise in her instructions about how the table was to be set and the meal was to be served. I like to believe that her taste was refined enough to suit all seasons.”

  Elizabeth chose her words carefully in response. “Although I have only been at Pemberley for a short time, Mrs. Reynolds, everything that I have observed to date has been of the highest taste. I would never presume to criticize the way in which the meals are prepared or served. All is quite magnificent.” She paused and looked into the older woman’s eyes, seeing a softening of her expression. “However, I would like to be able to put my own stamp on things here, and perhaps introduce a few changes to the routine.”

  Mrs. Reynolds did not huff, but it looked as though she wanted to. Her mouth was in a set line when she spoke again. “Of course, Mrs. Darcy. Whatever you prefer.”

  After a few more minutes of discussing the menu for the Christmas dinner, Elizabeth dismissed Mrs. Reynolds. She might well have offended the woman, but she was not willing to give up her prerogative as the mistress of Pemberley to create family meals as she saw fit.


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