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Holiday Bliss Complete, Box Set Books 1-3: a Pride & Prejudice Intimate

Page 3

by Lily Lord

  Darcy embraced her tenderly and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, not wanting to come between the siblings or seem overeager. But her concerns were assuaged when Georgiana squealed with delight and came over to put her arms around her.

  “Elizabeth. Sister.”

  “You must call me Lizzy, Georgiana. Now that we are officially sisters.”

  “Lizzy! Of course. I will.” She got an impish look on her face. “And no one calls me anything except Georgiana, which I love, but it is so formal. We will have to arrange for a secret sister’s name between us. And we won’t tell big brother Fitzwilliam, shall we?” She cast her gaze over it Darcy as if to gauge whether she had been too impudent.

  Elizabeth smiled and squeezed Georgiana’s hand. “Indeed. That will be our first order of business.” She leaned into Georgiana and spoke quietly into her ear. “As soon as we get away from your big brother.”

  Georgiana laughed merrily, and Darcy looked pleased if a little bit confounded by the immediate intimacy between his wife and his sister. The three of them proceeded through the large doors and into the foyer where Georgiana greeted each member of the staff in turn with an embrace or grasping of hands.

  Elizabeth was struck with the warmth everyone seemed to feel for the younger Darcy. They had known her, many of them, since she was born, and Georgiana seemed to see little need for formality with the staff. Perhaps she was one of those individuals who could breach the gap between mistress and servant and suffer no loss of authority in doing so.

  As they went up the stairs together, Georgiana held hands with Elizabeth. It filled Elizabeth’s heart with a glow to realize that she had indeed gained another sister with her marriage into the Darcy family. She was very much looking forward to getting to know the sweet young woman who seemed ready to open her arms in friendship. And it pleased her so much to know that such a warm relationship would also make Darcy happy.

  When they reached the upper hallway, Elizabeth dared to take a look over at her husband. He seemed contented. She was sorry that Georgiana’s homecoming had been somewhat overshadowed by their conflict earlier today. No doubt all would be resolved by this evening, when she and Darcy were able to have time in private together again.

  As Georgiana made her way down the hall to her familiar childhood bedroom, she continued to bring Elizabeth along.

  “Come, Lizzy. I must show you the new gowns I’ve brought from London. You cannot imagine how beautiful they are this season. I hope that Fitzwilliam will not be cross it me for having two new ones made up. I needed to have something fresh.”

  Elizabeth looked back over her shoulder at her husband as she heard him respond.


  “No indeed, Georgiana. A girl of your age needs to keep up with the latest fashions. Whatever pleases your heart pleases me.”

  At that, Georgiana released Elizabeth’s hand and flitted back to her brother’s side, giving him another embrace. “You are too kind, Willy. Isn’t he too kind, Lizzy? Oh, isn’t that cute? Now you are Lizzy and he is Willy.” She clapped her hands together and smiled. “Perfect. Lizzy and Willy.”

  Darcy seemed bemused. Elizabeth looked questioningly at her husband.

  “Willy?” She arched one eyebrow at him, marveling at the fact that despite their quarrel earlier today, she still found her heart beating harder at the sight of him. Was it possible that her passion for her husband was inflamed by the spice of a bit of conflict? It certainly left her feeling confused and a bit unsettled about how their next encounter would go. But she knew in her heart and in her body exactly how she would like it to go.

  As she gazed at Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth could feel the heat rise in her face. And his return look was full of the ardor to which she had become accustomed. That intense darkness in his eyes gave away his own feelings. She had to look away before Georgiana caught on to the pent-up passion between them.

  Looking back down at his sister with affection, Darcy patted her hand. “Willy was a childhood nickname of mine. It is strictly for bidden to be used in my presence since I became a grown man, but Georgiana pays no attention to my edicts, and insists on using it with little regard for my tender sensibilities.”

  Georgiana laughed, and caught back up with Elizabeth. “Dear brother, I was not going to tell her until you two were married. I did not want to ruin your dignity with your future wife. But now that she is a member of the family, she can know that your real name is Willy.”

  Georgiana pulled Elizabeth forward down the hallway. “Willy, I am taking your wife with me to show her my new gowns. We ladies have a lot to talk about. So if you will excuse us, we will be preparing for dinner, and we’ll see you later in the dining room.”

  Darcy looked surprised but amused, to Elizabeth’s relief. “I can see that I am being dismissed. I look forward to rejoining you ladies at dinner.”

  As Darcy walked away, Georgiana pulled Elizabeth eagerly down the hallway, then opened the door to a small sitting room. Once inside, she gasped and stood in the middle of the space looking all around.

  “Oh, Lizzy, did you do this? It is beautiful.”

  “Actually, Georgiana, I wish that I could claim credit. Your brother had this room updated as a surprise for you. I know he’ll be so pleased that you like it.”

  Georgiana walked slowly around the room, fingering the new fabric on the chairs and admiring the drapery. “So lovely,” she said. “He must have had someone help him with the decor. My brother has good taste in horses… and in wives,” she said, smiling saucily at Elizabeth, “but he knows nothing about furnishings.”

  She sat down on one of the small sofas and patted the seat beside her. Elizabeth joined her.

  “And now that Christmas is coming, Lizzy, you will be able to put your own stamp on Pemberley for the holidays. What fun we shall have!” She smiled at Elizabeth and the gleam in her eyes was balm to Elizabeth’s heart.

  “I am so happy to have you here, Georgiana. I very much look forward to getting to know you as a true sister.”

  “And I feel the same way,” Georgiana said. “Oh! And I am so glad to have a brand-new sister in whom I can confide.” She leaned forward and lowered her voice, although they were the only two people in the small room. “I met a man. A very handsome man indeed.” The impish grin returned as she awaited Elizabeth’s reaction.

  “How lovely, Georgiana. I confess that I am not at all surprised. A beautiful and accomplished young woman such as yourself is likely to find many a handsome young man in attendance everywhere she goes.”

  For a moment, Georgiana got quieter. A shadow fell over her face. “As I am sure you know, it was not too long ago that I was involved with a very inappropriate young man. That shame will always be with me.”

  Elizabeth patted the younger woman’s hand. “You need feel no shame at all, Georgiana.”

  Georgiana looked at her cautiously. “So my brother has told you… about my terrible misjudgment.” Her face was red, and she lowered her eyes to her lap. “I am embarrassed that you should know.”

  “Georgiana, please do not feel embarrassed. Your brother only told me… in connection with some behavior of the man in question. And only the barest description.”

  “I will never forgive myself for such a grievous error.”

  “The error was all on the man’s part, Georgiana. He bears the responsibility for his attempt to take advantage of a very young girl who was not sophisticated in the ways of the world. You were but… fifteen?”

  “Yes. I am wiser now.”

  “I am certain that you are. And older, too, by nearly two years.” Elizabeth hesitated about mentioning her own sister’s marriage to the disreputable George Wickham, and realized that she was not at all sure that Mr. Darcy had ever explained the situation to Georgiana. She intended to ask him at the next opportunity about whether his sister knew, lest the news ever reach Georgiana’s ears that she was after all distantly related to the despicable man.

ana smiled again, her good spirits bubbling back to the surface. “So do you not wish to ask me about this young man, and how I met him? I can assure you that he is quite respectable.”

  Elizabeth smiled back. “I can certainly observe that you wish to tell me and as I have no objection to hearing it, please, do share.”

  Georgiana’s eyes opened wide, and she squeezed Elizabeth’s hands lightly. “This young man, handsome, charming, and well-positioned in life, was introduced to me by the redoubtable Lady Catherine de Bourgh!”

  At that, Elizabeth leaned back in surprise. She did not know in what regard her new sister held Lady Catherine, so she dared not venture a response. She merely nodded, smiling tentatively.

  Georgiana took that as encouragement enough. Releasing Elizabeth’s hands, she sprang to her feet and started pacing the room, describing the young man with fluid gestures as she walked.

  “Oh, Lizzy, he is so wonderful. I cannot wait for you to meet him. Tall in stature, golden haired, and with the bluest eyes. I never saw such a handsome man. And he has a title! Can you believe it? My mother, Lady Anne, would have been so pleased.” Georgiana paused in front of the window, her hands now fluttering around her mouth as she tried to repress her large smile.

  “He sounds wonderful,” Elizabeth began, but got no further.

  “He is indeed!” Georgiana rushed back to sit beside Elizabeth again. “And the most wonderful part of all is that he seems to think that I am to.” Her smile was now so big as to cover her face.

  Elizabeth had never seen Georgiana as anything but a shy young woman, and she was amazed at the change in her. Perhaps the attentions of this young man and her realization that the difficulty with Wickham was well behind her had allowed her to blossom anew. But quiet alarm bells were ringing in Elizabeths had about whether this young man was really so suitable. Of course, if he had been introduced by Lady Catherine de Bourgh, his connections must be impeccable.

  “Georgiana, it is no surprise to anyone who knows you that such a young man… titled or not… should be enamored with you. But I caution you against falling head over heels too quickly…”

  Even as she said it, Elizabeth realized the futility of such advice. Would she have heeded that kind of suggestion from an elder, even a well-intentioned one, when she had first met Fitzwilliam Darcy?

  Of course, in her case, the initial impression had not been positive at all. Quite the opposite. But either way, anyone who had tried to influence her response to the man would have been summarily ignored. Such were the ways of lovers… or eventual lovers.

  “And have you told anyone about this young man yet, Georgiana?”

  Georgiana shook her head gravely, her eyes serious. “No. You are the only one. I am counting on you to help me break it to my brother, so that he will extend an invitation to him and the whole family can meet him.”

  “But you haven’t told me his name. Who is the young man?”

  “It is John Stanley. The eldest son of the Earl of W______.”

  “Oh yes. It is a well-known family. I cannot imagine there would be any objection on the basis of his position.” Elizabeth gazed at the beaming young woman in front of her, the picture of happy young love. “How old are you now Georgiana?”

  “I am near seventeen.”

  “Still very young to have decided that you are in love.”

  “Not too young, though, to recognize love when I meet it! Oh, Lizzy, please tell me that you will help me. My brother’s goodwill is so important to me…”

  Elizabeth smiled at the younger woman. “I will certainly help you introduce the idea, Georgiana. But I cannot be responsible for your brother’s reaction.” She stood up. “As I am sure you are well aware, he has a mind of his own.”

  Georgiana slipped her hand into Elizabeth’s. “And that is why I am so glad that he has fallen in love with you, Lizzy. I dearly hope that you will be able to take some of the starch out of him and expose the kind interior heart that he does not always show to the world.”

  The two ladies made their way down to the dining room and were escorted in, one on each arm of Mr. Darcy. As they sat down around the family table, resplendent with all the best that Pemberley had to offer, Elizabeth was gratified to observe that her husband was beaming. It struck her fully then that this was her new family. A family she was very proud to be a part of.

  They were only one course into the dinner when Georgiana looked meaningfully at Elizabeth. Taking this as her cue to introduce the subject of a potential beau for her new sister-in-law, Elizabeth opened the conversation as diplomatically as she could.

  “Georgiana, have you been making any new acquaintances while in London?” It was perhaps an obvious opening gambit, but Darcy did not seem to notice the pointed question.

  Georgiana dabbed her mouth prettily with the linen, and placed it in her lap. “In fact, Lizzy, I have been introduced to a most appropriate young man. He is John Stanley, the son of the Earl of W____.” Her face was aglow with pleasure at the mention of her wished-for beau. She turned to face her brother. “And Willy, do you know that it was Lady Catherine who introduced me to him? She seems to think he could be a suitable match for me.”

  With that, Georgiana sat back, apparently satisfied with having introduced the subject in the most desirable manner possible. Both Elizabeth and Georgiana watched Darcy carefully for his reaction.

  To the surprise of both of them, there was very little response. He nodded and went on eating his pheasant. “I am quite sure that when the time is right, you will have no trouble attracting young men of suitable rank, Georgiana.”

  Elizabeth and Georgiana looked at each other. Darcy seemed not to appreciate the import of Georgiana’s statements.

  Her brother went on speaking, apparently oblivious to their shared puzzlement. “When the Gardiners come tomorrow, perhaps we can organize an outing for them. Would you like that Georgiana?” He looked at his sister with a smile, obviously meaning to please her.

  “Yes. That sounds lovely.” Georgiana’s eyes fixed on Elizabeth’s for a minute, and then she turned back to her brother. “I thought perhaps that Lady Catherine would have written to you about Mr. Stanley. Did she not?”

  Darcy knitted his brow as he looked back at his younger sister. “And for what reason which she write to me about this young man?”

  Elizabeth could tell that Georgiana was getting frustrated with her brother’s lack of understanding. She looked at Darcy. “I think, Fitzwilliam, that this Mr. Stanley is a gentleman Lady Catherine is suggesting would be appropriate for Georgiana to consider as a possible suitor…”

  Darcy put his fork down and sat back in his chair, his gaze moving from Elizabeth to Georgiana. “That is, of course, absurd. She is still a child. Perhaps in some years…”

  “I am not a child,” Georgiana said, and Elizabeth could see in her posture some of the fire that she shared with her brother. “I am nearly seventeen years old, Willy, and that is certainly not too young to get engaged.”

  Darcy’s eyes opened wide. “Engaged? What nonsense. You are far too young even to be thinking about such things yet. Furthermore, when it becomes appropriate for you to be introduced to suitable young men, I will be the one who will do the introducing, not Lady Catherine de Bourgh, who is a decidedly unpleasant and interfering woman, for all that she is related to us.” Darcy looked fierce.

  Georgiana looked peeved, her gaze fixed intently upon him.

  Darcy continued, his voice growing louder. “In any event, she could not possibly have your best interests in mind as your own brother does. It must be said that when the time comes, you will not be interacting with men of any sort whom I have not already deemed desirable.”

  “Fitzwilliam, perhaps…” Elizabeth attempted to interject.

  Darcy looked at her with sudden anger in his eyes. “This is not your concern. I am responsible for my sister.”

  Before Elizabeth had an opportunity to take umbrage at his response, Georgiana spoke up.

>   “Willy, I have every right to be in company with appropriate young men. I am well old enough to consider marriage…” She looked as though she was holding onto control with the barest of grips. Her eyes were bright with unshed tears.

  Darcy looked up at the servant who had just come in with the next course. “Leave us,” he said to the footman, who looked quite stunned, but turned on his heel and returned from whence he had come.

  Darcy leaned down toward his sister and spoke in a low voice. “Need I remind you of your recent encounter with a very unsavory man who was almost the ruin of your own person, as well as the reputation of the Darcy family?”

  Before he had finished his sentence, Georgiana’s eyes spilled over with tears, she stood up from her chair, and mumbling a barely audible “excuse me” she walked out of the room with her shoulders back and head as regal as a queen’s.

  As soon as she left, Darcy immediately put his head into his hands. Elizabeth reached over to touch him on the arm, but then stopped when he looked up with fire in his eyes.

  “I am quite certain, Lizzy, that you have an opinion on how I should have responded to Georgiana’s overtures. I do however, hope that you can resist sharing it with me at this moment. My own intelligence is berating me suitably already, I can assure you.”

  Elizabeth paused and then shook her head. “I would never dream of berating you for trying to protect your beloved younger sister, Fitzwilliam. I am only sorry that her youthful eagerness to share her interest in this young man was presented in such a precipitous manner. I can well imagine that you find the idea of her being ready to consider an engagement preposterous.”

  “I assume that you were already in possession of this intelligence? That Georgiana has a young man she is interested in? No doubt you were part of the scheme to spring this on me.”

  Elizabeth looked at the man who was now her husband and wondered at the many aspects of his temperament. She continued to be surprised that in him coexisted a kind-hearted partner, a passionate lover, and the domineering head of the Pemberley estate.


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