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Holiday Bliss Complete, Box Set Books 1-3: a Pride & Prejudice Intimate

Page 7

by Lily Lord

  Immediately, Darcy was by her side, taking her small hand in his two large warm ones. He seemed to give nothing for propriety as he spoke to her freely in front of his sister, her aunt, and the servant who had fetched him.

  “I have called for the doctor to come instantly. Lizzy, I am concerned. I think you must bid our guests good night and take to your bed, though it be Christmas Eve.” The sweet worry in those dark eyes was beautiful to see, though it pained her to know that her beloved husband was worried.

  Reluctantly, Elizabeth bid her guests good evening and made her way up to her bedchamber with her husband’s arm firmly around her waist. If anyone from the staff was shocked at Mr. Darcy’s familiarity with his wife, they did not bat an eye. In fact, Elizabeth saw many faint smiles and happy glances that shifted away when they passed. No doubt most of those working at Pemberley were happy to see how much their young master was in love with his bride.

  When Fiona was finished helping her get ready for bed, Elizabeth was quite content to close her eyes and sink into the comfort and quiet of sleep. It seemed mere minutes later when she became aware of a light tapping on her door.

  “Mrs. Darcy? The doctor is here.”

  “Come in,” she said, feeling groggy.

  Fiona tiptoed in, candle in hand, and led the doctor to the bed. He was a short and rather portly fellow, whose very physiognomy seemed to suggest kind intentions.

  “Good evening, Mrs. Darcy. I am Doctor Grant. I am sorry to disturb you at this time of the night, but your husband was quite insistent that you needed to be seen as soon as possible.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “I can only imagine, Doctor Grant. I do appreciate your coming out at this hour. Probably I am quite healthy.”

  The doctor nodded. He was gentle in his brief examination of her heart and lungs. He looked in her eyes and had her show him her tongue. At the end of the physical portion of the interview, he set his instruments down and looked at her.

  “Now, may I ask you a few questions, Mrs. Darcy?”

  “Of course.”

  “I am given to understand that you have been feeling a bit sick in your stomach in recent days?”


  “And occasionally somewhat dizzy?”


  “And you and Mr. Darcy have been married… some two months or a bit less, as I understand it? This is according to the local sources of information regarding the Darcy household,” he said, with a gentle laugh.

  “Yes, Doctor.” Elizabeth realized that she was coloring, and hoped that the doctor could not see the change in her complexion in the low light of the candle. She was it angry at herself for feeling selfconscious. The import of his questions was obvious, but there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

  “And have you been having… regular female discharges on a normal basis?”

  “Well, I…” Once again, she felt foolish. She should have been paying attention to her personal schedule. “I did not focus on it until today, but it is true that I cannot recall having my monthly courses since I was married more than three fortnights ago.”

  Doctor Grant gave a warm smile. “And I am confident, Mrs. Darcy, that you have a good idea of where these clues are leading.”

  Elizabeth nodded. She managed a smile. “You are telling me that I am very possibly at the beginning of a… pregnancy.”

  “Yes indeed.” Doctor Grant was already beginning to put his instruments back into his satchel. “Of course, it is impossible to be certain until several more months have passed. But I would suggest that you comport yourself in a way suitable for a woman who is embarking on such a journey.”

  “What do you suggest, Doctor? Is there anything that I should avoid?”

  Lifting up his bag in one hand and placing the other on hers, Doctor Grant looked down at Elizabeth, beaming as though he could himself claim credit for her probable condition. “We can speak about that when we are certain if it is the case. In the meantime, I will happily inform Mr. Darcy of the likelihood that he is soon to have an heir.”

  Before Elizabeth could react to his pronouncement, the doctor had left the room and closed the door behind him. She lay back amidst the bedclothes and let herself feel the full import of what was ahead.

  A baby. How amazing. How completely frightening.

  How would it feel to be pregnant… to carry life in her body? Would the baby be healthy? Would Elizabeth survive the birth? She knew that many women died giving birth, and had known of a number of young motherless children in the village where she had grown up.

  Lost in contemplation she was, she gave a start when the door opened.

  “Lizzy, my love. My darling. How wonderful you are.” Darcy knelt beside her bed and took her face tenderly in his hands, bestowing kisses on her mouth one after the other. “My precious Mrs. Darcy. An heir for Pemberley house. I could not be happier.”

  Elizabeth looked at her husband’s eyes in the warm glow of the single candle beside her bed. She smiled to see his joy.

  He picked up her hand and kissed it on the tender palm. “How clever of you to accomplish this so efficiently. I never doubted that you would.”

  She shook her head with a small smile. “Fitzwilliam, I am just as excited about this possibility as you are, but we cannot be certain that I am… in that way… until several more months have passed. We can only hope and pray that that is the case, and that healthy growth will continue undisturbed.” Elizabeth smiled up at her husband as he leaned down to give her another sweet kiss on the lips. “And we certainly do not know that this potential infant will be a boy. It could just as well be a girl.”

  Darcy smiled back. “Well, I will love her just the same. But it would be very convenient if our first was a son so that we could take care of the succession of Pemberley House immediately. Then you may go on to have as many girls as you desire.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “It is indeed very kind of you, sir, to allow me to have whatever kind of children I prefer. You may also speak to the Lord about such decisions, because I do not think they are in my hands. Nor yours.”

  Elizabeth laid her head back on the bed, feeling the stress and excitement of the holiday and all of the guests, and how deeply she was fatigued.

  “If you will forgive me, Mr. Darcy, I believe that I am tired tonight. I think that we can perhaps refrain from additional marital relations this evening, if that is acceptable to you.” She said this with a smile.

  Darcy looked shocked. “I would never consider having connubial relations with a woman in such delicate a condition as yourself. No, madam, you may be certain that I will be sleeping in my own bed for the duration of your lying-in period.”

  Elizabeth raised her eyebrows. “I will not argue with you about this, Fitzwilliam, but I certainly hope that will not be the case. I should be sorely disappointed if this were the end of our relations for the next many months.” She gave him a sidelong glance and a small smile. “And I would wager that you will change your mind in that regard rather quickly. Judging by your typical appetite for such physical delights.”

  Darcy looked at her skeptically. “You may well be correct, Lizzy. But for now, let us be cautious. Tonight I will sleep alone.”

  Elizabeth reached out her hand, even as her eyes longed to shut. “ No. Please. I would like you to stay with me tonight.”

  Her husband looked surprised. “Certainly. I will, if you would prefer it.”

  “I would. I would like to wake up with you beside me.”

  “Then so you shall.”

  Relaxing, then, in the knowledge that her husband would be there all night long, Elizabeth drifted off, visions of babies in her head. She spent a peaceful night dreaming of her future and imagining happy children running along the paths at Pemberley.

  At length she became aware of rustling sounds in the bed, and opened her eyes to see that Darcy was still beside her. The morning light made long shadows across the floor. She reached over and took his hand, and he kissed hers.

/>   “Merry Christmas, darling. What a gift you have given me, Lizzy.”

  She smiled. “I believe that we gave the gift to each other.”

  Darcy’s eyebrow lifted and he turned onto his side, propping himself upon his elbow, permitting Elizabeth to admire his powerful shoulders and muscled chest. “And I have a surprise for you.” He looked mischievous and proud, all in the same moment. “I was going to wait until the surprise appeared, but I can keep it to myself no longer.”

  It was Elizabeth’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “Then please do share it with me. Since I have everything a woman could want, I cannot imagine what you might have gotten me.”

  Darcy’s smile grew wider. “I have gifted you with your sister!” His eyes were dancing. “Jane and Bingley will be arriving this afternoon to celebrate Christmas Day with us.”

  Elizabeth gasped in delight. In that moment she felt how profoundly she had missed her sister… and how thrilled Jane would be to hear her wonderful news.

  She opened her arms to Mr. Darcy and he came to her, wrapping her in his warm embrace.

  “What a wonderful gift! And such a surprise. Merry Christmas, Mr. Darcy.”

  “I am so happy to be able to bring you joy. Because what you have given me is unequaled.” He kissed her tenderly. “Merry Christmas, my darling Lizzy.”

  Pemberley After Christmas

  Book 3, Holiday Bliss

  a Pride and Prejudice Intimate

  “Soon Darcy’s arms were around her, warm and strong, and her body was tight against his powerful chest. Elizabeth tangled her fingers into the curling hairs at the back of his neck and let herself be pulled into a deep kiss. As his tongue probed her mouth, she felt her husband’s hand reach down and lift up her sleep shift. Hot fingers caressed her knee and then rose slowly up the inside of her thigh. She gasped in pleasure and delight.”

  Elizabeth laughed as she opened the door from her dressing room in the morning only to discover her husband standing in the hallway waiting for her.

  “This is a nice surprise, Fitzwilliam. Are you here to escort me down the stairs?”

  “Indeed I am, Lizzy. You are like a fine piece of china. I want nothing untoward to happen to you. Or to my future heir.” Darcy was smiling, but as he offered his arm to her it was quite clear that he took the situation seriously.

  “I appreciate your kind attention, Mr. Darcy, but I fear that it will be a very long several months for both of us if you insist on walking me everywhere I go from this day forward.”

  Elizabeth put her arm on his and proceeded to leave the room. As she did, she spotted one of the servants coming down the hall. She nodded toward the young man and lowered her voice to speak into Darcy’s ear. “And since it is not in our interest to have everyone at Pemberley knowing about my condition until the situation becomes self-evident, I think that you might wish to temper your urge to protect me at every moment.”

  Darcy merely nodded, and made no response. Continuing to hold onto her arm, he smiled at every person they encountered on their way down the hall and while descending the grand staircase. “Happy Christmas,” he said as he greeted them all, beaming.

  Some of the staff seemed a bit surprised, but all of them looked pleased. Seeing them reminded Elizabeth about the party for the tenants and townspeople that was to take place tomorrow. When they arrived at the bottom of the stairs, she gently removed her arm from her husband’s.

  “When are we expecting Jane and Mr. Bingley to arrive? I have some business to handle with Mrs. Reynolds before they are here. I need to discuss the final details of tomorrow’s party with her.”

  Darcy turned to her in surprise. “Lizzy, you cannot be attending to the business of the household in your current condition. Of course it is appropriate for you to greet your sister and her husband, who have come all the way from Netherfield to visit, but henceforth, it is important that you stay in your room and get proper rest. No chances can be taken with the heir.”

  Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open in astonishment. She looked at her husband, the man who had been so kind to her last night and this morning, and who had been thrilled with her news about the likelihood that she was going to have a child.

  “Surely, sir, you cannot be serious. I have no intention of retiring to my bedchamber for the next many months. It is not in the least necessary, and it is definitely something that I would find neither amusing nor acceptable.”

  Darcy’s face took on that hard expression with which she was familiar. She could almost see his spine stiffening as he raised himself to his full height, a level which was considerably above hers.

  He looked down at her, his eyes dark. “Am I to understand that you would put your own amusement before the health of our future child?”

  Elizabeth looked around. This was not the place to have such a discussion, but it seemed unlikely that her husband would be willing to relocate to another room to address the topic rationally. She endeavored to put a smile on her face. “We will certainly have ample opportunity to talk about this matter later. In private. In the meantime, I intend to enjoy Christmas day and take joy in visiting with the family members who have come to join us at Pemberley for my first holiday here.”

  Watching him, Elizabeth saw indications that Darcy was already recognizing that his stance might be unreasonable. But now his stubbornness was setting in, and he was unlikely to change his position.

  He nodded, his face not yielding. “The Bingleys will be arriving later this afternoon. But first, there is church.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “Of course. I look forward to singing the Christmas hymns.”

  Darcy shook his head. “It is inappropriate for you to attend church.”

  Elizabeth felt her temper snap, but still, she kept her voice low in light of the servants who were passing through the front hall. “That is absurd. My health is no different today than it was yesterday. And if that fool doctor had not preemptively told you that I…” She turned on her heel and headed back toward the stairs.

  Darcy caught up to her in one stride, taking her arm firmly but gently. “Let me help you.”

  She turned to him and knew that there was fire in her eyes. She had no wish to make a scene in front of the servants, particularly on this special day. Instead, she allowed her husband to hold her arm as they made their way back up the stairs, retracing the route they had just traveled.

  “Please do join me in my chambers, Mr. Darcy. I believe that we need to talk.”

  “Indeed we do, Mrs. Darcy.”

  It was a conversation that had to be faced. Elizabeth steeled her resolve and determined to hold her ground. Nearly a year of staying in her bedroom was unthinkable.

  Fitzwilliam Darcy was going to hear exactly what Elizabeth thought. On this and many other subjects. They were married, she was carrying his child, and it was time to establish some rules.

  When they arrived at the room, Elizabeth realized that she was trembling. Whether it was from anger or anxiety, she could not be sure. Probably a portion of both.

  Darcy followed her in and closed the door behind him. There was an awkward moment during which Elizabeth tried to decide where to sit. But she realized immediately that she did not want to sit. She would stand. She would need all her height and all her strength to stand firm against Fitzwilliam Darcy.

  She had changed markedly since the day when he had first proposed. On that day, she had been so sure of his pridefulness and unsuitable qualities that she had not been afraid. His insulting manner of asking for her hand had thrown her into such shocked amazement that she could only respond by speaking the truth without regard for the consequences.

  Why, now, was it so difficult to do the same? Surely she knew him better. But she also loved him now. She was his wife. In the eyes of the law, she was tantamount to being his property, the same as a cow or sheep that was raised on the grounds of Pemberley. As his wife, she was under the dominion of her husband, body and soul.

  Elizabeth gave herself a mental s
hake. Whatever the law said, or whatever the world thought, she was still her own person.

  She turned to face her husband. His eyes were blazing, and she was almost afraid. But she mustered her courage and spoke.

  “Fitzwilliam. You knew when you asked me to marry you that I was not a conventional woman. I never planned to be ruled by a man, and even as I fell in love with you, I did not intend to acquiesce to all of the legal and societal strictures that most women abide by.

  “I am perfectly healthy. What’s more, I am not even certain yet that I am with child. But if and when I am in that condition, I will still expect to be able to live my life on a normal basis, unless there seems to be some special difficulty with my pregnancy. I will not be confined unreasonably.”

  Darcy stared when she spoke. For a moment, he just gazed at her, his eyes no longer fiery, but cold.

  It occurred to Elizabeth once again what an arrogant, obstinate man he could be. And what a formidable foe he must be in adversity. She would never want to be his enemy. The trembling in her limbs started up again, and she moved toward the fireplace in the hopes that its warmth would calm her down.

  “Lizzy.” Darcy moved closer to her, his eyes chilly. “You are my wife. I am the master here at Pemberley. I am responsible for all of the people who make their living by working in this house or toiling in its fields. Whole families depend upon me and the way I handle my business… for their survival. If I don’t perform my own duties properly, their children will not eat next winter.” He looked away from her. “In order to establish myself as someone they respect, I must run my household in accordance with social norms. That includes having a wife who obeys me. One who does not embarrass me. One who sets a good example for all the women who observe us.”

  Elizabeth opened her mouth to respond, but Darcy put his hand up to stop her from speaking.


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