Blue Mazurka

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Blue Mazurka Page 10

by Shūsuke Amagi

  "....... I can't blame them."


  Complicated feelings filled Nina's voice. Yes, the people living in Falnir were not responsible. Just like the students in Zuellni, they drifted in a region in this wilderness and had to rely on their city alone to survive. The city's consciousness, the Electronic Fairy, had made the decision to leave. One couldn't judge an Electronic Fairy. It had only made the best decision to protect the people living in the city, and as such, Zuellni had been left behind. This wasn't a vile act. It shouldn't be.

  Almost all Military Artists had witnessed the moment of Falnir's leaving. The sound of metal denoted the breaking up of the contact point, and at that moment, two shining things appeared. One was the figure of a young girl. The other was of a grown male. Many people hadn't seen these two figures before, but they all knew what they were. Zuellni and Falnir's Electronic Fairies. Falnir's aura was like a beast, courageous. On the contrary, Zuellni appeared innocent and naive with its long hair swaying behind her. But there wasn't a feeling of inferiority and superiority due to the difference in appearance.

  Falnir's eyes were closed. Zuellni gave an imperceptible nod.

  Light expanded from the two Electronic Fairies and clashed, vanishing the next moment. Next, Zuellni changed. A sudden intense light blinded her figure, and a teenage girl was revealed.

  Then the two Electronic Fairies disappeared. Falnir moved away from Zuellni.

  "What do you think?"

  "How should I put it......" Layfon said, perplexed. He felt the two Electronic Fairies had said something during that time and had made a decision. The end result was Falnir's leaving. If that was the case, then what had happened? What was the meaning behind Zuellni's growth?

  ".........I think Falnir has given the victory to Zuellni."

  "Uh?" he reacted, surprised at Nina's conclusion.

  "I think some kind of relationship exists between Electronic Fairies. The two of them must be discussing, and they made a decision about who won and about the current situation. They might have compromised. That was why they showed themselves."

  Yes. That explanation seemed plausible. The two of them appeared to have discussed something. Finally, Zuellni had accepted something. That probably was just it. In that case, why did Falnir give Zuellni the victory? Because Zuellni had the advantage at the time of the Military Arts Competition? Or was it guilt for abandoning its fellow Electronic Fairy? Layfon didn't understand. Besides, this wasn't the time to dwell on speculations.

  The two of them looked at Zuellni's broken multi-leg. Either way, this had become a problem.

  "Zuellni can't move?"

  "It has lots of multi-legs. I think it can still move even though it's lost one......"

  But one couldn't quite make that conclusion since Zuellni wasn't moving right now. Perhaps it was already having trouble maintaining its balance. Other areas of Zuellni might also have been damaged. Layfon looked at the sky.

  "Still haven't found it?" He said to Felli's flake. Felli was currently searching for the location of the thing that was throwing the larvae over. Only she could spread out and control flakes both inside and outside the city. Karian had sent out probes too, but they hadn't found anything.

  Two waves of larvae came from the same direction, so what Felli was searching for should be in that direction. If she discovered it, Layfon would immediately move. Only an aged phase filth monster could execute this feat. Probably a very ancient filth monster too.

  "Still haven't found the target within 30 kilomels."

  "I see."

  30 kilomels. It wasn't possible to cover that distance without a bike. There was the problem of the bike's speed and the endurance of the suit against pollutants. Compared to that, one should also consider the possibility of a long running fight and being unable to make it back because the city was too far away. But with a bike, one should have a higher chance of returning as the bike could carry food, and the psychokinesist would also be with him. But thinking of how that filth monster could throw something so far from 30 kilomels away.........

  His nose still hurt even though the pollutants were gone from the air. No. If this was caused by pollutants, he should have a nosebleed. Then what was it?

  "Haven't you ever thought that the smell in the air changes before a battle?"

  Layfon recalled that voice.

  "I get excited whenever I feel that. Aah, a strong enemy is coming. I wonder how high of a level my body can reach this time."

  Those lines felt surreal to him, but he could now understand some of that feeling. The tension one felt in face of a strong enemy. In the past, he had never wanted to see how much strength he had. He only focused on the reward he would get after defeating his enemies. Of course, it wasn't a performance to increase one's power. An opening would make one weak, and weakness meant death. He couldn't make money if he died. That was his naive theory.

  For some reason, he felt that if he now possessed the feeling he had during those fights, he might not be able to defeat this filth monster. But if it were that person, he probably wouldn't think like that. He would only want to fight his enemy.

  In the past, Layfon only thought of how to earn rewards. Failure was possible, and his only choice was to flee if he did get trapped in that situation. This meant he had relied too much on Grendan. The current situation was different. If Layfon lost, no one in Zuellni could take his place. No, to say it correctly, this wasn't a problem of losing or not losing.........

  (Over 30 kilomels.........)

  He hoped that thing was somewhere close to 30 kilomels. 50 kilomels would take up a lot of time. And what should they do if it was over 100 kilomels? The bike would have to run not on a city's street, but on the arid land. The burden on the tires would destroy them. Besides, the longer Layfon was away, the more larvae would be thrown to Zuellni. What would the result be if 30 larvae were constantly thrown to Zuellni? The Military Artists would have more strength if not for the Military Arts Competition. Losing to the filth monster wasn't what made Layfon scared. He was scared that when he returned, Zuellni would already be destroyed.

  (Aa, why am I only realizing that now.)

  This wasn't Grendan.

  In Grendan, the Queen would ensure the city's safety even if all Heaven's Blades were sent outside. But Zuellni's strength wasn't as high. It didn't have a Queen. It didn't have Lintence, Savaris, Delbone, Cauntia, Reverse, Troyatte, Ruimei, Barmelin, Kanaris, or Tigris. Even though they weren't here now, Layfon still felt there were people there to take care of the defense behind him.

  (Why now............)

  Leerin's figure appeared in his mind. If something happened to her when he was away... If she became food for the larvae........ That thought was enough to numb his limbs. He felt like his feet were glued to Zuellni as if they had taken root.

  (Please, find it within 50 kilomels.)

  But the report that came to him after a few hours failed to grant his wish.

  "At 50 kilomels, and no target spotted."

  During Felli's report, Layfon was fighting the 5th wave.

  A positive report finally reached the office of the Student Council the next morning.

  "Thanks for the work. You should go and rest."

  "Then I'll take a rest."

  Karian touched the flake in his breast pocket as a way of comforting his sister. But......The distance was a problem. 150 kilomels. He could not imagine the power behind that something that could throw a huge rock from 150 kilomels away. He didn't even have the strength to guess that power. He might glint some information if he asked students from the Alchemy and the General Studies courses, but he had no strength to hear those reports. A Military Artist who could defeat such a foe......

  "Only him."

  But Karian had felt the same uneasiness that Layfon was feeling. 150 kilomels. This was about the same distance the last time when Layfon went to fight the aged phase filth monster. Taking the terrain into consideration, it'd take one day to re
ach the destination. No one could guarantee what the filth monster would do during that time. Perhaps it would do other things. Even filth monsters had things to take care of. So how long could Zuellni hold? They were now fighting against the 8th wave. Each wave had become slower than its predecessor. But they couldn't let their guard down.

  The Military Artists were exhausted. Karian must make a decision.

  They could shoot down the larvae group with the support of psychokinesists, but that had its limit.

  "Can I only leave it to him? But........."

  An Electronic voice sounded, coming from the bottom of the building. The female receptionist sounded shaky, saying someone was here to see him. Karian immediately understood her reaction after hearing the name of the guest. He had seen him two times. Once during Zuellni's madness, and the other time during the match with Myath.

  "What're you planning this time?"

  "Nothing. We sell 'strength'. This should be essential under this situation," the electronic voice sounded as the door closed.

  A person wearing a cold mask. No one could tell whether it was male or female. However, Karian remained calm despite the uniqueness of this person – Fermaus Foa, the Mercenary Gang's representative. Not the leader but the representative. Was it because he was a psychokinesist?

  Karian nodded. "I see. You only appear now to push up the price?"

  "Not only that. There's the event in the past too. In truth, this side feels awkward to visit you."

  "Uh,'re willing to help to compensate for the earlier event?"

  ".........I never thought you would be one to hold a grudge."

  "I don't forget people with bad personalities," he pushed away the hair from the side of his face. As he had not had any sleep, his hair had lost its shine. He had put aside his glasses too. His countenance right now was extremely exhausted, and the headache that came whenever it wanted urged him to stop thinking, but he kept at it.

  He needed the Mercenary Gang, but what was their purpose?

  "We can leave anytime, but then we can't reach our purpose," Fermaus said.

  Karian wondered whether he said it to alleviate the atmosphere or that he had already guessed Karian's thought.

  "This is the best time to obtain the Haikizoku. It's not interesting to be hated if we fail to retrieve it."

  "......So you want to control the situation?"

  "Yes. We're on the boundary of winning and losing. Let us reinforce you. Of course, we won't ask for money in return."

  "The reward is the Haikizoku?"

  "According to the situation, it might be the possessed Military Artist," Fermaus said without holding back.

  "......So you want me to abandon Zuellni's student? Do you ask for this regardless of how I answer you?"

  "You should know that the current situation is different."

  True. They were reducing the number of larvae, but if they kept fighting like this, people might die. They already had 11 students heavily injured, and numerous students sustained light injuries. It was lucky that no one had died so far. But that was just a problem of timing. The possibility of death would rise if Layfon left Zuellni. This was why Fermaus chose this timing to show himself. Felli had said that he was an incredible psychokinesist. He must have also discovered the thing throwing the larvae and so gave his suggestion to Karian based on his speculation? Or, had he hidden a flake in this room and eavesdropped on Karian's conversation with Felli? Either way, the other side held the upper hand. This masked person seemed to be saying "Here is the fighting power that you want".

  "All right," he said, nodding slowly.

  "Then the deal is sealed," Fermaus said. Karian watched him leave.

  "Are you serious?" the reproachful voice came from the flake in his breast pocket. It appeared Felli hadn't been resting.

  "Shouldn't you do something before I answer you?"

  "I already searched the room. There's no hidden flake. He might have retrieved it already, or it might not be there in the first place."


  As expected of brother and sister. Satisfaction filled him with his sister's action. He smiled.

  "Don't try to cover it up."

  "We do need their fighting strength."


  "Yes, but. You don't think your brother will sacrifice people's lives?"

  "......That is possible."

  So his sister did harbor such great hate for him. Perhaps Layfon was one of that reasons. That must be it. But, never mind.

  "Get Nina Antalk to monitor them."

  He had heard from Nina of the events when she went missing. As long as the Haikizoku was here, Zuellni might go on a rampage. Hence, he had listened to Nina's explanation. However, Nina also had a stubborn side to her. That wasn't because she was dissatisfied with the Student Council. She had a mission. As such, not wanting to waste more time, he released her from the room. He wondered whether Fermaus knew that the Haikizoku was now in Nina. The Gang must also have something planned. Zuellni had calmed down with Nina's return. No one could deny that truth.

  "We must protect her when the time comes......At least until Layfon returns," he said, even though he felt they wouldn't do well in resisting the Gang. At the same time, he cursed himself for having no choice but to make such a decision.


  The Sapphire Dite shone at the cold key word. A Katana. The blade was now thicker to maintain its new form. It was more suitable to call it a Katana used to cut wood. Layfon swung the Katana to feel it, and restored it to the Dite form, putting it back into the weapon harness. Next was the Adamantium Dite. He restored it. A Katana. Not much different from before. The shape of it had changed according to the metal Dite – the Dite that Derek had given him.

  "How is it?" Harley asked anxiously. Exhaustion of working for days without sleep showed on his face.

  "Good. Very good."

  He restored it and put it into the weapon harness, feeling the weapon harness's gained weight and the fight looming before him. 150 kilomels was too far away. No matter what, he must reach it before midnight.

  (What should I do during that time?)

  He had received Karian's instruction from the flake. Karian had told him that the Mercenary Gang would help, and that Fermaus was in charge of the Gang.

  The Gang would do this even though they kidnapped Felli before. But Layfon held gratitude for the Gang's resolve. The Gang could take care of the larvae even without Haia. However, the enemy could control the number of larvae it threw and the direction it threw from. Nothing was guaranteed even with the Mercenary Gang's participation. But Layfon couldn't hope for more. He knew the situation was against them. The longer he dragged it, the worse the situation would become.

  After thanking Harley and Kirik, he headed for the bottom of the city. He would take the bike and drive for the filth monster. He took the lift to the ground floor and put on his protective suit as he traversed the corridors.

  Nina appeared underneath the city.

  "Captain, don't you need a rest?"

  "You need a rest more than me."

  The team that the 17th platoon led was given time to rest. The short two hours were enough.

  "Isn't it better to take a rest?" Nina said.

  "I need rest before the battle, but that's only if the action hasn't been shifted ahead."

  The filth monster hadn't moved for now. But who knew when it would take action?

  "I see," she sighed.

  "Compared to that, you should adjust the amount of Kei you use. Reduce the number of times you use external Kei in a long fight. That's different from Internal Kei as it can't be recycled. Especially with you, the type who uses heavy weapons........."

  "How can you still worry about others now?" she smiled bitterly.

  "I'm sorry......"

  "No, you're not wrong......It's just, I'm too unreliable."

  He wanted to say "Not at all", but he swallowed it.

i and Raijin. I already learned these two moves, but I still can't support you......"


  "But I can at least guarantee you that we'll protect Leerin. Please rest at ease."


  Did she come here especially to tell him this? So that he could fight without worries. He wanted to say sorry, but he felt that wasn't what he should be saying now. The Katana was now in his weapon harness. Nina had done everything to persuade him to hold the Katana. What was he like to that Nina at that time? He wanted to apologize, but this wasn't the time to say sorry. He had already given it.


  Nina's eyes widened then she smiled. She smiled as if she was relieved.

  He was drawn to that smile of hers.

  "......? What?"

  "Ah, no...... Nothing. I'll definitely win and come back."

  "Don't be reckless."

  "Yeah, I know."

  Nina moved aside. He opened the door. A bike waited for him in the dim space.

  "You must return," she said as the bike took him out. When he turned his head around, the door had already closed.

  He had arrived later than he expected. It was deep into the night. He stopped the bike 10 kilomels from the target and hid himself to observe it.

  "So huge......"

  This thing was like a monster with four legs. It had lost its wings to only move on the ground. With its abdomen on the ground, it kept a resting pose like a gigantic statue. But the part jutting from its back that looked like a gargantuan chimney didn't look like part of something living.

  "......This shoots out the larva," Felli's voice came from the flake in his helmet.

  "Can't tell whether it's male, but this aged phase monster can reproduce," Layfon said as he continued observing. He wanted to jump in and eliminate it now, but looking at its size, he didn't know where to begin.


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