Blue Mazurka

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Blue Mazurka Page 11

by Shūsuke Amagi

  ".........Got it."


  "I just checked the ground. There's a huge hole there. I think there's a female filth monster there."

  "You mean......"

  "Yes, I can't see it from here, but a tube-like thing connecting its abdomen to the female's abdomen. That might explain how it sucks in the larvae."

  And shot to Zuellni like bullets.

  "In that case, I must first......" he took out the Adamantium Dite and the Sapphire Dite.

  "Fon Fon? Shouldn't you wait till the morning? You should rest first......"

  "I can take care of the larvae."

  "But it might notice the light when you restore the Dites. You must remain calm when you move."

  Sunlight could cover up the light of the Dite, but not during the night. If he did so, he'd start the battle. How tired was he right now? He hadn't slept for two nights, but he had just drunk the dense nutrient liquid to replenish his strength, and his Internal Kei flow was in good condition. What about psychologically? He took a deep breath. No problem. It had calmed down. And his Kei vein? He did fight in the Military Arts Competition and against the larvae, but that level of tiredness was light. No problem.

  He had the Adamantium Dite. Looking at this filth monster, it was at the level of gaining a name. That thought made him uneasy, but in this situation, he couldn't have any false hope. All he could do was attempt what he could do.

  "I'm going in."


  He restored the two Dites without waiting for her to finish. The filth monster reacted to the light. Its body shook. However, the skin of a filth monster just climbing out of slumber could not immediately regain its level of hardness. Layfon let the steel threads from his left hand run into the filth monster's abdomen to move through the tube into the ground. A bad feeling came from the steel threads.


  The cannon on the filth monster's back swelled. Layfon tried cutting the tube with the steel threads but failed. The external Kei was deflected. Smoke rose from the abdomen. He jumped up to swing the heavy Adamantium Dite. His target was the mouth of the cannon.

  The colossal thing jumped along with the massive pressure. The pressure prevented Layfon from landing on the mouth of the cannon. His Kei move was executed as he lost his balance.

  Extermal Kei variation – Sendan.

  The Kei cannon rebounded off the filth monster's body and failed to damage it.


  He adjusted his body for the landing. During this time, the steel threads had killed off the female filth monster and the left behind larvae. But he had only killed some of the larvae. The rest were already in the cannon.

  The filth monster stood up, leaving behind the useless tube. The sound of rock breaking came from the massive body. Layfon put the handles of the Dites together. The blade of the Katana pointed to the left of his waist. His left hand held its handle.

  Psyharden technique – Flame Cut.

  The move he executed earlier, Sendan, had given him an idea of how hard the outer skin of the filth monster was. Hence, he chose to use another technique against it. As long as he managed to cut out a part of the outer skin, he could concentrate on attacking that wound.

  A filth monster's skin was softer once it emerged from its sleep. As tiny cracks ran through the outer skin when the filth monster stood up to spread its limbs, Layfon disappeared, leaving behind flying sand. He reappeared underneath the filth monster's abdomen.

  Flame cut.

  External Kei exuded from the blade. Along with the Kei covering his left hand, the two Kei merged to become flame. Pressing those two powers together, he swung the Katana down.

  Flame return.

  The second swing of the Katana opened the wound further apart. Body liquid spilled. Layfon didn't stop moving. A Whirl Kei jump took him to the tail end of the filth monster. The enemy bent down at the severe wound, causing the earth to groan intensely. Was it too hurt to move? Or did it want to crush him? Or that it just wanted to protect its wound......

  It was too late to give the filth monster a third attack. Layfon defended against the filth monster's counterattacks as he pulled his distance apart from it. Holding the handle of the Adamantium Dite, he concentrated his strength on the Sapphire Dite. The steel threads were still underneath the enemy's abdomen. He wanted to cut open the enemy's body from its inside, but...


  Trapped in the heavy muscles, the steel threads had failed to move. He only managed to pull them out by pouring external Kei into it. The filth monster leaped, wanting to crush him with its weight. The rebound of its leap kicked up a screen of dust. Layfon jumped away.

  As he turned away in his jump, his gaze met that of the filth monster's. It was a monster, but its mouth didn't look that ferocious. It had eyes. Multiple eyes that seemed to be its only difference from a human being.

  It opened its mouth. Sensing danger, Layfon jumped away again. A loud and shrill sound came from the place that his jump was taking him to.

  "What's that?"

  The sharp things shooting from the filth monster's mouth stabbed the earth.

  "Its teeth," Felli said.

  The filth monster had shot a few of its numerous teeth in its mouth.

  "So troublesome."

  Who would have thought it had such tools along with its size....... Layfon kept moving, preventing himself from presenting a still target for the monster. His enemy moved to keep up with him and he in turn moved away. This prevented him from attacking it.

  "What is it?"

  "It's hard. It's huge, and it's hard to grab a good timing. Difficult," he replied as he ran. He attempted to ready an attacking pose with the steel threads while drawing a distance from the filth monster. However, it already took too much strength to cut open the outer skin. Not only that. The wound he made earlier had already healed.

  "As expected. Amazing revival power," he said and landed in front of the filth monster.

  "Fon......!" Felli's voice filled his helmet.

  The sharp teeth flew for him. He stepped back to avoid the assault.

  "About 500 meters is the shooting range."

  "Fon Fon?" she said, confused.

  He didn't reply. He ran, matching the filth monster that tried to close in on him. If he had wanted, he could draw it away, but he didn't do that. The certain speed that he maintained dictated the filth monster's direction.

  Someone was watching this fight from far away.

  "What's he doing?"

  The man sitting on the bike replied to the flake. "Probably measuring its strength? It seems hard to end the fight quickly, so he must be planning and doing this to figure out his opponent's true strength."

  "I see," Fermaus said. "Then aren't you going to take action? Aren't you planning to fight it?"

  Savaris had done little in the past three months. Today's scene was what he had been waiting for, but he never thought this would happen so far away from Zuellni. What were they thinking?

  "Don't worry, I'll obey the Queen's order.........They should also abide by the agreement."


  "Well, that depends on the result. Compared to that, I'm more interested in what Layfon wants to do," he said in a relaxed manner.

  What was this man planning? Fermaus couldn't tell. Even though Savaris had been in Zuellni for three months, Fermaus didn't see him much. It seemed Savaris had appeared before Gorneo several times, but he didn't live with his brother. Fermaus had tried trailing him, but Savaris had easily thrown him off his trail. In the end, he could only give up and wait for the other person to come.

  But the Mercenary Gang was impatient. Because of Haia's actions, the Gang was almost disbanded. Now they wanted to return quickly to Grendan. Savaris' arrival was to them an urge, but he didn't say anything to them. It was as if he didn't care at all. However, he had suddenly appeared before him. The Gang's morale was low. Fermaus had already explained to the members about what had happened. If not f
or this filth monster's attack, he probably couldn't unite them.

  (Because we relied too much on Haia in the past.)

  Fermaus couldn't do this alone. Not because he was a psychokinesist, but because he was firmly seen as a strategist by others. They had already accepted him as a strategist, and he himself was used to supporting the leader. It was hard for everyone to accept his changed role. Besides, Savaris was here to replace Haia, yet Savaris didn't care to contact them.........

  (......I have to keep this home for him.)

  Considering that Haia might return, Fermaus did all he could to keep this home together.

  "......Never mind," Savaris said, submerged in heavy feelings.


  "I originally wanted to see what Layfon was doing, but never mind. I'm tired of observing. It's been three months," he said and took the bike.

  Trouble and annoyance in Fermaus's mind.

  (Aa, that guy has never thought of us.)

  Savaris just did whatever his personality wanted.

  "Good," Layfon nodded. He had grasped hold of the filth monster's strength.

  "Then what do you plan to do?" Felli asked. She had been observing him.

  "I can't defeat it with a normal method," he said.

  "No way......"

  "The Dite isn't hard enough. If I don't use it well, it won't last."

  It wasn't because the Dite was bad in its filtering function. Only a Heaven's Blade could sustain all of Layfon's Kei.

  "Even if I have that, that doesn't mean I can fully suppress it. After all, the opponent can be given a name......"

  "So, time to escape?"

  Her suggestion was the safest option. The larvae he destroyed earlier were the last group, so the danger to Zuellni was gone. That was why he now had time to think through some strategies.

  He put the filth monster at bay as he talked with Felli.

  "No, if I do that, it'll probably head for Zuellni."


  Though he wanted to drag out the time to weaken his opponent, the first to use up all the strength would probably be Layfon himself. The filth monster could ignore its wounds and let them heal, but with Layfon, he had nothing to defend against the pollutants if his suit was damaged. A long fight was not the best possible decision.

  "I've a way. Can't guarantee though...... How's Zuellni?"

  "......Who'd have thought you still have the time to worry about that."

  "True......Sorry," he apologized. Yes, because he already decided to trust them.

  "Stop thinking of other things. Just tell me what you're planning. If there's something I can do to help, I'll do it."

  "Then please set the psychokinesis mine in the place......" he noticed something.


  A large flow of Kei suddenly appeared and a figure wearing the coat of the Mercenary Gang stood in the direct line of Layfon's gaze.

  "Haia?" Layfon said and then rejected that thought. The color of the Kei was different. And......


  No, Dites were equipped on his hands and feet. Hand to hand combat. And Layfon had seen him before......The man moved. He almost failed to capture this man's movement.

  "Eh? No way......" he doubted his eyes.

  It wasn't because the man's movement was too quick. The color of the Kei, the movement, and.........

  One swing of the man's fist sent the filth monster flying.

  "Eh? Eh?"

  Confused. But if it was that person, he would definitely do this. The man continued to rain down his fists on the side of the filth monster's abdomen. The enemy's outer scales fell like flakes. Layfon could tell how happy this person was. A fighting maniac.


  His only conclusion. Layfon jumped to the ground.

  "Fon Fon?"

  He increased the density of Kei. Though he didn't know what just happened, this was the best timing to attack.

  Internal Kei variation – Water Mirror.

  His figure disappeared in the screen of dust that he himself had kicked up. The next moment, he reappeared on the other side of the filth monster, the other side of where Savaris was attacking. He and Savaris had perfectly sandwiched the opponent between them. Layfon attacked. As if knowing his thought, Savaris pushed the face of his palm into the filth monster.

  Psyharden technique – Hamonnuki. External Kei variation – Gourikitetsupa Kouga.

  Layfon's move peeled off the entire filth monster's outer skin to damage its internal cells. At the same time, Savaris' attack dealt a heavy blow to the opponent's internal structure. The filth monster groaned and moaned under the two severe attacks.


  Layfon jumped away and kept his distance from the enemy. A part of the blade he was holding had turned red. Black smoke issued from the gap in the weapon. If he kept releasing his Kei, the Adamantium Dite might not last.

  "Aa, as I thought. We couldn't fully suppress it," Savaris said in a relaxed manner, appearing beside him. The equipment on his hand had also changed color.

  "Savaris-san, where's your Heaven's Blade?"

  "I can't just take it outside anytime I like."


  Layfon watched the sky. It was hard to gain powerful reinforcements, yet Savaris was limited in the same way as he was.

  "Not at all. I'm quite happy. Don't you find this great to know how weak the outside Military Artists are? Ah, you've already experienced it."

  Layfon watched him with a cold gaze.

  "Are you after the Haikizoku?"

  "Yes," he nodded without hiding anything. "But this seems more interesting now."

  "Why did you......No, the person who delivered Leerin......"

  "Yes, that was me," he admitted.


  Strange. No matter how lucky she was, as a normal person, it wasn't possible for Leerin to traverse the battlefield of the Military Arts Competition. He had thought of her receiving help, yet he never thought it was a Heaven's Blade successor.

  "Why is the Queen doing this to obtain the Haikizoku?"

  "Uh, I can't answer you, especially now that you've left Grendan."


  "It's got nothing to do with you," Savaris said. "Well, let's put that aside. We've to defeat this monster, right? I haven't fought with you since the battle against Behemoth. At that time we had the Heaven's Blades and Lintence. We were also on the outskirts of the city, so it was all right to sustain injuries. But now we don't have Lintence or the Heaven's Blades. And we're only wearing this kind of suit. Aaaa, so many disadvantages. I just want to dance."

  "As you wish," Layfon restored the Adamantium Dite into its Dite form and returned it to the weapon harness. He had to let it cool down a bit before using it again. Instead, he restored the Shim Adamantium Dite.

  "If I can't defeat it, then it matters not whether you're here or not."

  "Oh? Well said."

  Even so, Layfon was happy to have Savaris here. The filth monster had been rendered immobile by their simultaneous attacks. This was a good timing to give the Dites some rest.

  "Since you don't plan to interfere, can you help with something?"

  "Ohoh, seems like you've a plan. Sure."

  Here they made their decision. The filth monster moved once more, opening its mouth to shoot out numerous sharp teeth. Layfon and Savaris split up as they leaped aside to avoid the attack.

  If the enemies were only the larvae, then there was a way to solve this crisis. The tragic scream from her right halted Nina's steps.

  "My hand......!" the man screamed and fainted. Nina pulled him over and let the medical team treat him. The rate of people getting injured had increased drastically in just a day of battle. Feeling the cruelty of reality, Nina changed her direction, attempting to deal a blow to the larva before her. The heavy hit of the iron weapon broke through the larva's hard shell to strike its body. The hand in the larvae's arm, which had been separated from
its owner, had already been bitten into an unrecognizable state. Nina wanted to attack again but her feet slipped.

  Stand firm.

  That one opening caused her movement to slow, and the larva took that chance. A massive mouth appeared right before Nina.



  She stuck the iron whip into the mouth and executed an external burst type Kei move. The entire body of the larva shook and the larva stopped moving. Using the corpse as a shield, Nina used Kei again – Raijin. External burst type Kei executed with extreme high speed. The friction in the air created lightning and destroyed a number of larvae in one split second. Nina immediately leaped back and breathed in deeply.

  "Don't stop."

  "Sorry," Sharnid said. His bullet earlier had saved her life.

  "We don't have time to drag it out with these guys," he said, sweat rolling down his face. He was looking at the direction ahead of her. The Kei cannon had played a hand in keeping the larvae at bay, but filth monsters were still approaching the city, and they weren't larvae.

  They were matured form of male filth monsters.

  The things shot over at Zuellni earlier were massive egg-like rocks. Inside each rock hid around 20-40 larvae. There had been 15 waves of attack since Felli reported that Layfon had made contact with the filth monster. However, that was just the number confirmed by psychokinesists. In fact, nine battles had been fought altogether since the landing of the first wave. Felli had reported that the group of larvae they fought now was the last wave, making this the 10th battle. The rock of the 5th wave had been shot down and now lay immobile. But now it finally woke from its slumber, revealing not larvae but five male filth monsters. What changes had the inside of the "egg" underwent? Accelerated growth? Or that the larvae had consumed each other to give birth to the male filth monsters? No doubt this posed the greatest threat to the fighting Military Artists.

  "How's Dalshena?"

  The liquid splashing from the vibrating wings of the filth monsters gave off a red shine under the sunlight. Dalshena had sustained an injury during the 8th battle and had left the field.

  "She's got a broken leg, but that shouldn't have any lasting side effects."


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