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Page 5

by Kira Johns

  “You want some of this?” she asks, smirking.

  Oh, I want some of that, most definitely. “Another wager?” I ask her as I stand and walk over to her.

  “Your choice,” she says, biting her lower lip.

  “Alright. One shot. My rifle. Closest to the bullseye wins. You choose the stakes.”

  She contemplates for only a minute. “Loser cooks for the winner for a full week.”

  “You’re on,” I tell her. I grab my ears and put them back on.

  She turns her attention back to Maze who has a cocky look on his face. Tank is shaking his head again before putting his ears back on. “Alright, you two ready?”

  Maze breaks out his .357 Mag first and nods. Ten shots later, he walks downrange and brings back his target, giving it to Tank. “Two tens, four nines, two eights, one seven, and one five. Total score of eighty-four.”

  Maze smirks as he passes his revolver over to Jade. She takes it from his hand and sticks her tongue out at him. She loads up and takes aim, firing off six shots in succession. She reloads four more bullets and quickly fires them off. Ripping off her ears, she rushes downrange, returning with her target in hand.

  “Eight tens and two nines. Score of ninety-eight.”

  Maze grabs the target from Tank’s hands and scowls. “Beginner’s luck,” he mutters before grabbing the .50 cal from his bag. This goes on for four more rounds and four more guns and I am grinning widely when Tank looks over the final target. “Sorry, brother. Guess you're on laundry duty!”

  Maze is sulking, shaking his head in disbelief. Jade handled every firearm with precision, like she was born with a gun in her hand. Hell, with her father being Halo, and her brother being Tank, it wouldn’t surprise me.

  “How does it feel to get your ass kicked by a girl?” Jade asks as she stands in front of Maze, her hands on her hips.

  “Where the fuck did you learn to shoot like that?” he asks in disbelief.

  “Jade’s been competition shooting since she was six. Every fucking thing you can think of. She was outshooting the best of the best by the time she was ten,” Tank explains, chuckling. “Just because she’s a girl, don't underestimate her. You’ll lose every fuckin’ time.”

  Maze is still shaking his head when I stand and walk over to a beaming Jade. “You ready for our little wager, babe?”

  She nods and I turn to pull my M40 out of its case. Her eyes widen when she lays eyes on it. “You were a sniper?”

  More like a hit man, but that’s a discussion for another time and place. For today, sniper will do. “You bet your sweet ass,” I tell her, smirking. “You ever shot one of these?”

  She shakes her head. “I’ve shot most rifles, but never an M40. This is the first one I’ve seen in person.”

  God, could I fall in love with this woman. Not only is she fuckin’ gorgeous, but she knows her firearms. “I’ll give you a quick lesson before we shoot.”

  “There’s no way I'll be able to beat you. How about a deal?”

  “Oh, yeah? What kind of deal?” I’m all ears at this point.

  “I’ll concede. Cook for you for a full week if you teach me how to use that,” she nods towards my rifle and I cannot help the smile consumes my face.

  “You got a deal, babe.”

  Tank and Maze leave Jade and I alone. I spend a full hour going over the ins and outs of the M40, even the history behind it. She listens to every word I say, truly enthralled. I have never met someone like her.

  “I think you’re ready, babe,” I tell her as I roll aside, allowing her to lie in the spot I just vacated. She looks excited as she gets into position. When she pulls the trigger, her face comes alive. “Oh, man! This is fuckin’ awesome!” she shouts.

  I sit back and watch as she fires off a few more rounds before she sits up, her face beaming. “Thank you for this. I haven't had this much fun in a very long time.”

  “My pleasure, babe.” I sit there staring at her for several minutes. “So what’s for dinner?” I ask, smirking.

  “Shit, I need to go to the store!” she says as she jumps to her feet.

  “I’ll take you to the store,” I offer. “But tonight, you're off the hook cooking dinner. I’m taking you out.”

  The look of shock on her face says it all. “I’d love too.”

  I smile as we make our way back to the club, Tonight, my plan goes into effect. I am going to win her over. She is perfect for me and I can no longer deny my attraction for her. I want her in my bed and in my life. I want her to be my old lady.

  Chapter Eight


  I stand in front of the mirror, doing a quick touch up of my makeup. I take a step back and looking at myself, barely recognizing the person staring back at me. I usually wear jeans or shorts and a tank top, but tonight I am going for a different look. Tonight, I want to be appealing. I am wearing my newly purchased leather mini skirt with matching halter. My hair is down, flowing in waves past my shoulders. My makeup is perfect, or at least I think it is. I rarely wear any, but tonight I decided on a sultry look.

  After a final look in the mirror, I am ready. I exit my room and make my way to the party that is well underway downstairs.

  I step into the room and my eyes immediately find Viper, shooting pool with Tank. Apparently, this is a ritual with those two. Every party I have attended over the last two months, I have watched Viper and every single time, this is where I find him. What has been even more shocking is that he has shown no interest in any of the club whores. And trust me, there have been plenty throwing themselves at him.

  I decide to take a seat at the bar, just as I always do and observe. Viper and I have been spending so much time together, we are rarely apart. He has taken me to the movies and out to dinner. And then there was the week I had to cook for him. He was easy to please. I think I could have served him dog food and he would have been happy. Once a week, he takes me into the back of the compound and we practice shooting. I love spending time with him. I think I am starting to fall hard for him.

  “Not sure I like where your eyes are, baby girl.” Tank says, startling me. I had not even seen him approach.

  “What are you talking about, Tank?” I ask, feigning innocence. I should know my brother will never fall for it.

  “You and Viper got something going on I need to know about?” he stares me down.

  “I’m not fucking him if that’s what you’re asking.”

  He flinches at my words. Harsh for most sisters to say to their brother, but not everyone has Tank as a brother. “I don't need any sordid details, please.” He sits down beside me and nods at the prospect assigned to the bar this evening. Once he has a beer in his hand, he continues. “I’ve been watching the two of you a lot lately.”

  “What are you getting at?” I inquire.

  “Jade, I might be a lot of things, but I'm not blind. You and my Sergeant at Arms. What’s the deal?”

  “Nothing, Tank,” I say in all seriousness. “But I do like him,” I admit.

  “I knew that!” he chuckles. “And I know he likes you two. Haven't seen that boy with any club pussy for a long damn time. Only one damn reason for that, and that’s you. I think he might be smitten.”

  “Smitten? Did you really just say that?”

  “Yeah, I did. Look, Jade. You’re a grown woman, but you're still my baby sister. When you were growing up, everyone was certain that you and Shadow were going to hook up one day. You two loved each other and were hardly ever apart. You looked after each other.” At the mention of Shadow’s name, my breath catches. I had not seen Shadow since he left while I was in the hospital. He had called on occasion, but that was all. I missed him.

  I was hurt when he moved to Spokane, and even more hurt that he had not called me. The same went for Tank, but I had since learned that both of them had called me. That Reaper was telling them that I wasn't there or making up some other excuse to why I wasn't answering his calls. He had convinced them I was going through a depressive
state for weeks before he told them I had run off.

  “I know Viper though. He’s a good man and I could think of no one better to watch out for you. He’s done a pretty good job so far.”

  “Tank, you’re acting like Viper and I are dating. We aren't and he’s not interested in me that way, but thank you for the vote of confidence.”

  “Jade, you are completely blind to your own charms. Any one of the brothers would love to claim you, and not a damn one of them would be worthy. Except maybe Viper.”

  “So you're giving me your blessing, is that it?” I raise my brow at him, thinking he’s playing. His next words come as a shock.

  “Yeah, I guess I am. There are still club rules, and if he decides to claim you, he will have to fulfill his obligation to the club. But after that, yeah, I give you and him my blessing.”

  “Tank, you make it sound like we are going to run off and get married. No matter what you think, Viper doesn't see me that way. Look at him,” I say, nodding in Viper’s direction. “He hasn’t even acknowledged my being here. I think you’re going crazy.”

  “Has Viper ever seen you all dolled up? ‘Cause my guess is that he doesn't recognize you. Bet you none of the brothers do.”

  I roll my eyes at him and laugh. “You are fucking crazy!”

  “Hey, Spike! Get your ass over here!” I look over at my brother like he has lost his mind.

  “What are you doing?” I hiss.

  “Just watch,” he says right before Spike stops in front of us.

  “What’s up, Prez?”

  “Have you seen Jade around? She ain't in the back with one of the brothers is she?”

  I look at my brother like he’s crazy. Hell, I think he really is.

  “No, sir. Haven’t seen her all night. I can go look for her if you want.”

  My jaw hits the floor. There is no way that I look that much different. “No need, I see her.” He winks at me, a grin overtaking the serious expression on his face.

  Shadow shrugs before he walks away and Tank winks at me again. “Told ya.”

  I think about it for a moment before plotting. I was about to have a little fun with this.


  I have been glancing around the room for the last half hour. I had expected Jade to be here already. Maybe she decided to bow out tonight, I think to myself. I couldn't blame her. These parties tend to get wild, and I preferred her not to be here. The last thing I wanted was to see one of the brothers attempt to hit on her. Not that I had laid claim to her yet. I couldn't do that before knowing if she felt the same way.

  I glance over at the bar where Tank is talking to a gorgeous brunette. She is stunning with her dark brown hair. Perfect fucking body, too. It made my dick hard just looking at her. I squint my eyes, trying to get a better look at her. She stands and wraps her arms around him. Damn, I would actually have contemplated tapping that shit tonight. She was the only girl to grab my attention since Jade walked into my life. Damn! Just thinking about Jade made me rock hard. I walked around with a perpetual hard on these days.

  I chance another look at the bar. The brunette is downing a shot and laughing at whatever Tank is saying. I have to hand it to the fucker, he’s got some kind of fuckin’ charisma the way the girls flock to him. I shake my head and turn my attention back to my game with Maze.

  I am about to make my shot when I see her in my field of vision. Her long legs go on for miles. Her skirt is short as fuck, and all I can think about is lifting it a hair so I can get a glimpse of that sweet pussy. My eyes roam upwards to her full rack. Damn, I want to bury my face in her tits. She is a walking wet dream.

  “Man, you gonna make the shot or what?!” Maze shouts out.

  “Fucker,” I mutter as I concentrate on my shot. I line it up perfectly, and fucking miss! “Damn,” I say as I step aside, ready for Maze to sink the remainder of the balls, which he does rather quickly.

  “Another round?” he asks.

  My eyes scan the room and I see her dancing seductively by herself in the center. I want her so damn bad, I can almost taste it. “No man,” I mutter as I make my way over to where she is.

  I stand aside, just watching her. The way she moves, the way she looks. Every fucking thing about her has me picturing her on her knees with my dick in her mouth. Yeah, I’m fucking tapping that tonight, I tell myself as I make my way over to her.

  I don't say anything as I step behind her and pull her up against my hardening cock. I grind myself against her tight ass as she moves against me, making me even harder. We dance for a long time like this, not saying a word. Her arms reach behind, snaking around my neck. I can smell her and all I want to do is get a little taste.

  She turns around and looks up at me. My eyes are torn between her rack and her lips. And it isn’t until I reach her gaze that I recognize the eyes looking back at me.

  “Jade?” I ask, stunned.

  She throws her head back, laughing hysterically. Fuck me! “It took you long enough!” she giggles.

  “What are you doing? I didn't realize it was you.”

  “Damn, Tank was right!” she continues laughing. My quizzical look causes her to calm and explain. “Tank said no one recognized me. Spike was the first victim. So I decided to test you next.”

  Fuck! I’m glad I didn't say what I had been thinking. I was so damn close to telling her to suck me off. Fuck, that would have gotten me a black eye. “So this was a joke?”

  “Not really. I decided to dress up tonight. I wanted to look nice.” Her eyes look sad as she speaks.

  “Babe, you look beautiful no matter what you do. But damn, you look fuckin’ hot!”

  She blushes at my words, biting her bottom lip. “So will you dance with me?”

  I nod, wanting nothing more than to have her close to me. We dance for over an hour, only taking breaks for shots. Jade is getting drunk and although I am not happy about it, I say nothing. She deserves a little fun and I don't want to be the one to ruin it for her.

  After her eighth shot, she is slurring her words and having a hard time staying upright. Luckily, a slow song is on, so I have an excuse to hold her close.

  “Do I look like a club whore? Is that why you were dancing with me like that earlier?” she asks.

  “Babe, you are definitely not a club whore.”

  She lowers her eyes and I wonder what she is thinking. Before I can ask, she starts to speak again. “You were dancing with me like you wanted me, and then when you realized who I was, you stopped.”

  “Babe…” I know where she is going with this and it’s not the case. I have feelings for her. Never could have them for a sweetbutt.

  “I’m such a fucking idiot,” she mumbles before she turns and runs out the door, leaving me standing there dumbfounded. I don't know if I should go after her or not. I’ve never cared about hurting a girl’s feelings before now. Suddenly, I am overwhelmed with guilt.

  I turn towards the door when Tank’s voice bellows through the club. “Viper!” I turn expecting him to be giving me the evil eye for upsetting his sister, but instead I am met with eyes full of fear.

  “Brax, one of the Warrior’s we didn’t get,” he says as he rushes towards me. “He bonded out today. Just got word that he’s off the radar.”

  “Fuck!” I shout. “How the fuck did he make bond?”

  “Fucker’s got connections. Where’s Jade? We need to keep an eye on her until we can get our hands on him. Maybe put her on lockdown.”

  I glance towards the door and then back at Tank before taking off towards the exit.


  I step outside mere seconds before I burst into tears. How could I be so fucking stupid to think that Viper wanted more than friendship with me? I wished I had not listened to Tank. He had obviously been seeing things.

  I crouch down against the brick wall, and let my tears flow for the first time in so very long, not caring that I may look weak. It’s not like anyone will even notice. I continue to slide down until my butt hits
the ground, not giving a second thought to what I am wearing. It was trash now anyway. I bury my face in my knees, allowing my sobbing to take over.

  I don't know how long I sit there in this position, but it could not be for very long. I hear movement in front of me. I lift my head, expecting to see Viper hovering above me. Instead, I am met with a set of familiar cold, hatred filled eyes. Before I can scramble to my feet, he reaches behind him and pulls a gun from his back. Terror fills me as I see him raise the firearm. I cover my face right before I feel the impact of the butt striking my skull, and then there is total darkness.



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