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Forced Erotica

Page 128

by Emmie Combs

  "Are you OK?" I ask her as I take one of the boxes from her. " I am sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I look at her I see her looking at me with this distant grin on her face.

  "That's OK, Tex, no harm done." she replies, and hands me the other case.

  "Tex? How did you know I was from Texas? I don't live there now though. I live in New Mexico, please call me Mike." She looked me up and down and said,

  "You sound like you are from Texas, and you are definitely built like you are from Texas... OK, Michael." and walked away from me slowly, looking over her shoulder at me.

  Man! Is that girl flirting with me or what? I shake my head and take the two cases back over to the ailing control cabinet. I search in the box labeled 'components', and find an exact match to the burnt driver pack. Cool! I insert the new pack into the board, and then seat the board into the rack. I cross my fingers and turn the power on. The stages reset and the X-axis actually moves, but it is not a very smooth movement. I slide the cabinet back into place and stand up to access the controls of this beast. More off-the-shelf electronics parts. I looked at the setup with the laptop computer plugged into it and figured I should get Jennifer, or the older guy, which I gather is her father, to see if the movements work properly. I turn towards the truck and I see her approaching me with a beer in each hand, and a curt smile on her lips.

  "It appears you have fixed it," she said as she handed me a cold Henry Winehardts.

  "It isn't fixed yet," I told her, taking a swig off of the beer, "The axis wasn't very smooth when it moved back to home position. Can you show me how to manipulate it through the computer? I would like to check a few things." She grinned and nodded to me and I watched her maneuver to the diagnostics page on the program running on the laptop. She moved the X-drive and it still was sluggish, not smooth and quick like the other drives. I pulled that offending card cabinet out again, selected a small flat screwdriver from the toolbox and began making corrections to the potentiometers on the edges of the drive cards.

  "Jennifer, would you run the x-stage through its range of travel? I think I can fix this." She nodded and the unit begin to move again. I made several adjustments, a few the wrong way, but when I closed the cabinet the offending drive was running as smoothly as the others. As I turned around to put the screwdriver away, the sweet young thing was in close proximity once again.

  "I can't tell you how happy my father and I are that you fixed the scope for us, and I want you to know if there is anything I can do for you tonight as repayment, just ask. Thank you so much." The look she was giving me was the same as a cat gives a mouse.

  My gentleman reply to her was, "That's OK, I am just glad I could help, it was nice to meet you, and thanks for the beer," I made my escape from the warm sensations I was starting to feel, and walked away from her and the telescope. I did not look back until I was several yards away, and when I turned, she was still looking at me. My God, I have a daughter almost as old as she is... And she was definitely coming on to me. I think I am a pretty good looking man, but I am also 39 years old, and married. So I went on my way, and found a good spot on a small knoll facing away from the telescopes and the house. There were some more people there and we got to talking about astronomy for awhile as it was still too early for the Leonids.

  An hour or so later, still talking astronomy, I overhear two people arguing, loudly. Definitely a lover's quarrel. I rise from my seat and look over to where all the commotion is coming from and it is Jennifer and some tall blond kid, I say kid because he was about her age, and they are screaming incoherently at each other. Apparently, this must have been Marty the asshole, because he pushed her down, and stormed over to a car close by, got in it, and sped off. I brushed myself off and walked over to Jennifer, who was still sitting on the ground. She was crying.

  "Are you OK?" I asked her as I offered her my hand to help her up.

  "He is such an ASSHOLE! What I originally saw in him, I haven't a clue" she cried, as she took my hand and stood, face red from the outburst of emotion. Large tears were still forming in her beautiful blue eyes.

  I looked at her, grass stains on her jeans, her hair an unruly mass; I reached over to her cheek and wiped a tear away that was about to run down her beautiful face. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked.

  "No, I am OK, besides, you have already done a lot for me by fixing the scope." She said as she looked at me, appearing to appraise me once again, and smiled. "Can I offer you another beer?" she queried.

  "That would be nice. Hey, why didn't anyone else here come to your rescue?" I asked as I reached over to pick up my bag that I had absently dropped while coming to her assistance. I walked with her towards the truck.

  "Because Marty's parents are the one's that own this little valley, and they don't want to be banned from coming here for stargazing. Marty's dad is such an asshole", she replied.

  "Like father, like son, I see. I guess I wouldn't know about that, not being from around here and all." I said as we approached the truck.

  "No, I guess you wouldn't." she said as she looked me in the eyes again. "What brings you here to Oregon?" she asked, her gaze seemingly penetrating all preconceptions, and identifying my true nature.

  "A work assignment for the company I work for. I have been here for several months now. I think I am growing webs between my toes and fingers." I quip, looking into her eyes now, and smiling. A mysterious sparkle of interest permeates the twin sapphires, as she looks back at me. A mischievous grin is slowly forming on her beautiful face. "This climate is so different than what I am used to. Everything is so green... and moist. I am definitely ready to go back home to New Mexico and my desert home at the end of the month." I said. The sparks of interest are definitely flying now. I am still amazed her interest is me.

  We talk about each other for a over an hour, as the time came closer and closer, for the Leonid's to begin appearing. I find out that her father and Marty's father had basically put them together, in a quasi-fixed marriage scheme; her mother had died last year, and now her father's life was the telescope I had repaired. She also told me about how her father and Marty had designed and built the telescope, and spent way too much money on the endeavor. Then she told me how she came to dislike Marty so, and on, and on, and on. I tell her about me, my relocation assignment, and what I would be doing when I went back home at the end of the month. I told her I was married, and have three teenagers living at home. None of this seems to interest her much though. The whole time I am talking to her, the sparkle in her eyes intensifies, and after a pause in the conversation, she changes the subject.

  "Do you think I am attractive?" she queries with an innocent look on her face.

  "Err, ah, yeah, I think you are a very beautiful, young woman." I stutter, as I start to feel heat rise in my face.

  "Well, I think you are a most handsome man, and sexy too." She replied, as she glanced at me sidelong, still smiling at me.

  "Well thank you Jennifer, but I don't know..." I stammer, but she reaches up to me and puts a finger to my lips.

  "Shh. When I saw you walk up to the telescope, you caught my eye. And then you come to my rescue, twice, Michael." she said. She hesitated a second or two before she continued, "My boyfriend dumped me tonight. I am a free woman." She ran her hand up the front of my chest, and then said," I am looking at a very handsome and intelligent man, who really turns me on." She flirted. "Come, let's watch the Leonid's together."

  "But, Jennifer I am married.", I justify, not really trying to extract myself from this dynamic, young woman anymore.

  She says, "That's OK, I won't tell your wife, if you don't." as she removed her very warm hand from my chest and took my hand. We walked up to the landing for the telescope together, her gorgeous body very close to my side.

  She released my hand, but remained close as we watched her father at the controls of his pride and joy, making some small corrections to his creation. He ignored us completely as an image of the sky appeared on a
monitor to the left of the console. He babbled something incoherent to himself, and walked away from the platform towards the truck, whistling merrily.

  I ask, "Is he always so personable?" and she laughed at me.

  She replied, still giggling slightly, "When that telescope in on-line, nothing else exists in his vision. He ignores everything, even me, when we are using it. It's OK though, that is the way he is, he is my father."

  The meteor shower was quite spectacular, and the view on this squat telescope was amazing as well. It picked up the small streaks of the meteors that we could not see with the naked eye. The small crowd of people in the valley would echo the "oohs" and "aahs" everyone felt as they watched this amazing astronomical presentation. As it started to taper off, I looked at my watch and noticed that it was nearing sunrise. People were starting to pack up and leave the valley, as I helped Bill, Jennifer's father, disassemble and load the telescope into his truck. The sub-assemblies fit into the back of the Ford F250 like it was designed for it. As all of the components were loaded, I noticed that the entire cab of the truck was full of equipment except for the driver's seat.

  "Hey Jennifer," I ask her as I point to the full cab of the Ford, "Where are you going to ride? The seats are taken up with equipment."

  "With you, of course, unless you are going to make me walk?" she queried as she looked at me with her bottom lip sticking out, in a pouty face. She was so beautiful. She continued after a moment, "Yeah, assface brought me out here, dumped me, and left me here to fend for myself." She walked up close to me, looking so innocent, and said, "I will make it worth your while." She slowly licked her upper lip in a most sexy fashion.

  I look down at her and stammer, "No problem, you will just have to show me where you live." I couldn't believe the heat emanating from this young, vibrant woman, and it was all directed at me.

  She nods briefly at me, backs away from me, turns, and runs over to her father who is about to get in his truck to leave. She hugs him, and has a brief conversation with him that I can't hear. They both turn and look at me, and she smiles, but I see a slight frown on his face. She kisses him, and he gets in his truck and drives away. By this time, the sky is beginning to lighten in the east, everyone else is in the process of going or has already gone. I gather up my bag, and start to walk towards the car. As I am walking, she runs up behind me and almost tackles me, and as we both nearly fall to the ground, I just manage to catch her petite 5' frame before she hits the ground. Once again we are in an embrace, as she looks up at me giggling.

  "I told my father I would be home later." she said, as she looked into my eyes, no longer giggling. The attraction now very self-evident on her face. "I hope you don't think I am pretentious or anything, but I want to go home with you." she admitted, and she reached up and put both her arms around my neck.

  The heat in my body was unbelievable as I released my embrace from her and said, "Jennifer, I still don't know..." What was I doing? Here is a vital, young, extremely gorgeous woman basically throwing herself at me, and I was hesitating. Granted, I hadn't has sex in a long time, and she was so gorgeous. I backpedaled, "What will your father say?" I asked her, my resolve breaking down rapidly.

  "Who cares what my father will say? I am a grown woman, and I want to be with you right now." she retorted.

  "But it is wrong." I said. "I am happily married." I stammer. "Hell, I have children who are about your age." There, I said it.

  She disengages her arms from my neck, and puts one of her small hands into my free hand, and confidently says, "Take me home... please?" The innocent looks was back.

  What can you say to that? My self-control battered, my physical attraction peaked, I walk to the rental car with her, hand-in-hand.

  During the ride back to town, we talk about ourselves some more. Every once in awhile, she reaches over and touches my arm, maybe to reassure herself, or something. All I know is that every time the she would touch me, tingles would run through my body.

  I find out in our conversation that she is a senior at a local university and will graduate with a doctorate in optics next spring, and that she is 27 years old. We talk a little about optics, as that is one of my specialties at the company, what she plans on doing once she graduates, and other small talk. The conversation stops though when we pull into the parking area of the apartments and I pull into the reserved, covered parking space for my apartment. The sun was just beginning to peak over the hills to the east, a warm orange glow appears in the sky.

  "Are you sure about this?" I query, as I look at her, a dainty, sexy flower who was looking at me with a sparkle in her eye and a smirk on her lips.

  "I have never been so sure of anything in my life. Come on let's go inside, I am starting to get cold.", she said, as she opened the door of the car.

  As we climbed the stairs to my 3rd floor apartment, my excitement gets the best of me, and I palm that sweet ass that is jiggling in front of me, and a little girl giggle comes from her throat and she races up the stairs ahead of me. As I make it to the landing, I see her standing there at the door of the apartment, her tight ass a wonton sight from this angle, looking at me longingly.

  "Hurry up old man, I am cold...", she teases.

  "Old man? Oh yeah?", I jibe back as I insert the key into the lock and open the door. She walks in the opening ahead of me and I put my bag on the counter of the kitchen in my small, cozy apartment. She immediately starts looking around, as I think to myself, that I was glad I cleaned up the place yesterday.

  I check the phone messages and take off my wet shoes, and she comes over and sits very close to me. She is no longer wearing her tight jeans and sweater. She has one of my t-shirts on, and is snuggling up to my side.

  All she says is, "Hi.", and brings her face up to mine and kisses me. I feel her firm breasts up against my side, and I turn to her and give her a kiss back. She moans into my mouth that she is still cold, so I wrap my arms around her torso and we embrace. I cannot believe what is going on. I must be dreaming.

  She pulls away a little and begins to unbutton my shirt, and removes it. She begins to kiss my chest just under my chin as she unbuckles my belt. As she unbuttons my jeans, I lift my butt off of the couch a little to help with this erotic undressing. Being from New Mexico, my body is well tanned from the sun, and she looks me over as I finish kicking my offending jeans off of my legs.

  "Not bad, for an old man...", she jibes as she reaches for my manhood that has now "tented" itself in my underwear. The electric shock of her touch is unbelievable.

  "Ooh, you're big...", is all she says as she rubs my ,now fully erect, penis though my underwear.

  The heat of the moment finally makes me lose all reason, and I reach over and pull her to me gently but forcefully. She seems to melt as I kiss her, and cup my hands under her beautiful ass. Her tongue begins to invade my mouth as I pull her ever closer to my overheated body. She wiggles into a sitting position, facing me, in my lap. I can feel her hot pussy touching my crotch through my underwear. Her underwear are nowhere to be found.

  She says to me, "I want you to make love to me, but I want you to know, that this will be the only time. I know you are married and I do not want to cause you any problems, but I have to have you, just this once.", and she pulled my t-shirt she was wearing over her head, revealing a pair of beautiful titties. They are not big, but they are firm and pert. A tan line plays across the surface of these magnificent globes where a string bikini had been at some point. The nipples were small and sticking straight out from the middle of the small areoles. She raised up a little and placed one of them in my waiting mouth. As I began to nibble on this presented jewel, a moan came from deep within her, and she started rubbing her pussy on my crotch. We stayed in this position on the couch for awhile as I explored her gorgeous body.

  She stopped us after a few minutes, climbed off of me and headed for the bedroom, beckoning me to follow her. As I stepped out of my now-soaked underwear, I walked from the living room and into the
bedroom, to a beautiful sight. This sweet young thing was spread-eagled on the bed calling to me.

  "Michael, come here, I want you...", she crooned sexily to me.

  As I lay down beside her, her hands went straight for my rock-hard cock and enveloped it.

  "Oh, god that is big, I can't wait to feel it inside me.", she moaned, as she slid down my body and planted a kiss on the purple head of my dick. Now it was my turn to moan... She took the head into her mouth and began to rub her tongue on the underside of it. I thought I was going to cum then and there, but she stopped and said,

  "Not yet, old man, I get some use out of it first before you cum and are no good to me anymore.", and she moved up my body and slid her wet pussy along my dick as she kissed me full on the mouth. Oh god, I was in heaven.

  With her on top, she maneuvered her snatch over my now superheated dick, and socketed the head of it in her juicy quim. She looked me in the eye as she slowly slid down over my manhood, crooning softly about how good it feels, and a deep moan as she came to rest against my legs, my blade fully encased in her sheath. She was so tight and hot it was indescribable. As she sat there and begin to slowly move, she closed her eyes and began to moan, and mouth 'yes', as she worked over my body. I regained my composure finally and began to thrust up as she would slide down my hard shaft and grind my pubic bone into her clit...

  "OOOH.... Oh yes, oh yeah, mmmmm...", and she began to scream,

  "FUCK ME! Aw yes, yes, FUCK... FUCK! FUCK!" and she continued to say 'fuck' over and over and over, as we picked up speed, until she started to cum, then it was a screech,

  "AAAGGHHH, oh yessssssss..." as she began to shudder violently, and she bent down to my face and began to kiss me until she could get my tongue in her mouth, and then she began to suck on it, hard... This suction on my tongue was too much for me as I began to cum as well, and I guess she could feel it really well because she stopped moving and sat on my dick for the maximum penetration, and smiled at me as I came like I haven't in years... the sensations were unreal... her milking my dick with her tight pussy, made the orgasm seem to last for several minutes... Then she collapsed on my chest, once again this small girl, snuggling up to my body. She was breathing very hard, and she started tracing around one of my nipples with her index finger, as I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her tighter and we laid together in this embrace for a long time.


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