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Sara's Gun (Devil's Iron MC Series Book 5)

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by GM Scherbert

  “Of course I will keep your secret, Sweetie. Just know that I am not too fucking keen on being the one to watch another one of them fall apart again.” Hugging me tightly she pulls away with a tear falling from her eye. “Make sure that you don’t forget about me and reach out whenever you can. I love you.”

  Pulling away, I am stricken with the finality of my decision and turn before she sees the questions in my eye. Moving quickly home I know I have to get my shit together or Mack will know as soon as he looks at me that something is fucked up.

  Hearing his bike, I take a second shot of Jack to calm my nerves before going to the door. Throwing it open, Gun gets an eyeful as he reaches the top step.

  Standing before him naked, with nothing more than a smile spread across my face, I know that he will not be able to stop himself from taking me Turning slowly I give him a full view of the ink that he has added to my body. Him tattooing me, branding me with his art, were some of the most erotic times during our relationship. He always complained about the girly tattoos, but never once said no and never once didn’t do a fantastic job. Each and every time he would get me in his chair it would end with him buried deep inside of me. Something about the pain and pleasure mixing was such a turn on for both of us.

  “Princess, you do know how to welcome your old man home, that’s for sure.” Running his hands over his work, he grabs my hips, turning me back around. Then scooping me up in his arms I find myself lost in the moment with him. The last moments we will share together. I try to burn them into my memory as he carries me up the stairs to my room. Dropping me to my feet, I go instantly to my knees needing to have his cock in my mouth one last time. Slowly, kissing my way from his balls up his cock, I don’t hesitate before taking all of him down my throat. Gagging I almost pull back from him, until the taste of him hits my tongue, to which I am lost. Grabbing his ass with my hands, I work to steady myself as I swallow his cock repeatedly. Driving me on, he tangles his fingers in my hair before driving his cock deeper. This goes on until I feel his cock twitch in my mouth, and am rewarded moments later with his groans as he cums down my throat.

  Grabbing me up, he tosses me onto the bed and starts to devour me. Sinking first one then two fingers into my hungry cunt as he nibbles at my clit. Getting lost in his mouth is something that I have gotten used to in the past six months and something that I will miss greatly. Drawing myself out of the thoughts of leaving, I return to the present and am rewarded when he brings me off not once, but twice with his mouth and fingers.

  Pulling his hair after the second orgasm, his eyes meet mine, and he must see the need in them. Crawling up my body he is inside of me before I can speak. Pounding my pussy repeatedly, he brings me to the verge of climax three times before taking me over the edge with him. Laying in his arms, I soak him up, until I hear his breathing even out, and know that it is now or never.

  Slipping from the bed, I look over to him as light streams in the window from the full moon outside. Seeing the scratches that mark his back from me, I pause second guessing the decision I have made. Noticing yet another tattoo that must have been added only today, I move closer to the bed. Finding a need to see what this man with all the ink has seen fit to add to his gorgeous body. I know that leaving is the right choice, no matter how hard it is, when I see my name inked onto the flesh of his back to match the one he had gotten last week on his chest.

  Moving out of the room I throw on my riding clothes and head out the door without looking back.

  Chapter 18


  I knew the second I woke up that morning that something was wrong, that she had left. I didn’t even bother checking around the house, calling her job, or anything like that. I went straight to the one person that she would have confided in. Irene

  Pounding on her door, I had only slipped a pair of sweats on before storming outta the house. As the door opens, I took in her eyes and knew instantly and all I could say was, “Did she go to Ember for good this time?”

  Seeing the expression come over Irene’s face, I didn’t even need to hear her answer to know. She was gone and this time for good. I stand there for long seconds before Irene comes to throw her arms around me, holding me close, she just whispers, “I am sorry Mack, I tried.”

  Just my fucking luck I get all ready to finally settle down, claim her as my own, get her name inked on me, buy a ring to put on her finger and she still fucking just took off. It took me the better part of three months to really face the fact that she wasn’t coming back. I still look at that fucking ring almost daily, just putting it back into the drawer when I am done.

  I threw myself into the shop and the MC when she left. Making sure I was available for any and every run possible. It didn’t take Doc and I long to bond over our fucked up misfortune, which only led us to more fights and anger. Knowing exactly the feelings that he had when Ember left only caused us to form a tighter bond.

  When Blaze turned Doc onto the Dungeon and BDSM, I have to admit that I was intrigued. Not knowing much about that lifestyle I was quick to jump on the chance to tag along with Doc the night he invited me. Not knowing what to expect, didn’t stop me from falling quickly into the role of a Dom. The more time I spent there, the more that I learned the urges that I had about wanting to control, dominate and own Sara were natural.

  When I wasn’t at the shop or on runs for the Devil’s Iron, I was at the Dungeon. Finding peace and a release when I would take the whip to someone. It was only a small something that stopped the pain and thoughts of her leaving.

  Within the first year that I started to go to the Dungeon, I learned so much and felt so comfortable in my role as a Dom, I thought about taking a permanent sub. That thought quickly left me, though, knowing that any woman I would find myself wanting, would only be a replacement for the one that was still in my heart. After another two years, I stopped going to the Dungeon altogether because the release that I found with the subs was no longer what I needed.

  That last night I had a scene at the Dungeon is going on two years ago, and the feelings that drove me from the place, haven’t changed. Sara would not leave my mind and was all that I could think of. I knew that it wasn’t fair to any of the subs that I would only be using their bodies but thinking or her. Frequently, I think back to the mistakes that I had made with Sara and know that if the time ever comes again, I would own her mind, body, and soul without giving her the chance to run.

  When I hear that she is back in town, a full five years after she left, my first thought is to tan her ass then claim her like I wanted to do back then, with my ink, my ring, and my life. Rethinking that quickly, I know that if anything between us should happen it would only be after she came to me. When she could explain her running away, open up to me about the man that made her distrust so much, and then kneel at my feet begging her Master for forgiveness.

  Chapter 19


  Reaching into my pocket, I find the paper that has been my constant companion the past three months that I have been here. Ember grabs my other hand, and we open the door to the tattoo shop and walk in. Seeing the woman behind the counter I don’t know if this is the right thing to do, but I know that he has not been far from my mind since the moment I left.

  Taking the sketch out of my pocket I hand it to the woman behind the counter.

  “You must be Sara. I’m Tonya” putting her hand out I notice the colorful tattoos running up her arm, “nice to meet you. Wow, this is a great sketch, you sure you don’t want whoever drew this up for you to do it. I know I’d be pissed if I spent all that time and then didn’t get the chance to.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s not really an option for the person who made that sketch to put it on, that’s why we’re here.”

  “Well, okay then come on back and get comfortable in my chair. I’ll go get the stencil made up and you can let me know where you want it.”

  Looking around the shop, I notice little similarities between it and the shop that I
had gotten so familiar with in Chicago. While we were together, I let Gun do a few tattoos, each one a bit bigger than the last. He ended up covering the better part of my back, except for the middle part, which I am certain he was saving for this very tattoo. I am sure that he was not as happy doing my feminine flowering vines and butterflies as much as his usual MC tattoos, but he never complained.

  Taking my shirt off after entering the room, I hand my stuff to Ember before getting comfortable face down in the chair. When Tonya comes into the room, she stops in her tracks and leans close to my back. “These are so unique,” running her finger over the tattoos he had given me, “Did the man that did these, do that drawing? They are very similar.”

  Looking towards her, I almost lose it as I answer, “Yes, he did.”


  “Yes, how did you?” is out of my mouth as I look to her and she holds up the sketch with his name on it.

  “Sara, I’m sorry darling, but I can’t tattoo this on you. Whoever Mack is, and whatever your story with him is, I can’t tattoo his name, his sketch, his brand on you- that is for him to do.”

  Looking up at her I am shocked that she won’t do the tattoo. “Oh, okay.” starting to get up off of the table she rests a hand on my shoulder stopping me.

  “Sara, you know in that head of yours, that this tattoo isn’t meant for me to give you.” Looking at my bare arms, she points, “these, however, would make me a beautiful canvas.”

  “Sleeves? I had thought about them, while I was still in Chicago, but we never got around to them.”

  “Let me draw something up. Get comfortable it might take me a bit.”

  Walking out of the room, I look towards Ember. “I guess I knew that was going to happen. If I were meant to get that tattoo, I would already have it, just as if I was supposed to be with him I would be.”

  “Sara, stop. You know as well as I do that you came here for me. Maybe if you could tell me more about what went on between you two, I would be able to help. Please, Sara, I am only trying to help.”

  “Thanks, Ember, but some things are better left alone.”

  Losing ourselves in our conversation we don’t notice that almost an hour has passed before Tonya returns with an elaborate design for a sleeve. The vines, flowers, and butterflies would make for a beautiful addition to the piece on my back and although they are similar there are distinct differences between the styles. Asking about an estimate for the piece, Tonya lets me know that she is in need of a part-time receptionist and if I wanted the job, she would do the ink for free. Agreeing almost instantly I lay back down and get comfortable, knowing that this will be a position I will be in frequently.

  Over the years one sleeve turned into two, with numerous lone tattoos on my body as well. Tonya and I formed a great friendship throughout that time. I only continued to work at the shop for about a year and a half, but she still does all my work for free. Still refusing to do the piece that I initially went to her trying to get. She has worked in Mack’s name in five different spots on my body, though, and unless you are looking for it you would never see it.

  Also, throughout those years I was in New Orleans I dove head first into the BDSM lifestyle. Finding out that the feelings that I had for Gun’s domination of me were completely natural put my mind at ease. Heather and I explored the scene thoroughly, even tempting Ember to come with us about two years into our adventure. She finds as much pleasure in submitting as either Heather, or I do. When I started to scene with Doms at a club in the area it took me a while to be comfortable with them, but knowing that it was only for a night always helped to ease my mind. Variety is the spice of life they say, right? No matter the scene or the Dom my mind was never far from the man that I left behind.

  When Ember decides that she needs to go back to Chicago for her dad when he gets sick, I wish her well and hope that she has safe travels. Heather and I both joked that if she stayed up North, we wouldn’t have a problem moving, and we meant it, but we didn’t think Ember would. That was not the case, though, she decided to stay as soon as her father passed away. She wants to let her son, Vincent, get to know his grandmother.

  I think of Irene and decide that going home would be best for me as well. Thankfully I had only rented my house out and Irene has been managing it. I need to make up the last five years to her and show her how much I love and appreciate everything that she has needed to do for me.

  Again shipping my belongs, I get on my bike and make the long trip home. Knowing that sooner or later I would run into him, I just bide my time and wait, knowing when it happens it will be like a bomb going off.

  Returning to my routine of working at the hospital and checking in with Irene every day the first month that I am back in Chicago passes in a blur. After that, Heather and Sofia have joined me and are sharing the house as they get settled in. We try to have dinner with Irene almost nightly, and she helps out with Sofia whenever she can. Sometimes I will have to work well past my typical six o’clock and those night I end up heading over by Irene for a night cap.

  Ember is the first of us to be drawn back into the lifestyle, to a BDSM club called The Dungeon, and Heather and I are not far behind her, starting to frequent the place eight months after we settle back in. The more that we are at the club, the more I find myself longing for something more, something permanent, someone that I have tried to push outta my mind for almost five long years.

  The first night I see Tank and Blaze at the club I keep away for nearly two months before returning, but the life calls to me. When I do go back, I try to keep to myself and only scene on nights that I don’t see them. I hear from Ember about a woman named Pearl that has caught her eye. Knowing that Ember only scenes with women and hasn’t been with a man since Doc, I am happy for her. Until, that is, she starts talking about Master Markus and I know instantly that her life in hiding, and mine, in turn, are about to end.

  The night that Ember calls us to let us know that she ran into Doc at The Dungeon is the beginning of the end for us both. The next day he finds out about their son and shortly after, that she ran to protect not only him but me from another attack from Clutch.

  Working the issues between themselves out takes only a few short months. Doc has his ink on Ember before we know it and I long for the same. Ember mentions to me the numerous times that she has tried to speak with Gun about me, each time him shutting her down quickly. She didn’t know him before, but tells me that he has a short temper especially when I am brought up. Hearing that I am aware that he will not even speak with me, let alone listen to me, or forgive me.

  I find myself driving past the tattoo shop and the house he owns, hoping that one day he would see me. I know it is childish and that I should just talk with him, but I can’t bring myself to. If there is anything that I have learned in the lifestyle, it is that you have to be honest with yourself. I know that I am still in love with Mack, that he is the only man I can see myself with, but that doesn’t mean I have to lay my heart out for him to stomp on. He is still a biker and has been living the life these last five years, I am sure to the fullest. Although I have had scenes with many different Doms and Dommes I have only tried to have sex with a handful of them, each time failing worse than the last. Each time having to call off before we could even begin, thinking of the man I left.

  Chapter 20


  When I find out who had Ember running and what their relationship was like before she was with Doc, I know in an instant what he will do to Clutch. I only wish that I could’ve been there to help take care of that piece of shit for what he did to what was mine as well. I have tried to make sure that Irene is watched over, though, knowing that is what Sara would want. Always making sure that Irene wasn’t in need of anything. When her grass was too long or snow needed shoveling the prospects were there in the blink of a fucking eye. Irene has made it clear that she doesn’t expect me to be around and knows how Sara has hurt me, but I can’t help watching out for her.

sp; Those visits with Irene become fewer and fewer after I hear about Sara being back. I know that she has returned to work at the hospital second shift, so I try to slip over to see Irene when I know she will be at work. Seeing the house and knowing that she is back is hard for me to accept, she has been gone for so long. I think about all the things that have happened in the time that she has been away.

  Visiting Irene one afternoon, we are sitting on the porch when I notice a kid running around next door at Sara’s house. Before looking towards Irene, I see a woman there as well. Irene answers my unasked question. “That is Heather and her daughter, Sofia. She took Ember in when she was living in her car on the streets in New Orleans when she took off. When Ember decided to return home, and Sara did in turn, Heather came with them.”

  Finding out bits and pieces of what has gone on with Sara these past years lifts a little of the cloud off of me. Knowing that that woman helped to take care of Ember when she got there and in turn, Sara gets me out of my chair walking towards the house and her.

  Stopping what she was doing as I approached Heather looks to Irene for approval. At Irene’s nod, she drops her guard and watches me intently.

  “You must be Gun,” is out of her mouth before I get a chance to speak.

  Giving her a questioning look I am cut off by the little girl before I can talk.

  “Mom, is this Gun? The guy that Auntie Sara is always talking about?” Looking up at me the little girl has no fear that I tower over her, have ink covering my arms, or am mean as fuck.

  “Yes, I am Gun. Your auntie talks about me?” I say looking at the girl then her mother with a questioning glance.

  “Why did you come over here, Gun? I thought like the other afternoons you have spent with Irene you would stay over there for your visit. What brought you over here anyway? You know Sara is at work. Right?” Heather says quickly.


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