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Trace's Temptation (RARE Series, #3)

Page 9

by Dawn Sullivan

  “Well,” Josie drawled as she pulled away from Ryker and walked over to Trace, “wasn’t that a lot of nothing you just told me.”

  When she went to pull down the covers so she could look at Trace’s chest, he grabbed her wrist. Ignoring Ryker’s growl of warning, Trace said, “My mother and sister are in danger, Doc. My father is hunting them right now and if we don’t get to them first, he will kill them.”

  “Now see,” Josie said as she gently tugged her wrist out of his grasp, “that wasn’t so hard was it? I want you to shift back into your panther for as long as possible. It will help you heal faster. No fighting. You get in, get your family and get out. Let everyone else do the hard part. If you need me when you get back, I will be here.”

  “Thanks Doc,” Trace responded gratefully. “No offense, but I hope I don’t need ya.” Josie laughed as she left the room.

  “Get ready people,” Angel said as she walked toward the door, “be ready to leave here in an hour. Wheels up in an hour and a half. Trace, I want you in your panther form until the damn plane lands, you feel me?” At Trace’s nod, Angel left with the rest of the group following. When Phoenix reached the door, he glanced back with a wink and locked it on his way out.

  The minute they were gone, Trace tilted Jade’s head up to his, taking her mouth in a deep kiss. Her lips parted on a moan, granting him entrance, and he took full advantage of it. Grabbing the remote, he put the bed back down so it laid flat and then covered Jade’s body with his own. Holding her head between his hands, he assaulted her mouth while grinding his hips into her thigh, the friction against his dick driving him wild. “I need you, Jade,” he groaned. “I didn’t want to take you like this. Not in the hospital. I wanted our first time to be special with candles, flowers, wine. But I can’t wait any longer. I’m going fucking crazy.”

  Moaning, Jade arched into him gasping, “I don’t need all of that, Trace. I just need you. Take me.”

  That was all Trace needed to hear. Leaning back, he pulled Jade’s shirt up over her head quickly, baring her soft, lily white skin to his gaze. Unhooking her bra, he slipped it off before cupping her perfect breast in the palm of his hand. He loved the contrast of her light skin against the darkness of his own. It was sexy as hell. And her light pink nipples were begging for his mouth. Lowering his head, he tasted her nipple, teasing it with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. He sucked harder at her soft cry of pleasure, then releasing her breast, he placed soft kisses down the silky skin on her belly.

  Reaching between them, he unbuttoned her pants and slid them down, removing them from her legs and tossing them carelessly to the floor. Hooking his fingers in the waistband of her panties, he slowly slipped them down her long, beautiful legs. He couldn’t wait to have them wrapped around him soon.

  Leaning down, Trace slowly kissed and nibbled his way from Jade’s ankle up her leg, to the inside of her thigh. “Oh God,” Jade cried out as he nuzzled her mound before spreading her lips and licking up to her clit. Taking her clit into his mouth, he gently tugged on it before stroking it with his tongue. As Jade’s moans grew louder, Trace slipped a finger inside her and moved his tongue faster. Jade screamed as she came just moments later.

  Not willing to wait any longer, Trace slid up Jade’s body and taking hold of his aching cock, he slowly started to push inside her. He froze at Jade’s slight grunt of discomfort. Oh shit, he thought as he tried to pull out. Jade grabbed hold of his ass and pushed up hard against him, sinking him deeply inside her hot, moist heat in one thrust. Forcing himself to stay still while Jade adjusted to him being inside her, he sucked in a ragged breath as he buried his face in her neck. His cat was urging him to hurry, to bite and claim his mate. But Trace refused to hurt Jade. He should have realized she was innocent, but he’d been thinking mostly with his dick. He waited until he felt her slowly start to rotate her hips. Groaning at the fire shooting up his spine, he fought the desire to pound into her.

  Finally, unable to hold back, Trace pushed deeper into Jade and then slowly pulled back out. Shaking, sweat beading up on his forehead, he pushed in again, and then again and again. Jade panted softly in his ear, then he heard her whisper, “Harder.” Grabbing hold of her hair, he fisted it in his hand and held her head still while he took her mouth with his. As he thrust his tongue in and out of her mouth, he moved harder and faster into Jade. Yanking her mouth away, Jade cried, “More, Trace. I need more.”

  Trace snarled as he pounded into her. Reaching between them, he flicked her clit with his thumb and she screamed as she came, squeezing his dick tightly. Trace roared loudly and sank his fangs into her shoulder, claiming her as he came. As he licked the puncture wounds closed, he felt Jade’s fangs sink deep into his shoulder and he came again on another roar.

  “Mine,” he whispered as he licked his claiming bite. “Mine.”

  “Always,” Jade promised as she licked at her own mating bite.

  Rolling over, Trace pulled Jade onto his chest and gently stroked her hair. Softly kissing the top of her head, Trace whispered, “You are everything to me, Jade. No matter what may happen in the future, I promise to always care for you and cherish you. I will protect you above all else. I love you, my mate.”

  As he drifted into sleep, Trace didn’t notice the guilty look on Jade’s face. He didn’t feel her leave the bed or see her get dressed and slip quietly from the room. But he did notice her absence when he woke twenty minutes later, alone in the bed where he’d just claimed his mate.

  Chapter 14

  Running through the woods as fast as she could, Jade screamed loudly into the cold, quiet evening. Rage consumed her as guilt swamped her. Her mate trusted her, he said he loved her. But there were things he didn’t know about her. Things she kept hidden from the world. Jade wanted to share everything with Trace, but there was so much to consider. Most importantly, Jinx.

  Stopping, Jade dropped to her knees on the cold, damp ground. Ignoring the wetness seeping into her jeans, she wrapped her arms tightly around herself and sobbed. She was mad as hell and her heart was breaking. She didn’t want to begin her mating with lies. God, why hadn’t she told him everything before they’d bonded? What if he didn’t want her when he realized who she really was?

  Hearing a noise behind her, Jade froze. Baring her teeth on a snarl, she turned, but relaxed when she saw Chase. Walking past her, he moved to sit on a log a few feet away. “Come here, little one,” he said quietly, patting the space next to him. Slowly, Jade stood up and walked over, taking a seat beside him.

  “I can feel your pain,” he said as he stared into the darkening woods. “You want to talk about it?”

  Jade hesitated as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. She’d never had an Alpha. She knew an Alpha took care of his pack, putting them above everything else. He was there to both protect and comfort them. Most wolves ran in packs, but Jade and Jinx only had each other. She guessed you could call Jinx her Alpha, although she didn’t think of him in that way. To her, he was her brother.

  “Talk to me, Jade,” Chase demanded softly. “Let me help.”

  She was supposed to be a warrior. That’s what Jinx trained her for. But right now she felt like a child, so lost and scared. “It’s always just been me and Jinx,” Jade whispered. “The two of us against the world. I’ve never had an Alpha.”

  “You have Angel now,” Chase reminded her as he continued to scan the area around them. “She’s a powerful Alpha.”

  “Angel’s my mother, not my Alpha,” Jade stated. “I don’t want her as my Alpha.” Clasping her hands tightly together, Jade whispered hesitantly, “But I would like you to be, I think.”

  Reaching over, Chase covered her shaking hands with his. “Then I will be,” he said. Suddenly Jade felt Chase pushing his power into her, helping to calm her and take away some of the fear. Closing her eyes, she soaked it in, wondering if this was what others felt like when she helped them.

  “Now, as Alpha it is my honor and privilege to take care of
my pack and help them with anything and everything they need. Talk to me, Jade. Let me help you.”

  When Jade didn’t respond, Chase asked, “Does this have anything to do with your mating?”

  Jade gulped and stared at her feet as Chase waited patiently for a response. Finally, raising her head and looking her new Alpha directly in the eyes, Jade told him, “Trace trusts me, Chase. He says he loves me, but he doesn’t know the real me. The one I have to keep hidden from everyone. He sees a sweet, innocent Omega wolf. I haven’t been sweet and innocent since I was eight years old and made my first kill. And I am definitely not an Omega wolf. The person he loves...that’s not me.”

  “We all have our secrets, Jade,” Chase said. “Some secrets are worse than others. But tell me something. Do you really think Trace would love you any less if he knew yours?” When Jade would have responded, Chase held up a hand. “Think about this. In a year, where do you want to be, Jade? With a mate that loves you and would do anything for you...or alone? Talk to him. Let him decide how he feels about it, about you. But give him the chance to make his own decision. That’s very important.”

  Holding back her tears and fear of losing her mate, Jade nodded. “I know you’re right. But I also have to think of my brother. Some of my secrets include him.”

  “Jinx will want you to be happy,” Chase promised. “And you can trust Trace. Whatever you tell him will go no further.”

  “I know,” Jade whispered. “I trust him with my life.”

  “And you can trust him with your brother’s,” Chase said softly. “One more thing, Jade, you might want to consider talking to your mother about all of this, too. Angel will not judge you. She’s lived without you for 20 years. All she wants is the chance to love you and have that love returned. There isn’t anything that woman wouldn’t do for you and Jinx, Jade. That goes for me, too.”

  Standing, Chase held out his hand to her. “Let’s go. I have a feeling your mate is getting restless. I know you are supposed to be leaving soon to get his family.”

  Gasping, Jade jumped up quickly. “Oh no! We need to hurry!” Running back to the hospital, Chase on her heels, Jade prayed RARE had waited for her. She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten about Trace’s family. What kind of mate was she?

  The kind that will love unconditionally, as will he, Jinx’s voice whispered into her mind. Your Alpha is right, sis. All I want is for you to be happy. Trust your mate. Tell him everything.

  Not slowing her pace, Jade asked hesitantly, Are you sure?

  Yes, was Jinx’s quick response. It’s time you tell Angel, too.

  Will you come talk to them with me? She asked. I don’t know if I can do it on my own.

  You are stronger than you think, Jade. Jinx said, the pride evident in his voice. But you won’t be on your own. You will never have to do anything on your own again, sis. If I can’t be there, your Alpha, Angel and Trace will be. You are finally safe.

  There was silence for a moment as Jade let what Jinx said sink in. She was safe. She was free. And as long as Trace fully accepted her for who she was, she was loved.

  When will you be safe, Jinx? she asked softly.

  As soon as I bring that bastard down, Jinx growled. Don’t worry about me, Jade. I’ve got this. You go to your mate. Be happy.

  As they neared the hospital, Trace stepped through the front entrance, a dark scowl on his face. The RARE team members waited by two black SUV’s near the building. Skidding to a stop in front of the hospital steps, Jade reached back and grabbed Chase’s hand for courage. Feeling his power flowing through her, she looked up into her mate’s pissed off gaze. He glanced down to where Jade clasped Chase’s hand and then back up to her eyes, and Jade smiled, letting her love show in her gaze. Shoring up her courage, reminding herself she was free to live her life now, she said softly, “I love you, too, my mate.”

  Trace was down the stairs pulling Jade into his arms in the next instant, her face buried in his neck. Breathing deeply, she inhaled his dark, spicy scent that was now mixed with her own. She felt the huge shudder run through his body as she clung to him. You will tell me why you left me, Trace demanded roughly.

  Trembling, Jade said, I will. Just please, promise me you will still love me.

  Leaning back, Trace tilted her head up, gazing into her eyes. I will always love you, Jade, he vowed. Nothing will ever take you from me.

  Smiling again, Jade kissed him softly on the lips before saying out loud, “Let’s go get your family. Then, when we get back, we will talk.” Glancing at Chase she whispered, “Thank you for everything, Alpha.”

  At Angel’s gasp of surprise, Chase stepped forward and rested a hand on Jade’s shoulder. “I will be here if you need me, Jade.” Nodding to the others, he walked up the hospital steps and through the doors.

  “Chase is your Alpha now?” Angel questioned with a slight note of disbelief and a hint of jealousy in her tone.

  “Yes,” Jade responded quietly. “I want an Alpha. My wolf needs one.” At the hurt expression on Angel’s face that she quickly masked, Jade went on, “I don’t need you to be my Alpha, Angel. I need you to be my mother.”

  A slow smile spread across Angel’s face before she said, “I have always been your mother, Jade. And I have always loved you. Nothing will change that.”

  “Sorry to interrupt,” Rikki interjected, “but we need to beat feet. There’s another family reunion on our list tonight. And all this mushy crap is giving me a headache.”

  “She’s right,” Angel agreed. “We need to get going.” Turning to Trace she narrowed her eyes. “Why haven’t you shifted?”

  Ignoring her, Trace wrapped an arm around Jade’s waist and walked with her to one of the SUVs. Opening the middle door on the passenger side, Trace helped Jade in and then turned to the team. “Let’s do this,” he growled before sliding in beside Jade and pulling the door shut.

  Leaning her head against Trace’s shoulder, Jade closed her eyes tiredly. It had been so long since she’d slept more than four hours at a time. Feeling Trace’s arm slide around her, she snuggled into his side. She needed some rest before the mission or she wouldn’t be at full strength. Jade let herself drift off to sleep in the comfort of her mate’s arms, knowing that for once in her life she was truly safe.

  Chapter 15

  When Jade finally opened her eyes again, they had already boarded the plane and were in the air. Sitting up and looking around in confusion, she saw she was in the back of the jet on the floor. Trace lay next to her in cat form, his midnight black fur shining. “Trace didn’t want to wake you when we got to the hangar,” Rikki said from beside them in her chair. “Stubborn ass insisted on carrying you on the plane himself. Angel made him shift after he laid you down. The doc says it will help speed the healing process along.”

  Running a hand through her tangled hair, Jade sighed. “If I would have stayed with him instead of running off because I got scared, he would have shifted a long time ago,” she admitted. Placing a hand on Trace, she slid her fingers through his thick fur.

  “So,” Rikki began reluctantly. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course,” Jade responded absently, her attention on Trace.

  “I know there are things you aren’t telling us, hell we all know it,” Rikki laughed softly. “Which is fine, Jade. Unless you are hiding something that could affect a mission we are on, I really don’t give a shit.”

  “I would never put the team in danger,” Jade snapped, anger in her voice.

  “Good,” Rikki said. “So, although I can tell you have a gentle nature and like to help others when they are upset or in pain, I know you aren’t an Omega wolf. I also know you would have us believe you were if you could.”

  Jade glanced down guilty, then back up at Rikki. Holding her head high, she said, “Not anymore. I’m not hiding who I am anymore. I decided when we went to get Trace in Colombia that I was done playing the Omega wolf card. And when I spoke with Jinx recently, he told me I am finally fr
ee to be whoever I want to be,” Tightening her grip in Trace’s fur, she said, “He said I’m finally safe. That Trace, Chase and Angel will protect me when Jinx can’t.”

  “And he’s right,” Nico said from his seat two seats up. Turning around to face them, he told Jade, “Your mom, your Alpha and your mate will always keep you safe. But they aren’t the only ones, Jade. The rest of us will, too. You are Angel’s daughter, a part of this family. We protect what’s ours.”

  Gazing at the faces around her, Jade smiled gratefully, before her smile dimmed. “But what about Jinx?” she whispered. “Who will keep him safe?”

  “We will,” Angel promised, from her position at the front of the plane. “We will help him take down the General, Jade. And then we will bring your brother home.”

  Trace purred deeply, nudging her thigh with his nose. Smiling down at him, she gently stroked his neck. “So, Rikki, what was your question?” she asked, changing the subject, as she continued running her hands over the beautiful black panther lying next to her.

  “I know you can fight, Jade,” Rikki said. “No matter how hard you tried to hide it, I always knew you could fight and shoot. I don’t, however, get the impression you enjoy it. If feels more like you do it because you have to, not because you want to.”

  Nodding her head in agreement, Jade said, “Jinx taught me to fight and shoot.” Glancing over at her mate she admitted softly, “He taught me to kill. I can kill a man several different ways. And I have.”

  “Exactly,” Rikki exclaimed. “I saw it. I accidentally touched your coat one day without my gloves. I promise you it wasn’t on purpose, but it happened. I saw you dressed in this skimpy little teddy thing. You were in a hotel room with some sleaze ball. The guy said something to you. You smiled at him, and then slipped a knife out from under a pillow and slit his throat.”


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