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Fractured Darkness: A YA Fantasy Adventure (The Age of Alandria Book 3)

Page 25

by Morgan Wylie

  “We can’t leave them! We have to help them, Daegan,” Kaeleigh pleaded.

  “Agreed.” It was all he said, but his support and need to do the right thing warmed her heart, but also made those pesky butterflies of nerves soar at the prospect of fighting.

  “You have to get to the portal, Kaeleighnna. That is your objective. That is what will stop all this.” Arileas fiercely gestured back to the forest. His eyes were ablaze with determination as to what he believed was truly the best course of action.

  “No. We have to help them! Ella is in there. Finn is in there.” Kaeleigh’s voice cracked. She did not have time to fall apart now. No, she would follow her heart. She would fight. Kaeleigh felt a weight at her back that had not been there for the last couple days. She smirked as she reached behind her and confidently pulled from the holster at her back the sword that had chosen her, then she quickly replaced it. The path that Ella and Finn had taken was in the opposite direction they were headed, but she took the sword as a sign.

  Arileas’s eyes went wide at the sword’s timing to reveal itself and what it meant. He took a deep breath and nodded his head sharply. “So be it.”

  “You do not leave my side unless it is absolutely necessary. We fight as one,” Daegan commanded sternly as he looked deep into Kaeleigh’s eyes.

  She nodded and agreed. “One.”

  Something deep in Kaeleigh began to stir and rise up out of her. She was made for this. It was part of her heritage. She had the blood of a Ferrishyn, but not only that, the blood of the Ehsmia and the blood of the Elves. She felt the strengths and gifts of each race rising up within her and coming together, uniting for a purpose higher than any she could have created for herself. It was ancient and powerful. This was her land and these were her people.

  They snuck through the forest to get as close as they could without revealing their presence. If they crouched low, the air was thinner and cleaner. It was not such a struggle to breathe. Holding Kaeleigh’s hand, Daegan led the way, deftly avoiding downed branches and sidestepping fallen trees. Little blue fires were springing up in random places, magic their guide, as they wrought destruction with every lick they took. Once the fires latched onto something they could burn, they were unstoppable. A sharp inhale came from Kaeleigh as they were maneuvering around a tree that was on fire and still fighting it with its green energy. Kaeleigh could see it. All over the tree, its life energy—the very magic that made these trees what they were—was flowing and pulsing, pushing its magic in concentrated bursts where the fires were attempting to combat it. It was not working.

  Kaeleigh pulled her hand from Daegan but he only held on tighter. He did, however, allow her to pull him with her toward the tree. She glared at his hand where he refused to let her go, but he only nodded his head toward the tree, telling her to focus and do what she came to do. Kaeleigh went right up to the tree and placed her hand on its trunk where fire had scorched a path straight up into the “Y” of the tree where it began to branch off—its weakness. The bark was rough and brittle under her hand, but the pain she felt coming from inside the tree, from the very heart of it, broke her own. Daegan did as she did and placed his hand on top of hers. His energy flowed into hers, entangling with her own as they poured into the tree. Arileas snuck up behind them and placed his hand on Kaeleigh’s shoulder. He sent a surge of his own power into her as well.

  Their united power burst into the tree. Kaeleigh could feel the tree welcoming their energy with gratefulness and relief. The little fires that were eating their way through the thick foliage and strong branches were suddenly doused, leaving trickles of smoke in their wakes. There was an audible sigh from the tree. Kaeleigh wrapped her arms around the tree and sent another blast of her energy its way. The tree began its regenerating healing faster than it would have under normal circumstances.

  “Kaeleigh, we have to go,” Arileas prodded. She looked back at him and nodded.

  “There are too many trees, we cannot save them one by one this way,” Daegan offered, full of thought.

  “I know but we have to try!” Kaeleigh whispered as loud as she could without actually using her voice. She didn’t want to give away their presence.

  “Kaeleigh...” Daegan took a deep breath, his frustration clear. They had to move. They had to act. They had to help. They had to fight, but he didn’t know where to start.

  “There!” Arileas whispered as he pointed. Off to the side a ways into the foray, Ella and Finn were crouched behind a large bush, but would stand and send out blasts of energy in the form of fireballs toward something they couldn’t see through the smoke. A moment later, a returning fireball would soar straight overhead, but thankfully missing them. They began to see others of the Ehsmia strategically placed at a wide circle focusing on that very area that Ella and Finn were facing.

  Daegan searched out all the possible angles. Kaeleigh could see the strategic wheels in his head moving as she tried to think of a way to help.

  “Elder, will you cover Ella and Finn while Kaeleigh and I circle around to the opposite side. We will attack whatever is in the center of the smoke-induced circle at once. Do not overshoot though. We need to contain and then dismantle whatever is behind this attack. I am certain Maleina will be found here, but I am not sure what or who else is with her,” Daegan growled out.

  Another screech of epic proportions pierced the forest. Kaeleigh’s head snapped toward the smoke-filled center. “Holly,” she whispered, her voice strangled with terror. “I know that tree. Hurry, we have to finish this!” Kaeleigh grabbed Daegan’s hand and began to pull him.

  He quickly took the lead and directed her around the circle, once again ducking and leaping over branches and rocks that littered the forest floor. There was a heaviness mixed with vibrating fear that was taking over the trees that they passed. They were mourning their fallen. Daegan would reach out his hand and touch as many as he could as they passed. Sending bursts of healing energy and courage into them, he whispered in his foreign tongue. Kaeleigh saw what he was doing and could actually feel a change in the spirits of the trees. She began reaching out to the trees on her side that he was missing. As a team they strengthened and poured new life into the forest. Every once in a while Daegan would say, “Call to her. Bring her.” Kaeleigh wasn’t sure who he was referring to, but she joined him.

  “Who are we calling?” she asked after a minute of doing it.


  Ah. Kaeleigh had met the Dryad priestess of the forest. “Wouldn’t she know what was happening in her forests?”

  “The trees are hiding her. They will die before letting her come to harm. She needs to be called.”

  Daegan and Kaeleigh found cover behind some rocks on a slight rise in the forest terrain. They could see what was happening in front of them much clearer from their position.

  “Maleina.” Daegan gritted his teeth. Kaeleigh reached out and placed her hand on his forearm. He took a breath and surveyed the area. “What can you see?”

  Kaeleigh looked around, squinting and moving her head at various angles. “Nothing. I can’t see anything beyond that smoke.”

  “It is a diversion. Think of it as a smokescreen. What can you see?” he asked again.

  Understanding dawned on Kaeleigh and she focused her magic to filter through her eyes to see beyond what was in front of her. “I see her!” Kaeleigh excitedly exclaimed with a whisper. Then carefully and more studied, she added, “There are dark vines or threads of magic surrounding her. They twist and wrap around her with a life of their own, but they are definitely tied to her. And eyes... ” Kaeleigh gasped. “Those aren’t vines, Daegan, they’re snakes! They are entwined in her hair, but have free range over her body.” She looked to him with panic in her eyes.

  He looked into her eyes, and his lack of surprise told her he had seen this before. “What else?”

  “Those zombie-looking guys from the other day are there too.”

  “The Ónarach.”

es, them. They’re the ones throwing the fireballs, but Maleina seems to be concentrating on something. Her eyes are wide open but unseeing, like she’s in a trance.” Kaeleigh glanced at Daegan, who was nodding like he expected what she said. Kaeleigh felt a chill run up her spine. “What’s our plan?”

  “I am going to distract her. You will stay here and focus on creating a shield around me with your magic, in case.”

  “What?” she looked at him like he had suddenly grown two heads. “No way. In case of what? How do we take her down?”

  “I do not know if we do. The most we can do is distract her and wait until the priestess arrives. This is her domain. We need her additional power, Kaeleigh.” Daegan ran a hand down his face. “Maleina has grown strong. I am not aware how strong yet and I am not willing to put you in the middle of it if we do not have to.”

  Kaeleigh suddenly felt a concrete resolve settle within her mixed with rage. “That is not good enough! We have to fight,” she demanded.

  “Yes, we do.” Daegan did not argue. “However, there is a time for it and my soul tells me this is not it. Now, we save the trees. We save Finn and Ella so they can get to the Twined. We save ourselves so we can free the Orchids.”

  Something in his eyes jumped out at her. She could see the pain and the conflict there. He would end it now if he thought they could. Her rage softened as she felt Daegan’s inner compulsion to do what was necessary and get to the Orchids as fast as possible. She complied. “All right. After I try to put a shield around you, then what happens? Do I try to take them out?”

  “No, then it will be my turn to step in,” a strong and angry feminine voice whispered all around them. Kaeleigh couldn’t tell if it was in her mind or said out loud. There was no one nearby, then suddenly through the smoke just beyond them stepped Andreinna, the Dryad priestess. There was a very ethereal air about her; she was visible but she didn’t quite seem solid. She floated through the smoke like a ghost stepping out of one tree, wildly sauntering into the next, advancing on them. Kaeleigh watched in awe. She was pretty sure her mouth was gaping open. The Dryad’s beauty, wild and untamed, was striking as she got closer. Her eyes were glowing white hot anger.

  Daegan shifted onto a knee, bowing his head in respect. Kaeleigh glanced over at him and quickly did the same. She didn’t think the priestess would hurt them, but her power was pushing upon them, seeking out enemies and allies. Andreinna stopped right before them. She was still not completely solid in her state. Hair the color of sunset, complete with branches and twigs, flowed with a life all its own as if she had a fan blowing in front of her.

  “So the time has come. This is the beginning. Maleina is pulling on a power that does not belong to her or to this realm. She must be stopped.” Her voice was an ominous monotone until her eyes shifted directly to Kaeleigh. “Your power is strong, but this is not your time. However, for the moment, I gladly welcome your power into my fight.”

  “My power is your power,” Kaeleigh offered.

  “Given freely?” Andreinna was suspicious.

  “Yes.” Kaeleigh kept her head down, but her eyes looked up into the Dryad’s. There was hope in them.

  “You will make a great leader, Kaeleighnna.” The priestess’ eyes rose to peer through the smoke that was billowing before them. “Follow your plan. I will do the rest.”

  As Andreinna slowly turned back toward the fighting, she whispered into both of their minds, “From this day forth, the Dryads now fight with the Sol-lumieth... no matter the end.” She glanced back at them with blazing eyes and a confident smile.


  “I know you are there! Come out and face me, nephew,” Maleina taunted. “I can feel your presence along with that little witch and her deception.”

  Behind the bush, Kaeleigh looked up to Daegan’s fierce eyes with question. “Me?” she mouthed as she pointed to herself. Daegan frowned, but there was a slight twitch of his mouth as if he was amused.

  “I can burn down this entire forest, Daegan. COME OUT!” she shouted. Her voice carried through the smoke and seemed to seek his presence out.

  Daegan began to rise, to go out and meet her face to face. Kaeleigh reached out and gripped his arm. He looked down at her with his eyebrows pinched. There was a war in his eyes. He did not want to leave her, but he knew he had to go out there to protect her, to protect what was his. For the first time, he felt it—this land, this people, were his to protect. And he would.

  Kaeleigh let him go. She would expect him to do the same, when her time arose. “Go. But you better come back to me.” She pulled him down into her face and pressed her mouth against his. The kiss was short, but it was not sweet. It was passionate and aggressive, a promise of a future together for him to fight for. He responded in kind then drew away abruptly, his chest heaving for breath. Without pulling his face too far away, his gaze searched her eyes and reached into her soul. He opened himself up to her, allowing his soul to connect with hers. She inhaled sharply at the welcome intrusion. It was not painful but warm and gentle like a cozy hug, but on the inside. Their souls longed to be together and so they were.

  “Shields up,” he whispered. Before either of them could say or do anything else, he jumped up and boldly walked into the smoke.

  Andreinna was still standing there, ready to advance as Daegan walked toward Maleina. Her presence was powerful and eerie at the same time. “You do not need to fear, Kaeleighnna. This is not the end.”

  “Thank you,” Kaeleigh said, not sure what else to say. She took a deep breath and turned back to look through the smoke. The way the smoke danced and billowed, there were often breaks of air that allowed for a visible opening without Kaeleigh needing to use magic to see. It was becoming second nature to her. Sometimes her magic reacted before she even intended it to. Her eyes followed Daegan’s back, strong and solid with muscle and pride. She took a deep breath and focused her energy to surround him as best she could, satisfied that it would help at least for now. If he took too long, she was concerned she wouldn’t be able to hold it. However, lately, her magic felt far more effortless. She had learned how to pull energy from the land and the resources everywhere around her. With the blood of her Elf side, she could draw energy from the sun and the moons. From her Faerie/Ferrishyn blood, she could pull from the grass, the foliage, any living plant containing energy. From her Ehsmian heritage and the ancient bloodlines of royalty, she could pull from the old magic that was still foreign to her, but it seemed to respond to her nonetheless. Kaeleigh’s magic was strong and adapted to her needs and compensated accordingly as if it were a living entity on its own.

  Through the distant areas of smoke clearing, she could keep an eye on where Finn and Ella and Arileas were. She tried to locate others of the Ehsmia that she knew were out there, but she had a hard time with all the smoke and the encroaching Ónarach that were not only surrounding Maleina, but also advancing in small groups to try and engage those fighting against her. They were grotesque in appearance and even looked worse for wear than the first time they confronted Kaeleigh and her friends. They moved in groups of three to five, marching in unison as puppets responding to their master. Perhaps that was what Maleina was controlling with her moments of entrancement. Through a clearing in the smoke Kaeleigh looked back to her, but Maleina’s eyes seemed lucid as she looked hungrily at Daegan as if she was about to devour a savory piece of meat. She was practically salivating at the raw power she felt coming from Daegan. Some of what she felt most likely belonged to the shield of energy Kaeleigh had surrounding him, but it would also be attributed to Daegan’s fresh remembrance of who he was and the power he contained along with his freedom from her wicked clutches.

  Maleina sauntered closer to Daegan, her hand stretched out, caressing the air around him as if she could feel the energy radiating out from him. Daegan held perfectly still, but in the way of confidence. He was an intimidating sight to behold. He was also creating quite the distraction simply by being himself. Several of
the Ónarach loosely surrounded him, enclosing him with Maleina.

  “Where is my disloyal son? I thought he was always with you, following like the puppy he is,” Maleina questioned with a sing-song voice that skirted the edge of sanity as she continued to move around him, distracted by his energy.

  Kaeleigh was a little surprised to realize he was doing it on purpose to keep her close. Kaeleigh wanted to try something. She sent out a flare of her energy that was tied with his. Kaeleigh watched as Maleina’s eyes widened at the visible surge of power, her tongue even licking her lips hungrily. Kaeleigh reined it in, pulling it back into herself as she watched Maleina grow agitated and try to grasp at something not there.

  “What was that?” Maleina growled out.

  Daegan frowned at her. “What is this all about, Maleina? Why the Ancients, the trees...the Dryads? What have they done to make you lash out at them this way?”

  “Absolutely nothing, pet,” she crooned, then hardened her features. “They have never done anything for me either!” She practically spat as her hold on sanity appeared to be slipping even more. “That is why... they will not join me and so they shall perish. Plus it got you to come home to me, now did it not?”

  “You are mistaken. I am not with you, Maleina.” He paused, looking into her eyes with irreverent confidence. “I know who I am now...” He waited for that to sink in. Her face contorted into a rage that he did not think possible. Her features seemed to morph as darkness surged from within her. “I suspect that you knew who I was all along. Why did you not just kill me when you had the chance?”

  “I had suspected, but I could not be certain. You showed many signs, but your bond with Halister...” Her voice faded as if she caught herself finding compassion for a young boy and could not admit to it. “I suppose you think I was foolish. But you were so useful. You could kill when I needed you to. In fact you did, you were my enforcer. So loyal,” she sneered with silk-like manipulation.


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