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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 5

by Tricia Daniels

  “Good.” He releases her hand completely but doesn’t break eye contact. “It’s the least I can do since you’ve allowed me to start my morning with such a breathtaking vision. Everything else in my day will be dull in comparison to your lovely smile.”

  Unpleasant and threatening memories are quickly forgotten as Olivia is drawn unknowingly into his charm. Who talks like that? Even the cashier blushes as she counts out his change and passes it to him.

  Olivia gives him another smile. It’s hard not to. “Thank you, Ethan.”

  Ethan orders two coffees making her scan the room behind him, looking for the girl that he left with the other evening. She notices the long line up that has formed while they debated over who was paying, but he seems to be alone.

  Her eyes dart back to the two police officers standing in line. She has always had a thing for men in uniform. Ethan smiles at her, noticing her distraction. Leaning over he whispers in her ear. “I own a pair of handcuffs, if that’s your thing.” Olivia gasps internally, her body tensing as she does everything within her power not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her squirm. He’s purposely trying to get a reaction from her now and she’s refuses to play this game with him. He chuckles when she ignores him.

  Their orders are ready at the same time and they head towards the door. Walking confidently with Ethan at her side, she meets with the jealous looks of more than a few women waiting in line. Catching her glancing at the officers once again, Ethan smirks. Thinking about his handcuffs, she blushes a scarlet shade of red as the officers smile her way, checking her out as she passes. Damn! This dress is magic! When she looks over at Ethan to find that she’s been caught looking, he winks at her. Utter embarrassment and his enthralling boyish smile are the only things that keep her from poking him right in the eye. Gahhh! How annoying!

  Using his shoulder, Ethan pushes the door and stands against it holding it open for her. Parked beside her, right outside the door is Scott’s car. Sitting behind the wheel he looks at them together as they exit and hangs his head down in defeat. “Great… just great.” He knew he should have kept driving when he recognized her car. He shakes his head as she waves an exaggerated hello.


  He too, looks at her from head to toe and raises a brow. “A little over dressed for work today aren’t you?”

  She smiles. “Yes, well… I have a date tonight after work.”

  Oh Hell no! Ethan’s fantasy doesn’t include sharing her with other men. There may have been a time back in university when he entertained such things but he would never consider that with her. He’s not sharing Olivia James with any other man. Never!

  She gives a little twirl showing off her dress as it dances around her. “You like?”

  Ethan takes in every inch of her body and expresses his pleasure. “I definitely like!” Olivia tries to ignore him but her eyes glance over at him involuntarily, her body warming under his appreciative gaze. If she only knew the wicked and nasty things he wants to do to her. He’s half hard thinking about it and a ghost of a grin slants across his lips and then disappears.

  Scott looks at Ethan feeling a little nervous. “A date? Who is the lucky guy?” Please, not Ethan. Please, not Ethan he repeats in his mind.

  “Noah Thompson.” She blushes as she says his name aloud, feeling as if she has somehow revealed her intentions for the evening.

  Scott looks relieved and his shoulders relax. Starting towards her car, her eyes dart quickly to Ethan one last time and she can’t help but notice that he looks annoyed. Passing the coffees through the open car window to Scott he follows her, quickly making his way to her car and holding her off while he opens her car door. She likes all the attention she’s getting today. She’ll have to wear this dress more often. Slipping behind the wheel as ladylike as she can, she makes sure that her dress is neatly tucked in underneath her and winces as the edge of the seat rubs painfully against the sore on her thigh.

  After closing the door he leans down to her eye level and speaks to her through the open window. “I thought your leg was ok?” His previously playful mood is now solemn and his smile has faded into a much more serious expression.

  “Well it seems that I may have under estimated the damage. Apparently something sharp on the chair gouged out the panama canal in my thigh.” She tries to make light of it but he doesn’t smile.

  “Olivia, you shouldn’t mess around with tissue damage like that. Make an appointment with your doctor and have it checked out.” His voice takes on an imperious tone that she finds rude and insulting and yet warmth blooms inside her and spreads outwards. Sweet Jesus, help me. Despite it, anger brews in her belly. “I am an adult, if you hadn’t noticed. I’m capable of determining when I need to see a doctor.” She looks straight at him contemplating saying something extremely unladylike.

  His only response is a long intimidating stare. His jaw line tenses and it looks like he wants to say something. His mood sets off warning bells in her head and for the second time this morning she feels the need to put some space between them.

  “Ethan, I need to get to work.” She finally manages to speak.

  “Is Noah your boyfriend?” He waits for her reply without breaking his stare, making her feel like she’s under interrogation.

  “WHAT? No!” She looks away from him when she answers, fighting the anger that’s starting to rise in her. Closing her eyes she forces herself to turn back and look straight at him. “And that is really none of your business.” Her tone is curt and she’s proud of herself for speaking her mind. She learned to keep her mouth shut and avoid all conflict around her Ex-Boyfriend, Sam. However, it’s another self-preservation habit that she’s trying to break.

  Ethan struggles with the decision to hold his tongue. He knows how to handle difficult women and Olivia is no different. He senses that her confident and stubborn disposition is just an act to protect her from men like him. Confident and in control. Something inexplicable happened the first time he saw her, very intense feelings stirred inside him, like nothing he has ever felt or experienced before. He’s determined to have her, explore these feelings and find a way to explain them, so he will concede to her this time in hopes to gain her trust.

  He nods his head in agreement. “You’re right, it’s none of my business.” Standing upright, he takes a step back, allowing her to pull out of the parking spot. Watching as she leaves, he grins as he comments aloud to himself. “But I fully intend to make it my business, Miss James.”

  Finally at a safe distance, Olivia exhales, trying to expel some of the emotional energy zinging around inside her like the positive electric charge of a proton. She pulls into work just a few short blocks away and decides that she’s going to put Ethan O’Connell out of her mind. Today is all about her and Noah and she will focus all her energy on that.

  Ethan jumps in the passenger side of Scott’s car. “Let’s go, Scotty. We’re going to be late.”

  Scott looks at him and scowls. “Seriously?”

  Ethan tries to convey an austere maturity. “I’m the boss, Scott. I never joke about things like that.” They look at each other and burst into laughter. “And on the way, you’ll enlighten me by sharing everything you know about Olivia James.”

  “Ha! You’re funny.” Scott pulls out onto the road with no intentions of indulging Ethan’s newest challenge.

  “I’m not joking. Do you know this guy that she’s having dinner with tonight?

  “Yes, and you do too. He plays soccer.” Scott stops himself knowing that he’s probably said too much already. It’s definitely not a good idea to let Ethan know that Noah is the guy that pissed him off during their last game. So much so, that he took a swing at him.

  “Hmmm, I don’t recognize the name.”

  Desperate to get off the topic, Scott throws out a random fact. “Did you know that dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors?”

  Ethan scowls at him. “Good to know, in case I’m
ever challenged to a duel in Paraguay.” Not falling for Scott’s diversion tactics, he continues. “Now tell me about Olivia or you’re fired.” Ethan is nothing if not persistent.

  It’s going to be a long ride into the city. Scott thinks hard about his answer. “Well let’s see… she’s 30. She’s Rachel’s best friend and they work at the same company.“

  “What does she like?”

  “She likes puppies, pizza and long walks on the beach.” Scott tries not to laugh knowing Ethan won’t get his cliché reference to the personal ads.

  He narrows his eyes, not letting on that they have those commercials in Ireland as well. “I see… what doesn’t she like?”

  Scott takes advantage of their friendship to give his boss a little ego jab. “Apparently… she doesn’t like... YOU.”

  Ethan’s mood is anything but jovial at the moment. “Why do you think that is?“ He’s curious. He has only just met her so he certainly hasn’t done anything to offend her. YET!

  Scott sees an opportunity to try and discourage him and takes it. “She hasn’t dated a man in three years. I think she might like girls… if you know what I mean.”

  He’s sure that Scott is not being honest with him and it’s starting to piss him off. After all, she already admitted to having a date with some guy tonight. “Are you trying to tell me Olivia is a Lesbian?”

  It does sound a little outrageous and Rachel will probably kill him but he says it anyways. “That’s entirely possible.”

  The conversation ends and thirty minutes later Scott pulls into the parking garage of the high-rise office building downtown. Both men get out of the car, grab their suit jackets and brief cases, and head for the elevator. Their footsteps echo as they make their way through the structure that’s dimly lit with florescent lights. Standing near the door, an older woman waits. Her silver hair and eccentric clothing making her look suspiciously out of place there. Scott and Ethan look at each other as she approaches them.

  “I thought that security is supposed to keep the crazies and the panhandlers out of here?” Ethan looks at Scott with concern.

  “They usually do.” Scott reaches into his pocket for his wallet, expecting her to be looking for a handout. She shouldn’t be in here, but he just doesn’t have it in him to ignore her.

  Smiling as she approaches them, she locks eyes with Ethan and doesn’t break her stare. When she stops in front of them, she speaks only to Ethan, ignoring Scott and his wallet all together.

  “It’s about time you got here. What took you so long, boy? We’ve been waiting a long time for you.” Her voice is warm and friendly… almost familiar. The hair stands up on the back of Ethan’s neck. Looking at Scott awkwardly, he freezes, not knowing what to say.

  “Why are you looking so lost child? You know why you’re here.” She insists.

  Scott and Ethan exchange nervous looks, knowing that they should just walk away, but they’re stuck where they stand. Scott discreetly takes out his phone and texts security, giving Ethan a silent nod to indicate that they’re on their way.

  Her smile is warm and friendly and it’s hard for Ethan to fathom that she’s completely insane. She obviously is. “I don’t know actually. Why am I here?” Ethan has no clue what to do other than play along until security arrives.

  Reaching up, she touches his cheek with her cold hands. “Your soul senses her.” Fear glazes across her tired grey eyes. “You better find her quickly, boy. I sense that she’s in danger.”

  Ethan’s muscles tense and his stomach squeezes into knots. Who is she talking about?

  The door slams heavily and she turns to see the uniformed security guards heading her way. She turns back to Ethan, drops her hand to her side and smiles. Walking between them, she heads towards the exit. Rushing towards them, security calls out, forcing Scott and Ethan to step out of the way, as they pursue her. Turning to watch the commotion, the boys are shocked to see the officers standing a few feet behind them, one of them scratching his head. The elderly, silver haired woman… GONE!

  Reaching the elevator, they wait silently for the door to open. “What the hell was that? Scott finally asks.

  Ethan doesn’t look at him. It was a bizarre and awkward experience. “I have no idea, but don’t tell anybody about it and we’ll just pretend it didn’t happen.”

  “Deal.” When the door slides open, both men step in and turn, watching the security guards wandering through the parking structure searching for the silver haired woman between parked cars. Neither one of them wanting to admit that she simply vanished into thin air.

  When the elevator door closes, Ethan puts his case on the floor between his feet and produces a tie from his jacket pocket. Pulling it over his head, he adjusts the knot and smoothes the front to make sure it lays flat. Scott texts his wife to find out when she’ll be back in town and tries to think of a way to tell her that he just wrongfully OUTED Olivia. Maybe not telling her would be easier.

  Ethan fidgets with his smart phone, checks his emails and then tucks it back into his pocket before rolling down and buttoning the cuffs of his shirt. He hasn’t said a word to Scott since they got into the elevator. As they near the top floor, Scott breaks the silence.

  “Ethan, about Olivia…” They are only two floors away from the penthouse office and he rushes his comment, wanting to get it out in the open before they officially begin work. “You have no intentions of dropping it, do you?” Scott hopes for a miracle. Ethan is a ruthless negotiator and when he decides he wants something, he doesn’t give up. In addition, if things don’t go his way, Scott has seen him absolutely lose his mind in a fit of rage. That’s NOT the kind of guy he wants Olivia to be around EVER AGAIN!

  Ethan slides his suit jacket over his broad shoulders, leaving it undone, and picks up his brief case before he acknowledges Scott. “NOT A CHANCE.” The bell dings and the doors slide open to reveal a foyer decorated in rich grays and blues. He steps out of the elevator with Scott right behind him.

  “I didn’t think so.” His hopes deflate. Great, how is he going to discourage Ethan AND deal with his meddling wife?

  The bright neon blue Aurora Technologies logo stands out proud on the wall of steel grey behind the busty blonde at the reception desk. “Good morning, Mr. O’Connell.” She greets him with a smile and a handful of phone messages.

  “Thank you, Hannah.” He notices the low cut blouse she has worn today, no doubt to try and get his attention with her abundant bosom. Her voluptuous, tempting cleavage has done that successfully. He immediately draws his gaze back up to her eyes. “Have I told you what a pleasure it is that you’re the first thing I see every morning?“

  She blushes. “Thank you, Mr. O’Connell.”

  Walking towards his office and down the long corridor adorned with awards and acclamations, Scott matches his pace beside him. “You’re a human resources nightmare. Do you know that?”

  Ethan laughs. “Probably, but did you see those tits?”

  Scott cringes. “My point proven.” They stop outside Scott’s office door while he unlocks it. “I have no idea how you do it.” He turns the knob, opens the door and drops his stuff on the floor. Spinning the chair around, he sits down and pulls it up against the desk.

  Standing at the doorway Ethan responds. “What do you mean you don’t know how I do it? I’m irresistible to women… well, except for your friend Olivia, apparently.”

  Scott silently mouths the word. “LES...BI...AN.” Forming each syllable dramatically. “Just saying…you shouldn’t waste your time.”

  Ethan looks at his watch. “My office at 10am. I want to see the updates on the project you’re working on.”

  “You got it boss!” Scott spins his chair around and answers the phone that has started to ring behind him. Ethan leaves him to his call and makes his way to the huge corner office at the end of the hall. Windows line both the east and south walls giving a fantastic view of both the city and the lakeshore. The modern décor of his office reflects the company
’s devotion to new technology and future ideas but Ethan takes a few moments to admire the architecture of the historic buildings around him. At times he finds the contrast between old and new inspiring. He ignores the phones continual ringing and the constant notification sound of incoming emails. As usual, his business day arrives like a bull in a china shop, but today he’s not thinking about any of the projects on the go at Aurora technologies. Today he’s thinking about Olivia James.

  Chapter 3

  The morning drags on for poor Olivia, making her feel like it will never end. Minutes feel like hours as the afternoon ticks on just as slowly. Checking her phone repeatedly, she waits for a message from Noah but there is no word. She almost jumps out of her chair when she finally receives an incoming email. Clicking on the inbox icon, she’s shocked! Incoming mail from Ethan O’Connell? Why is Ethan sending her an email? Now she’s extremely annoyed that, on top of everything else, he appears to be stalking her as well. She opens the message.

  To: Olivia James

  Good afternoon Olivia,

  I hope you have had a great day! Mine, as predicted, has been extremely dull compared to your lovely smile. I was hoping that you would allow me to enjoy it again this evening.

  Ethan O’Connell

  SVP International Sales and Marketing

  Aurora Technologies

  Aurora Technologies? He works with Scott? Well that explains why they were together this morning but why didn’t Scott just tell her that yesterday? Why didn’t Rachel? Is that the reason why Scott was acting so strange? Why wouldn’t Scott want to introduce her to someone he works with? And what makes Ethan think that it’s ok to send her emails? Her mind is racing with all these questions when she hits reply.


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