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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 15

by Tricia Daniels

  “That’s good news.” Ethan is pleased. “Contact my assistant to schedule a time for you to come in with the paperwork. When do I take possession?”

  “Immediately, sir. I can give you the keys as soon as you sign the paperwork and advance the money.”

  “Very well, we’ll do that tomorrow.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He hits the end button and disconnects his call then hits the #1 on the speed dial. His call is answered on the first ring. “McCabe.”

  “Hey, when is the next flight?”

  “There’s one that gets into the Toronto airport on Wednesday morning. There are still a few seats available to book.”

  “Nothing sooner?” Ethan is very eager.

  “The only other flight leaves this evening but it has a stop over somewhere in the Far East that requires I take a two day journey by alpaca to the connecting flight.” He’s joking of course.

  Olivia laughs out loud and there is dead silence for a few moments. Ethan smirks knowing what’s probably going through John’s mind right now.

  “We’re not alone, Ethan?” John’s voice takes on a cautious tone.

  “Sorry, John. No, we’re not alone.” He might as well get it over with since he’ll meet her soon anyways.

  “John McCabe this is Olivia James.”

  “Hi, John.” She says loudly.

  “Hello, Miss James. Ethan can I assume your urgent need to have me there means that things have worked out as planned?”

  “Yes, and I would really like you here as soon as possible.”

  “I’m packed and ready to leave. Will you be sending the car for me on Wednesday morning or should I learn how to ride an alpaca?” There is humor in his voice revealing to Olivia that John and Ethan must have more than a business relationship. Ethan wouldn’t tolerate that kind of behavior from an employee. Scott is very careful to mind his P’s and Q’s around him even when they aren’t in the office.

  The smile on Ethan’s face confirms her assumption is correct. “It’s very tempting… but Wednesday is fine.”

  “See you then.”

  “Travel safe old man.” Ethan disconnects the call before John can retaliate and embarrass him in front of Olivia.

  She waits for him to elaborate on the conversation that he has allowed her to overhear, but when he fails to do so, she finally asks. “Good news I assume? Are you going to tell me?”

  “Oh, sorry. I think its good news. You are looking at the new owner of the Headwaters Bar and Grill.” He can’t hold back a proud smile as he says it, turning his head to watch her expression.

  She’s pleasantly surprised. “What? Seriously?”


  “Omg! That’s awesome.!” She’s excited, in more ways than one.

  Before she knows it, they are back in Dufferin County and turning down the road where all the auto dealers are. “We should have probably looked in the city. You won’t find any Lamborghini’s out here.”

  He raises an eyebrow in a quizzical manner. “And what makes you think I can afford a Lamborghini?”

  “Hello? Despite the fact that I’ve just learned you have personally purchased a bar, I’ve also just seen your office. I don’t have to assume you’re ridiculously rich.” She laughs.

  Ethan shakes his head in amusement. “Not even close. I’m afraid I’m no where near a financial genius. I made a few business deals early in my career that landed me huge bonuses that I invested wisely. I don’t make an obscene amount of money, just enough to live comfortably and buy the things I want without having to worry.”

  Olivia nods her approval. “That’s pretty awesome, Mr. O’Connell!”

  Ethan is shocked and he looks at her with wide eyes. “No way! Have I finally impressed you, Miss James?

  She rolls her eyes and grins. “Don’t let it go to your head. I’m sure you’ll do something to spoil it soon.”

  Shaking his head, he chuckles. “No doubt. You’re a tough crowd to please.”

  They spend the next couple of hours walking through import car dealerships getting in and out of cars and listening to the well-rehearsed sales pitches of the staff. Olivia begins to get bored. The last stop on the north side of the road is one of the few high-end dealers in town. Ethan gets out and is immediately drawn to one of their top of the line models. She lets the sales rep jump through all the hoops and patiently tags along on the test drive. When they get back into the boring grey company car Ethan is excited. “You’ve been awfully quiet for someone who claims to know something about cars. Do you like that one?“

  Olivia has been itching to get a few thoughts off her chest and since he’s asked. “It’s ok, for a girl’s car.”

  Ethan looks at her with a confused look. “A girl’s car?”

  “Yes, it looks like a girl’s car, all little, curvy and squishy. It’s... cute. But then… if the hair fits.” She pauses and avoids his look knowing this could turn into a playful conversation or an all out argument.

  He raises one eyebrow. “Are you saying that you don’t like my hair or that you don’t like the car?”

  She purses her lips tightly together and says nothing. Ethan tries to read her body language. “I see.” He finishes. “You don’t like either then?”

  She chuckles aloud. “I didn’t say that.” Her laughter is a welcome sound to him since he’s experiencing a little anxiety, not knowing if she is serious or teasing.

  “I thought North American girls loved men with long hair?”

  “Yes we do. If they’re wielding a sword and slaying dragons.”

  Her sarcasm amuses him. “Well then, if you don’t like any of my choices what would you suggest?”

  “Well, I’ve never been too impressed with performance imports.” She smirks, pleased with her likening of him to one and wondering if he caught on.

  He caught on all right and he accepts her challenge. “Well perhaps you’ve just never given one a chance.” He raises his eyebrows, flirting competently.

  She bites at her lip and then finally finds her nerve. “I definitely prefer North American muscle.”

  He smirks. If she insists on playing this game, his Irish sense of humor will prove to be a worthy opponent. “Is that so?” Ethan turns the car into the next row of dealers.

  Olivia becomes downright cheeky. “Yes it is. While imports make a lot of promises about their performance it’s the North American muscle that always comes through… with a Good. Hard. Ride!” She returns his stare with a ballsy confidence that makes his dick twitch. Jesus! This woman seriously turns him on.

  “Well then, I’m always up for a good hard ride. Convince me. Where will we start? I’m guessing we’re heading for the Mustangs?”

  She scowls at him and snickers. “Now you’re just talking crazy, Ireland. You’re not cool enough to drive a Mustang.”

  Ethan smiles and takes a good long look at her, realizing that he hasn’t thought about the office, or work or the nasty investigation back in Ireland all day. He can’t remember the last time he felt this happy and it’s definitely because of Olivia. He had thought his attraction was just physical, that his need was one of a sexual nature but that’s not it at all. The curve of her hips and her full soft breasts get his pulse racing, that’s true, and he fantasizes about how good it would feel to sink deep inside her and lose himself in her softness, but that’s not what is drawing him to her. He is starting to feel something for her. Something he can’t explain deep down inside. He wants to protect her, know everything about her, take care of her, be with her always. HE wants to be to be the one to make her smile.

  They pull into the first lot and enter the show room from a side door. Ethan sees nothing spectacular, just normal looking family sedans. He wonders what she has up her sleeve as he follows her to the far side where they are met part way by a salesman who looks very tired and stressed. “Hello, again. You’ve brought a friend I see.” He holds out his hand for Ethan, who shakes it and looks at Olivia inquisitively.
  “This is Jim, salesman of the month.” She points over to his picture mounted on the nearby wall. Ethan follows her lead. “Congratulations.”

  Jim is still shaking Ethan’s hand vigorously. “Thank you.” He turns to Olivia. “Are we here to visit again or are we considering something else?” Ethan is trying to follow the conversation. Obviously these two have a past.

  “Actually Jim, my friend Mr. O’Connell, SVP of INTERNATIONAL Sales for Aurora Technologies, is looking to purchase something with a lot of power and a lot more style.” She purposely accentuates the part about Ethan’s job so that Jim knows that they are here on serious business and not just window-shopping.

  Jim nods his head. “Is that so?” He finally lets go of Ethan’s hand.

  Ethan shrugs. “Apparently so, Jim.” He glances over at Olivia and raises a brow. She bites her lip, trying not to laugh.

  “Well, right this way then. I assume we’re taking a look at Olivia’s favorite?”

  Ethan chuckles. “That would be my guess as well.” When he glances over at her, she’s batting her eyelashes and giving him the most seductive smile. It takes enormous restraint on his part not to grab her, smash his body against her and kiss her lips. Growling, he curses under his breath.

  ”What?” She asks innocently.

  “One day….” He whispers.

  “Is that a threat, Mr. O’Connell?”

  “No Olivia, it’s a promise.”

  The chemistry between them is strong today. She tries to mask the excitement that races through her at that promise, but she’s unsuccessful. Ethan knows exactly how she’s feeling, she can tell by the look of satisfaction on his face.

  They follow Jim, as he makes his way to the far side of the show room and through a narrow walkway into another room. Bright lights and fancy displays adorn this room. It’s obviously where they keep the “expensive” cars. Olivia walks over to the brand new Challenger SRT8 392 Hemi and runs her hand along her as if she was caressing a lover. Ethan watches her with curiosity as Jim jumps through all the hoops spouting specifications, gas mileage, engine power and performance points.

  “I’m sure Olivia could give you all the finer points, she has them memorized. Would you like to take it for a test drive? I’ll go get the dealers plates.”

  Olivia leans back against the door and looks at Ethan. Standing on the other side of the room, he can’t help but notice that she’s glowing. He gets a warm, tingly, tight feeling in his stomach that spreads outwards to every nerve ending in his body. Good Lord, what is it about this woman? Within seconds Jim is back and hangs the dealer plates on the car and hands Ethan the key fob. Olivia opens the passenger door, flips the seat forward and begins to climb in the back seat. Jim pipes up, “You can sit in the front, Miss James. I won’t be going with you.”

  Ethan is a little shocked. He has never known a dealership to send out a car on a test drive without the accompanying salesmen. “You won’t?“

  “No sir, I’ve driven with Miss James before and if you drive anything like her, there’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that I’m getting in that car.”

  Perplexed by Jim’s comments Ethan glances over at Olivia and notices her blush. “Now Jim, I’ve said I’m sorry at least a thousand times.” She’s feeling a little embarrassed right now.

  He bangs his hand on the roof twice. “All good to go. Don’t be gone long we’ll be closing soon.”

  Pulling out of the showroom and into the parking lot, Ethan can’t stand it any longer. “So, you and Jim have some history do you?”

  “No, not really. He came with me on a test drive once.” She couldn’t stop smiling if she tried but decides not to elaborate on the details.

  “Are you going to tell me what happened?”

  “Nope, not a chance.”

  Ethan grins, and pulls out onto the road, cautiously testing the steering and control. He speeds up and slows down taking his time, getting to know the clutch and all her sweet spots. The interior is lush and luxurious comfort, molded perfectly for them side by side. For the first time in hours she looks at him. Really looks at him. Something happened when she was sick, something that profoundly connected her to him on an intimate level. She doesn’t know how much longer she can continue to fight him or even if she wants to. How will she ever deal with all the other women in his life? She doubts he would ever give up his bachelor’s lifestyle.

  He notices her staring. “So you like this one do you?”

  “Yes, but I think the Z4 is more for you.” She watches his facial expressions as he changes gears and checks his rear view mirror for approaching traffic. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because, not only do you look like a girl… but you also drive like a one!”

  “You’re hilarious today.” He reaches over and playfully pokes at her and tries to tickle her as she squeals in laughter.

  “No seriously.” She pants through her giggles. “I think you might actually have ovaries.”

  Ethan puts his hand back on the shifter and gears down, pulling over onto the shoulder and stops. “Alright then, miss ‘I know a little something about cars’… you drive then.” He undoes his seat belt and jumps out. “Seriously?” She’s out her door and around the front in seconds. Grabbing her as she passes, he slows her for a second, his touch stoking a fire in her belly. “Just get us back in one piece.”

  Olivia jumps into the driver’s seat, adjusts the position, and mirrors. Reaching into her purse, she finds an elastic and pulls her long hair back into a ponytail. “Can I use your sunglasses?”

  He hands over the aviator style sunglasses without hesitation. Putting them on, she looks over at him with a smile. “Sexy?”

  “Very sexy.” Lure you into the backseat and fuck you, kind of sexy. Calm yourself!

  “Hold on!” She warns.


  Tires squeal as she jolts into first gear and hits the gas hard. The force pushes him back against his seat and she grins, feeling pleased for the first time that she has some power over him. Heading south among the slow moving traffic, she signals towards the highway. A very nervous Ethan is starting to regret his decision. “Are we supposed to take it on the highway?” He looks tense and nervous and Olivia likes that she has made him feel that way for a change.

  “Of course! They want us to check her out.” She merges safely into the southbound traffic and turns on the radio. The volume vibrates the dashboard. No longer able to contain herself, she finds an opening between cars, shifts gears and is gone! In and out of traffic she puts that car through its paces with expert maneuvering and precision shifting. Finally relaxing, Ethan enjoys the ride and becomes even more intrigued with her. He wishes they could just drive off somewhere together, forgetting about everything and everyone else.

  When she finds her exit she gets off the highway and takes a country road that loops back towards the dealership. The car caresses the sharp curves in the road and takes every hill with ease. The tires grip the road and stay their course as she pushes speed and steering to its limits. Finally they are led back towards the dealer. When Olivia pulls over to shoulder to change places with him, there are no spoken words, only the look of desire and passion. The chemistry in the air is electric as the pass each other, but neither of them makes a move to act on it, heightening the anticipation.

  When they pull into the lot, Jim is waiting for them outside. “Well, what did you think?“

  Ethan rushes around and opens Olivia’s door. “Let’s talk in your office Jim.”

  Olivia is like an excited child waiting for Christmas morning as Jim heads towards his office, Ethan following behind. He takes Olivia by the elbow and slows her. “Olivia, negotiations are my thing. When we begin to talk about money, don’t say a word.”

  When she nods her understanding, he allows her to enter before himself. Jim has started piling paperwork on his desk. “Let’s start with the model.”

  Ethan defers. “Olivia?”

  She sits
up towards the desk with eager anticipation. “SRT”

  Jim looks over at Ethan for his approval. Ethan nods “Of course.”

  “6 speed manual.” She adds. This time she looks for Ethan’s approval. “V8 392 Hemi.”

  Ethan raises his eyebrows. “Not concerned about reducing my carbon footprint?”

  She shakes her head ‘no’ sheepishly, knowing that she should. There is just something about the additional power the V8 provides that she has to have. Or… that Ethan should have. She grins.

  He accepts. “Ok then.”

  Jim hands Ethan a page of options and accessories to review. Ethan hands it Olivia with a pen. “Pick what you want baby, you know better than I do.”

  Olivia wonders if he’s really going to let her build this car for him. He did say that he could afford the things he wants. Did he just call me baby? Tummy flip. She grins and makes short work of the list, checking all the appropriate boxes for the best performance options. She hands the list back to Ethan who raises his eyebrows and nods in appreciation of her choices as he reads it. “Impressive, but do I really need that stereo system?”

  She nods her head hoping he’ll agree. She went for broke, but expects that he will veto a few of her choices. He reads further down the list and hums in appreciation. “Nice call on the rims.”

  Olivia is gleaming when Ethan hands the list to Jim who peruses it quickly and whistles. “Your girl sure knows what she wants, Mr. O’Connell.”

  Ethan grins. “Yes she does and I’m sure it’s going to be very expensive.” He glances a look of adoration her way that makes her feel off balance. His girl? It’s alarming how much she likes the way that sounds, since a little more than a week ago she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him. She knows she’s heading into dangerous territory but for the moment, she lets him lead her there.

  Jim starts to bang numbers into the calculator adding options and accessories. She glances over at the number and suddenly feels very overwhelmed. Poor Ethan. What has she gotten him in to? Jim is eager to close the deal on this big ticket item, she can tell. “I just need to know what color.”

  Ethan looks over at Olivia. “Well? What’s it going to be?”


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