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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 17

by Tricia Daniels

  WHOA! Ethan almost falls out of his chair in shock. “Is she saying that?” Getting to his feet, he paces behind his chair, raking his fingers through his hair and uttering barely audible curses. The awkward silence is broken by the sound of shuffling papers as Shannon Quinn lifts her head and looks straight into the video cam.

  He looks back at the video screen and tries not to lose it when Shannon holds up pictures of his alleged crime. When she lowers the pictures from view, he sits back in his chair and looks into the faces of his long distance audience.

  “I didn’t do that.” His jaw clenches despite his efforts to stay calm.

  “I’m going to email you a copy of the actual police report. We received a copy of it this morning.” Looking down at her phone, she touches the screen several times before looking back up. “You should have it shortly.”

  Ethan’s phone beeps as the email arrives in his inbox. Sitting, he opens it and begins to read, his mouth open in disgust.

  “I can’t believe this garbage.” He puts his phone down with a loud bang.

  John glares at him reminding him that he needs to control his outbursts.

  Shannon continues her questioning. “According to the investigator, Reese Wilson is the man that Miss Keane had the affair with. Do you know who he is?”

  Picking up his pen he taps it nervously on his desk. “You could say that.”


  Ethan inhales deeply and looks to John for strength. “We grew up together. Until that night, he was my best friend.” Ethan’s hurt shows on his face. John wishes there was something he could do to end this nightmare for his friend.

  “Did you know it was him that she was having the affair with?”

  “Yes.” The heartbreak over his friend’s betrayal can be heard in his voice.

  Shannon’s voice takes on a soft tone. “I’m so sorry, that must have made it harder.”

  Ethan ignores her sympathy. “Is there anything else?”

  “At the moment both Miss Keane and Mr. Wilson are refusing to meet with our investigator.”

  Ethan throws his hands up in the air in frustration. “Of course they are.”

  “We’re looking into her credit card and debit receipts and anything else that might give us an idea of where she was that night.”

  Ethan sits back in his chair and looks at his watch. “Keep me posted. I’m due at another appointment shortly so if there is nothing else for today I need to go.”

  John Scowls at him from the other side of the desk.

  Shannon forces a smile and nods. “Very well. I think we’re done for today.”

  “Thank you, Miss Quinn.” Ethan disconnects the call and looks over to catch John’s stare. “How do you think that went?”

  John shakes his head and narrows his eyes at him. “Just fine I suppose. What other appointment do you have? There’s nothing on your schedule.”

  Ethan hands some papers over to John. “I have some things to do before I see Olivia tonight. And YOU… are going to start working on the official grand opening of the bar. I want you to go over there this afternoon and take a look around. That…” He points at the paperwork “is the list of tentative arrangements that I’ve made. I’d like your opinion before we confirm anything.”

  John takes a quick look at the list.

  “I want you to stay in Dufferin County so you’re closer to the bar. There’s a hotel nearby. Grab your suitcase. I need you to drop me off somewhere first.”

  “And so it begins.” John grins as he picks up his briefcase and stuffs Ethan’s notes into it.

  Scott looks like he is going to be physically ill when Olivia waves at them as she approaches the soccer field. “What’s she doing here?”

  Rachel shrugs. “I have no idea. She never mentioned she was coming. What’s wrong?”

  Scott puts his hand to his forehead and then rakes it through his hair. “We’re playing Noah’s team tonight.”

  “So?” She doesn’t understand the reason for his anxiety.

  “We’re playing Noah’s team tonight.” He repeats in frustration. “Do you not remember what happened between Noah and Ethan the last time?”

  Rachel panics. “Oh Crap! I’ll see if I can convince her to leave.”

  Scott thinks about it and shakes his head. “No, don’t. Maybe she should see just what kind of anger he’s capable of.”

  As she approaches them, Scott pretends that they weren’t talking about her and gives her a hug. “Hey! What a nice surprise. I didn’t know you were coming.”

  “What else would I do on a Wednesday night?” She smiles. “Actually, Ethan invited me… or should I say he ORDERED me. He wants to take me out for coffee afterwards.” Olivia observes Scott and Rachel exchanging a nervous glance. “What? It’s NOT a date. It’s a beverage.”

  “Nothing.” Rachel says innocently. ”So you and Ireland are friends now?”

  Olivia contemplates for a few seconds. “The jury is still out on that one.”

  Scott turns away angrily and heads out onto the field to warm up but Olivia can still feel Rachel’s tension. “Rachel? Is everything ok? With you and Scott I mean.” She doesn’t offer an explanation right away indicating that this is definitely an uncomfortable subject for her. “I’m sorry. I’ve just noticed that you’re both a little out of sorts lately. Fighting all the time. You’re jumping at chances to be out of town. I was just wondering if you guys were having some problems?”

  Rachel frowns at her friend. “Scott really wants to start a family. I’m just not sure I’m cut out for parenthood. It’s not like I had any role models in that area.” She shrugs, looking a little embarrassed. “It’s causing a little tension.”

  Putting her arms around her, Olivia gives her a supportive hug. She’s one of the few people that knows about Rachel’s past - how her mother left when she was only two years old leaving her father devastated and unable to cope with the pressures of being a single parent. Soon after, he had a severe emotional breakdown, and since he was unable to care for her, Rachel was removed from the home. For years, she was moved from foster home to foster home, all good people and adequately clean and safe places to grow up, but she never really found family.

  Not having connected with any of the adult women in her life she grew up feeling significantly inadequate at the things that come naturally to most women. Not to mention socially awkward at the best of times.

  “You would be an awesome mother.” Olivia reassures with a tight squeeze.

  “But what if I’m not? What If I break it? The idea absolutely terrifies me.”

  “IT?” Olivia laughs. “People don’t generally break babies, Rach. And you won’t be in it alone. Scott will be an awesome dad and you have me to help.”

  Rachel is still unconvinced and it shows on her face.

  “Ok, I’m not going to hound you about it. I’ll support whatever your decision is. But Rachel… Scott really wants a family. If you’ve decided that you don’t want the same then you’re going to have to make some really tough decisions.”

  “I know.” It’s not the first time she’s thought about that. Scott loves her so completely despite her social shortcomings. She didn’t think she knew how to love until he found her and taught her how. It would be unfair of her to stick around when having children is something that he wants so badly. She frowns again. Leaving her husband or having children… has it really come down to this decision?

  Olivia has forgotten how nervous and excited she is about seeing Ethan tonight. The sound of a roaring car engine catches their attention and they turn to see who it is. She can’t see the car yet but the sound is getting louder as it approaches the field. “Who is that?” Olivia stretches her neck, her curiosity piquing.

  Rachel stands on her tip toes, trying to get a better look through the already parked cars. She shrugs her shoulders. “I have no idea. I’ve never seen that car around here before. By the time Olivia turns, the car has screeched to a halt in a spot hidden behind a b
lue van and out of view. The driver steps out and Olivia’s heart sinks when it’s someone she doesn’t recognize. His dark grey v-neck fits snugly against well-defined pectoral muscles. So well defined, they can be seen them from a couple hundred feet away. Rachel raises her eyebrows in appreciation “Whoever he is… he’s HOT!“

  Olivia doesn’t care. She can’t help but be disappointed and turns her attention back out at the field. Shamelessly staring at the stranger, Rachel admires his body as he walks towards the field. There is an odd familiarity about him and it suddenly hits her. “Umm.” She nudges Olivia. “You’re not going to believe this.”

  ”What?” She turns to notice Rachel’s astonished look.

  “That… is Ethan.” She nods in his direction.

  “WHAT?” Shocked, her head whips back towards the parking lot. He definitely walks with the same confidence that Ethan possesses. Tipping his aviator style sunglasses to the top of his head, he gives her a panty melting smile, as he approaches. Olivia’s heart almost stops all together. It is Ethan… curls all gone, hair shaved short and spiked at the front. His beard has been trimmed to a thinner, well-manicured line outlining his jaw and revealing much more of his perfect complexion. She’s glad it’s not gone completely because she likes his facial hair. She has fantasized about how it would feel brushed along the tender skin on the inside of her thigh. His smile reveals a slight hint of a dimple on his chin previously hidden by the thicker scruff. Even Rachel is in awe. When he reaches them, Olivia’s blood is burning so hot with desire that she is staring and speechless.

  “Well, Miss James? Do I look enough like a boy for you now?” His Irish accent is thick and dripping with pure sexy maleness.

  She stumbles with words. “I…You…WOW!” She notices the entertainment on his face caused by her disjointed thoughts. Her head darts back and forth, taking in every inch of him from ear to ear. “You’re cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.” She finally says.

  “That I am.” He grins.

  “Well, you’re secret is safe with me.” Her teasing is met with a sharp elbow in the side from Rachel. “Ouch!” She gives her a disgruntled look. “He knows I’m only joking, geez.” She blushes when she looks up at him. “You look very handsome.” That’s an understatement. He looks HOT! Jaw dropping, pulse thrumming, panty wetting hotness!

  “I’m glad you approve.” He holds up the key fob and nods toward the car. “Will you watch my NEW ride for me?” Olivia tries to keep her heart from beating out of her chest when the van backs out to leave, revealing the bright orange car with dual black stripes.

  “You got the Challenger!” She’s thrilled as she takes the key fob out of his hands. He leans in and gives her a quick kiss on her cheek, once again making her the centre of attention. She hates him for that, now she has to avoid making eye contact with everyone so she doesn’t see their glares of hatred.

  Rachel’s eyes open wide in surprise and when she gets the chance, she leans in close and whispers. ”Ummm, what exactly has happened between you two in the last week?”

  Fidgeting with the key fob, Olivia blushes. “Nothing. Honest.”

  Ethan gets his uniform out of his bag and drops it on the ground beside them. Her witty banter is rendered silent as he strips off his shirt revealing the bare smooth skin of his chest and the dark ink of his tattoo. His silver chain and cross reflect in the sunlight and draw her attention to his rock hard pectorals. Mercy Sakes! Standing in the middle of the soccer pitch he is a magnificent sculpture on display. Every muscle is carved to perfection as if in stone and there is not a woman there that isn’t enjoying the view.

  Suddenly and without warning, he grabs his athletic pants on both sides of the waist band and lowers them to the ground. In one swift movement, he steps out of them and picks up his shorts. Olivia’s eyes open wide in shock, dumbfounded that he can drop his pants without any modesty at all and in full view of every woman there. Knowing exactly what kind of fantasies seeing his body conjures up in a girls mind, she suddenly has the urge to claw out their eyes. Nope, she doesn’t like the idea of them seeing his body at all. Peaking at him through her peripheral vision, she repeats to herself. “Don’t look… don’t look!”

  Screw it! Turning, she takes a good long look at him standing beside her wearing nothing but his under armor sportswear; all bare chested and muscly. When he steps into his shorts and straightens, pulling them up over his hips, he turns to catch her looking and grins. She tries to hide the quickening of her breath as lust sweeps across her skin like a warm breeze.

  Rachel doesn’t filter her thoughts and leans in to whisper in her ear. ”Holy crap, if you’re crazy enough to pass that up, I’m interested.”

  Olivia’s eyes narrow as she glares at her. “You’re married.”

  “I am?”

  Olivia gives her the ‘that’s not funny’ look, when strong arms swoop in and encircle her from behind. Wrapping her in an extremely intimate embrace, they pull her back against a tall body and rock hard chest. In contrast, very soft lips come at her from the side and bite at her neck, nibbling their way up to her ear. She knows that it’s Noah. No one else would greet her with such a brash display of affection unannounced. Leaning into him, she breathes in his delicious sporty scent, and completely forgets how he broke her heart just a few days before.

  As Ethan watches another man wrap himself around the girl that he wants, his body tenses. Without breaking his stare, he tugs at his shoelaces so harshly that it’s a miracle that he doesn’t break them. Rachel nervously watches his reaction and she’s concerned there may be a fight before the game even starts. From the field she see’s Scott expression and she knows that he’s stressing over the same thing.

  “Are you upset with me for missing our date the other night?” Noah asks, nuzzling against her cheek.

  “Sort of.” She doesn’t tell him that she knows why he ditched her. Lord knows that she should push him away and give him a piece of her mind but she won’t. That’s the way their relationship has always worked. She ALWAYS forgives him.

  A few feet away, Ethan looks up at Rachel and captures her attention. “Tell me that asshole is NOT Noah Thompson.” His words are laced with acid and when he gets to his feet, he meets Rachel’s nervous expression.

  “Sorry, Ethan.” She slightly cringes, worrying about his reaction. “Yes, that’s Noah.”

  Ethan curses and glares at him with murder in his eyes.

  Noah hears the cursing and feels the heat of his stare burning through him. Glancing over he gives him a hardened look but says nothing as he takes Olivia by the hand and walks her along with him to the opposing team’s bench. “Tell me there isn’t anything going on between you and that guy.” He says when they are safely on the other side of the field.

  “Who?” Olivia turns to see whom Noah is referring to and meets Ethan’s intense and unsettled stare as he tucks his jersey into his shorts. “Ethan? He’s a just a friend.” Yet she can’t seem to tear her gaze away from him.

  Noah lifts her hand to his mouth and kisses it. “Could have fooled me. He’s looking like he’d like to kill me right now. Promise me you’ll be careful around that one. He has a bad temper and a very short fuse.” She notes the concern in his voice and is just about to inquire about his statement when the referee blows his whistle. She looks between the two men and then gives Noah a quick kiss on the cheek before she hurries back to the other side of the pitch to watch the game.

  Ethan watches them from the field, his anger building. He’s had many women in his life but he has never felt like this. Watching another man touch Olivia makes his stomach twist and his chest feel like a semi truck has just backed up on it. The torment he feels watching her kiss him, forces him to admit to himself that it’s more than just a physical attraction that he has for her. He cares for her. The day he spent alone with her, made him feel happier than he has felt in a long time. He wants more days like that one. He wants her in his life. More than that, he needs to be the ONLY ma
n in hers.

  Olivia quickly makes her way back to Rachel as the whistle blows to begin the game. Right from the start the game is very aggressive and the whistle blows every few minutes for fouls. Ethan is very vocal at criticizing the referee’s calls. It’s only 20 minutes into the game and he’s already received a warning. Rachel and Olivia glance at each other with an awkward silence. Ethan pushes forward hard, determined to get a goal. His efforts thwarted by an extremely competent Noah playing defensive full back. He whisks the ball away from Ethan’s feet and causes him to trip and fall.

  Olivia covers her eyes. “Oh God, I can’t look.”

  Ethan screams at the referee wanting a foul to be called against Noah but it doesn’t come. Noah holds out his hand to help him up but Ethan rejects it, cursing as he gets to his feet on his own. The rest of the first half follows suit with tempers flaring on both sides and still no score. The tension on the field is making Olivia uncomfortable and Rachel senses her anxiety.

  “You ok?”

  “Fine, I guess.”

  “Olivia I should have warned you.”

  “About what?” She turns to look at her curiously.

  “Ethan and Noah. The last time they played against each other there were a few… um… brawls.”

  “Fights?” Olivia is shocked. “They got into fights?”

  “Yes, and I just want to prepare you because judging from the way this game is going so far… I think we might get a glimpse of the nasty Irish temper Scott has been warning me about.” Rachel now regrets not listening to her husband.

  “Oh, I guess that’s what Noah was talking about too.” She can feel the tension crawl through her shoulders as she watches him.

  “Yes, and to be honest that’s the reason why Scott didn’t want him around you.“ Rachel feels so much better getting that off her chest and as she does, Ethan loses what little self-control he has left, just as predicted.

  Olivia watches in horror as he goes after Noah, shoving him in anger. Noah holds his ground as team mates try to keep them apart. She cringes as Ethan takes a swing that catches Noah square on the chin.


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