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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 29

by Tricia Daniels

  Rachel pulls herself together. “I shouldn’t have told you. You were so good for her and now you’ll probably want nothing to do with her.”

  “Why would you say that?” Ethan is annoyed. Why does everyone think he’s a heartless bastard?

  “That’s an awful lot of baggage to take on. No one would blame you, least of all Olivia. I think that’s why she created your agreement. It gives her the protection she needs by keeping you from getting too close.”

  “I hate that fucking agreement.” He rakes his fingers through his hair in frustration.

  “Think of it as a castle wall that she has built up around herself. She needs you to start climbing the wall to rescue her.”

  “If she wants to be rescued why is she being so difficult?”

  “I told you, because she’s frightened. She has been hiding in that castle for three years and the world left her alone. You show up and start climbing the wall and get dangerously close to the top before she even knows what’s happening. Now she’s trying to regain control of her fortress by making you comply with the rules. She doesn’t WANT to be rescued… but she NEEDS to be.”

  “I think I understand.”

  Rachel purses her lips together. “Think of each rule as a section of the wall you need to climb. Each time you dissolve a rule you get closer to the top.”

  “I don’t know, Rachel. She doesn’t seem very flexible where the rules are concerned.”

  Rachel grins. “Ah, but she will give in to you. The minute she packed up and followed you to your car after you punched Noah in the face…I knew. You’re the one she needs. You’re the one she wants.” She looks at Ethan and smiles. “Something tells me that you know exactly how to handle her.”

  “Well I can tell you one thing; I know exactly which rule is going to go first.”

  Chapter 14

  Ethan stands up to his knees in warm, salty ocean water. The force of the crashing waves hits the back of his knees, pushing him forward toward the shore. Holding his hand out, he waits for her to join him. Olivia stands on the beach just out of reach of the water, looking like a Goddess under the golden glow of the midday sun, the ocean water reflecting in her eyes and making them sparkle. Removing her hairpins, she lets her hair fall loosely to her shoulders and allows it to blow in the ocean breeze like a banner of silk.

  Lifting her face to the sun, she breathes in the fresh ocean air, holding her arms out at her sides and letting the wind wash over her. Overwhelmed by her beauty, Ethan stands frozen where he stands, incredibly at peace and very much in love. Leaving the water, he joins her on the sand, taking her in his arms and claiming her lips. Lifting her gently off the ground, he spins her, then presses his lips against hers again before releasing her and letting her slide slowly down the length of his body. When her feet touch the ground she raises her hands to the sides of his face and holds him as she returns his kiss with an unbridled passion.

  As he wakes, he can still feel the warmth of her lips on his. With the last few moments of fleeting sleep, he takes in one last breath of the comforting scent that he encounters only in his dreams. It’s a mixture of the crisp ocean air and the sweet smell of her perfume. Now fully awake he lays there for several minutes, his heart basking in the afterglow of her kiss.

  Dressing for his day, he feels a heartbroken emptiness. He hasn’t seen Olivia in a week and what little contact they’ve had has been brief and indifferent. Thinking about it in the car on his way to the new house, it feels unnatural and he needs to see her today and make things right.

  The garden walkway to the front door of the new house is lush and fragrant with flowering bushes and bright summer flowers. There is a small brown bunny peaking at him from its safe haven underneath the front porch. Ethan knows already that he’s going to love living here. He had a strange kind of déjà vu the first time he saw it. From the outside, its quaint cottage appearance hides the modern upgrades that have taken place inside. The previous owners took meticulous care in making sure that the interior renovations provided modern comforts and style while maintaining the houses charm and character. It suits Ethan perfectly.

  Flipping on the lights, he’s glad to see that the hydro has already been switched on. Wandering from room to room, he imagines what it will look like with his stuff here. It’s just after 10:30 when the technician arrives to hook up the internet. Finally, he can get some work done. Setting up his laptop at the counter, he prepares to send Olivia an email.

  To: OIivia James

  Why aren’t you eating?

  Ethan O’Connell

  SVP International Sales and Marketing

  Aurora Technologies

  Olivia sits at her desk and reads his email. Seriously? He hasn’t spoken to her in two days and that’s what he starts with?

  To: Ethan O’Connell

  Which one of your spies told you that? As if I didn’t know.

  Olivia James

  Business Solutions Specialist

  Dunn & McLellan IT Consulting

  He grins. Relieved that things seem to be back to normal.

  To: Olivia James

  You didn’t answer my question

  Ethan O’Connell

  SVP International Sales and Marketing

  Aurora Technologies

  Olivia rolls her eyes but a smile starts to form on her lips. Oh how she has missed him. She wouldn’t admit it to herself until just now.

  To: Ethan O’Connell

  I’m not hungry

  Olivia James

  Business Solutions Specialist

  Dunn & McLellan IT Consulting

  That’s not a lie. She has had very little appetite since her chat with Hannah. It could be the thought of Ethan and Hannah together or that Hannah suggested Olivia was a little too thick around the middle. Either way food has had no appeal to her.

  To: Olivia James

  You need to eat. You know this.

  Ethan O’Connell

  SVP International Sales and Marketing

  Aurora Technologies

  Gahhhh! He is going to drive her nuts!

  To: Ethan O’Connell

  Don’t worry. There is still plenty of me to hold on to.

  Olivia James

  Business Solutions Specialist

  Dunn & McLellan IT Consulting

  Ethan leans against the counter and reads her reply. Shaking his head he mumbles under his breath.

  To: Olivia James

  I’m certain that I’ve told you before that I don’t like it when you say stuff like that about yourself. You are beautiful. Now… please tell me that you brought a lunch today and that you intend to eat.

  Ethan O’Connell

  SVP International Sales and Marketing

  Aurora Technologies

  Olivia does the only thing she can do… lie.

  To: Ethan O’Connell

  Yes I did and I do. Now leave me alone I have work to do.

  Olivia James

  Business Solutions Specialist

  Dunn & McLellan IT Consulting

  Ethan has a hunch that she’s not telling the truth. His phone rings and he answers it promptly. “O’Connell.”

  “This is the technician calling to confirm your installation for today. Is someone going to be home?”


  “We’ll be installing both your land line and your satellite. We’ll be there sometime between 4 and 8.”

  “4 and 8? You can’t narrow it down any further than that?”

  “No sir. We have several installations booked for this afternoon.”

  “Ok, I’ll be here.” Ethan is annoyed. At least he has free time up until 4pm and he knows exactly what he’s going to do with it.

  To: Olivia James

  You’re a horrible liar Miss James and I’m afraid you’ve left me with no other choice.

  Ethan O’Connell

  SVP International Sales and Marketing

  Aurora Technologies

  Oh, crap.

p; To: Ethan O’Connell

  What are you going to do?

  Olivia James

  Business Solutions Specialist

  Dunn & McLellan IT Consulting

  She gets nervous when he doesn’t reply.

  To: Ethan O’Connell


  Olivia James

  Business Solutions Specialist

  Dunn & McLellan IT Consulting

  Ethan has already left the house and is on his way into town. Stopping at the market, he grabs a variety of fruit and two mixed green salads. The delectable smell of homemade bread lures in into the small sandwich shop next-door. He flirts with the woman behind the counter as she makes him two fresh sandwiches and wraps them to go. There is no woman immune to his sense of humor and Irish charm and she slips two brownies into the bag without charging him. He winks at her as he says thank you, making her blush and break into a smile that lasts for a long time after he has left.

  Walking into the office of Dunn and McLellan he realizes that he doesn’t know which one is her office. The receptionist smiles politely at him as he approaches.

  “I have lunch for Olivia James.” He says, smiling at the look on Diana’s face.

  “I’ll make sure she gets it.” Diana smiles as she checks him out from head to toe admiring his exquisite male physique.

  Leaning his forearm on the edge of the desk, he gives her a playful smile. “I need to give it to her in person.”

  She smiles and blushes, a reaction that Ethan so easily draws from women. “I’ll call her.” Picking up the phone, she dials Olivia’s extension. “There is a delivery for you at reception. Can you come down?”

  Olivia feels nervous as she gets up from her chair and opens her office door. Heading down the hallway towards the reception area, his muscular body comes into view. “Ethan.” She whispers. Her heart skips in excitement and she fights to keep her composure. Why does he make me so nervous?

  He watches her approach, grinning at her puzzled expression as she looks at the bags he’s holding. “What are you doing here?”

  “I’ve brought you lunch.”

  Of course he did. She should have known. She looks nervously at Diana the receptionist who is busy answering calls and still shamelessly checking out Ethan’s ass.

  “Thank you, but you didn’t have to do that.”

  “Ah, but I did. And don’t think for even a minute that I’m leaving without making sure that you eat it. Do you want to go to your office?”

  Staring at him, she contemplates what he would do if she refused when the smell of fresh bread reaches her and suddenly she’s starving. For both lunch AND Ethan.

  “Liv?” He wonders what’s going on in her brain. The damn thing always seems to be working overtime.

  “Sorry, my office is down here.” It seems like a long walk past all the closed office doors as her coworkers look up in curiosity. “I thought you were stuck at the new house today?”

  “I found myself with some free time until the next installation.”

  Putting the bags on her desk, he starts to unpack the food while she closes the office door.

  “I have to admit it smells really good.” She sits in her chair as he passes her a sandwich and salad. Unpacking a couple of apples and oranges and the brownies, he leaves them in the middle of the table.

  “Help yourself.” He gestures as he sits in the chair on the opposite side of her desk. This is something new. Ethan has never sat on the far side of the desk.

  She surveys her choices, reaches for an orange, and places it in front of her. While unwrapping her sandwich, her stomach makes a loud grumbling noise and she looks up to find Ethan staring at her with one eyebrow raised and that damn annoying boyish grin. She’s embarrassed by her body’s basic need for food and its announcement that it has been lacking. The bread is still warm and she restrains the urge to moan as she takes her first bite. “Thank you Ethan, this is really good.”

  Having already finished his sandwich, Ethan moves on to his salad. “I’m glad you’re enjoying it. You have no idea what I had to do to get those brownies.” He smirks when her eyes widen until she realizes that he’s just joking.

  Finished with his meal he puts his fork down and watches her eat, smiling at the adorable way she alternates between sandwich and salad. Reaching across the desk , he picks up her orange and proceeds to peel it. “I wish you would tell me what’s upset you so I can put your mind at ease.”

  She thinks about it for a minute as she carefully uncovers all the tomatoes in her salad and pushes them off to the side with her fork. “It was just something someone said. I’m over it.”

  “You don’t want to tell me about it?” He’s not very optimistic about her willingness to confide in him yet and she confirms his thoughts when she shakes her head NO. Finishing with her orange, he places it down in front of her on a napkin.

  She looks at it in curiosity and then across at his quizzical look. “Did you just peel my orange?” She teases.

  “I always peel your oranges; we’d be here forever waiting for you to pick off all the stringy things.” Tidying up, he says it so casually that he doesn’t even realize what he’s said.

  Olivia sits there staring at him completely baffled. You always peel my oranges? She has never eaten an orange around him before. How did he know about her strange aversion to the white stringy things that remind her of veins? Most people just eat them but she has an irrational phobia and a compulsion that won’t let her eat the orange until she picks off every single last little string. How did he know?

  She watches him with a schoolgirl infatuation as he continues to tidy up, while completely unaware of his strange confession. She has been craving his body for days and now he’s standing right there. Close enough to touch. Close enough to…. Stop! Don’t even go there! She shakes her head. What is she thinking? This is her office! Damn hormones!

  Without looking, Rachel bursts into her office ignoring the closed door. “Ethan’s car is in the parking lot!”

  They both freeze and look up at her startled. She looks back and forth between them feeling ridiculous. “Aaaaaand Ethan’s in your office.”

  Olivia laughs. “Can’t put anything past you, Rach.”

  “Oh no, I’m sorry… I’ve interrupted something.” She starts to feel awkward.

  “Lunch.” Ethan holds out the remaining brownie for her.

  Rachel looks over at Olivia who appears to be well nourished for the first time in days. She smiles and shrugs her shoulders as Rachel picks up the brownie and sinks her teeth into it. She rolls her eyes at its sinful chocolaty taste. “Mmm, this is so good.”

  She notices the way that Olivia is looking at Ethan. “I’m going to go back to my office and let you guys finish your… lunch.” She closes the door behind her.

  Ethan watches her, sitting at her desk brushing crumbs into her hand and discarding them in the garbage. The light through the window glistens golden on her face, just like in his dream. He situates himself between her and the desk and leans back on the edge so they are facing each other. Crossing his legs at the ankle, he gives her a disapproving look. “Now… am I going to have to hire someone to follow you around and make sure you eat?”

  Olivia looks up at him feeling annoyed. “No.”

  Leaning forward he takes hold of her hands and pulls her to her feet so she’s standing in front of him. His touch awakens every nerve ending in her body making her ache with the awareness of how close he is. The smell of his cologne makes heat sizzle through her as she remembers why he wears it. Lifting his hand and brushing the hair out of her eyes, he gets a tightness in his gut that twists his muscles into knots and makes his blood pump warmth through his body. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “There is something I want to ask you.” He continues to play with her hair twisting her curls around his finger. It’s one of his habits that she’s quickly growing accustomed to and although it’s precisely the kind of intimate gesture she was hoping to avoid
she doesn’t discourage him.

  “Will you be my date for the grand opening of the restaurant?”

  She’s totally taken off guard. “Me?” Didn’t she say something about no dating? It’s hard to remember, with being this close to his body. It’s hard to think about anything really, when he’s near and she can feel the warmth of his skin and smell his cologne.

  “Yes... YOU”

  The memory of Hannah’s words haunt her and she hesitates, very seriously considering saying no.

  Ethan is aware that her mind is elsewhere again. It seems to happen a lot. “Olivia?”

  There is something about his meadow green eyes that coaxes her back to him. Well I guess… but that’s only because you’ll refuse to take NO for an answer anyways.”

  He nods in agreement. “This is true. I’m not fond of hearing ‘NO’. “

  She squints at him. “Do you ALWAYS get your way?”

  He smirks in his annoying Irish charming way. “Yes, most of the time.”

  She takes a deep breath in and presses her lips together tightly. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  He scowls at her, trying to figure out what the hell happened to her this week. “Yes, that’s what I want. It would make me very happy.” He puts his hands on her hips and pulls her forward. Forgetting that they are in her office in the middle of the day she leans her face against his chest as he wraps his arms all the way around her in a warm embrace. She can’t stop herself. This is what she’s been missing.

  “Ok, I’ll go. But it’s NOT a date.”

  Ethan hesitates a moment, almost reacting angrily but then thinks the better of it and letting out a heavy sigh before he speaks. “Will you let me pick you up in the limo and have dinner with me first?”


  “You’ll stay by my side and be only with me?”


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