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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 34

by Tricia Daniels

  “Oh my God, I feel a little creepy now. I hope Peter and Gillian don’t ever find out what we just did.”

  “Who’s going to tell them? Not me.” Watching him pull on his socks and shoes, she wonders when he had time to take them off. She never even noticed.

  Stepping into her shorts, she sighs as she pulls them up over her hips. “I guess I’m going without.” Shrugging, she stuffs them in her pocket. “Just remember that this time… YOU are the reason I’m walking around without any underwear.” She stops and squints her eyes. “Actually… you were the reason I wasn’t wearing underwear last time as well.”

  He glances at her sideways. “Nice try, I had nothing to do with that. When I left the room you had fully functional underwear. You were the one who chose to leave them behind.”

  She gives him a sinister grin. “You should have seen the look on John’s face.”

  “I imagine it was much like the look on my face when he handed them to me in my office the next day.” He tries to hide his amusement.

  “So, it doesn’t bother you that I won’t be wearing any for the rest of the evening?” She knows him so much better than that but she can’t resist teasing him.

  “Are you serious?” He asks. “It’s killing me right now. I’d make you wear mine if I thought for a minute that you would. Trust me when I tell you that I won’t be letting you out of my sight.”

  Opening the door to the hallway, he waits for her. She likes the sound of that. Being held under the watchful eye of a man who is determined to keep her safe. For some reason he looks even sexier when he’s been freshly fucked.

  With the adrenaline wearing off she’s reminded again about her throbbing lip. Licking at it, she can taste something salty. Touching it with her finger, she looks at him in terror when she sees the blood. “Ethan!” There is alarm in her voice and he looks back at her startled.

  She holds out her hand showing him the blood. “My lip.”

  He moves to her quickly. “It’s ok, don’t panic.” Grabbing a tissue from the bedside table, he dabs it gently where the swelling is. “Let me have a look.” Pulling her lip out tenderly, he angles it downwards so he can see the inside. “Ah, looks like your tooth punctured the skin on the inside.” Passing her the tissue to wipe her hands, he assures her. ”Don’t worry I know exactly what to do.”

  Leading her down the hallway to the kitchen, he stands her at the counter, pressing up against her while he reaches up past her head and opens cupboard doors looking for something. The warmth of his body makes her tingle and she’s shocked at her arousal so soon after just making love to him. She’s not even sure if that’s the right phrase to use. It seemed too deeply rooted in carnal need to be considered making love. Whatever it is, it follows suit for Ethan O’Connell. Everything the man does is INTENSE!

  Finally finding the sugar bowl, he scoops himself a large round spoonful. “So are you going to tell me how this happened now? The truth I mean.”

  “We argued, he walked away and I got mad. When I tried to stop him I tripped over the edge of the carpet and hit the edge of the door.” She can taste blood in her mouth and her tongue licks at her lip and pokes at the wound.

  “I see. That sounds pretty believable.” Studying her face, he knows that her expression will give her away if she’s lying.

  She makes a face still tasting the blood. “It tastes disgusting.”

  “Here.” He lowers the spoon of sugar to her mouth, acknowledging her inquisitive looks. “Old sports trick.” He gently pulls her lip out to expose the broken skin inside and firmly presses the spoon so that mound of sugar is against it. Holding it there for a few moments it sticks to the cut and slows the bleeding. He removes the spoon, leaving behind a lump of coagulated sugar against the wound. “Just leave it there.” He orders. “And keep your tongue away from it.” Tossing the spoon into the sink, he looks back at her, waiting for her acknowledgement. When she nods obediently, he winks at her. “There’s a good girl.”

  Olivia relaxes, trusting his healing hands explicitly and wonders how his life would be different if he hadn’t made the choice to switch career focus.

  “Do you ever think that you made a mistake leaving medical school and going into business?

  He looks at her puzzled. “No. Why do you ask?”

  She shrugs. “It just seems to come so easily to you. You’re a healer. It’s in your nature.”

  “Yes, well I do believe I told you that my bedside manner was exemplary. Besides… you are the only patient I have time for.”

  Smiling, he digs into her pocket, pulls out an elastic and twists it around her hair, pulling it back into a ponytail.

  “I’m not joking, I have never met anyone clumsier than you. “

  Her phone beeps indicating she has a new text message from Scott. “He’s gone.” is all it says.

  Letting out a relieved sigh, she tucks her phone back into her bra. Ethan’s face, once again, takes on a serious appearance. “I take it that was the “all’s clear” message from either Rachel or Scott?”

  Olivia’s shoulders slouch. “Yes.” Busted!

  “Noah has left.” Folding his arms in front of him, he waits for her confirmation.

  “Yes.” How does he do that?

  Taking in a long deep breath, he puffs it out in frustration. Trying to ignore his reaction, she lifts her hand to wipe at her lip. Grabbing her wrist, he holds it tightly. “Don’t touch it.” His commanding tone makes her tingle again.

  She looks at him feeling ashamed. “Did you know that was the plan the whole time?”

  Releasing her hand, he moves closer, pressing her against the counter. “You can’t hide anything from me, princess. I know you better than you know yourself.” Pressing his cheek to hers he whispers. “You won’t be able to keep any secrets from me. I see you… completely.” Reaching behind her, he wraps his hand around her ponytail and pulls on it gently forcing her head back. Moving his lips within a dangerous distance of hers, he holds her there while he slides the elastic down to the bottom, pulling it all the way out of her hair. She’s frozen, his aura projecting a formidable weight that pins her where she stands, allowing him complete control. Tangling his fingers through her hair and pulls it forward, her curls falling around her ears and brushing the tops of her shoulders. His smile is soft and sensual. “I like it better this way.” Holy Shit that’s hot! After tucking the elastic into his pocket, he brushes his thumb across her cheek, looking at her with a searing intensity that confirms that he can see right through her. There is no doubt it! Stepping aside, he opens the freezer and grabs a few ice cubes, wraps them in a paper towel and holds them to her swollen lip.

  The screen door opens and their hostess, Gillian, walks into the kitchen. She becomes concerned when she see’s Olivia icing down her. “Oh no! What happened? Are you ok?”

  Ethan answers for her. “She’s fine.”

  Olivia makes a face at him, annoyed that he didn’t let her answer for herself. “I tripped. It’s nothing serious. The embarrassing part is that I’m sober.”

  Gillian laughs. “That’s probably why. Is there anything you need?”

  Olivia blushes, suddenly thinking about what they just did in this woman’s bedroom. She glances over at Ethan who is wearing a wicked grin as he answers for her again. “I can assure you that all her needs have been met, but thank you.”

  Olivia closes her eyes and blushes bright red. When she opens them and glares at him, his lips are pursed tight together trying not to laugh.

  Gillian looks back and forth between them. What an odd couple. She shrugs. “OK! Please be careful, it’s awfully dark out there. Let Pete know if there is anything you need.” She tops up her glass of wine and heads back outside.

  When the door snaps shut, Olivia puts her hands to her face hiding it in shame. “Oh my God, I felt like it was written all over my face.”

  Ethan laughs aloud and she swats at him playfully. “You didn’t help, standing there laughing”

  “Relax, she had no idea.” He smiles the brightest smile from ear to delicious Irish ear. Her heart thumps hard in her chest.

  Something washes over her; it’s a playful, cheeky kind of mood. One that she normally keeps guarded. Maybe it’s the effects of the alcohol or maybe it’s the result of being completely sated… physically and emotionally. She doesn’t know and doesn’t care. It feels wonderful!

  He has seen playful Olivia only twice before, the day she came to his office and in the elevator the night she proposed her agreement. It puts his mind at rest to know that she’s finally starting to trust him enough to let him see the real her. The one she so desperately tries to hide.

  “I can’t believe I let you seduce me in someone else’s bedroom.” She stops and stares at him with narrowed eyes, pointing her finger at him. “YOU! What have you done to me? You have corrupted me.”

  His mouth hangs open and his eyebrows rise. “I seduced YOU? Now wait a minute…”

  Grabbing his hand, she pulls him towards the door smiling devilishly. “Yup, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

  Following her outside and over to their chairs, he almost has a heart attack when she bends over the cooler to get another drink. “Whoa!” He moves behind her quickly trying to shield her.

  She stands up straight unaware of the reason for his anxiety. “What?” She holds up both hands, giving him his choice of beer or water.

  “Everyone can see up your shorts when you bend over like that.” He chooses the water and she turns away, bending over again to return the beer and get herself a vodka cooler.

  Ethan growls in frustration. “For Christ’s sake… did you hear what I just said?”

  “They can see in the dark? I doubt it.” She rolls her eyes as she hands him the vodka cooler so he can remove the cap. She could have done it herself but it’s just one of those things that a girl likes her man to do for her sometimes.

  Tossing the cap into the recycle bin, he hands the bottle back to her. “Go easy, baby.” He warns. “And if you need something out of the cooler I’ll get it for you. Don’t bend over again.”

  She can see that it’s making him tense and she bats her eyelashes at him trying to make him relax but it doesn’t work. “I’m not joking.” His voice gets stern. “Did you hear me?”

  Acknowledging his militant tone, she establishes eye contact. “Yes, I heard you. Let’s go over to the fire.“ She holds out her hand and he willingly accepts it, locking his fingers with hers. She doesn’t care any more who’s paying attention and what they might be whispering about her.

  Standing in front of the glow of the fire, they warm themselves from the chill of the evening air. When the band resumes playing after their brief break, Olivia sways to the music. Slowly, people start to leave and they find themselves alone by the fire. The next tune is a slow, sappy love song and Olivia gets mellow. “I love this song.” She says closing her eyes. Ethan snuggles up behind her, and sways with her, their bodies fitting perfectly together. Then to her surprise he serenades her, singing along with the music in perfect pitch. His voice smooth and seductive in her ear, stirs in her feelings so powerful that even the thundering sound of her pulse seems distant and insignificant. She melts into his body for support, feeling like her legs have suddenly become boneless. When the song is over, she feels overheated by the combination of the fire and the flame he has ignited inside her.

  He whispers in her ear. “Both the moon and I are consumed with jealousy tonight, Olivia. I… due to the attention you give to another man who doesn’t deserve you, and the moon for failing to compete with your beauty.”

  She can’t swallow. Unable to breathe, she starts to feel emotional and walks away, trying to hide from him her sudden onset of vulnerability. A few feet away the property boundary is marked with a tree line of tall maples and she wanders to one of the largest trunks and leans her back against it, trying to find her balance. Following, he moves to her side, putting his hand against the trunk just above her head. His body pressing against her side makes her heartbeat quicker and her face flush.

  Breathing in her perfume, he becomes intoxicated by its sweet, seductive scent and lifts his free hand, wrapping it around her waist holding her there. His incessant stare is daunting, forcing her to look down, trying to avoid it. Christ, this woman is so beautiful when she tries to hide the way he affects her.

  Aware that his closeness makes her uneasy he presses his mouth against her ear and gently nips at her lobe. The warmth of his breath expelled heavily into her ear gives her goose bumps. Noticing her reaction, he moves his hand from her side and rubs up and down her arm trying to warm her. “Are you cold?” The muscles in her stomach tighten and her chest heaves as she inhales quickly.

  “No.” She shakes her head.

  “What then?” He knows what… he just needs to hear her say it.

  She looks up at him through alluring hazel eyes. “You.”

  “What about me?” Is it cruel that he needs her to confess? Torment her by making her say it aloud?

  She lowers her eyes again and whispers. “I hate you.”

  His hand stills on her arm and then moves back around her waist. His forehead pressed to the side of her temple he answers. “I don’t believe that’s true at all.” He slides his hand to her hip, tugging her as close to him as possible.

  Bringing her hand to her mouth, she bites at her fingernails nervously. Her stomach twists in anxious knots as she lays out her feelings. “I hate the way you make me feel.” She concedes.

  He inhales a deep breath and lets it breeze out warm and slow against her ear again. Finally he gets to the truth. Capturing her hand, he pulls it down, away from her mouth. Not feeling the need to control or overpower her in this moment his voice is gentle. “Look at me.”

  Trembling with vulnerability, she turns so they’re chest to chest and raises her eyes, locking his gaze to hers, green to hazel, the soulful energy of their connection, ineffable.

  “How do I make you feel?” His heart is beating with a strange wobble, nervous about her answer.

  “Frightened.” She pauses and swallows hard, exhaling as she whispers. “Excited.” Her voice is full of shame at her admission.

  “I see.” Lifting her hand to his mouth, he kisses each of her knuckles one at a time. Closing her eyes, she escapes his stare for just a few moments and gathers her thoughts before speaking again. “You make me feel like I’ve lost control… of my thoughts… my emotions.”

  “Is that so bad?” He presses her palm to his chest so she can feel the rhythmic beating of his heart. “You’re not the only one who feels that way. The moment I saw you… my heart beat your name.”

  Damn him and his ridiculously romantic side, she’s never going to survive it. “ I…I need to stay in control.” Her words are burdened by fear. His Irish brogue suddenly becomes thick and Irishy. “Sweetheart you are no more in control of what’s happening between us than I am. Whatever this is… it has its own destiny and we can merely follow its path, give in to its force… bend to its will.”

  Olivia is lost. Lost in his eyes. Lost in his words. Under his spell... and hopelessly ALL IN. Moving his hands to her hips, he squeezes them, pulling her closer. When she’s pressed up against him, he lifts his hand to her face. Her breathing is shallow and her nerves tingle with the anticipation of his next move. Kiss me, just kiss me already.

  This is exactly the opportunity he has been waiting for to kiss her. He has never been more eager to erase that term of the agreement. In the faint illumination of the moon he can see that her lip is still slightly swollen. His heart sinks in disappointment when she winces as he brushes his thumb gently across it. He refuses to have their first kiss tainted by a split lip and the discomfort it will cause. It’s killing him, but deciding it will have to wait he doesn’t move in, allowing her the time she needs to pull herself back to reality. She swallows hard, taking a deep breath and when she finally gets her wits about her she moves back and gives her
self some space. Grasping for her elbow, he prevents her from moving too far away.

  “I just thought of something.” She says, feeling a little overwhelmed. “I brought a bag with pants and a sweatshirt. It’s in Scott’s car.”

  His heart sinks a little. Sad in the knowledge that she still feels she has to pull away to protect herself when faced with her emotions.

  “Thank God. I’ll go and get them. Wait here.”

  “Thank you, Ethan.” She follows him, stopping at the fire. Staring at the flames, she’s reminded of the sizzling heat that pumps through her veins when he touches her.

  “Just promise me that you’ll remain upright until I get back.” He looks at her waiting for her to acknowledgement. “Olivia?”

  “I promise.” There is mischief in her eyes, making him suspicious. He’s not convinced that she’ll obey him so he quickly heads toward the house and looks for Scott and Rachel. The sooner he can get back to her the better.

  “Hey, is your car locked?” He asks when he finds them.

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “Can I have your keys? Olivia needs her sweatshirt.”

  Scott tosses them to him and he catches them mid-air. “Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

  “Where is she?” Rachel asks.

  “Out back by the fire, staying warm.” He says, already on the way to the car.

  Rachel gets to her feet and brushes the grass off her backside. “I’m going to talk to her for a minute. I’ll be right back.”

  Scott doesn’t want to let go of her hand. “Don’t be gone long.”

  Rachel smiles at him and leans down to give him a kiss. “I just want to check in on her, five minutes tops.”

  “I’ll be counting.” Releasing her, he watches her walk around the side of the garage and towards the back lot where the fire is blazing.

  Olivia’s face lights up when she sees her coming. “Rachel!” She throws her arms around her in a hug.

  “Wow, you’re certainly happy. What have you and Ethan been doing back here?” She teases. As she pulls herself away she sees Olivia’s lip in the light from the fire. “Oh my God! What the hell happened? Did Noah do that?”


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