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Intractable Souls : Book 1 of the Bound for Ireland Series

Page 55

by Tricia Daniels

  “Lumpy again?” There is a huge smile on his face.

  “Yes.” She says in disappointment. Ethan takes the plates over to the table while Scott joins Rachel at the stove. Taking the ladle out of her hand, he scoops one big spoonful into the boat. “That’s ok, sweetheart. I like your lumps.” As he takes it to the table, he stops and gives her a kiss on the nose.

  When dinner is finished Scott soaks up the last bit of lumpy gravy with a buttered dinner roll and turns to Ethan. “So, out with it. There’s obviously trouble in paradise.” Popping the last bit of the bun into his mouth, he licks his fingers.

  Rachel shakes her head. “Nice table manners, honey.”

  “That’s why you married me, isn’t it baby?”

  “Yes, I do believe you’re right… I was attracted to your table manners and your huge…um... errr… appetite.” She grins from ear to ear as she turns to look at Ethan. “So what did you want to talk about?”

  “Olivia. I just don’t understand her.”

  Scott laughs. “She’s a woman. You’re not supposed to understand her.” He ducks quickly to avoid the cork out of the wine bottle that Rachel has just tossed at his head.

  Ethan rolls his eyes. “And why are they always throwing shit? Seems I’m always dodging projectiles aimed at my head!”

  “Tell me about it. I feel bad for you. Olivia, understandably has one hell of an arm. I’m lucky this one...” He nods in Rachel’s direction. “Throws like a girl.”

  His comment about Olivia piques Ethan’s curiosity but Rachel interrupts before he has a chance to inquire further. “Did she do something in particular that’s upsetting you? Help me out here.”

  “Did she tell you about last night?

  “No, I was out of the office all day.”

  “She joined us for dinner last night.”

  Scott Immediately interrupts. “That bitch!”

  “Ok, you need to go and wash the dishes or fix something before I hurt you.” Rachel is not amused and Scott knows he had best take her advice. He can’t help but smirk as he starts to clear the dishes.

  “Sorry.” She apologizes on her husband’s behalf.

  “Funny boy, that one.” He looks over at Scott, who can obviously still hear everything that’s being said. “As I was saying, Olivia had an anxiety attack after dinner. Passed out.”

  “Oh my God! She told me she hasn’t had one of those in months.”

  “Well there is a lot going on right now and I guess it caught up with her. She finally told me about Sam.”

  Rachel is shocked. “Everything? About Sam? Are you serious?”

  “Well almost everything, I’m sure you can figure out which part she left out. I didn’t press her about it.”

  “Oh my god Ethan, that’s still HUGE!”

  “Well yes, I thought so too at first, but now I feel like we aren’t really getting anywhere.”


  “Because she wants us both to see other people.”

  “What? That’s ridiculous!” Rachel is appalled at her friend. “What exactly did she say?”

  “She agreed that, her and I have been going on dates and therefore we are logically dating.” He pauses to take the sip of wine. “Then she tells me that we are not in a ‘committed relationship’. That we are both free to date other people.”

  “OMG! She is NUTS!” Rachel shakes her head. “It just goes to show you how powerful that kind of abuse is when it affects someone with her IQ so harshly that she makes such ridiculous decisions to protect herself. She could be running her own multimillion dollar company instead of fixing everybody’s mess at Dunn and McLellan, but NOOOO! He fucked up her head, but good.“

  Ethan looks at her with a questioning brow and Rachel explains. “Oh, you don’t know?” She shakes her head. “Of course you don’t know. It’s not as if she would tell you something like that. Olivia’s IQ is 139.” She sees Ethan trying to work out what the means in his head and then his eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

  “I know right?” Rachel says.” She was considering a partnership offer at one of the largest Greater Toronto It Support firms and after this thing with Sam… she turned it down, she wouldn’t even meet with them to discuss it further.”

  “I’m going to kill that bastard when I get my hands on him.” He means to keep his promise.

  “You’re going have to wait your turn. So, what happened that has made her panic enough to insist that you see other people?”

  “My instincts tell me that she’s been feeling a little insecure since the client dinner. Understandably so.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what it is. And I heard about that, what the hell were you thinking?”

  “I wasn’t obviously. Now, if there is a pretty girl anywhere we go, she points her out to me and tells me that it’s ok for me to ask her out. That we agreed to see other people.”

  “Oh Ethan, you don’t believe that she wants that do you?”

  “Well, it’s bloody hard not to when she keeps saying it over and over. I want to believe that she has feelings for me.”

  Rachel notices the frustration in his voice. “Ethan, she has feelings for you. Strong ones. I have never seen her this happy and you are the reason.”

  ”I want to believe it and I don’t want to see anybody else.“

  “Trust me, if you went out on a date with another girl she would freak!”

  Ethan looks up from his wine glass.

  “That would sure teach her a lesson wouldn’t it?” Rachel grins from ear to ear.

  “Are you suggesting that I actually take someone else out on a date? He’s shocked at the suggestion at first and then after giving it more thought it sounds like a good solution to his problem.

  “Well, it’s one way to force her to admit how she feels about you. I bet if she finds out that you’ve asked someone out on a date she’ll immediately insist on a committed relationship.”

  The sounds of clanging pots and pans in the kitchen stops instantly and Scott sticks his head around the corner. “Would you like my opinion?”

  “NO!!!” Rachel yells.

  “I think it’s a bad idea.” He offers despite her objection.

  Rachel dismisses him. “Just wash the dishes, honey!”

  Ethan ponders the idea for a minute. “That’s what I’m thinking, if she does get upset then maybe I can convince her to forget all this nonsense.” Clearly, he has talked himself into it.

  “Bad idea, brother!” Scott chirps from the kitchen.

  Ethan continues ignoring Scott’s advice. “Right, so who do I ask?”

  In amongst the sounds of dishes hitting the rinse water they faintly hear him grumble under his breath. “Dumb ass!”

  “What about the girl at your office that’s always throwing herself at you?” Rachel offers. Ethan flashes her a confused look. “You know… the one with the REALLY big... ummm.... personality!” She uses her hands to gesture enormous breasts as she says it.

  “Ah! The receptionist, Hannah.” He laughs at Rachel’s description. “I have no idea how to get in touch with her at home and I don’t think it would be appropriate to ask her out at the office.” Before either of them can speak again, Scott walks out of the kitchen with his phone in hand. Clicking open the contact list, he hits “H” and hands it to Ethan. Instantly Hannah’s name and number flash up on screen. As he turns to walk away, Rachel hollers after him. “Excuse me? Why do you have that bimbo’s phone number?“ Scott smirks and keeps walking. “Sorry I can’t hear you, dear... I’m washing the dishes and minding my own business.”

  Ethan glances over at Rachel, feeling a little awkward and she snaps at him. “Well? What are you waiting for? Get the number and then give me the phone.” Ethan takes out his phone and carefully creates a new contact entry for Hannah, double-checking the number before he hands the phone to Rachel. She immediately hits the delete button and then mutters a few not nice things. Scott walks back into the room drying his hands on a towel and she looks at him wi
th an unapologetic look on her face. “Oops, sorry Scott… I accidently erased her number.”

  Walking towards her, he takes the phone out of her hand and leans down to give her a kiss. He loves that his wife is jealous. When she stands to leave the table, he wraps his arms around her in a loving embrace. Annoyed at him, she tries to push him away but he refuses to let her go. Surrendering into a long sensual kiss, she knows she can’t stay mad at him.

  “Well, I think that’s my signal to leave.” Ethan laughs as he heads for the front door.

  Arriving home, he turns on the TV and sits on the couch, thinking long and hard, before he reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone. This somehow doesn’t feel like the right thing to do. This could turn out to be more of an explosion than a realigning of souls. His anxiety level is through the roof as he takes a deep breath and dials the phone.

  “Hello?” The voice on the other side answers.

  “Hi, is this Hannah?”

  She would recognize his voice anywhere. “Mr. O’Connell?” A nervous excitement fills her.

  He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. “We’re not at the office, Hannah. Please call me Ethan.”

  “Ok Ethan. What’s up?”

  “I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tomorrow night at my restaurant, maybe stay for a little dancing?”

  “I’d really like that!“ She jumps up and down in celebration trying not to show her excitement in her tone.

  “Great! I’ll pick you up around eight? If that’s ok?”

  “Actually, Ethan I have a late class tomorrow so would it be ok if I just met you there?“

  “Of course, that would be fine.” Ethan is surprised that Hannah is continuing her education. “What class are you taking?” He asks, curiosity overtaking him.

  “Zumba.” She says feeling very proud.

  Ethan almost chuckles, of course it’s a Zumba class. What else did he think she was taking?

  “That’s brilliant.” Suddenly he feels awkward. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Oh, and Hannah… we should be discreet around the office, yeah? Don’t mention it to anyone.”

  “I won’t. I’m looking forward to it Mr… Ethan. Good night.”

  He sends Rachel a quick confirmation by text.

  From Ethan: All done. Meeting Hannah at the bar tomorrow at 8

  Guilty feelings start to overwhelm him now and watching TV doesn’t make it go away. When the phone rings, it makes him jump. “Yes.” He forgets that he’s not at work.


  “Olivia, hey.” Olivia’s voice sounds so sweet and the feelings of guilt twist in his gut like a knife. He has missed her today. Is it appropriate to tell her how much he misses her when he’s about to tell her that he’s going on a date with another girl? He decides it’s a bad idea.

  They chat for a few brief moments about the events of their day and for the first time ever she senses a coolness in him. She feels something shift between them as the conversation starts to slow and become awkward. Then she says it. A hundred times, he has waited for her to reciprocate this feeling and she has always held back.

  “Ethan… I miss you tonight. I thought you might find a reason to stop by.”

  Why tonight? Of all nights for her to admit it.

  She grows nervous with the pause in the conversation, her women’s intuition confirming that something is wrong. “Ethan? Is everything ok?

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! “Yes, I’m just tired. I’m planning on going to bed early tonight.”

  He’s definitely hiding something. “Oh, of course. I’m sorry I’m keeping you up, you must be exhausted.” She feels a little off balance. There’s another long silence proving that something definitely isn’t right.

  “Ethan, please tell me what’s going on.”

  He braces himself, wishing that he never agreed to this. Maybe he doesn’t have to tell her. “Olivia, I know I said I wouldn’t bring it up again.” He swallows hard and tenses, the muscles in his shoulders becoming tight and pulling upwards.

  “What? Just tell me.” She prepares herself for the worst.

  “Are you sure that you want us to see other people? Are you absolutely sure?” Holding his breath he feels anxious, and he prays that she’s changed her mind. He would love nothing better than to call Hannah and call the whole thing off, then drive over to Olivia’s house and sink himself deep inside her, claiming her as his own. ONLY FOR HIM.

  Olivia is caught off guard by his question. Why is he asking? She hesitates, thinking hard about her answer. She panics, stuck between what she really wants and what her head says she needs. “I guess so.” She’s confused, and not sure why she’s suddenly feeling unsettled.

  Ethan loses it and anger vibrates in his voice. “Not good enough, you better damn well be sure. Do you want a relationship with me? Yes or No!” Why is this woman so fucking stubborn?

  “Ethan?” There is something in her voice. Fear? Anger? Confusion?

  He can’t hold it in anymore. “I have a date tomorrow.” He blurts it out, almost choking on the words.

  Olivia is stunned. She told him to see other people but she wasn’t quite prepared for it. The words affect her like a blow to the stomach, making her feel physically ill.

  There is silence on her end of the phone and Ethan’s anger sinks into remorse. What has he done? “Olivia?”

  “Sorry, I’m still here. I was… doing something.” That was a sad excuse but she needed an explanation for her lack of response. “So you have a date? Nice. Have a great time.” She’s been preparing herself for the inevitable since the day she met him. Apparently today is that day, but she refuses to show him her pain.

  This is a huge mistake. “Olivia,” Before he can get another word out she interrupts.

  “Good night, Ethan.”

  Hanging up, she stands perfectly still; unable to move, unable to process what just happened. The weight of it pressing down on her so heavily that her heart struggles to beat against it. When she looks up at the red painted wood of Noah’s front door, she has no idea how she got there. With unshed tears burning her eyes, she swallows hard as she bangs on the door, waiting for a moment and then heavily pounding again, urgent… panicked.

  When Noah whips the door open briskly to see what the bloody hell is going on, he stops frozen at the sight of her. “Liv?”

  She says nothing, she can’t say anything, her words are just… gone. Blinking, tears start to trickle down her cheeks. Noah’s heart sinks as he quickly stands aside. “Don’t stand out there, come in.” It takes her a moment to move but as she passes him in the threshold of the door she notices that he’s barefoot and shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of jeans casually unzipped, revealing that he’s not wearing any boxers either. Obviously, he’s just pulled them on to open the door. She stares at the light smattering of dark hair on his chest that trails down his abs and then disappears, unable to process even the smallest coherent thought.

  “Olivia? What’s wrong?”

  Her chin starts to quiver and she shakes her head, trying desperately to find her voice.

  “Fuck.” Noah says in desperation, running his hands through his hair. “Give me a minute, Ok?”

  When she doesn’t answer, he bends his knees to look into her eyes. “Olivia? Give me a minute. Don’t go anywhere. Ok?”

  Nodding her head, she silently agrees and watches him take the stairs to the second floor, two at a time. A few minutes later, she hears a door close and the clicking sound of heels across the hall floor. Looking up, she sees the leggy blonde make her way angrily down the stairs, pulling her sweater around her and tying it at the waist. She stops at the landing when she see’s Olivia, and then turns to flash an icy glare at Noah as he follows behind her. Reaching the bottom she stops and stares at her, looking like there’s something she would like to say, but Noah gently grasps her by the elbow and ushers her towards the door. Olivia can tell she’s pissed, by the heavy thumping of her feet on the floor and kno
ws what she’s interrupted. When Noah leans in to kiss her goodbye she pushes him away. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Raising his arm to touch her, she steps back out of his reach and slams the door behind her.

  Olivia feels horrible and gives him a very apologetic look.

  “Don’t give it another thought. She’ll get over it.” He assures her. “She’s crazy about me.” Pausing, he leans back against the wall. “You know, I’ve been trying to get a hold of you all week to apologize.”

  “I know.” She finally finds her voice, although it’s small and shaky and she barely recognizes it as her own.

  “So, does you being here mean that you’ve forgiven me?”

  She nods.

  “Thank God!” He holds his hand over his heart, the corners of his lips curling up in a slight smile. Olivia can’t smile back; she takes in a couple of shallow breaths and tears well up in her eyes again.

  Noah frowns. “Hey, what’s with all the tears tonight? Are you going to tell me what’s going on?

  She sniffs a couple of times and wipes her hands across her face.

  “Let me guess, that asshole O’Connell did something to upset you?”

  Hearing his name is all it takes to make the tears fall again. Noah reaches for her and pulls her into his arms, wrapping them around her and sheltering her against his chest. “Shhhh. I’ve got you. Fucking O’Connell, I knew there was a reason I hated that prick from the first time we met.”

  Olivia’s tears turn into a hard uncontrollable sob against his chest making Noah’s heart hurt as he holds her tighter, completely wrapping his big body around her in a protective cocoon. His mouth rests warmly on the top of her head. “Jesus, Olivia. What the fuck did he do to you, baby girl?”

  Chapter 30

  The morning drags on forever and for the first time in weeks, she hasn’t heard from Ethan. She’s not even sure if she’s happy about that or not. Keeping her office door closed, she hopes that no one will bother her, since she’s not feeling like any company today. Eating her lunch at her desk, she throws herself into her work trying to keep her mind busy.


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