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Kat and Mouse

Page 9

by Lexxie Couper

  The woman turned to her right, entering a darkened room Katrina guessed was the bathroom.

  Heart hammering, pulse pounding, she sped deeper into the room and, acting on reflexes alone, dropped to the floor on the far side of the bed and rolled under it, her arse cheeks thankfully muffling the clink-clink of her cuffs as they connected with the floor.

  Fair Dinkum, O’Lauchlan. How clichéd can you get?

  Lying motionless amongst the dust-bunnies, she crinkled her nose.

  Didn’t matter. She was in.

  And if it’s not Flynn’s room?

  Katrina ground her teeth. Shuddup.

  What felt like a lifetime later soft footfalls sounded in the room, followed by an almost imperceptible change in the shadows as the woman opened the door and left the room.

  Katrina whooshed out a sudden breath. Bloody hell, she’d done it.

  Squirming from under the bed, she brushed herself off. Flicking on the bedside lamp closest to her, she cast a long, scrutinising look around the room.

  Nothing told her it was Flynn’s.

  What were you expecting? A can of Tooheys on the sideboard? A packet of Tim Tams on the bed?

  She curled her fists. Her gut tingled. Telling her to look…

  There. On the luggage rack. A folded copy of The Sydney Morning Herald. Either Abaddon knew she’d be coming to this room, or he’d been accommodating Flynn’s nationality as well.

  A slow smile curled Katrina’s lips as she looked at the very Australian newspaper. “Gotcha.”


  The second Flynn opened his door he knew he wasn’t alone. Her scent gave it away.

  “Hello, Kat,” he said, letting the door close behind him and walking into his room without turning on the light.

  He sensed, rather than saw her move in the darkness, and suddenly he was up against the wall, her forearm rammed under his chin, her feet booting his legs apart. “Flynn Marsters, by the power granted me by the Australian Federal Government, I’m arresting you for being a lying, deceiving, gutless bastard.”

  Her heat wrapped around his body, as intoxicating and delicious as ever. “I see you’re finally awake,” he said, trying to control the surge of hot blood into his cock. An impossible task really, considering Kat still wore the latex corset and thigh-highs from the ball. “No thank yous for taking you back to your suite? Which I might add, is a much nicer than mine. Do the Australian tax-payers know how much a night this little arrest is costing them?”

  Her hips and thighs pressed harder to him in the blackness, keeping him pinned to the wall—and making his cock twitch all the more. “When I bring you back, the taxpayers will want to dip me in gold,” she said flatly, and he could hear her awareness of his arousal in the slight huskiness of her voice.

  “What if I’m not ready to go back? I’m quite enjoying my time in Los Magia, I must say.”

  He felt her stiffen. “I bet you are, you—”

  He didn’t let her finish. With a sudden move, he shoved her from him, propelling her backward. She let out a yelp of surprise, the sound cut short by a soft thud.

  In a step, he was at the bed, flicking on the lamp and staring down at her before she could move. “Time to sheath those claws, Kat.”

  She glared up at him. He knew what she was going to do before she did it. Her foot lashed out, aimed right for his balls. He leapt out of its trajectory and slapped at her ankle, sending her leg into a wide, arcing swing. He was on her before she could recover, grabbing at her fists and slamming her backward to the bed in one savage move. “Now stop playing nasty and listen to me, Kat.” He stared into her face, his mouth inches from hers. “Or we’re both fucked.”

  “Ha.” She bucked underneath him. “You’re not getting that dick of yours anywhere near my—”

  He crushed her mouth with his. Just to shut her up.

  She fought him like a wild cat. For a long moment. And then her lips grew soft and parted and her tongue met his.

  Oh, God, Flynn. Stop now. Before it’s too late.

  He broke the kiss, his body, his heart, crying out at the abrupt denial.

  Pale green eyes glared up at him, confusion swimming in their clear depths. “I hate you, Flynn Marsters.”

  Her whisper cut him, deep and slicing. He gave her a sad smile. “I know, but let me explain. At least give me that before you cuff me.”

  Surprised contempt flared in her stare. “You’ve got five minutes.”

  He wanted to point out she was the one under him on the bed, but something in the way her muscles coiled and flexed against him told him she wouldn’t be for long. He pulled in a steadying breath, aroused turmoil threatening to consume him. That, or undeniable longing. “Let’s ignore all my crimes back in Australia for a moment. You need to believe me when I tell you stealing the Australis Night was my final job. The Mouse was retiring—I was retiring—after that heist.”

  “Yet here you are.” Katrina tilted her chin, her body tensing with each word. “Stealing a diamond for Abaddon—”

  “If I hadn’t, you’d be Abaddon’s slave by now,” he cut her off, his voice more brutal than he’d planned. “His sexual possession. His to use anyway he wanted.”

  Katrina stilled, her eyes locked on his. “Bullshit.”

  Flynn shook his head. “You know what he is, Kat. Don’t you think there was a reason he knew your every thought? He marked you as his own and unless I stole the Daemon Moon he’d claim you. And there’d be no humanly way possible to stop him.”

  Her lips parted and he felt her heart smashing in her chest against his. “Why…how?”

  “He’s a demon, Kat. The chief demon of the underworld hierarchy. His powers in our world have been contained, but not completely controlled.”

  A frown pulled at Katrina’s eyebrows and Flynn wanted nothing more than to kiss it away. “Contained?”

  “In the Daemon Moon. He needs to destroy it to regain his true strength.”

  “And if he does?”

  Flynn swallowed. “Then its hell on earth.”

  Katrina’s eyes widened and he felt her try to shrink from him. “And you got it? You stole it for him?” Contempt and disgust etched her face. “Why?”

  “Because if I didn’t he’d take you. No matter what you think of me, no matter how non-existent the chances are of you still loving me, I couldn’t let that happen. Not loving you the way I do.”

  “A shame, really,” Abaddon’s deep rumble echoed through the room. “All things considered.”

  Ice flooding his veins, Flynn leapt to his feet, spinning about to find Abaddon leaning against the wall behind him, a wide—and very smug—grin on his face.

  “But then again,” the demon said, pushing himself upright and stepping toward them, “after I tasted the delightful Katrina O’Lauchlan I knew I would break my part of the agreement.” His grin grew wider. “I am, after all, a demon. We’re not known for our scruples.”

  Flynn fixed Abaddon with a level stare. “You really need to work on your social skills, Don. Haven’t you heard of knocking?”

  The demon laughed, the sound hollow and cold. “Aah, that Australian sense of humour again. I will miss it.” His stare slid to Katrina, now standing beside Flynn. “Won’t you, Ms O’Lauchlan? Won’t you find yourself thinking of Flynn Marsters when I am fucking you to an inch of your human life?”

  “Just try it, Abaddon,” she growled. “Touch me and I’ll rip your balls off.”

  The demon laughed again, and a chill raced up Flynn’s spine, as if a corpse had drawn a line there with its dead finger. “Ms O’Lauchlan, you will do exactly what you did at the ball…want every brutal, punishing, sadistic touch I give you.”

  “Fuck you.”

  Abaddon smirked. “That is the idea.” He turned back to Flynn and held out his hand. “The Daemon Moon, if you will.”

  Flynn ground his teeth. “We had a deal, Abaddon. I give you the diamond, you leave Kat alone.”

  Abaddon’s perfect eyebrows sho
t up. “Demon, remember? Honesty’s not our strong point.” He wiggled his fingers. “Now, the stone. If you make me wait any longer I’ll chain you to the highest pillar in Hell and make you watch what I do to Ms O’Lauchlan. A million times over. Not the best way to spend eternity, I guess, but if that’s what you’d prefer…”

  “Don’t even think about it, Flynn,” Katrina snarled, glaring at Abaddon, her fists bunched balls of white-knuckled hate at her sides.

  Flynn studied her, letting his eyes trace her profile the way he wished his fingers could. He pulled in a deep breath and her delicate scent filled his being. Delicate and fierce at once.

  Turning back to Abaddon, he reached into his back left pocket, withdrew the baseball-sized, brilliant-cut diamond shoved there and held it out, its icy-cold, perfect surface biting at his skin. He’d handled more than a thousand diamonds in his life, some so rare they were believed to be myth, but none as terrifyingly beautiful as the Daemon Moon. Its flawless facets reflected the entire spectrum of light and colour in the room, but it was its heart that mesmerised and stole one’s breath, a whirling maelstrom of pale yet iridescent blue light that seemed to pulse with a living force both incomprehensible and hypnotic.

  That pulse grew quicker the higher Flynn raised his arm, the closer he brought the diamond to Abaddon.

  “At last,” Abaddon murmured, gazing at the stone. His face shimmered, and for a split second the bestial creature Flynn had met in the gaming lounge stood in the room with them. It reached for the stone, long, clawed fingers curling over the flawless surface…

  …and then Abaddon picked it up, Abaddon in his human guise. He removed it from Flynn’s palm, and for a moment it felt to Flynn like someone had torn his heart from his body.

  “Oh, God, no.” he heard Katrina whisper beside him.

  “So much for a contract,” Abaddon murmured. His blue eyes met Flynn’s over the stone—seconds before, with a smile both wild and triumphant, he closed his fingers around the diamond and crushed it to dust.

  Silence filled the room. Deathly and complete.

  Abaddon stood frozen, as if waiting, a puzzled expression flitting across his face.

  Flynn grinned. “Not what you expected?”

  Fangs baring, Abaddon looked at the crystalline power glinting on his fingers and palm. “What did you…”

  “Did you honestly think I’d deliver you the real diamond?”

  Abaddon’s eyes flared furious blue fire. He shrieked, the sound high-pitched and ear-shattering, like glass being cut with a blunt saw. “Then you’ve just condemned your lover to an eternity of pain.”

  Flynn pushed his hands into his trouser pockets. “I don’t think so.”

  Abaddon gibbered, and looked ready to lunge. Until Flynn gave him another grin and pointed behind him.

  The demon spun around, and the found the man in immaculate white with a music-bar belt buckle and blue shoes Flynn had gestured to, flanked on either side by two men the size of Mount Everest. “YOU?”

  The man gave Abaddon a flat look, piercing blue eyes flashing with extreme displeasure.

  “You don’t think I research what I’m stealing, Abaddon,” Flynn asked, and the demon turned back to him, hate and fury and astonishment boiling in his wild stare. “You don’t think I research who I’m stealing it from?” He turned his attention to the silent man in white, giving him a slight nod.

  Blue eyes crinkled with a devilish mirth.

  “Flynn?” Katrina’s soft voice tickled his ear.

  “I had a day to prepare for this job, Kat. You know how methodical and meticulous The Mouse is. What a pity Abaddon didn’t. The moment he told me whom I was stealing from, I did a little digging. I’d rather not piss off the paranormal mafia.” He shot Abaddon a pointed look. “I may be human, but I’m not stupid.”

  A smile—small but filled with an emotion he could only dream was pride—curled Katrina’s lips. “No, not that stupid after all.”

  Insane fury erupted on Abaddon’s face. He lunged.

  And so did the two men standing either side of The Big Man, transforming mid-air into two massive creatures, part man, part wolf.

  They crashed into Abaddon, taking the screaming, thrashing, fighting demon to the floor with ease.

  The Big Man flicked Flynn a quick look, gave him a silent nod, and then—before Flynn knew what had happened—the room shimmered with black light and suddenly he and Katrina stood alone.

  Staring at each other.

  Katrina titled her head and gave him a steady look. “You swapped diamonds.”

  “As I told Abaddon, The Mouse has retired. I’m on the straight and narrow.” He held out his arms, wrists pressed together, his heart hammering in his chest like a crazy sledgehammer and a questioning smile twisting his lips. “Ready to cuff me, Australian Federal Police Officer, Katrina O’Lauchlan?”


  Katrina looked out the window beside her, watching the sparkling blue Pacific Ocean disappear under a wispy blanket of white, fluffy cloud. She pulled in a slow breath and wriggled deeper into her luxurious leather seat.

  Home. She was heading home.

  A soft metal clink turned her attention away from the window and she studied the man sitting beside her, smirking at the irritated frown on his face.

  “My cuffs annoying you, Flynn?”

  He shot her a dark look, hazel eyes free of black contacts. “Yes,” he growled, giving his right wrist a small but sharp tug. The cuff rattled, refusing to let his arm be but a few inches from the seat she’d fixed him to.

  Chuckling under her breath, Katrina shifted, swinging her right leg until she straddled him, her pussy—still damp and throbbing from their last lot of love-making—aligning with his swollen cock under her short, flippy skirt. She rolled her hips, knowing her wet heat stroked his turgid length. “Well, you’ll just have to wait your turn, won’t you?”

  He glared up at her, his breath growing shallower with each second, more ragged with each slow, deliberate caress of her sex on his straining, venous organ. “Oh, you are in so much trouble when I get out of these, Katrina O’Lauchlan.” His free hand slid up her back and tangled in her hair, yanking her head down to his with a brute force that made her pussy flutter.

  She dropped her head, letting her lips tease his as she said, “Well, I guess I won’t be releasing you until we touch down in Australia, will I.”

  Flynn shifted beneath her, his cock nudging at the sodden lips of her pussy, spreading them with his growing width. “If The Big Man knew what you were doing in his private jet, I’d doubt he’d have so gladly offered it.”

  Katrina chuckled again, gripping Flynn’s shoulders as she rose up slightly on her knees and brushed her pussy over the bulbous head of his shaft. She grinned as he tensed beneath her, trying to penetrate what she so cruelly taunted him with. “Who do you think told me about the bar to lock my cuffs to, Mr Master Thief?”

  Raw pleasure smouldered in Flynn’s pinning stare and he tugged her head closer, nipping at her bottom lip with his teeth. “Another reason to thank him then.”

  “Hmmm,” Katrina murmured, the steely wet head of Flynn’s cock claiming her attention. It nudged at her pussy-lips, wet with her already flowing juices and his own leaking pre-cum. “You do realise you still need to be punished for your crimes?”

  Flynn slid his hand from her hair, down her back to her hip, gripping her arse with one strong, powerful hand. “Really? And who’s going to do that?”

  Katrina gave his bottom lip a bite of her own. “Me.” She rolled her hips forward, letting his cockhead grind against her clit for an exquisite moment. “The entire flight home. Why else do you think I stripped you naked the second we took off?”

  Flynn rose an eyebrow, his fingers sinking into her arse cheek as he tried to keep her sex on his. “Ten hours? I don’t believe you.”

  Katrina dug her nails into his shoulders and bit his bottom lip again, knowing she would not be able to hold off much longer. The need
to feel his cock fill her sex was becoming too powerful to hold off. “Is that a challenge?”

  Flynn flicked at her teeth with his tongue, sending little ribbons of liquid pleasure through her. “Winner takes all.”

  “Agreed.” She gazed into his eyes, knotted her fingers in his hair and—without warning—Impaled herself on his cock, sucking in a sharp breath as he stretched her to the limit.

  “Oh, God.” Flynn roared, pumping up into her, her cuffs rattling as his whole body shook with lust.

  “No,” Katrina chuckled, wave after wave of pure rapture crashing through her with each brutal thrust. “Federal Police Officer, Katrina O’Lauchlan.”

  Flynn bucked harder, his eyes locked on hers. “It seems the Kat finally caught The Mouse,” he ground out through gritted teeth, sliding his free hand from her arse to her right breast. He squeezed it, smiling at Kat’s resulting gasp. “What are you going to do with him now?”

  Katrina slid up his cock until the distended rim of its head felt close to the swollen lips of her sex, almost popping free. She froze at that point, staring at him, smelling their desire on the air, thick and musky and strong. “Fuck him forever,” she whispered against his lips. “And ever.”

  And with that declaration, she plunged down again, taking his length into her body. Utterly and completely.

  The very way she loved him.


  About the Author

  Lexxie Couper started writing when she was six and hasn't stopped since. She's not a deviant, but she does have a deviant's imagination and a desire to entertain readers with her words. Add the two together and you get erotic romances that can make you laugh, cry, shake with fear or tremble with desire. Sometimes all at once.

  When she's not submerged in the worlds she creates, Lexxie's life revolves around her family, a husband who thinks she's insane, a indoor cat who likes to stalk shadows, and her daughters, who both utterly captured her heart and changed her life forever.

  Contact Lexxie at, follow her on Twitter or visit her at where she occasionally makes a fool of herself on her blog.


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