The Reason

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The Reason Page 11

by Jen Andrews

  I hadn’t picked up the mail since Monday, so I had a good-sized stack to sort out. I went about my normal routine of opening everything first, then organized it into a few different piles. I shredded the junk mail, arranged the new magazines on the table in the lounge, and then sat down with a pile of bills and bank statements.

  I pulled a bank statement out of its envelope and scanned over it, my eyes stopped suddenly when I saw the account balance at the bottom of the page. What in the hell? The balance was over seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

  I scanned over it again and realized I had made a huge mistake. The bank statement did not belong to us. It was addressed to Andrew J. Tate. Shit. The mail carrier had put it in the wrong box, and I failed to notice the forwarding address sticker on the front of the envelope.

  Several thoughts passed through my mind at that point. The main one being, why did he have so much money? None of my business. I folded up the statement and stuffed it back in the envelope. I then checked the rest of the mail to make sure I hadn’t opened any more of his by mistake.

  Shit! I needed to let him know what I had done. I stood and peeked out the window to the shop. He looked like he was in the middle of something, so I sent him a text.

  Can you come to the office when you get a minute? No hurry.

  About ten minutes later, he poked his head through the open door.

  “You needed me, Zoey?”

  More than I ever imagined, I thought. I knew I was falling for him, hard, and it saddened me to be near him. Regardless, I needed to tell him what I did, so I asked him to come in and shut the door.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “Have a seat,” I said anxiously, so I could get the conversation over with. “You didn’t do anything wrong, but I accidentally did, and it affects you. I need to tell you about it.”

  He leaned forward, resting his elbow on the corner of the desk. “Should I be worried?” he asked, suddenly very serious.

  Setting the envelope on the desk, I pushed it toward him. “I’m so sorry. This was in the shop mailbox by mistake. I opened it and looked at it before I noticed it didn’t belong to us.”

  He picked it up to see what it was. A wave of relief washed over his face, and he actually laughed. “Jesus, Zoey. I thought you were gonna tell me something bad.”

  Oh, he’s not mad. Good. “I thought you’d be upset.” I sighed with relief. “I’m sorry. I go through the mail and open everything first without looking at it. It’s from the same bank we use, so I didn’t notice it wasn’t ours until I saw the balance.”

  He ran his hand up his face through his stubble, and then briefly pinched two fingers over the bridge of his nose where his scar was.

  “Zoey, it’s no big deal. I’m not upset about you seeing this at all. It’s my mum and dad’s life insurance money.”

  That made sense, but I still felt bad about opening it. “I’m still sorry. It is none of my business how much money you have, or why. Forgive me?”

  “There’s nothing to forgive,” he said in an irritated tone. “It’s fine, really. At least you know I’m not interested in you for your store or money now, right? I have more than enough money of my own, trust me.”

  Ouch, that hurt.

  He stood and stalked toward the door to leave. My mouth dropped open, and I sat back in my chair. His comment went straight to my heart. Does he really think that’s why I told him no?

  “Andy, I’m sorry if that’s what you thought…” My voice wavered, and he was instantly back at my side.

  “Zoey, I’m so sorry I said that. It was uncalled for, but there are things you don’t know about me too. I’ve had people do shitty things to me, but it’s not going to stop me from trying to make a life and be happy. Too much has been taken away from me already.”

  His voice dropped to a whisper as he spoke, and he took a seat in the chair next to the desk. Andy gently took hold of my hand and rubbed his thumb back and forth across my fingers. “It’s not going to keep me from falling in love with someone who makes me happy.”

  What was he saying? Did he mean me? Oh God, this has to end. Now.

  “Andy, stop!” I pulled my hand from his, stood, and began pacing around the office. “I can’t do this. It’s hard enough as it is, but having to deal with it all here…at work—”

  The office door flew open, and Jeremy barged in. “What the fuck is going on in here?” he demanded, glaring at Andy.

  He pointed at Andy then turned to me. “Is he giving you shit, Zoey?”

  I shook my head. “No, he’s not. I’m fine.” I am going to throw up.

  Jeremy stepped toward me protectively, blocking my view of Andy. “I don’t think you’re fine, Zoey. I walk by, you’re in here, obviously upset, and you seem to be arguing with him about something. Now tell me what the fuck’s going on,” he growled.

  Shit, he was really getting pissed.

  Jeremy had always been my main protector. He’d stepped in between Rob and me several times when we fought at the shop. He had no reason to step between me and Andy, so I moved to the side so I could see him again.

  “Jeremy, you’re misunderstanding what you saw,” I said firmly, putting my hands up in defense.

  I refused to tell him the truth, because if I knew my brother, he would start treating Andy differently. It was the last thing we needed at the shop. Again…

  Andy started to stand and say something to Jeremy, but I shot him a look, begging him not to, so he sat back down. I went to Andy and took the bank statement envelope from his hand.

  “Jeremy, it’s not what you think. We were talking about this.” I waved the envelope back and forth at him to show him proof of what Andy and I were originally discussing. That is, before the shit hit the fan and we began arguing about our personal lives, or lack thereof.

  I wasn’t going to show him what was inside, because it wasn’t mine to show, but I needed to do something.

  “I accidentally opened his mail because it was in our box my mistake. I felt bad, and he was only trying to convince me it was okay, because I was freaking out about it. It’s no big deal, I swear.”

  Andy narrowed his eyes at me, probably trying to figure out why I was lying to Jeremy. It’s not like I was really lying about it, I just wasn’t telling him the whole truth.

  He must have realized why, because after a minute he stood and took the envelope from me, pulled out the statement, and handed it to Jeremy.

  “Read it,” he told my brother. “She thought I’d be upset with her for opening it and seeing I have some money.”

  Jeremy flipped through the papers. When he came to the bottom of the page where the account balance was, he was surprised and confused, just as I had been when I saw it.

  “It’s my parents’ life insurance money,” Andy said. “They died over ten years ago.”

  Jeremy folded the papers and put them back in the envelope. “I’m sorry for your loss,” he said sincerely to Andy as he handed the envelope back to him.

  Andy gave him a curt nod. “Thanks.”

  “Sorry I freaked out on you guys,” Jeremy told us. “I did get the wrong idea. I thought you were arguing, and after all the shit Rob pulled here...”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when he stopped talking. I didn’t want him to go on about Rob.

  “Okay, okay, we get it,” I muttered. “We’re good, here. Right, Andy?”

  He nodded and looked away. “Yeah, sure…we’re perfect.”

  Jeremy backed up toward the door. “You need to chill, Zoey. Don’t get so worked up about shit you have no control over. It was an accident that you opened the envelope. Like you said, it’s no big deal.”

  I smirked. “Sure thing, Jer. I’ll try harder next time to chill.”

  He left the room, shutting the door behind him and leaving Andy and me alone in the office. “We didn’t need to lie to him, Zoey,” Andy said the second the door clicked shut.

  “Please, don’t,” I begged. “This is w
hy there can’t be anything between us. What happened right now is exactly the type of situation I wanted to avoid.” I dropped down onto my chair. “We aren’t even together, and we get in one little argument, and my brother sees it and flips out.”

  He reached over and squeezed my hand. “I’m sorry about what I said earlier, Zoey. I know where you’re coming from, though. I know what it’s like to have something that makes people want to take advantage of you.”

  He stood, folded the envelope, and stuffed it into his back pocket. “Someday, I hope you’ll trust me. You are all I want. Nothing else,” he stated frankly.

  Holy crap.

  “I’d better get back to work. The boss lady might get mad at me for taking such a long break,” he said with a grin, his blue eyes teasing me. He turned and walked out the door, leaving me sitting alone in the office, trying to pick my jaw up off the floor.

  After dinner that evening, I rushed off to the dance studio to meet Jess and Sasha. We had a great time in class again. We were familiar with the dance steps and the instructor, so we were able to get through the routine several times.

  Sasha was being a hyper little shit and forced me to sit on her chair while she gave me a lap dance. She said she wanted a real person to practice on, since she was single too. I’m not sure if she was trying to cheer me up, or herself, because of our severe lack of male companionship. She even had Jane laughing at her crazy antics, and a couple of the other women in the class threw dollar bills at her.

  At the end of the night, Jane told us that for our next class, we would be learning a different routine and dance. She also told us that during Christmas break and the week after New Year’s, there would be no class. The class would go right up until my friends and I left for Cabo.

  After I gathered my purse and jacket, I said my goodbyes to Jess and Sasha, and then headed home. I watched the roads near my apartment for Rob again. He was nowhere near my place, from what I could see, and that made me relax.

  As soon as I was safely inside, I showered and slipped into some pajamas. I checked my phone before I went to bed, and found a text from Andy.

  Text me back so I know you made it home.

  Well that was straight and to the point. I sent him a reply that was a little nicer than the text I had gotten from him.

  I’m home, goodnight.

  A few minutes later, my phone pinged with another text from him.

  Goodnight, Beautiful. Sleep well.

  That man was going to break my heart, and he would never even know it. No matter what happened between us earlier in the day, he was still on my side, and still trying to protect me.

  I hated it, but I knew I needed to distance myself from him even more after the incident that morning, especially after what Jeremy had seen. I would not let it happen again. Maybe I would sneak over after hours and work. It would be better for everyone if I worked less at the shop while Andy was there.

  The next few days passed by in a blur because I kept myself overly busy and avoided the shop during business hours. To me, there was no other choice if I was going to keep my sanity.

  The night of the anniversary party, I did my hair and makeup so that it looked like I was going out for a night on the town. I slipped on my little black dress, a jacket, and my black four-inch heels. After one last look in the mirror, I grabbed my purse and left.

  When I arrived at the party, it was already in full swing. I found Ben and the rest of the band, and he introduced me to the couple who was throwing the party. They offered us a hefty cash tip if we would stay an extra hour and play songs their friends and family requested.

  I couldn’t refuse. I needed a night out, and some of the guys in the band needed the extra cash.

  The couple hired a DJ to play music before and during their dinner and drink hour. They scheduled us to perform from nine to ten-thirty, but because of the change, we would be playing until eleven-thirty. Knowing that Andy would probably worry, I sent him a text before we went on stage, letting him know I was going to be home later than I originally planned.

  I hadn’t seen or talked to him since that day in the office, but he already knew from a previous conversation what time I would be home. It was easier to tell him I would be home later, because I just didn’t have the heart to worry him.

  Whether I wanted him to be or not, he was my silent keeper.

  The band gathered backstage, I stowed my purse and jacket, and we headed out to perform. We went through our entire song list, and the crowd danced and cheered loudly for us between songs. I was having a great time on stage, singing and dancing along with the music.

  I hadn’t had that much fun, or felt so relaxed, in a very long time. It was nice to let all of my personal issues go for a while and do something that I loved.

  At ten-fifteen, Ben let the crowd know we would be taking song requests for an hour when we returned from a quick break. They went wild cheering again. Backstage, I sipped a bottle of water and checked my phone, finding a new text from Andy.

  Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it. Enjoy the party.

  We went back out on stage, and the crowd called out several song requests to us. I ended up singing lead vocals on the majority of the songs. They requested everything including The Go Go’s, Blondie, and more Madonna songs. Eleven-thirty rolled around, and we finished on stage, thanking the crowd. By the time we finished talking with guests and said our goodbyes to the anniversary couple, it was well after midnight.

  The guys and I walked out together and I hopped in my car to leave. I scrolled to my Snow Patrol playlist, hoping they would help me unwind on the forty-five minute drive back home. I was exhausted by the time I pulled through the gates and into my parking space. It had been a long and draining week for me. The party made it more exhausting, and I wanted to crawl into bed and sleep for two days.

  Andy’s apartment was dark. His truck was in his parking space, so I knew he was home.

  As soon as I secured the lobby door, I reached down, took off my heels, and went upstairs. I set my purse and keys down on the table beside the door and headed toward my bedroom.

  As I entered the hallway, I noticed the television was on in my dark bedroom. I didn’t remember having it on that day. When I abruptly stopped, I heard the buzzer on my dryer go off, indicating a load of laundry was dry. Andy.

  I tiptoed down the hallway and found Andy on my bed, fully clothed, except for his shoes of course. I knew they would be sitting by the front door. He was lying on top of the covers sound asleep, and an infomercial was playing on the television, the volume muted.

  On the floor next to my bed was a basket full of clean, folded clothes. I’d given him the key so he could do his laundry, and that’s what he was doing. I wasn’t sure why he was asleep on my bed, though. He looked so peaceful while he slept, so I decided not to wake him. I stole a T-shirt from the stack of clothes in his laundry basket and tiptoed out to the hallway bathroom to get ready for bed.

  After I shed my dress and bra, I slipped Andy’s dark blue T-shirt over my head. It had the words ‘New Zealand’ across the front in faded white lettering. It was an old shirt and was super soft, having been washed hundreds of times. I loved it, and I loved how it smelled like him.

  When I returned to my bedroom, I found Andy still asleep. He must be exhausted too, if he’s fallen asleep on my bed while doing his laundry. It made me sad that he waited to do it until he knew I would be gone for hours. After what I did to him, it was a good way to avoid me. I couldn’t blame him, though. I’d avoid me too if I were him.

  Ever so carefully, I eased into my bed and pulled up the covers. Andy didn’t stir. Silently, I watched him sleep and enjoyed the scent of his cologne. My eyelids were getting heavier, so I clicked off the television with the remote and set it on my nightstand.

  Andy stirred, and his eyes fluttered open. I had woke him up.

  “Hey, sorry I woke you.”

  “Hi. I guess I’d better go home, eh?”

shook my head. “It’s late, Andy. You can stay if you want to.”

  He seemed tired, like he hadn’t been sleeping well.

  “I was doing my laundry and fell asleep on the couch. You were right. Your couch sucks to sleep on,” he mumbled sleepily as he closed his eyes. “I came in here to wait, instead. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t mind at all. Go back to sleep.”

  Without saying another word, he drifted off again. I wanted nothing more than to lean over and kiss him goodnight, but instead, I pulled the extra blanket from the foot of the bed and covered him with it. When I was comfortable, I rested my hand on his bare arm and reveled in our skin on skin contact. I slowly descended into dreamland.

  When I woke up the next morning, he was gone. The blanket I’d covered him with was folded up and lying on the foot of the bed. It was as if he’d never been there. Only I knew he had been. I was still wearing his shirt.

  Over the next week, he avoided me like the plague. Apparently, letting him stay the night was a bad idea. Every time I would see him around the shop, he looked as miserable as I felt.

  I didn’t try to talk to him and spent as much time at the store as possible instead of the shop. Maybe it was better that way. It certainly didn’t feel better, but I would have to get over it.

  My mom had let me know she needed me in the office on Friday, but I knew she didn’t. She was clearly using it as an excuse to get me over to the shop, since it was my birthday. My family always did something special for me that day.

  Friday morning, I arrived at the shop early to find a huge sign on the outside of the back door that read “Happy Birthday, Zoey!” They had also tied balloons to the doorknob. I went inside, and the entire office was decorated pink.

  Pink streamers were everywhere, pink helium balloons floated around the ceiling, and pink confetti covered every surface, including my computer keyboard.


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