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Haunted By Her Dragon (The Dragon Guard Series)

Page 10

by Mills, Julia

  Once again, he was roused from his musings, this time from the approaching Guardsmen. He had been watching from behind some foliage since he’d placed the child on the lawn for the idiot Guardsman to get to safety, but it was time to go. Just as he rounded the corner of an old Brownstone he knew had a basement perfect for eluding capture, he caught the scent of jasmine and honeysuckle; a scent he remembered from his trek through the wilderness while in pursuit of his elusive witch and again earlier that same day in the elevator. He turned just in time to see her make contact with Lance and the precious little vibria. In a split second everything became clear. The doctor was the big dope’s mate. He knew Lance had been standing guard over her since the day all hell had broken loose, but he’d missed the mating signs. His plan to use Sydney to get the asshole’s attention had been only because he knew Lance was never far from the good doctor, but now his plans could be taken to a whole new level. Again, he lamented the fact that a female might be injured in his bid to make the bastards pay, but what else could he do? If they were incapable of keeping the most important people in their lives safe, how was that really his fault? After all, he was a Special One meant to make a mark in this world and the next. No one ever said it had to be a positive mark.


  If she had to explain what had transpired from the time she ran from the hospital until she walked back in carrying Sydney one more time, she was going to run screaming through the halls. At least they believed that neither she nor Lance had anything to do with the child’s disappearance, and had dispatched what seemed like an entire squadron armed with a detailed description of Andrew the Asshole.

  The first person she had seen when she exited the elevator had been Miss Crutchfield. It had taken all of her very limited control not to punch the useless bitch right in the mouth when she accused her of somehow being complicit in the girl’s disappearance. The social worker had reached for Sydney, acting as if she cared about the child’s well-being. The child had burrowed further into Sam’s body, refusing to be separated from the doctor. Detective Smithers had eventually relented and let her stay with Sam until she calmed down. Charlie then was able to take Sydney back to her room.

  Lance had been less than thrilled when they were separated. She was sure he had growled, which she should consider strange, but for some reason thought it fit him. He wore an expression almost identical to the one she remembered from the day he’d saved her at that abandoned warehouse. Fierce, unrelenting, and definitely dangerous, but when he looked at her, his expression softened. The slight dip of his chin let her know he would make sure everything turned out all right for all of them.

  She tried to doubt him, tried to dislodge the belief she had in him, because experience had taught her that believing in someone else always ended with a broken heart and loneliness. But no matter how hard she tried to dispel it, the feeling of confidence in this insanely sexy, completely overbearing man, did just the opposite. It grew. It was like he had eased his way into her heart, and she was helpless to do anything about it. That was not something that settled well with Dr. Samantha Malone.

  They were done questioning Lance, and he paced just outside the door to the room she remained sequestered in. She’d seen Max, and heard them talking about someone coming to represent them, but couldn’t make out the name. Apparently, Lance was very well-connected to have a lawyer he could just call and have appear whenever he needed. Charlie had poked her head in to let her know that Sydney was resting comfortably, just after the detective’s partner had left her sitting and staring at a blank wall. That had been almost fifteen minutes earlier, and Sam held on to the promise that her questioning was almost complete.

  Her muscles were beginning to cramp, and her patience was nearing its end, as she heard raised voices just outside the door of her makeshift interrogation room. Lance was making his frustration with her continued containment known for all to hear. Just as quickly as the commotion had broken out, it ended. All that remained were whispered voices. Not wanting to be left out, she stood and quietly moved closer to the door that had thankfully been left ajar. She recognized Detective Smithers’ voice as he tried to exert his authority, and then Lance’s as he insisted he be able to see her. The discussion was just about to dissolve into more yelling when a woman’s voice that seemed to come from farther down the hall sounded. “Lance, please do not strike the detective.”

  Had Sam not been sure Lance really was about to punch the detective, she would have laughed at the sound of authority the mystery woman possessed. As it was, she smiled her first real smile since handing Sydney over to Charlie, when Lance answered, “Yes, Grace,” like a little boy that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and not a huge, muscular man threatening to hit an officer of the law.

  Sam was immediately impressed as the female lawyer wasted no time stating her purpose. “Detective Smithers, my name is Grace O’Brien, I represent Mr. Kavanaugh and Dr. Malone. I understand that you’ve questioned both my clients and have been given the information regarding the alleged kidnapper, but are still holding Dr. Malone. May I ask why?”

  The detective stuttered, and when he answered, he sounded unsure and almost scared. “I just have a few follow up questions, Ms. O’Brien, and at no time did they ask for an attorney.”

  “Did you read them their rights?” Grace immediately countered. “And it’s Mrs. O’Brien.”

  “No, no ma’am. They aren’t under arrest, only being questioned regarding the child’s abduction.” The detective’s voice shook.

  “But you repeatedly denied Mr. Kavanaugh access to Dr. Malone and have not allowed Dr. Malone contact with anyone since she returned with the child, correct?”

  “Yes, but…” The detective tried to answer, but the attorney had obviously heard enough.

  “There is no ‘but’, detective. You have violated my clients’ rights. The questioning is over. Should you have any further questions… here is my card. Please contact me, and I will make the necessary arrangements.”

  She heard a mumbled, “Okay” before the door she was standing beside swung open, and Lance was sweeping her into his arms. Unable to mutter a word before his mouth slammed against hers, she was robbed of all rational thought. He kissed her like a man possessed. His tongue demanded entrance into her mouth, accepting nothing but her complete surrender. His tongue slid along hers as their teeth crashed, and he became the very air she breathed. There was nothing to do but kiss him back, her need to taste every part of this extraordinary man growing within her. In the next instant, she heard the door slam shut and felt his hands grip her ample backside. She was lifted until her hips met his, and she felt the wall at her back. Helpless to do anything but what her body demanded, she completely let go for the first time she ever remembered.

  Lance tore his mouth from hers, gasping as he kissed and nipped along her jaw line. Goose bumps rose all over her body, her nipples pebbled against the lace of her bra, and her panties were immediately wet as her pussy wept. This was what she had dreamed of. He was touching her body, bringing her pleasure like it was something he had done hundreds of times, not like it was their first time together.

  He bit the tender dip between her shoulder and neck, and all coherent thought flew from her mind. Their hips met over and over, the feel of his massive erection continually bumping her engorged clit, setting off fireworks behind her eyelids and pushing her closer to the point of no return.

  He groaned, grabbed both her hips and held them against the wall, as he placed his thigh against her hot, weeping crotch. His mouth returned to her neck as she rode his leg, seeking her release. She felt his hand at the waistband of her scrubs, her body moving on its own to allow him access. His large calloused hand moved against her hip and stirred the short curls of her mound. He rubbed and teased her outer lips, staying just a breath from her clit as it pulsed in anticipation of his touch. His lips against her ear caused her to shiver as he whispered while sliding his middle finger into her, �
��Gods, Doc, you feel so damn good. So hot and wet…and ready for me.”

  He worked his finger slowly in and out of her contracting channel, keeping her right on the edge, not letting her explode. Time stood still as he continued to drive her higher and higher. His next words came as a command. “Open your eyes, Doc. Look at me.” Her eyes snapped open just as his thumb and forefinger pinched her clit and she exploded, riding his hand with abandon. Filled with a feeling she didn’t understand, but didn’t ever want to end, she stared into his amazing crystal blue eyes, held captive by their intensity. In that moment, their souls touched, and the resulting explosion felt like she was being massaged from the inside out. She wanted to scream to the heavens, but only whimpered to keep the people just outside the door from hearing. He continued to kiss, touch, and pet until her breathing returned to normal, and she collapsed against his chest, replete from the best orgasm of her life.

  He pulled his finger from her and straightened her clothing as she continued to rely on his strength to keep her upright. While thinking of all the ways she would like to repay him, and wishing for the time to act upon her thoughts, there was a knock on the door. She struggled to climb off his knee while pushing against his chest, suddenly embarrassed by what had just transpired. He pushed his hips against hers, holding her hostage against the wall and grabbed her hands. She felt the wetness on his hand from her release and his still hard cock against her stomach. Her eyes snapped to his, and the unmistakable heat of her blush rose in her cheeks. He grinned and shook his head. “No way, Doc. You aren’t hiding from me or from what’s happening between us.”

  She continued to stare, not sure what to say next, and was thankfully saved by another, louder knock on the door, followed by a deep voice she remembered from the other night, “All right, Jackass, we’re all packed up out here and ready to go. You wanna save the kissy face for later so we can get going?”

  Lance’s smile grew, and she wanted to hide under the bed, completely mortified that his brother knew at least some of what had happened between them. Her face grew hotter, and she knew her cheeks had to be flaming red by this time, but he continued to hold her still as he answered Royce. “We’re coming, Old Man. Don’t get your panties in a twist. Just making sure Doc’s okay after her questioning.”

  “Well, hurry the hell up. Everyone out here is ready to go.”

  “Be right out, Grandpa.”

  “I’ll grandpa you, you giant pain in the ass,” she heard Royce grumble.

  Through gritted teeth, she whispered, “Let me go, Lance. There are people out there waiting for us.”

  “They’ll wait, Doc. I need to make sure we have an understanding. What happened here was not a one-time thing. There’s something between us that needs to be explored. When time permits, we’re gonna ‘explore’ until we can’t explore anymore. And when we catch our breath, we’re gonna start all over again, understood?”

  He tried to look intimidating, and she was sure he had scared many people in his life, but the twinkle in his eyes and the dimple in his cheek made it impossible for her to do anything but roll her eyes at him.

  He squeezed her hands just a little tighter, and she nodded. “Not good enough, Doc. I need to hear the words.” She saw his steel resolve reflected back at her and had no doubt that he would keep her in this very position for as long as it took her to voice her agreement.

  “Yes, Lance. I agree.”

  “Good.” He winked and moved a half a step back, releasing her body but still holding her hands.

  As the cool antiseptic air of the hospital moved between them, she realized how much she missed the warmth of his body, even craved what she had never felt with another. He let one of her hands fall to her side, but wound his fingers through the other as they headed for the door. Any other time in her life, she would have fought to get away, to be by herself, to regain her composure. She’d never even spent the entire night with any of her lovers, always finding an excuse to escape and return to her solitary life. But there was just something about this man that made her throw all her old habits, along with her common sense, right out the window. If she wasn’t careful, he was going to find his way into her heart, and that was something she was in no way ready for or had the time for.

  They exited the room to find Royce and Devon, along with a stunning, dark-haired woman that she knew immediately was the attorney she’d heard speaking to the detective. There was a man at the woman’s back with the most unusual amber eyes. From the possessive way he cupped her shoulder, he had to be her husband. An almost identical copy of him, but with deep blue eyes, stood to his right. They were huge, and it appeared that their muscles had muscles. She knew immediately they had to be the more of Lance’s brothers.

  “Hey, Samantha…I mean Sam,” Devon waved.

  “Hi, Devon,” she answered and looked to the gentle giant. “Hi, Royce. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, Samantha. How are you holding up?”

  “Good, thank you,” she answered and smiled.

  He and Lance gave each other a hard time, but she could tell they truly cared for one another as only brothers could.

  She looked at the woman smiling sweetly in her direction, just as Lance began to speak.

  “Doc, this is Grace.” He pointed to the woman who returned her smile as she waved. “And the mad man behind her is her ma…ah…husband, Aidan.”

  “Nice to meet you, Dr. Malone,” the couple answered in unison.

  “Just call me Sam, and thank you so much for coming to my rescue. It seems y’all have had to do that a lot lately.” She chuckled and was about to move forward to shake hands with the couple, when the one with deep blue, almost haunting eyes spoke up. “I’m Aaron, by the way, since the wiseass isn’t gonna introduce me.”

  And just like that, all residual tension from Sydney’s abduction, their questioning by the police, and all that had happened between them, was gone. The entire group of them was laughing like they didn’t have a care in the world. She felt Lance’s arm go around her, and her body, that he had taken command of without her knowledge, cuddled into him, never wanting to leave his side. When she got home and had a few minutes to herself away from the intoxicating allure of this man, she was definitely going to examine her own mental stability. There was absolutely no way she could be falling for the big, overbearing, overgrown child at her side. She didn’t have time for a relationship. She had plans and goals, things she had to accomplish. Even as she thought of all the reasons she should not fall for Lance, his hand found a little patch of bare skin at her waist, and the electric shock from just that small touch caused her heart to race. She was totally up shit’s creek without a paddle.


  He stood in the hall; laughing with his brethren, his arm around Sam, and a sense of pride beyond anything he’d ever imagined filled his being at the realization that she truly was his. There was no way he was going to be able to stay away from her. He’d been a fool to think he ever could. That one taste of her passion had sent him past the point of no return. He wanted more, as quickly as possible and for as long as possible. He and his dragon were working overtime with visions of all the ways they could enjoy their perfect mate. But there was still the problem of the traitor, and for the first time in Lance’s very long life, he was going to have to be careful and think of the consequences of his actions before acting.

  Sam’s safety, and that of the little girl she held dear, was all that mattered. No way was he letting anything happen to her. It was even more inconceivable after what they had shared. He’d seen first-hand what Andrew was capable of where the mates of the Dragon Guard were concerned. He also had personal knowledge of what it felt to lose someone special. It was a feeling he had sworn many years before to never feel again, and he would do whatever possible to make sure he never did.

  Sam tensed next to him, and he was surprised she didn’t move from his side when her friend Charlie approached, pushing Sydney in a small wheelchair. The c
hild was all smiles and only had eyes for his mate. “Hi, Dr. Sam,” the girl giggled and he watched each of his brethren fall under her spell. “Dr. Charlie said I get to leave the hospital and go stay with Ms. Grace and Mr. Aidan. Isn’t that cool?”

  His body immediately felt the loss as Sam jumped from his side and stood in front of Grace. He could feel her confusion and more than a little suspicion. Taking his cues from Aidan, since he was mated to Grace and seemed to be doing okay, he hung back and waited.

  Aiming her question right at Grace, Sam’s voice was sterner than he’d thought possible. “What is the meaning of this, Mrs. O’Brien? Are you also a doctor? How can you remove this child from the hospital?” Sam’s shoulders rose and fell as she took a long deep breath. She was just about to lose her composure, but it was her fight, no matter how much he wanted to jump in.

  He watched Grace’s face show complete patience and understanding as she answered his mate. “I understand your confusion Dr. Malone, but I’m sure you will agree that the hospital has proven they are not able to keep Sydney safe.”


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