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The Cowboy's City Girl - An Enemies To Lovers Romance

Page 3

by Emerson Rose

  “Wednesday, it’s Wednesday. You’ve been going to your tutor right? I pay that girl, so you better take advantage of her services.”

  “Ally, listen to yourself. You sound like some crazy suburbanite mom ragging on her kid about homework. And about the tutor, hell to the yes I’m going, she’s fire.”

  “Good, well, keep your mind out of the gutter and your hands to yourself then.” I pause and think back on the day I spoke to his math tutor. I don’t remember her being, ‘fire.’ “Are you going to the same tutor I hired?”

  He laughs. “Yeah, I just told you I never miss a lesson.” I do not like the way he said lesson like she’s teaching him more than calculus.

  “I’m serious, David, stay focused. You need excellent grades to get those scholarships for college, no slacking.”

  His voice softens, “I know, Ally Cat. I’m studying, I promise.”

  “Thank you. So, I’m still at the Silversage Ranch where we were doing the photo shoot. It’s snowing like crazy here, and we can’t get out until the storm is over and the streets are plowed. If I lose service, that will be why. I thought you should know.”

  “It’s snowing? In March?”

  “Yeah, apparently it’s not unusual. But this is a lot of snow. I’m crossing my fingers that we will get home the day after tomorrow as planned, but if we don’t, will you be able to stay at Darius’s another day?”

  “His mom loves me. I’m sure it wouldn’t be a problem.”

  I sigh with relief. “Oh good, that’s one less thing for me to worry about.”

  “Stop worrying, sis. I’m lit, school’s lit, that tutor is really lit…” he says dragging out the part about the tutor on purpose to yank my chain.

  “Okay, stop it. Call me for anything. I love you.”

  “Love you, too, later.”

  “Bye.” I disconnect the call and flop back onto the bed and watch snowflakes the size of small pancakes fall from the sky. Snow in Montana is no joke. Snow in New York is no joke either, but we have had several mild winters, and I think people have forgotten how bad it can be.

  It’s so quiet here. There are no horns blaring, no stomping overhead, no police sirens screeching. I’m not used to so much quiet. I sit up and look around the room for a TV to turn on for background noise. Not finding one, I get up and open the cabinet over the dresser and voilà—a TV.

  With Ellen talking in the background giving a new car to an unsuspecting guest, I go through the pictures I took today. They’re all good. It’s easy taking photographs of the sexiest man alive. I don’t know how we will ever choose which ones to publish. When I’m halfway through them, I come across the pictures that I took of Cannon in the gym. He’s such a smart kid and good at basketball, too. He kicked my ass at Horse two times in a row.

  Scrolling through, I smile at the funny expressions Cannon makes until I stop on a picture with Ridge in the background. I know he told me not to take pictures of him, but he’s very protective of Cannon and always near him making it almost impossible for me to get a shot of him alone. He is also incredibly handsome even if he’s a massive dickhead not to mention I don’t like being told what to do. I took pictures of him on purpose.

  I grab my laptop and download my pictures so I can see them on a bigger screen. When I come to another of Ridge, I zoom into his face. He looks so damn familiar. It’s going to drive me crazy if I can’t figure out who he is.

  I shoot an instant message to my best friend and co-worker, Grace. Maybe she will know.

  Me: Hey Gracie, how’s work? I have a favor to ask.

  Grace: Eh, it’s work, same shit different day. What do you need?

  Me: I’m doing the shoot at Ash Pride’s ranch, and there’s this guy who works here, his name is Ridge. He looks so familiar, but I can’t figure out who he is. If I send his pic, will you see if you recognize him?

  Grace: Sure, send it. Is he hot?

  Me: Yeah, like intensely hot, but he’s a major asshole.

  Grace: Booo.

  I send the picture of Ridge blown up so she can see his face, and I wait. And wait. A minute goes by, and my phone rings. It’s Grace.

  “So, you know that perfect apartment you looked at last month, the one you said you would sell your soul for?” she says.

  “Uh, yeah, what about it?”

  “It’s still for sale.”

  “Yeah, so? I’m still broke.”

  “But you won’t be for long if you expose your new hot-as-fucking-hell friend.”

  I knew he had to be famous. “Who is he?”

  “Okay,” she says winding up to tell me something big. “So, do you remember a few years ago when Livi Fox filed that sexual assault lawsuit against her bodyguard?”

  “Yeah, shit, he’s the bodyguard, isn’t he? Didn’t he just disappear off the face of the earth after that whole thing?”

  “Yes, he was getting death threats even though he was found not guilty. I never understood why the world is so loyal to that skank.”

  “Me either, she’s not even that great of a singer.”

  “I looked up the archives about that case that we have. We made life miserable for that guy, everybody did. It was like the world decided he was guilty no matter what the evidence was. Tabloids ruined his life.”

  “No wonder he doesn’t want me taking his picture.”

  “He told you not to?”

  “Yeah, and he’s been a dick ever since he opened the door this morning. I guess now I know why.”

  “Too bad, he’s got to be the sexiest man alive.” She doesn’t even realize what she’s just said.

  “Grace, he is the sexiest man alive. I mean, Ashton Pride was hot, but nobody can hold a candle to Ridge. He needs to be our cover this year.”

  “Well, good luck with that, chica. He’s got every reason in the world to hate all tabloid and celebrity magazine peeps. But I thought since he already hates us, you could tell boss lady where he is, and they could do an expose on where he is now and how his life has changed since the case. You could be the undercover spy while you’re there and ask him questions, get close to him, find out as much as you can because he’s never going to talk to us. Oh, get some good pictures of him, too, on the sly, of course, so he doesn’t know. Exposing him could be your big break, Allison. You and David could have that apartment, and you could put some money aside for him for college.”

  “Wow, aren’t you the little devil on my shoulder convincing me to do terrible things to honest, hard-working, kind people.”

  “Yeah, duh. Who’s playing the angel on the other shoulder, though? Sounds like she’s doing a good job of keeping you honest.”

  “That would be me, Grace. I’m not a gossip columnist or paparazzi trying to steal people’s privacy and peace away from them. I’m just a photojournalist.”

  “Yep, and that’s all you’ll ever be if you keep listening to that damn angel on your other shoulder.”

  “I’ll consider it. How’s that for a compromise?”

  “It’s better than no, so I guess it’ll do.”

  “Thanks for looking that up for me.”

  “No problem. Now get your pics and get home so we can have drinks at Indigo.”

  “Will do as soon as the snow stops.”

  “It’s snowing?”

  “Yep, a ton, and it wasn’t supposed to snow at all. It wasn’t in the forecast.”

  “You would know, you and your preparedness obsession.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Okay, I will, boss lady’s coming anyway. Love you girl, bye.”

  “Bye,” I say, but she’s already hung up.

  I lean my head back on the headboard and stare at my computer screen. “Ridge Noble, bodyguard to the princess of pop. I can’t believe it,” I say out loud to myself.

  Now, the question is what am I going to do with this information?



  Just Call Him Cupid

  It’s late afternoon, and we have gotten at
least a foot of snow so far, probably more. I’m watching it come down through the picture window in Ash’s office while we rearrange his schedule for the next few days. No one is traveling in or out of the ranch, and all meetings have been canceled until further notice. Technically, we are done, but I have one last thing to discuss.

  “Ash, I need you to talk to your photographer. Cannon and I ran into her today in the kitchen, and she spent the afternoon with us playing basketball and taking pictures. I asked her not to take any of me, but I’m sure I’m in some of them.”

  “I’m sorry, thanks again for watching Cannon today. I had to make a run to the barns because of the snow, or I would have done it. I’ll speak to her and remind her of the contract we signed that says I am to approve all pictures for the spread.”

  “Thanks. Is there any way to get her to turn over the photos she took today? I think she recognizes me but hasn’t figured out who I am yet. If she does, she could leak those to anybody, and my days of living in peace would be over.”

  “Of course, I’ll ask her about it tonight at dinner. Will you be joining us? I thought since she’s already seen you and all…”

  “No. I’d rather not if you don’t mind.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll have dinner sent up to your room.”

  “I appreciate that. If there’s nothing else,” I ask standing up to leave.

  “No, well wait, yes.” I stop and place my hands on the back of the wingback chair I just vacated.

  “What is it?”

  He leans forward with his elbows on his desk, “What do you think will happen if you’re found?”

  I tilt my head to the side and wonder how this man became a billionaire. “What will happen is that the media will know where I live. They will come and ask for interviews and pictures and rehash my trial all over again.”

  He sits back in his chair. “What if none of that happened? I mean, what if nobody is interested in the case anymore. It’s been five years after all.” I’m about to answer him when he holds up a finger, “Or, what if they did new interviews about how you were victimized into seclusion? This could be your chance to set the world straight.”

  I wait for a beat to be sure he’s finished before I answer. “I’d rather not have any attention brought to myself, negative or positive. I’m happy now. I don’t want my life to be another media circus.”

  “Are you happy, Ridge? I mean, I get that your life is uncomplicated now, but I worry about your future. What about love? What about kids, a family?”

  I shake my head and snort, “Just because you’ve found Mrs. Perfect doesn’t mean I will. I’m good, don’t worry about me.”

  “Okay, but if you change your mind, I think that woman you’re so worried about might be one to take a second look at. She’s beautiful, smart, funny, and she was checking you out in the kitchen.”

  “Allison Green is the last person I want to take a second look at. Ash, no offense, but you’ve never been scorned by an uptown city girl. They’re ruthless, nasty, controlling, and unbelievably high maintenance. They’ll stab you in the back without a thought, steal your money, demand your time, demean you, and throw you out like yesterday’s trash. No. I will never be involved with a woman like that in any way again.”

  “Wow. I had no idea you felt so strongly. Do you think every woman who grew up in a city is like that? I mean Livi Fox, yeah, she was a rich, entitled bitch with no morals, but I think she’s an exception to the rule.”

  “It isn’t just Livi. Yes, she had a big influence on my opinion, but I also dated a lot of women who were like her, and I prefer the kind-hearted women of the country.”

  “Well, okay. If you’re happy, I’m happy. I just want to make sure you don’t pass up a good opportunity. Allison seems great.”

  “Thank you for your concern.”


  I turn to leave, and when I open the door, I bump smack into the one person I don’t want to see—Allison. I grab hold of her shoulders to keep her from falling backward.

  “Oh my gosh, sorry. I was about to knock,” she says. She’s wide-eyed with surprise, but something else looks different about her—she’s more natural, relaxed, approachable. After a moment of staring in silence, I realize she’s taken off her makeup. She’s also dressed casually in a Victoria’s Secret t-shirt and jeans instead of the tailored pink pantsuit from earlier, and on her feet, she has a pair of fuzzy yellow socks.

  “Excuse me,” I say dropping my hands from her warm shoulders. “I was just leaving.”

  “I’m not interrupting, am I?” she asks looking around me to Ash sitting at his desk. “I can come back later if you like.”

  “No, come on in, Allison. What can I do for you? You got the clothes Stella sent up for you, I see.”

  Ash is standing shoulder to shoulder with me now, and I get the feeling he’s going to start playing matchmaker if I don’t exit right away.

  “Yes, please thank her again for me. I didn’t bring casual clothes. I thought we would be working the whole time. It’s good to get out of my work clothes and heels.”

  “I’ll bet… makeup, fancy clothes, shoes, I don’t know how women can stand all that stuff,” Ash says. I know what he’s doing, he’s not very subtle.

  Allison rolls her eyes, “You have no idea. If I could live in jeans and a sweater for the rest of my life, I would be perfectly content.”

  “Really?” Ash says dragging out the word. I’d elbow him in the ribs if he were closer.

  “Yes, I have to dress professionally for my job, but on my days off, I’m strictly au naturel.” She flashes her snow-white smile at the two of us, and for a second, I don’t hate her.

  “That’s something I love about my Stella. She’s low maintenance all the way. I think I take longer to get ready to go out than she does.” They laugh, and I clear my throat. I need to get away from this redeeming Allison before I do more than not hate her.

  “I need to be going, good to see you again, Ms. Green,” I say squeezing past her and through the door.

  “Oh please, call me Allison. Ms. Green sounds so uptight.” She smiles as I’m leaving.

  “Allison it is then.”

  “Oh, before you go I wanted to tell you I edited you out of all the pictures I took today as you asked. It’s too bad. Some of them were good. We could have used one as an insert, The Sexiest Man Alive’s Sexy Assistant,” she says spreading her hands out in an arch in front of her to highlight the headline that will never be.

  She smiles again, and there’s a twinkle of playfulness in her eyes. Ash is sitting back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest like he’s watching a debate.

  “Thank you for removing me from the pictures. It’s much appreciated. And, no thank you, I’d rather not be involved in the article.”

  She shrugs, “Okay, suit yourself.”

  I give her a fleeting smile and leave the room before Ash turns into a chubby angel with wings and an arrow dipped in a love potion to shoot through my heart. He means well, but he has no idea the hell my life was five years ago, and I’m not going through that again, not even for a beautiful woman.




  I hitch my thumb toward the closed office door. “He’s a tough nut to crack, isn’t he?”

  “He values privacy above all things. He’s a good man, and he’s been through a lot in his life, but yeah, he is a tough one.”

  “Well, we already talked about the pictures, and that’s why I came down, so I’ll get out of your way. Tell Stella thank you again for the clothes and the invitation to dinner. The crew is grateful for a place to stay. I don’t know what we would have done without you two.”

  “It’s nothing, and it’ll give Cannon some new people to talk to while he’s stuck inside. I think that kid has asked to go outside in this storm a billion times today. You’d think he had never seen snow before.”

  “He’s great, reminds me of my little brother when
he was that age, so pure and full of energy and questions.”

  “Do you have kids?”

  “Oh no, I’m not married or dating for that matter, but I feel like I have a son. I’ve been raising my little brother for six years.”

  “Really? How old is he?” Ash asks leaning up to rest his elbows on his desk. He is intently listening almost as if he were taking notes in his head.

  “Fifteen going on thirty.” We chuckle, and I’m beginning to feel uncomfortable like he’s pumping me for details about my life but for what reason? He has a gorgeous wife whom he seems to adore. This can’t be flirting. Maybe he’s asking for someone else? Ridge perhaps?

  I’ll admit we got off to a rocky start, but now that I know why he’s so standoffish, I understand better why he wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I do, after all, work for a subsidiary of the magazine that helped destroy his reputation and forced him into hiding.

  “I bet we all went through that phase. I’m glad we don’t have to worry about it with Cannon for a few more years.”

  “Oh, I don’t know, he’s pretty smart. I’d say he’s five going on ten already.”

  “Stella says that, too. She’s going to college to be a teacher, and she tells me he’s pretty advanced for his age.”

  “A teacher, yeah, I can see her as a teacher. She’s kind and generous and patient which is the key to being a good teacher, if you ask me.”

  “Yep, I agree. My favorite teachers were always the ones who took extra time to help me and didn’t get frustrated when I didn’t understand. She’ll be great.”

  The way he talks about his wife is like she stepped right out of a dream, and it instills hope in my heart that love is still out there, for some people anyway. I am terminally unlucky in love. Every guy I date either has a problem with me raising my brother or just wants a good time and nothing more. I can’t win, so I quit playing the game.

  “Well, don’t let me keep you, I know you’re busy. I’ll see you all at dinner tonight. Will Ridge be there, too?” Oh my God, where did that come from? I wasn’t planning on asking about him. The words just slipped out of my mouth like I have a hole in my lip.


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