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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

Page 8

by Bowser, Nancy

  "It is time for you to come out of hiding, old boy, and do your thing," he said under his breath. "We need some major intimidation!"

  IS smiled as he thought that he might even find an opportunity to recapture Nicole if he tried hard enough.



  Nicole was restless. Something was stirring deep inside her spirit. "What do you want me to do Lord Jesus?" Nicole asked.

  His reply was, "You are ready now. You have overcome the evil prince in your life and now it is time to begin the process of unseating the same principality in Samaria."

  And then a wild thought came into her mind. But then what else would it be? She smiled to herself and knew that Jesus wanted her to walk through the Samaritan Inn and pour out the blood of Jesus as she walked. Immediately a plan began to form.

  Nicole shared the crazy thought with her friend Annie, who was a real estate agent. She was happy to share in the first step of faith for the Inn, and she made an appointment for a showing. Casie was not able to go, but Cheryl would be able to join them.

  As the day grew closer, Nicole began to realize that she had been assuming that God was going to give the Inn to her and Jake, but God was changing her perspective. This could not be about one person's plans or purposes. This was God's place, His heart. She realized that when He had said that He would give it to her, that he had been speaking collectively, as in His people. Maybe that's why Jake hadn't gotten on board. Nicole got down on her knees and confessed her desire for the Inn and her own dreams for it. She committed it into His hands to do with as He wanted.

  Jake just shook his head when Nicole told him about the plan, and then said, "It'll be interesting to see it. I've wondered what it's like upstairs."

  Nicole smiled and asked, "Would you like to join us?"

  "No thank you," he politely responded.

  "What, you're afraid you'll fall in love with it?"

  "No, I'm afraid to encourage you in your schemes," he smiled and kissed her, then set off for work.

  Several weeks later, Nicole, Cheryl and Annie stepped inside the Samaritan Inn. It had been closed for over a month because business had been so bad. Nicole was intrigued with the building, but she had her spiritual antennas up, listening for anything that the Lord wanted to show her.

  She was surprised at the quietness. None of the ghosts made an appearance, and even the Holy Spirit was still. The impression she had as she walked through the building was a void, a total absence of God. Emptiness. Worldliness.

  Well that would change! She saw a sign that said, "A friendly ghost lives here." Under her breath Nicole said, "That's a lie. You are not friendly, you are destruction. Your days are numbered here, and soon the only ghost that will live here will be the Holy Ghost!"

  As they were finishing the tour, the manager of the Inn that had been showing them around made a statement that confirmed God's word to her. She said, "You should know that the Inn is the heart of Samaria."

  Nicole wanted to jump up and down at the confirmation God had just given her, but instead, she smiled and calmly said, "Yes, I do know that! And God's heart is to be in the heart of the town. Truthfully, I don't have the money to buy the Inn, but God is a God of miracles, and if He wants us to have this place, He will provide the money."

  After the manager left them, the three ladies stood outside for a moment longer and prayed. Nicole asked that the Holy Spirit would come and ignite the blood of Jesus that they had poured out all over the inside of the Inn as they walked through. They had no idea what that would look like, but as they said goodbye, they were certain that God was doing something.

  Nicole walked through the parking lot to her truck. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a movement and turned toward it. And that's when she saw it. It moved out of sight as soon as it realized that she could see it, but she was sure that what she had glimpsed was a giant.

  She stood still looking towards the top right corner of the Inn's property, the spot where it had disappeared. There was nothing there, and yet she knew that there was. She took a step closer, and as she did, a giant head appeared as if it were hiding behind something and was peering out around it. When it saw that Nicole was looking directly at it, it stepped completely out into the open and stood facing her.

  Two things stood out to her. The physical appearance of this enormous giant spirit with its huge breasts and its shoulder length, reddish, matted hair; and the stance of self-confidence, intimidation, mockery and rage that was barely being contained.

  There they stood, sizing each other up. She wasn't sure if it professed to be male or female, but it was clearly a bully. Nicole refused to break eye contact with this giant. She was not going to let it think that she was backing down or giving in to fear or intimidation, however, she was wondering if anybody else saw what she was seeing. She was pretty sure that she had heard Annie's and Cheryl's cars leave the parking lot.

  "Jesus," Nicole quietly called out. "What do You want me to do?"

  This brought a roaring response from the giant. "You think that your Jesus will save you? No one can defeat me! I Am from the ages past!"

  And then it stooped down and picked up a large stone and hurled it toward Nicole. As it flew through the air, it became a flaming ball of fire.

  She saw it coming, and before she had time to react in fear, it was as if time slowed and Jesus said, "Nicole, do not fear. Stand firm! Raise your shield of faith."

  Time returned to normal and she raised her invisible shield. Just before the fireball hit her, it burned itself out and the ashes fell at her feet.

  Nicole said, "I know who you are and you are not I Am. You are insignificant next to my God, the one, true I Am, and you have already been defeated by the blood of the Lamb and the power of the Resurrection and the Life. You will not be allowed to continue to claim this ground for much longer. Just as you lost your control over me, you will loose control over this Inn and all of Samaria."

  The giant bully was raging mad! Its body was puffed up like an overdone body builder's, and its face was contorted in rage. "You think that I am Incubus Succubus! Ha, little do you know! I Am Anak, father of the Nephilim. I Am a principality of great renown! My time is coming when I will rule the earth with my sons once again!"

  "Nicole," came the whisper of the Lord. "Look down."

  There in the bushes next to her was a plaque, a historical marker that read, "The Jacob Farnsworth Home."

  Of course! This lot was not originally a part of the Inn. It had been purchased by the current owner. Nicole had a knowing, a revelation. She knew that Anak had been connected with the house that had once stood on this lot and was separate from IS. But she was seeing a union between the two.

  "You may be Anak, but the spirit of Incubus Succubus is all over you. He is your ruler, isn't he?"

  She was interrupted by the giant. "I AM a principality in my own rights you imbecile!" it growled.

  "Fine. You may be a principality but I happen to have the Word of the Highest Authority, Father God, that IS is the territorial ruler here, so legally, you are under his authority. Your camp is on this property, and your hiding place is in the spiritual shadow of the old home that was here."

  Nicole suddenly remembered something she had discovered when she had been researching Samaria's history along with a word of knowledge. "In fact, this house was a house of harlotry and you were the master of it. I can see the throne of IS in the air above the Inn. You both must have been so pleased at the joining of the properties as it strengthened your purposes, and IS appointed you to be guardian of the combined property. What a nice arrangement you both have. Well I am here to announce that your hiding place and IS' throne will be destroyed and you will both be defeated and displaced in Jesus' name and by the power of His blood!" Nicole responded.

  Nicole could feel the rage building as the giant said, "That is your God's plan, but we have our own plans and we will overcome this time!"

  Nicole wanted to ask what i
t meant because she felt as though this spirit was speaking about something important. But she also knew that they rarely told the truth unless they were boasting or were under orders to speak nothing but the truth to the Holy Spirit. It was senseless to engage in conversation with the enemy, and could be dangerous.

  The giant must have realized his mistake in speaking those words and in frustration he began growling ferociously as he lunged toward Nicole. It seemed as if an invisible barrier blocked him, for he suddenly stopped with a momentarily surprised expression on his face, then he viciously began looking around for another rock to hurl.

  Nicole backed away from her foe until she reached her truck. The last she saw of the giant, it was pacing back and forth as it watched her drive away. She had a new understanding for the saying, "If looks could kill," for if that were true, she would either be dead or fatally wounded. Thank God that they couldn't. Well, they would have to add another name to the list of principalities over Samaria.

  IS was about to loose it. Literally! It had been many years since he was this frustrated and angry. Nicole had Anak almost spilling the beans on their end time plans! Were there no intelligent, effective spirits left in this day and age? He could hear the song that attributed Goliath's demise at the hand of a mere boy named David being changed to….'Only some measly women, and the giant comes tumbling down.' Not if he could help it!

  He hadn't planned on activating the first of his ultimate weapons yet, but it was close enough to completion that he decided now was the time to test out his newest and best technological weapon of warfare, one that would destroy Nicole without anyone suspecting.

  If all went according to plan, it would also disengage the revival that was going on in Samaria. He was feeling better after deciding upon this next course of action. It would be an experiment, a trial run, a time to fine tune this weapon before it was released on a larger, much grander scale. When released en mass, this ultimate weapon would destroy every Christian and wipe them off the face of the earth. The best part…it would be the defining moment in history when his Lord Satan would finally defeat his Enemy and would take his seat upon the throne over all. Yes, it was time to visit his friends in the Illuminati.

  Nicole didn't know which was more surprising; her experience with the demonic spirit or Jake's statement after he got home from work that evening.

  "How did it go at the Inn today? What did you think?" He asked.

  She told him about it, explaining the layout and answering his questions while she fixed dinner.

  Then he casually mentioned, "I've been thinking more about the Inn. Maybe we should look into it."

  She stopped chopping vegetables and looked up at him. "What?"

  "Maybe we should think about the Inn."

  Her eyes opened wide in surprise. "I think I'm in shock. What changed your mind?"

  "I don't know. In the past we have talked about running an Inn or Bed and Breakfast. It might be something we could do after I retire."

  Recovering slightly, Nicole began chopping again and said, "You know that I'm all for checking into it hon, but this would have to be more than a hotel and restaurant. It would be a place of ministry. I know that God wants the Samaritan Inn for Himself, and I feel very strongly that it can't be something that we would own. I mean if God provides the money, we can buy it, but it would be God's and we would just be the managers and caretakers. He has a plan for it and even though I have thoughts about it, I don't know what God's plans are. How do you feel about that?"

  "I'm open to it. I really don't know what I think about any of it, I just know that I feel we should look into it."

  Nicole ran to him and embraced him with a huge hug. He hugged her back and said, "I didn't say we would buy it, you know. I said we could check into it. So don't get your hopes up."

  Nicole responded, "I know. It just means a lot to me that we can work this through together. There is something else I should tell you though. The present owner in the spiritual realm is an evil spirit and we've got to dismantle his rights and evict him before anything can really happen." She went on to tell Jake about the giant. "This is going to be a battle you know."

  "Ok. Well I'm sure that the Holy Spirit will guide us." They knelt down together and prayed, turning themselves, their thoughts and desires, and the Inn over to the One who had already overcome the evil one and who would open impossible looking doors so that His will could be fulfilled.

  When the intercessors met the following week, they talked about the Inn. Nicole was blown away by the things others shared.

  "Well I had a dream about the Inn the other night," Deanne said. "I walked into it and it wasn't a bar any more. It was a juice and coffee bar."

  Casie and Rachel spoke up at once. "You're kidding me!" And, "I can't believe it!" They both shared their same vision for a business like this, and they both had the same heart for getting rid of the alcohol in the Inn.

  Liz shared her vision. "I think it would make an awesome retreat center for Christian ministries and I've been praying about that for several years. A coffee and juice bar would be a great addition, so thanks ladies." They all laughed.

  Cheryl spoke up. "Well I think it would be a great worship center, a place that would be open for worship and prayer day or night."

  Nicole shared her heart for a discipleship house, and then said, "This is so exciting! Just think how God could incorporate all of our visions together to create an awesome place of ministry in the heart of Samaria! I'm beginning to realize that this is not about the Inn at all. The Inn is just a tool that God wants to use in establishing a stronghold so that He can do the work that He wants to do here. It's bigger than just one person's vision for it. It's a bigger work than one person or family can do. It's a combination of all our visions and gifts and talents and abilities and hearts to fulfill the great commission here in our community."

  They all agreed that God had an amazing plan and that they did not know what the end product would look like, but that it was going to be good!

  Then with a feeling of reluctance, Nicole told them about Anak.

  Rachel asked, "Wasn't Anak the father of the giants called the Nephilim?"

  "Yes he was," Nicole said. "The Bible is not detailed in this area, so there are a lot of different opinions. I'll tell you what I think, although doctrine can not be built on this."

  The ladies nodded in agreement.

  "In Genesis 6:2 it says, '…The sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.' I believe that this is referring to fallen angels of high rank or principalities, who took on human form and had sex with women; or they could have been angels that God had assigned to live on earth to teach the people righteousness. Either way, they lusted after the women and rebelled against God.

  "Anak is referred to sixteen times in the Old Testament as one of these beings who bore offspring that were giants called the Nephilim. Joshua and the children of Israel encountered at these giants at Jericho, and the Bible records other giants of renown such as Goliath.

  "The word 'Anakim' is also used several times to imply that there were more than one of these beings that were cohabitating with human women and producing offspring."

  Cheryl said, "So the fallen angels were able to appear as physical beings, but they don't anymore, do they? I know that God's holy angels can and do because Hebrews 13:2 tells us that we may be entertaining angels when we don't even know it."

  "That's true," Nicole said. "I think that the key is in Jude 1:6. It says, 'And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.'

  "The wickedness and sin of the people was an open door that allowed the Anakim to take human wives and produce children that were half human and half divine. A superhuman race. The giants.

  "As we see in Jude, the consequences for those who left their station as spiritual beings and unit
ed themselves with human women, were bound in chains. I think that the chains have a two-fold purpose. The chains are limitations that God placed upon these evil beings, restricting their ability to take on human form and to interact on that level with humans; and they hold them captive to the earth so that they can never return to their place in heaven.

  "But I think that they still hunger for union with humans, and because of their chains, they have to use the 'back door,' so to speak, or demons under their rule, to tempt and influence humans and to bring them under their dominion through their own choices to sin. We know of course that sin usually looks innocent and appealing at first, and as our culture becomes more sinful and even God's people grow less familiar with Him and His Word of truth, that 'back door' is looking more like the main entrance all the time."

  Liz said, "I thought that when Jude said they were chained under darkness, it meant that they were being held in hell."

  "That could be, but this world is under darkness without Jesus as ruler," Nicole said. "And if these were not angels that chose to leave heaven with Lucifer but were stationed on earth by God for a purpose, being chained here and never allowed back into heaven is a terrible consequence, not to mention that hell is their ultimate destination for all eternity."

  Casie suddenly prayed, "Jesus, what do You want us to do about Anak?"

  Nicole said, "I believe that we need to fast and pray over this. I do know that while Anak is a principality, he is under the authority of IS because IS is the ruler of Samaria."

  Rachel said, "It's interesting that both Anak and IS are principalities that are associated with ungodly sex. But while IS seems to be about gaining worship, Anak seems to be about intimidation. The Israelites were intimidated by the giants in the Promised Land, and later the whole army of Israel fell under the intimidation of Goliath. I think that we need to be careful not to become fearful and fall under this giant's intimidation.


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