The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory

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The Soul Redeemer: From Victim to Victory Page 28

by Bowser, Nancy

  She nodded her head again and Nicole sat down. 7 suddenly seemed shy and Nicole heard her say, "I always wanted to be like you, with long hair, fighting evil and helping people."

  Nicole relayed this to Joel and Jemima. "Ask her about her hair," Joel said.

  "She says she doesn't have long hair because they took it from her. They told her the Bible says that long hair is a woman's glory and covering, and she was not a woman, she was a rock. So she couldn't have long hair."

  Joel replied, "Is that truth?"

  "No," Nicole answered. "7, those people were making you imagine that you didn't have hair and that you were a rock. They fooled you by planting false images in your mind that you believed. But they are lies. You see yourself the way they told you that you are, not the way you really are. The truth is that you are not a rock, you are a girl. And because you are a part of me and I have long hair, you really have long hair too!"

  "That's right," Joel added. "They build false images into the belief system of the parts that they split off. In this case, the lies were designed to dehumanize them so that they were less detectable."

  Nicole began feeling very strange. "Joel, I'm thinking that these girls are not so new to me, it's just that I didn't recognize them before. That's what you are saying isn't it?"

  "Yes it is. What's going on?"

  "The things 7 has done are reminiscent of other things throughout my life. Lately its been missing things, but in the past, I would wake up to things like lights being turned on that had definitely been off when we went to bed and Jake had not done it. It was strange because I had no memory of doing those things, and yet I knew that I had done them.

  "As I've discovered other parts, I've asked each of them if they were responsible for those things, and they all said no. Up until recently, I couldn't go to bed unless I made sure all the knives were put away. I was afraid that if I didn't, I would hurt somebody in my sleep. But now I know that 7 has been trying to get my attention. It's like she's been trying to tell me for a long time that she was there and wanted to be found, to be helped. I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to find you 7!"

  Suddenly, Nicole grabbed her feet and cried out in pain. "My feet! Oh Jesus please help me! They're on fire and burning up!"

  Jemima pulled her chair over in front of Nicole and placed her hands over Nicole's feet without touching them. "Sweet Jesus, Lawd have mercy on this little one, your prize and precious jewel!" she prayed.

  "What are you seeing, Nicole?" Joel asked.

  "Uncle Marcus is holding fire on the bottom of my feet! He's telling me that my feet will burn up if I start to remember."

  "Nicole," Joel said, "This is a body memory and it is good that you are remembering so that you can overcome. Can you hear me?"

  "Yes," she said, still obviously in excruciating pain.

  "This is a lie, Nicole. He programmed your mind to believe the lie that if you remembered or if you got close to discovering the alters in the rocks your feet would burn. Your body was programmed through the pain of the fire as well. But look at your feet Nicole."

  Her eyes had been closed against the pain, but she did as Joel told her and looked at her feet. They were dark red, almost black.

  "Do you see any fire there now?"

  "No, not on the outside. But it feels like it's on the inside."

  "Can a person make fire on the inside of your body?"

  "No. But demons could."

  "Possibly, but I don't believe God would allow that now, do you? And even if they had power over you in that way in the past, are the demons still there or are they gone?"


  "Right! And didn't you tell me that Jesus healed you from the infirmity of ANA?"


  "So if there is no fire, and if no man or demons are causing your feet to feel like they are burning, and if Jesus has already healed you, then it is a false belief inside your mind. Right?"

  "I guess so. What do I do?"

  "You do what you are so good at doing, Nicole. Renounce the lie, announce the truth and choose to believe it and act on it no matter how you feel."

  Nicole was quiet for a minute then said, "You're right, Joel! I claim the healing power of Jesus' blood and I apply it to my feet, my whole body, and my soul. In Jesus' Name I take authority over my body, over my feet, over my blood, and I renounce the lie that they are burning or on fire. Jesus came to reverse the curse, and by the power of His shed blood, I break all curses that have been placed on my feet and blood and my circulatory system. I thank you Jesus that the power of the enemy has been destroyed and that You have already healed me. I now renounce and break the power of the lie I have believed and I command my feet to cool down in Jesus' Name and to function the way He intends them to."

  While they watched, her feet went from black to fiery red to normal skin color, and the burning sensation was gone. "Oh thank you, thank you Jesus!"

  "I think that 3 and 7 need new jobs," Joel said.

  Nicole smiled. "They both want new names too."

  "Good idea," Joel said. "Why don't you ask Jesus about new jobs and names?"

  She prayed, "Lord Jesus, 3 needs a new job. Please give her one."

  Jesus was asking 3 a question. "Who do you love, 3?"

  "I love Jesus," she answered.

  So Nicole prayed, "Jesus, please let Your love replace the false love and let 3 be …"

  She was suddenly interrupted by 3 saying that her new name was Love!

  "Her new name is Love!" Nicole declared out loud! "God is Love and now she is Love. Her new job is to be an open door for God's love to shine through her. I mean me. I mean us! Oh you know what I mean!"

  Jemima jumped up and did a victory dance. "Thank you Jesus! Thank you good, sweet Jesus!"

  Nicole shyly looked at Jemima. "Love says that if you want to hug her now, she would like that."

  Jemima stopped dancing and gently drew God's prize and precious jewel into her arms of love.

  After a moment, Nicole sat down and asked, "Hey what about 7? I need to pray for her now."

  As she began, she heard 7 say, "I already told you what I want my new job to be; to fight evil and to help people, like you do Nicole. And I want my name to be Zera."

  Nicole told Joel and Jemima that she was just going to talk out loud to 7 because the little bit that 7 was saying let her know that this conversation was going to be interesting. Joel nodded.

  "You think that I fight evil and help people, and that's what you want your new job to be too? I guess that is a good way of explaining what I do, and you are a part of me, so in a way, yes, that is your job. Yes, I'm sure you would be good at it….Hummm, yes I’m sure you are very wise…."

  Nicole looked over at Joel and smiled like an indulgent parent. "Yes and Jesus will give you discernment and spiritual gifts and…

  "Oh yes, your name. You want to be Zera like the witch. Why? Yes, it is a Hebrew name and means seed. You feel a bit like a seed? Oh I see. You were planted to be a seed of destruction but you never wanted to grow in the evil. Yes it's true that fruit does come from seeds, and instead of evil fruit, you want all the good fruit of the Holy Spirit in you.

  "Yes, it is true that now you are free and out, you can have a new start like being planted in the right place, like the place inside my mind where you belong and you can grow and bloom."

  Nicole was quiet a moment, and then she turned to Joel and said, "She is telling me that her old name, 7, is the most sacred of all the numbers and that she was to be the invisible center or controller of everything in my life. Does that sound right to you?"

  Joel answered, "Yes. What she claims about the number 7 is true within the occult and the Illuminati. Of course within God's Kingdom, the number 7 is the number of completeness and perfection, spiritually and physically. It is directly tied to creation and therefore, the creator. It's no wonder that Satan has tried to steal and pervert the true meaning of this number."

  Zera was talking to Nicole again. "O
h, you also identify with Zera a little bit because you believed lies and were under enemy control like her. Yes, for the first time, you can choose who you will serve, and you choose Jesus and truth. Life. That's beautiful, Zera."

  Joel interjected, "A new name is very important and Zera is a good name for her. But she has not been very specific about her job. Do you understand what she meant when she said that she was planted to be a seed of destruction?"

  "Not really. Do you think that's important? I know. You are going to tell me to ask Jesus."

  He just smiled and nodded.

  Nicole barely had time to call Jesus' name when suddenly, without warning she was overcome with memories of target practice. She fell out of her chair and dropped to her knees as a body memory surfaced, and her head was thrown back like someone was yanking on her hair.

  Then the terror of the moment before slipped away and inside her mind she saw herself calmly pick up the gun in front of her and shoot, hitting each of the five targets dead center. She watched each one fall to the ground, and she was well praised for her good work. But she had no pride in her work. She set the gun down and was rewarded with a peanut butter sandwich. That was important. Peanut butter was very important. Worth shooting well for. She hadn't eaten in over a day and….

  She heard the piercing scream before she realized it was coming from her own body. The truth of the situation was too much to bear, and just before she fell unconscious, she saw the faces of the man, the woman, the little boy, girl and baby that she had just shot in cold blood.

  When she gained consciousness a moment later, her mind was clear. "What happened? Why am I on the floor?"

  Joel and Jemima had come and were kneeling on either side of her praying. Joel said, "I believe that Zera was giving you some of her memories."

  Nicole lay very still. Yes. She was beginning to see the pictures again in her mind. She sat up and the torment of her soul was heard in her voice. "It can't be true, can it? She is showing me that she…I shot and killed five people! How could I have done that?! It's no wonder she feels so guilty!"

  Jemima said, "Oh Lawd! Have mercy on this precious one!"

  Joel could see that Nicole was struggling not to dissociate. "Jesus," he called out. "Nicole needs You right now. Please come to her and redeem her soul."

  "Yes Lawd! Come!" Jemima echoed.

  Nicole felt His presence before she saw Him. He had come so close that He was wrapping her protectively under His cloak. Peace that passed understanding came upon her and she leaned back against the chair.

  "Ask Me Nicole. I will help you understand."

  "Jesus, why? Why would I do that? How could I do that?" Jesus looked at Joel. Nicole looked at Joel.

  Joel climbed back up into his chair with difficulty, and then leaned forward as if he had something very important to say. "Nicole, it was never in your heart or your mind to do something such as this. I am so sorry that you had to go through that trial. What I am going to tell you will hopefully help you understand." He leaned back in his chair and his eyes took on a far away look.

  "You are not alone," he continued. "There are thousands upon thousands throughout the United States and the world that have been taken captive and are being programmed and trained to bring in the New World Order. Some of these are victims of SRA, the Illuminati's slaves. There will be a day when they will all be triggered at the same time, and they will take up arms and begin a killing spree, killing men, women and children alike who are Christians and who oppose the Great Plan."

  Joel looked at Nicole. "Part of the programming and training is to force them to kill when commanded. They are threatened with death themselves or death of a family member if they don't obey. They are brainwashed through starvation and all kinds of things like we talked about to dehumanize mind splits or alters to do these kinds of jobs."

  He sat forward again and looked directly into her eyes. "Nicole, Zera, you were not and are not responsible for those deaths. Do you hear me?"

  Nicole was trying to grasp his words and their meaning, but it seemed difficult.

  "In Jesus' name I take captive the demons of confusion and chaos that are trying to hinder Nicole and Zera or 7 from hearing the truth and gaining freedom from this false guilt. Jesus, please speak the truth to her mind, will and emotions. Jesus, please free her from the lies and the power of the programming," Joel prayed.

  Then he spoke to Nicole again. "Nicole, listen to Jesus. He's going to speak the truth to you."

  She heard His familiar Voice. "Joel spoke My truth to you, Beulah, My prize. My jewel. This sin is not yours to carry. You have asked Me to forgive you, and I have. My blood now cleanses you from all sin, and that means all the sin you did and all the sins done against you, and all the sin that was cast upon you. You are clean Zera. You are now free to become the woman of God you were created to be. I know your heart, and I couldn't entrust this new job to you until the power of the old was destroyed.

  "By giving these memories to Nicole, you have brought them into the Light. My Light always destroys the things hidden in the darkness. You were placed in the rock so that you and all your secrets would remain hidden. But I have come and delivered you from the power of the destroyer. From now on, you will be a bearer of Life, one of My favorite fruits."

  Truth washed over Zera and Nicole like a gentle shower that waters the wilted flowers in a dry garden. Nicole said, "I know what her job was. She was to destroy churches and Christians. But why would she need to know how to shoot to do that? That's not like an assassin's job."

  Joel answered, "It is according to the Great Plan of the New World Order. They aren't just after disunity and strife within churches, although there is enough of that going on. They are after the complete destruction through the death of those who are opposed to their plan. And when Christians understand that plan, if they are truly followers of Christ, they will oppose it."

  "Then I guess that makes sense," Nicole said. "No wonder I don't like to shoot guns. I know I'm good at it. I grew up in a family that likes to shoot, but I tried to avoid those events."

  Nicole was exhausted and breathed a sigh of relief that she was past that difficult memory, and then suddenly remembered that there were three stacks of rocks, and she had only dealt with two. Out loud Nicole prayed, "Lord Jesus, what about the third stack? Was there a part of me in there?"

  Zera answered for her, "No. There was supposed to be. She was supposed to take you over and begin to start wreaking havoc in God's Kingdom, but you didn't play by their rules and never split off. You faced the pain instead of hiding from it when your baby died. That was supposed to be your trigger. Her rock was an empty shell. But there were still demons in the other two rocks."

  Nicole explained what was happening, and then she prayed, "Jesus, what are these demons? I command them to reveal their function in Jesus' Name."

  Nicole suddenly saw that these demons were holding open her generational lines, waiting to transfer to her children and grandchildren. She bound the spirits of witchcraft, the occult, miscarriage, death, murder, destruction, spiritual blindness and deafness, and any with the function of stealing the life God had planned for her family line; then commanded that they go to wait for Jesus' judgment as well.

  She suddenly saw Jesus with a huge broom, dust pan and big black bag. He began to sweep up all the chunks and fragments of rocks that were left, then placed them in His bag. He looked around at the ground and declared, "Cleansed and purified!" A huge angel came and poured out red blood everywhere the demons and rocks had been, and then Jesus smiled at her.

  Joel said, "I believe that we need to take a moment for Jesus to minister to you, Love and Zera. Let's just sit quietly and wait on the Lord."

  Nicole took hold of Love's and Zera's hands and unexpectedly found that they were in the tabernacle. They knelt down in front of Jesus and made a commitment together to love, obey and serve Him.

  Just to make sure that there were no open doors, they asked for forgiveness for any
other sins they might not have thought of, and agreed that they chose truth over the lies they had believed. They renounced the lies and all the assignments and curses that they had operated under in the past, and dedicated themselves to Him alone to do their very best at their new jobs in His service.

  Then Jesus took out His special anointing oil, and as He touched Love's head and then Zera's with the oil, Nicole was suddenly aware that they were no longer standing beside her, but were inside her! There were no walls of dissociation between them. She was them and they were her. She was whole! It felt so right.

  Jemima opened her Bible and read from Isaiah 62. "…You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will name. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; But you shall be called Hephzibah, (My delight is in her) and your land Beulah (Married); For the Lord delights in you…And as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, So shall your God rejoice over you. Go through, Go through the gates! Prepare the way for the people; Build up, Build up the highway! Take out the stones, Lift up a banner for the peoples! Indeed the Lord has proclaimed to the end of the world: Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Surely your salvation is coming; Behold, His reward is with Him, And His work before Him.’ And they shall call them The Holy People, the Redeemed of the Lord; And you shall be called Sought Out, A City Not Forsaken."

  The room was filled with God's presence, and after a moment, Joel said, "There is one last thing that must be done."

  He rose to his feet and came to kneel in front of Nicole. Looking up into her eyes with great sorrow in his own, he said, "I am the worst of sinners. Only by God's grace has He forgiven me and set me free. Now I am asking you Nicole, if you will forgive me?"

  Seeing the confusion on Nicole's face, he continued. "I was a programmer. I am not specifically the one who programmed and abused you, but I very well could have been. I am asking you to forgive me and those who did program you. Can you find it in your heart to do so?"


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