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The Sin, The Sun, & The Shame

Page 6

by Leigh Mcknight

  As they made their way back down the beach, Mitch shared with Sophia how miserable the past couple of days had been. “You are so easy to talk to,” he said to Sophia but wished he could say the same about his wife. How could he tell anyone that his wife didn’t agree with anything he said and found something wrong with everything he did?

  “She doesn’t support your choices?” Sophia wanted to know. It was as if she had read his mind.

  “I don’t have any choices as far as she is concerned,” he replied, his eyes had narrowed, his voice had lowered, and he had spoken with a hint of bitterness, giving Sophia the oddest feeling that there were major problems in his marriage.

  “That is terrible.” Sophia touched his shoulder. “Why do you allow her to treat you that way?” When Mitch didn’t answer, she continued. “I can tell you care a great deal about your wife and you want the very best for her, but you appear to be conflicted. Caring about someone shouldn’t be a struggle. It should be fun, loving, and enjoyable.” Sophia looked up briefly at Mitch before asking another question. “Why do you stay with her? Seriously, Mitch, life is short; it is measured in moments so we have to take advantage of each moment. If your wife doesn’t treat you like the man you are and she doesn’t make you happy, you shouldn’t be there.”

  Wow, that’s bold, Mitch thought and he answered her honestly. “Because I love her.”

  “How is that working for you?” Sophia said, kicking the sand. “Does she love you?”

  Mitch’s handsome face grimaced. This young lady was really stepping way out of her lane with those kinds of questions, but he answered.

  “Yes, she does,” he said, then rephrased his response. “At least I think she does. She loves me the man but she doesn’t have much respect for where I am in life,” he said, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

  “Can you really separate the two?” Sophia asked thoughtfully, turning her head to one side.

  Mitch shook his head, looking down at his feet as the waves twirled around his ankles. “I really don’t know anymore,” he answered honestly with a deep sigh.

  “You shouldn’t be going through that crap. You should be living each day as if it were your last. Life should be exciting, stimulating. Otherwise, we are simply existing. Just marking time.” She punched him in the arm. “That’s what I do. I have fun and I don’t think about the consequences.”

  Mitch looked up at Sophia with a half-smile and said, “Hah! Don’t you think that’s a bit irresponsible?”

  “It is if you merely want to exist,” she answered. “You have to go out there and live hard; live strong before life passes you by. Just do it.”

  Mitch snickered. “What are you? A Nike’s spokesperson?”

  Sophia chuckled. Then, she looked thoughtful for a moment before asking, “Have you ever heard the expression, sometimes you have to step apart from something before you come apart?”

  “Are you talking about me?”

  “Would you answer the question, please?”

  Mitch stroked his chin. “No, I don’t think I ever have, but I understand its meaning.”

  “My dad used to say that expression all the time and it used to drive my mom crazy. It wasn’t even meant for her, but she hated it,” Sophia said, then, seeing the dejected look on Mitch’s face. Then she added, assuring him in a lighthearted manner. “I could fix your pained situation.”

  Before Mitch could respond, Sophia removed the diamond encrusted comb from her hair and dropped it into her purse. As the breezes picked up and washed over her, waking up her skin, she sifted her long, thin fingers through her hair, allowing the silk, copper tresses to cascade below her shoulders.

  After weighing his question a moment, Mitch asked, “Would I be getting all up in your business if I said it’s obvious that you are not here with anyone special?”

  “Is that obvious to you?”

  “Would you be out partying without a date, then come out here with me if you were here with a significant other?”

  The moment the words escaped Mitch’s lips, he was sorry because that’s exactly what was happening with him and his wife, he thought, and Sophia’s thoughts matched his exactly but she didn’t say anything.

  Just then, they were fortunate enough to see a falling star and Sophia didn’t let the opportunity to make a wish escape. “Oh look!” she exclaimed, excitedly, pointing toward the star. She put her hands up to her mouth and closed her eyes for a brief moment.

  When Sophia opened her eyes again, Mitch asked, “What did you wish for?”

  “I can’t tell you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because if I tell you, my wish won’t come true.”

  Mitch chuckled. “Do you really believe that?”

  “Yes, of course I do, but I can tell that you don’t.”

  “No, I don’t.”


  “Because it’s silly.”

  “It is not.”

  “Are you telling me you believe that if you make a wish upon a falling star that your wish will come true?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. You don’t have to believe it, but tonight is still young and,” she glanced up at him with a cunning look, “only time will tell.”

  Mitch studied her for a moment. Sophia wasn’t intimidated about invading his privacy and she was bolder than anyone he had ever met but it felt good sharing with someone who cared about his interests rather than being critical of him. Thinking about how unselfish and caring the young, carefree Sophia was caused Mitch’s smile to return not only to his lips but his eyes. He thought how perfect it would have been if only it had been Kanile and not Sophia on the beach, talking and sharing with him.

  Suddenly, it began to drizzle but Sophia was so cheerful and full of life, she made Mitch forget they were getting wet. For the right man, Sophia could make him feel he could conquer the world.

  Mitch rolled his eyes up towards the sky. “I’m over it already. Come on,” he said. “It’s late. Let’s get you to your hotel.”

  Sophia pouted but she held onto his arm while he slipped her four inch stilettos on her feet, then she caught his hand and almost completely wet, walked with him to her hotel.

  Once when Mitch and Kanile visited Myrtle Beach for a business conference, they stayed at the upscale Ocean Camellia Resorts where Sophia was staying now. The hotel housed an onsite restaurant, a trendy rooftop lounge and glass enclosed pools. Sophia had told Mitch that her father was still supporting her. Well, if the rest of her lifestyle was based on her vacation accommodations at that hotel, she was being supported in grand style.

  “What line of work is your father in?” Mitch wanted to know.

  “My dad is the owner and CEO of Hartford Construction Company.”

  Mitch’s eyes popped wide open in surprise. “Ah. Hartford Construction Company?”

  “Yeah. You know the company?”

  “Yes I do, along with everyone else,” Mitch teased. “You are that Sophia Hartford?”

  “Your father’s company is responsible for a lot of the nice architecture around the country.”

  Sophia smiled up at him.

  “Yeah, we are pretty major,” she teased and that comment surprised Mitch.

  Mitch and Sophia entered the elegant lobby of the hotel where she was staying and walked across the marble floor to the elevator. They waited a moment for an elevator to arrive and when one did, they entered and Mitch looked at Sophia and asked, “Which floor?”

  “Twelfth,” she replied.

  He pressed the elevator button denoting the floor where they were going. “Here we go,” Mitch said and they moved to the back of the elevator to allow two other couples to enter; one couple who appeared to be middle aged, while the other was an elderly couple. They all glanced at Mitch and Sophia and smiled, but the female’s eyes of the older couple darted from Sophia to Mitch’s face and back again. The older woman’s stares didn’t cause a problem for Sophia but those stares made Mitch feel a little
ashamed. He believed the woman was thinking what he probably would be thinking himself, especially if he had a daughter who was in an elevator with a man twice her age at that hour of the morning. What is that old fool doing with that young girl?

  The elevator came to a stop on the fourth floor and the older couple got off but not before the woman gave Mitch and Sophia one final look. The other couple exited the elevator when it stopped on the fifth floor, after saying goodbye to Mitch and Sophia. As soon as the elevator doors were closed, Sophia marched up to the front of the elevator, she pressed the STOP button on the wall in the elevator, and then she turned to face Mitch, giving him that naughty look he had come to recognize from her.

  “You are so bad.” He grinned down at her.

  Unsmiling, she looked at him. “I know. You told me. You won’t admit it, but you like it.”

  “What?” Mitch frowned at her and shaking his head. “You are truly unbelievable.”

  “Yeah, I know,” she looked at him wickedly and in another moment, she quickly moved into his arms. Grateful he didn’t try to stop her, his hands slid down her back and he gathered her into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and she began kissing him. She pushed her tongue deep into his mouth and he sucked hungrily on it. Their kiss went from zero to passionate in less than sixty seconds.

  Mitch lifted her from the floor and pushed her back against the wall of the elevator as he kissed her. When Sophia’s feet were on the elevator floor again, Mitch ran his fingers through her long, silky locks. He broke the kiss and looked down into her eyes. In the next second, he gripped her hair with both hands and suckled her tongue and her mouth in the most primal, savage way as she lifted one leg so that he could touch her most intimate part. He kissed her with all the pinned up emotions he had carried around for much too long. The kiss was so fierce, so passionate that he was certain he felt the earth move. For a moment, for Mitch, time stood still. Sophia thought being with Mitch was like being on drugs and he was definitely her drug of choice.

  Mitch and Sophia were hungry for each other; hungry for each other’s touch, each other’s kiss and as their kiss continued not only did Sophia’s senses burn but her knees weakened and began to buckle. Mitch tightened his grip on her and she clung to him, as their kiss grew deeper. They were in a place where magic lived. That was exactly where Sophia wanted to be and she wanted to remain in that sweet place forever.

  Mitch quickened his movements, grounding ferociously against Sophia, with her young tender body pressing tightly against his, answering his every move. Their movements against each other were animalistic. After a while, Mitch broke the kiss, suddenly finding the good sense within himself and realizing they were both spiraling out of control.

  Sophia’s voice cracked when she asked, “Why did you stop? Please don’t stop.”

  “It’s been a great evening, Sophia,” Mitch’s voice hinted of some emotion. “I’ve had a great time with you tonight.” Sophia looked at him a long moment before she relented.

  “Okay. If you say so.” Then she walked over and hit the button to release the elevator and the button for the twelfth floor again. She walked back over to Mitch. With her feet in her four-inch stilettos, it was easy to lean in and comfortably rest her head against his chest as they rode together up to the designated floor.

  When Mitch and Sophia stood just outside her hotel room door, he looked down at her long, beautiful manicured hands that were holding onto his. She was smart, bubbly, and sexy, and Mitch hated to leave her yet what choice did he have. “It was fun tonight. I had a great time,” he said.

  “Would you like to come inside and have a quick drink with me?” she asked, using her keycard to open her room door.

  He gave a little laugh. “I don’t think so.”

  “Are you sure?” She batted her eyelashes at him as she tugged his arm again, in a way that reminded him of a little girl. “I won’t bite…unless you want me to.” She giggled.

  “No, it’s late. I really have to go.”

  Mitch caught her petite hands, lifted them to his lips, and gently kissed them.

  “I had a really nice time tonight, Sophia.”

  “I enjoyed spending time with you and getting to know you as well.” Then, looking innocently at him, she asked softly. “Will I see you again?”

  “I don’t think so. Goodnight.” He released her hands and turned to leave.

  As Sophia’s heart burned for all that Mitch had been through with his wife, she said, “Mitch.” He turned to look at her.

  “Don’t allow anyone to change the person you are. You are a really good man; caring, generous, extremely passionate about the people in your life. You are a man who knows who he is and exactly what he wants. You just have to own it, demand that others respect you for who you know you are.” Sophia hesitated a moment.

  “Don’t stop now,” Mitch said. They chuckled together.

  “Own who you are. Walk into your life with open arms. You may just get something you didn’t expect.”

  “Are you a philosopher now?” Mitch said with a small grin on his face.

  “No. I am just a student of human behavior.” Although was touched by her remarks, Mitch smiled and continued to make light of the situation.

  “Thank you for the session, doctor. I’ll see you again next week.”

  They laughed again

  “I am serious.”

  “You’re sweet. Thank you for that.” He kissed her on her forehead and as soon as she cleared the threshold, Mitch closed the door, putting a barrier between them. With Sophia out of reach, Mitch stood with his back against the wall, and ran a hand over his head and thought what a man could do with a woman like Sophia by his side, and then he left.

  He walked the short distance back to his hotel with lovely thoughts of Sophia playing around in his mind. He felt so different from the beaten man who had left his suite several hours earlier. Sophia had made him feel so much better. She made him feel so much. More to the point, she made him feel.

  It was odd that he was thinking that with someone as supportive and caring as Sophia, he could do anything. She had forced him to look inward, and see himself through her eyes and value his own self-worth. For someone in her wealthy upbringing, she didn’t appear to be one of those little snobbish, rich girls whose only concern was about herself. Sophia appeared to spend more time caring about others, which Mitch thought was refreshing and so unlike the way his wife treated him. Why had he allowed Kanile to speak to him and treat him in such a low degrading manner for longer than he cared to remember? He didn’t know why he had allowed it to happen, but with Sophia’s words ringing in his ear, he knew he would no longer tolerate that behavior from anyone ever again.

  As Mitch opened the door to the suite, his thought was that Sophia was going to make some young man very happy one day. He laughed, shook his head, and dismissed the young and beautiful Sophia from his mind forever, failing to remember that forever is a very long time.


  It was a little after two in the morning when Mitch entered their suite. Kanile wasn’t there and it didn’t appear she had returned while he was out. Irritated, he removed his clothes, kicked off his shoes sending one across the room hitting the wall with a thud and wondered where his wife was. Mitch dropped down on the side of the bed and smoked a cigarette. Then he took a long cold shower before going to bed. Exhausted, yet unable to sleep, Mitch tossed, turned, and watched the face of the clock on the nightstand next to the bed. Where could Kanile be at this hour again? Mitch’s anger and suspicion peaked and still unable to sleep, in a huff, he threw back the covers, sprung out of bed and he got dressed. Mitch poured himself a drink that he put down in one huge gulp. Then he had another before leaving their hotel suite and headed to the beach for a late night walk—alone. The night was still beautiful, warm, and clear, with stars sparkling in the night’s sky. He loved the sound of the ocean crashing against the shore. It was a night for lovers and Mitch wished his wife wer
e there to enjoy it with him.

  Fifteen minutes later, Mitch stood at Sophia’s room door. He wasn’t sure what brought him there but there were a thousand reasons inside his mind telling him he shouldn’t be and a million more reasons telling him to go back to his hotel before it was too late. But it was already too late because Sophia had already flung open the door. Seeing Mitch there, Sophia shrugged the white night gown off her shoulders and let it slide to the floor at her feet. There she stood, wearing only a sheer white sleeveless pajama top and matching panties made of lace and a lot of promise. Mitch’s jaw dropped open and his eyes feverishly traveled the length of Sophia’s body several times, taking in everything from her damp hair, held atop her head with a white ribbon, down her curvy, magnificent body to her petite bare feet, before his eyes returned to rest on her beautiful face where he admired each feature. The moment Mitch crossed the threshold; they both knew something extraordinary was going to happen.

  Sophia’s sleepwear was revealing much more than Mitch should see or had any right to see. Heat flowed through Mitch’s veins. He didn’t know where this animal desire for Sophia came from so quickly, so demanding. Mitch knew it was wrong to be there but he was powerless to stop himself. His desire for Sophia was far greater now than any sense of reasoning. He cursed Sophia for getting to him like that, but he cursed himself more for letting her get to him. Sophia was beautiful, energetic, sexy, and she had this amazing ability to steal Mitch’s mind while simultaneously stir his senses. The room was alive with electricity. Eagerness, anticipation, stirred the air. Mitch wanted Sophia. Regardless of the consequences, he had to have her.

  As he looked at Sophia, Mitch wanted to touch her. Everywhere. All at the same time. And as if she read his mind, like a tropical storm, she flew into his arms. Mitch pulled Sophia roughly to him, encircled her body in his arms and he held her tightly to him. She willingly melted into his arms, a thrill racing through her body as she focused on bringing air in and out of her lungs. Mitch traced Sophia’s jaw line and ran his fingers over her cheekbones. He had never seen anyone so beautiful and she felt so good wrapped in his arms—too good to let her go. As Sophia pressed her body against Mitch, his mouth took hers in a kiss that was intoxicating, mind blowing, everything he could have hoped for and at that moment, time stood still for Mitch.


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