One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers)

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One Last Time (The Stanton Brothers) Page 15

by Heather D'Agostino

  “I sure did. I brought you something.” I held out the shake. “Do you like chocolate?”

  “Doesn’t evweybody?” His eyes got as big as saucers.

  I stood and held out one to Savannah. “I brought Mommy one too.”

  Her eyes went between the cup and me several times before she retorted, “It’s bedtime. We don’t eat sweets before bed.”

  “Can’t you break the rules just once?” I stuck my lip out in a pout. “It’s extra whipped cream.” I shook the cup the at her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Come on in.” She stepped back, and let me pass before closing the door and locking it.

  “Yay!” Danny leaped into the air as I carried the shakes into the family room.

  “What do you say, Danny?” Savannah gave him a look.

  “Thank you.” He smiled sweetly at me as I handed him his shake.

  “You’re welcome. I’m sorry we couldn’t spend some time together today.”

  “S’ok. Yous had to work.” He shrugged as he sipped the ice cream.

  I sighed as I set Savannah’s shake down and then sipped my own. How could a three-year-old be more understanding than his mother? Savannah shuffled over to the chair farthest away from me before reluctantly lifting her shake to her lips.

  “You know this was a one-time thing, right? You can’t bring stuff like this over this late and expect me to be ok with it. He has a schedule, and it’s important that he stays on it, especially now.” She shook her head at me.

  “You’re welcome.” I deadpanned before turning my attention back to my son. “Want me to read you a story tonight?”

  “Rweally?” He grinned, a chocolate ring around his mouth.

  “Sure. When you finish brushing your teeth, you can pick out a book.” I glanced over at Savannah before going back to Danny; I could be a responsible parent too. She just needed to give me the chance.

  Over the course of the next half hour, I read to my son and tucked him in. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be, but Danny’s a good kid. Savannah’s done a great job with him.

  “You know you can’t do this all the time, right?” She was standing in the middle of the living room much like this morning, and seemed to be ready for round two.

  “Savannah…” I took a step closer as I came out of the hallway.

  “No.” She held her hand up. “I mean it. You can’t come into his life and be all fun and sweets. You can’t break rules I’ve set in place. It makes me look like the bad guy.” She pointed at her chest, tears welling in her eyes. “I’ve been doing this alone, and you can’t sweep in like this.” She stomped her foot as a tear broke free and cascaded down her cheek.

  “I’m not trying to.” I slowly moved in her direction. “I’m not trying to do anything to make you look bad. I think you’re a great mom. You’ve done great with him.” I pointed toward Danny’s room. “I’m learning here. I missed the little guy today.” I shrugged. “That message he left me…”

  “Squeezed your heart,” she finished for me.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “There’s so much going on here, and I’m trying so hard to keep it all afloat.”

  “Welcome to my life,” she grumbled as she flopped down on the couch.

  “I don’t know how you do all this.” I sat down beside her. “It’s crazy.” I carefully put my arm around her shoulder, and tugged her towards me. She let her body collapse against my side, and we both sat there in the silence. “Can you just maybe tutor me in this parenting thing?” I laughed lightly.

  “No.” She laughed back. “It’s a never-ending class. I’m completely lost more often than you think.”

  “Well, that’s promising.” I chuckled.

  “Thanks for the shakes.” She sighed. “Chocolate was just what I needed tonight. It’s been a day.”

  “Happy to be of service.” I sipped mine again. “I’ve had a day too. I woke up to this beautiful woman screaming at me, and the crazy part is I didn’t even do anything wrong.” I waited for her to react, but she didn’t.

  “I’m sorry about that too.” She sat up, and reached for where her cup was sitting. “Micha,” she turned in my direction, and the tone of her voice told me I didn’t want to hear what she was going to say, “I know you think we’re a good idea.” She swung her hand between us. “But we’re not. Danny’s treatment is my number one right now. I’m so thankful that you’re a match, and I’m happy you want to be part of his life, but that doesn’t mean that we’re a family or whatever you think this is.”

  “Un huh.” I nodded as I slowly stood. It was late, and I needed to leave. Every part of me was telling me to prove her wrong right then and there, but I knew that the outcome would not be what I wanted. I needed to go slow, take my time, and prove that we were a family. It’s not what I wanted, but it was what I needed. If Savannah was ever going to give me the chance to show her that we were meant to be together, then I had to take my time and preheat the oven, so to speak. “I’m gonna go.” I paused at the door, shake in hand. Before stepping over the threshold, I turned to face her one last time. “I’ve said this before, but I guess you didn’t hear me. We are happening. I know it, and you know it. You say you don’t think we’re a good idea, but I see the way you look at me. I see the curve of your lip when you throw those sassy retorts my way. I see the glimmer in your eyes when I smile at you. I see the looks you try to hide when we’re at work. You think I don’t notice, but I do. I see it all. I see you fight it daily, and I’m willing to wait for you to give up, even if it means waiting forever. I really hope it’s not that long, but I’ll wait.” I stepped outside, and closed the door behind me.

  As I walked toward my truck, I heard the door open behind me. She didn’t say anything, but her feet thundered against the pavement as she rushed toward me. I turned to face her just before opening my door. “You’re wrong.” The words rushed out of her mouth as she flung herself into my arms. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she pulled my mouth to hers. Our lips crashed together, and she thrust her tongue into my mouth as I groaned. It was a passion fueled kiss, one that had been sitting at bay for weeks.

  My lips turned up in a grin as she pulled back. “What was that for?”

  “I needed to get you out of my system. I’m better now.” She pushed back, putting space between us. My body lurched forward as it tried to regain contact. “This can’t happen again.” She shook her head before turning back toward her door, and jogging away from me.

  “So, same time tomorrow?” I laughed.

  Savannah turned and glared at me, the previous moment seeming to be forgotten already. “I told you. This isn’t happening.”

  “Uh huh.” I chuckled as I climbed into my truck and cranked the engine. Sure, it wasn’t happening. She was cracking, and she knew it. I just needed to keep applying pressure.

  Chapter 23


  Morning came all too soon and when I rolled over in bed, the sun shone right in my eyes. I’d forgotten to close the blinds the night before. I laid there for a moment, blinking against the sun when I noticed something moving at the end of my bed.

  “Mommy?” Danny’s voice was quiet, and I sprung to a sitting position. Apparently, I had forgotten to set my alarm last night too. “Is we staying home today?”

  “Crap! No!” I shoved the covers back and threw my legs over the side of the bed.

  “That’s a ‘no-no’ word.” He made a tsking sound as he scampered around to where I was now standing.

  “Sorry, buddy. We’re late.” I scrubbed my hands down my face. “Let’s go get some clothes on before Grandpa comes over.” I ushered Danny into his room and grabbed some clean clothes out of his dresser. “Here, I need you to be a big boy today, and put these on while Mommy gets her own clothes.”

  “O-tay.” He shrugged as he began fighting with his pjs. I rushed back to my room, and grabbed a fresh pair of shorts and a Stanton Acers tee. I quickly dressed and then rushed to brush my hair. As I was brushing my tee
th, I heard my father’s voice. He has his own key to my place so he can come and go with Danny during the day.

  “Honey?” he called from somewhere down the hallway.

  “I’ll be there in a minute!” I yelled back with a hair tie clamped between my teeth. I scowled at my reflection, and blamed Micha for my brain fart last night. This was his fault. If he hadn’t made me lose my common sense for a moment, I would have set my alarm and closed the blinds when I came inside, not laid in bed replaying the last time we were together.

  I shook the memory from my head as I rushed back into my room in search of my work boots. I slipped them on, grabbed my hat, and rushed out to greet my dad.

  “There’s some leftovers in the fridge for lunch. I shouldn’t be late today. Micha’s changing over the fruit in the stand, but no big orders are going out.”

  “No problem. Have a good day.” Dad smiled as I grabbed my keys and rushed to the door.

  “Love yous, Mommy!” Danny grinned as he looked up from where he was explaining something to my dad.

  “Love you too, buddy. See ya later.” I waved, and then rushed out the door.


  If it wasn’t bad enough that I overslept, I forgot that when I came home yesterday, I needed gas. I’d planned to get it this morning, but I’d also planned to leave early enough that I’d have time. The pump jerked when I went to release it, causing gas to splash on my hand and then when I pulled into the lot at the stand, Micha was standing there smirking.

  He was leaning against one of the wooden posts, sleeveless flannel hanging open, and grinning like he’d won a prize. “Morning.” He pushed off the post as I climbed from my truck.

  “No,” I grumbled as I walked past him.

  “No? I didn’t even ask anything.” He followed behind me like Danny does when he wants something.

  “But you’re going to, so I’m saving you the time. No.” I sighed as I stepped inside the stand. Hailey was sitting behind the small counter counting the drawer for the morning.

  “I’m wounded.” Micha held his hand over his chest as if I’d struck him.

  “You’ll heal.” I rolled my eyes as I tossed my purse behind the counter, and started organizing the shelves.

  Micha shook his head and left. “How’d you do that?” Hailey looked between myself and where Micha had been standing.

  “Do what?” I was confused.

  “Get him to leave so easily.” She laughed lightly. “He never leaves when I ask him to.”

  “Eh. He’s trying to get on my good side. He thinks we’re going to ride off into the sunset and make more babies or something.” I shrugged as I tossed an empty crate to the side.

  “Interesting.” Hailey nodded as she went back to counting. We worked in silence for the next few minutes until Hailey stopped me. “So, Max wanted me to invite you and your son over for dinner tonight. We’d like to meet our nephew, and Nora has been dying to play with her cousin. What do you say? Like 6?” Hailey pressed her lips together as she smiled at me.

  I hadn’t really thought about them being his aunt and uncle. It had always been the two of us and my dad. Danny did have a whole family here that he needed to meet. “Sure. That’d be nice. We go in for the last round of chemo next week so this would help take his mind off of that.”

  “Great!” She clapped her hands together. “We’ll see you at 6.” She picked up her phone and began texting furiously. When I didn’t move, she glanced up. “I’m letting Max know you said yes so he can make sure he’s out of the office in time.” I nodded. It made sense at the time. Needless to say, I know exactly where Micha got his scheming from.



  “Well?” I pushed off of where I was leaning against the wall.

  “Well what?” Max mumbled with a pen squeezed between his lips. He was balancing the books for the month, and working on payroll.

  “Did it work?” I stomped over and stopped in front of him.

  “Maybe,” he muttered.

  “Would you just tell me what she said and stop giving me the run around?” I swatted at some papers lying on his desk, causing them to flutter around. That got his attention.

  “Don’t be an asshole. You wonder why she won’t go out with you. Maybe you should grow up.” Max glared at me.

  “I’m only like this with you,” I grumbled.

  “Why don’t you go out with the crew to finish the back cornfield? I mean, you’re half dressed. Shouldn’t be too hot.” He rolled his eyes. “Too good for a shirt like the rest of us?”

  “This was all I had clean.” I glanced down at my bare chest. The truth was I did need to do laundry, but I had a few tees I could have put on.

  “Fine. She’ll be there at 6. Happy now?” Max sighed.

  “Very.” I grinned at him. I’d begged him for this, and he’d actually done it. How Savannah would react when I blindsided her was another story. I may be licking my wounds after this, but I was hoping for a good night.

  “Now, get out of here so I can finish.” Max balled up a piece of paper and threw it at me, hitting me square in the chest.

  I waved before striding to the door. “Thanks, bro.” I grinned again as I straightened my hat and made my way out into the hot sun. It was a scorcher today, and I’m sure I was going to be exhausted by dinner tonight.



  The day was hot and long, and when I got home all I wanted to do was take a shower and climb into bed. I couldn’t though because I had Danny and dinner plans. I guess the one good thing about tonight was that I didn’t have to cook.

  “Mommmmyyyy!” Danny flung himself at me as I stepped through the door of our apartment. “Ewe yuck!” He pulled back as fast as he’d gotten there. “Yous smell bad.”

  “I know. It was hot today, and the gas pump didn’t like me too much this morning. I’m gonna take a quick shower before Grandpa leaves and then we have some fun plans tonight.” I gave my dad a gracious smile as I rushed down the hallway to my bathroom.


  “Where are we going?” Danny grinned from his booster.

  “We’re going to meet some people. You know how Micha’s your dad?” I glanced at him, and he nodded. “Well, Micha has a brother, Max. He’s your uncle. He and your Aunt Hailey invited us over for dinner tonight. They want to meet you.”

  “Rweally?” He bounced excitedly.

  “They have a little girl, Nora, and a little boy, Jake. They’re your cousins. Nora just finished building a treehouse that she wants to show you.”

  “Oh wow!” Danny’s eyes went wide. “That’s lots of people.”

  “Your daddy has lots of family.” I smiled as I remembered celebrating the holidays with Micha when we were younger. I had no idea if Mr. and Mrs. Stanton would be stopping by, but I kinda hoped it would just be Max’s family tonight. I didn’t want to overwhelm Danny too much.

  “You think they’ll like me, Mommy?” He glanced down at his PAW Patrol shirt and navy shorts.

  “I think they’ll love you. You’re a pretty cool kid.” I smiled as I reached over and ruffled his hair.

  “I ams cool, aren’t I?” He grinned and at that moment I realized our time was up. I was turning into Max’s driveway.

  I parked the truck behind Hailey’s car and cut the engine. The pond that we used to swim in glistened in front of us. A playset was off to the side along with a small garden. Just as I was unbuckling Danny, the screen door flew open and a little girl who looked just like Hailey came rushing down the front steps.

  “You’re here!” She squealed as she skidded to a stop a few feet away from us. “Dinner’s not ready yet. Can he come play?” She pointed her little finger at Danny.

  “Uh sure.” I stumbled over the words.

  “Nora!” Max stepped out onto the porch with a beer in hand. “Let them get out of the car first. You have plenty of time to play.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her shoulders slumped as her chin d

  “It’s ok.” I laughed as I took Danny by the hand and we walked up the short path to the front door.

  “I swear, she never gets tired.” He sighed as he stepped back to let us pass. “Come on in.” He held the door as Danny and I stepped inside the beautiful farm house.

  “Now?” Nora tugged on Max’s arm.

  “Sure.” Max rolled his eyes.

  “Wanna come see my treehouse?” Nora bounced on her toes as Danny looked to me for permission.

  “You can go play.” I nudged him forward.

  “Come on! It’s got a tire swing and everything.” She reached for Danny’s hand, and he let her lead him away.

  “They’ll be fine. Hailey can see them out the kitchen window.” Max shifted on his feet. “Want a beer or water or something?”

  “Water’s fine.” I smiled as I followed him further into the house.

  “Here.” Hailey handed me a glass of white wine as she glared at Max. “You’re probably going to want this, and just so you know… this was all their doing.” She wagged her finger at Max, as a shadow came up behind me.

  “So, about that date.” Micha’s voice came from behind me.

  I lifted the wine glass to my lips and took a big gulp. “No.” I stepped forward before spinning around. “You used your family to set this up?”

  “Not really.” He smirked. “They wanted to meet Danny, and I wanted a chance to show you that you should go on a date with me. We both win.” He sipped his beer.

  “I don’t know what you think you’re getting out of this, but the night isn’t ending the way you want it to.” I shook my head as I took another gulp of wine. I was downing it pretty fast.

  “Oh, I’m getting plenty.” He moved closer, and that’s when it dawned on me that Max and Hailey had gone outside with the kids, leaving us alone in the kitchen. “After last night… I know you want this too. I had my doubts, but that kiss pushed them all away. Tell me I’m wrong.” He leaned down, stopping just a breath away from my lips. “Tell me,” he begged as he brushed a light kiss across my lips. When he pulled back, I swayed into him, giving myself away. “That’s what I thought.” He chuckled as he stepped back, moved around me, and went to grab a fresh beer.


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