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The Montana Doctor's Love (New Montana Brides Book 8)

Page 5

by Susan Leigh Carlton

  “I tried to get her to leave, but she had to stay. She didn’t want him to be alone.”

  They were talking softly, but she stirred, and woke up. “What… Is something wrong? Is Frank… did he… ?”

  “Frank is doing all right, and that’s more than I can say for you. You need to eat and get some sleep.”

  “I’m all right, Doctor. I slept in the chair,” she said. “How is he?”

  “His temperature hasn’t gone up, and that’s a good sign. The incision isn’t red, so we may have beaten any infection, Patrick said.

  “My office is across the street, and they will call me if necessary. Doctor’s orders, eat.”

  Chapter eleven

  Mary Louise Called

  Three weeks later…

  “I talked to Mary Louise yesterday,” Charlotte Parsons said to Patrick when he picked up the phone.

  “How is she?” he asked.

  “She sounded fine. She’s seen several of her friends from college. Emily is over her bout with whatever was bothering her.”

  “Did she say anything about coming back?” Patrick asked.

  “I’m sorry to say she didn’t.”

  “Is she even coming back?” he asked.

  “I’m sure she is. I just don’t know when, and I don’t think she does either.”

  “When you talk to her again, tell her I asked about her,” he said.

  “I will do that. How are you doing, Patrick?”

  “I’m okay,” he said. “Working a lot, with roundup time and all the accidents that go with it. With the flu going around, it keeps the two of us busy.”

  “Take care of yourself. We need you. Tell your mother and dad hello for me.”

  “I’ll do that, and thanks for calling. They’ve been on my mind.”

  “I’ll tell her that too. Goodbye, Patrick.”

  Monday morning two weeks later…

  Finished setting a broken arm for a cowboy who had gotten pinned against a corral post, Patrick sat at his desk between patients.

  “Doctor, you have a telephone call,” their nurse said.

  “For me or for Dad?” he asked.

  “It’s for you,” she said.

  “Hello, this is Doctor Palmer.”

  “Patrick? Is that you?” The scratchy voice came over the line.

  “Yes, this is Patrick.”

  “Emily and I are coming home Friday. Will you meet our train?” Mary Louise said.

  “Yes, of course. Mary Louise? I’m glad you’re coming back.” he said.

  “Me too. See you Friday. I haven’t told Mama yet. I want to surprise them.”

  The connection was broken. “Another patient?” his father asked from the doorway.

  “No, that was Mary Louise. She’s coming home Friday,” Patrick said.

  “Good, maybe now you will quit moping around,” his father laughed.

  “I do not mope. I’m full of eagerness and enthusiasm.”

  “You’re moping.”

  Friday finally came. Patrick was on the platform at the depot when the westbound train huffed and puff its way into the station. Steam hissed from beneath as the engineer applied the brakes. Patrick moved closer as the conductor placed steps to make it easier for the passengers to step from the train to the wooden platform.

  There she is. I like her hair down, and that is a beautiful dress. She really looks good in the yellow. She looks more relaxed. Emily looks like she’s grown three inches since they left.

  He walked toward them. “Mary Louise. Over here,” he called out.

  She turned, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth. “Now that’s what I call a real greeting,” he said.

  “I missed you. That’s why I came back. I’m sorry we left without talking to you, but I called.”

  “I know. Mother left me a note. It was well past midnight when I got home from the hospital. I thought it was too late to call.”

  “Mama told me.” she said.

  He turned to Emily. “You have grown. It looks like you’re this much taller. ” He held his fingers about three inches apart. “You are a young lady now. A pretty young lady.”

  Emily smiled. “Thank you,” she said.

  “I need to talk, Patrick.” Mary Louise said. “I’ve learned something about myself since I left.”

  “You really look nice, and I love your hair down. You look a lot more relaxed now. I think it was good for you to get away for a while,” he said. “Where would you like to talk?”

  “Any place we can have some privacy.”

  “My house okay?” he asked.

  “Your house would be good,” she said.

  “The buggy is over here. If you point out your baggage, I’ll load it up.”

  “I’m going to drive slowly. I want everyone to see me with you two pretty girls.” Mary Louise patted his hand.

  “We’d like for everyone to see the handsome doctor we’re with, wouldn’t we Emily?”

  “Yes,” she answered.

  “Thelma?” Patrick called out to his housekeeper, “I’m going to be in the living room with Mrs. Wells. Would you see we’re not disturbed, and see if Emily needs anything?”

  He indicated a chair, and said, “Would you like to sit here?”

  “I’d prefer the sofa if you don’t mind, and I’d like for you to sit by me.”

  She took his hands. “I’ve rehearsed what I want to say, but it didn’t sound right, so I’m just going to come out and say it.

  “I had to get away. I was angry over Preston’s death and I blamed myself for our troubles. Then you came along and were so kind and caring, it confused things more.”

  “I… “

  “No, don’t say anything, please let me finish. I don’t know why we lost touch with each other back when we went off to college, but I regret it. When I came back home, Preston swept me off my feet and we were married. We were happy at first, especially when Emily came along, but things turned sour. Papa offered to help, but Preston wanted no part of charity. I was convinced it was all my fault. Then he got sick, and I blamed myself for that.

  “You stepped in without being asked and took care of Emily and of me. I felt guilty about that too. I was all messed up.

  “I’m at peace with myself now, and realize it wasn’t all my fault. There, that’s pretty much all I had to say.

  “I came to realize I care for you. I’m ready to get on with my life. I want you to be part of it, if that’s what you want too.”

  “Whether from school or whatever, there’s been no one for me since our church social days,” Patrick said. I came home from Johns Hopkins for Christmas, hoping to see you, but Mama told me you had gotten married. I was disappointed, but I hoped you were happy. I still had five more years of medical school, internship and residency. I was too busy to be lonely.

  “So where do we go from here?” he asked.

  “That’s pretty much up to you,” she said.

  “I don’t want it to be up to me. It has to be both of us. Emily too. I love my parents, but I want to have a family. I would like to have you as part of my family.”

  Her green eyes were shiny with moisture. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

  “I am. Mary Louise, will you be my wife?”

  “I will. It’s what I came back for.” He took her in his arms and kissed her. She tightened her arms around his neck and returned the kiss.

  “Mama, why are you kissing Doctor Palmer?” Emily asked from the doorway.

  “Because I love the doctor and he just asked me to marry him,” she answered.

  “And I love you and your mama,” Patrick said.

  “Oh, okay.”

  “When would you like for this to happen?” he asked.

  “As soon as possible. I don’t want to waste any more time,” she said.

  Patrick’s mother came in from the office. “Mary Louise! Patrick told me you were coming home today. It’s good to see you. How are you?”

“Never better,” Mary Louise said.

  “Mother, tell her what it’s like being a doctor’s wife. I asked her to marry me, and she accepted.”

  “Well, good for you,” his mother replied. “It’s what I’ve been hoping for. When?”

  “In her words, as soon as possible,” Patrick said.

  Elizabeth, ever practical said, “You have some things to get done, then. You’ll have to get a license, arrange for the preacher, and the church. I presume you will want the church?”

  I would like for Jack to perform the service, how about you?” he asked Mary Louise.

  “It’s fine. I’ve had a big wedding. I just want to be your wife,” she said.

  “Now for the deal breaker,” Patrick said. “Emily,” he called out. “Could you come in here for a minute?

  “I’ve asked your mother to marry me. Is that all right with you?”

  “Yes. Where will we live?”

  “We haven’t decided that yet. I wanted to make sure it was okay with you.”

  “It’s okay,” she said.

  Could I have a hug?” he asked.

  Chapter Twelve

  We’re Getting Married

  “Will you go with me to tell Mama,” she asked.

  “Of course. I have a suggestion, though,” he said. “Let’s go to the courthouse and get a license.”

  “Good idea.” She stood, and hugged Elizabeth. “Thank you, for having such a nice son. I’m going to be a good wife,” she whispered.

  “I know you will, dear. Your mother and I have wanted this for years,” Elizabeth said.

  “Emily, are you ready to go to Grandma’s?” Mary Louise asked her daughter.

  Patrick paid the Clerk of Court for Lewis and Clark County three dollars in exchange for a marriage license.

  “All set?” he asked when they were back in the buggy.

  “Let’s do it,” she said.

  The Circle P Ranch…

  Patrick said, “I’ll get the baggage.” It took two trips to get it to the door. A quick kiss on the lips and they went inside.

  “Mama… “We’re back.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming home. When did you get in?” Charlotte asked. “We would have met you if you’d let us know.”

  “We got in today, I wanted it to be a surprise. Patrick brought us home.” Mary Louise said. “Where’s Papa?” she asked.

  “He should be in anytime. I don’t know what he and Hiram were doing,” her mother said.

  “What do you think, Patrick? Now?”

  “Why not?” he said.

  “Mama, Patrick asked me to be his wife, and I accepted. We’re going to be married!”

  “I’m glad. You got things straightened out then?” her mother asked.

  “It never was Patrick. It was me. I realized he was what I wanted all along, so I called and asked him to meet us. We talked about it and here we are. We already have the license. We just have to pick a date. And make arrangements wherever we decide to have it.”

  “Well, I’m flabbergasted. Happy for you, but flabbergasted”

  “I didn’t talk her into anything, Mrs. Parsons. She called Monday and asked me to meet them. You know how I feel about both of them. It’s been what I’ve wanted since high school,” he said.

  “Me too,” Mrs. Parsons said. “Does your mother know?”

  “Yes, that’s where we talked. Mom was delighted,” he said.

  “I am too. Now, when and how do you want to do it?”

  “As soon as possible, that’s why we already have the license,” Mary Louise said. “He asked Emily if it was all right with her, he called it a deal breaker.”

  “Well, what do we have here?” her father said as he walked into the room. “Hello Patrick. You brought them out? I appreciate it.”

  “I had an ulterior motive, Mr. Parsons, I’ve asked Mary Louise and Emily to marry me,” Patrick said. “They both said yes.”

  Zebulon’s face broke into a big grin. “Well by God, that makes it a happy day. It’s about time you two got together. When?” he asked.

  “Do you have a preacher handy? We have the license.”

  “Patrick, tomorrow or Sunday?” Mary Louise asked.

  “Tomorrow,” Patrick said. “You might change your mind if we wait until Sunday.”

  She put her arm around his waist and leaned into him. “Not a chance. Papa, shoot him if he tries to back out.”

  The phone rang in the parsonage. The deep voice of Jack Owens said, “Hello, this is Jack”

  “Jack, Patrick Palmer. Are you up for a wedding?”

  “I’m always ready for the marriage ritual. Did you find someone willing to marry you?” he asked.

  “I did. Mary Louise Wells and I want to get married,” Patrick said.

  “Whoa, hold on, you’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “I’m as serious as a heart attack. We’d like to tie the knot tomorrow. Is that possible?” Patrick asked.

  “If you have the license, it is possible. Where?” Jack asked.

  “We do have a license. Your house, the church, our house, the Circle P, it doesn’t matter. I would prefer the church if it’s available,” Patrick said.

  “I will perform the ceremony, and anywhere you want, however, why deprive the town the pleasure of seeing two of our own wed?” Jack asked.

  “I hadn’t thought of it that way. You do have a way with words. Hold on.” He turned to Mary Louise, “Jack says he will marry us anywhere we want, but he asked why we would want to keep the town from the pleasure of witnessing our wedding. He makes some sense for a change.”

  “Sunday is fine with me as long as it’s okay with you,” she said.

  “We both reluctantly agree you’re right. Sunday it is.” Patrick said. “See you in church, Jack.”

  “We’re set for Sunday afternoon. That gives our mothers time talk us out of this,” he said.

  “Not from me,” Charlotte said.” My only request is that you don’t get tied up on a house call or surgery. And miss it.”

  “I’ll convince Dad to take any calls, but that is the life of a doctor. Always on call.

  “Mary Louise, let’s take a walk. We have a lot to talk about,” Patrick said.

  Charlotte was looking through the window. “Zebulon, come look at them. They’re holding hands. Isn’t that sweet.”

  While they watched, the couple stopped, kissed, and continued their walk. “Those two were meant for each other. It’s a shame it took so long for them to get together,” she said.

  “It is,” he agreed.


  “Elizabeth, isn’t it wonderful? After all these years.” Charlotte said,

  “It is. They were here when Patrick proposed. They had talked in the living room, and came out to tell me. Did they decide when?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Patrick called Jack and asked about tomorrow, but Jack talked them into waiting until Sunday. I’m glad. This is going to be a day we’ll all remember and the congregation can share it. Besides, it gives me time to get a new dress, and see if I can find anything for two red haired girls,” Charlotte said.

  I have the feeling Patrick wouldn’t mind if they dressed in sackcloth,” Elizabeth said. “If you’re coming into town tomorrow, stop by, and we’ll compare notes.”

  Chapter thirteen

  The Wedding Day

  Shedding his white smock, Patrick donned his best suit and tie for his wedding. His father, Carter would stand up for him… if he did not have an emergency call. His mother called it ‘one of the best days of my life’.

  Mary Louise had chosen a green dress for herself and the same color for Emily. When she started down the aisle, Patrick’s jaw dropped. I knew she was beautiful, she’s beyond beautiful today. Her emerald green eyes sparkling, perfectly matched the color of her dress. The bit of sun that penetrated the stained glass window bathed her in a rainbow of colors as she passed through the beam.

  When Zebulon placed her hand in his, Patrick felt
a warm tingling race through his body. I’ve been waiting for this a long time.

  She smiled at him and mouthed, “I love you.”

  He squeezed her hand and whispered, “I’ve always loved you,” as Jack began speaking.

  “It is seldom that I have had the privilege of uniting a couple in holy matrimony, who have grown up in our church. Like many of you, I’ve personally known Mary Louise and Patrick since they were toddlers. Today I have the privilege officiating at their wedding. I’m glad you are here to share it with me.” He raised his hands and said, “Let us pray.”

  The vows were exchanged, the pronouncement was made. Patrick kissed his bride and they began to move down the aisle. He stopped at the Parson’s row and held his hand out in invitation to Emily to join them. Hand in hand, the three of them made their way out of the church.

  With happiness written on their faces, the newlyweds received congratulations from their many friends. They heard “it’s about time” many times that day.

  The two families celebrated the union with a small party at the Cosmopolitan Hotel

  “What are your plans?” Zebulon asked. “Where are you going to live?”

  “We talked about that,” Mary Louise said. “Since Patrick is on call, living on the Circle P is not practical. The Palmer’s said we are welcome there. We would like to have a place of our own though. Both of us want more children.”

  “Hear! Hear!” Elizabeth said.

  “We’re going to stay here tonight,” Patrick said, and we’ll come get Emily tomorrow morning. If that meets with your approval.”

  “What about a honeymoon?” Carter asked.

  “We haven’t even given that any thought,” Patrick said.

  “You should think about it.” Carter said.

  “I agree,” Elizabeth said.

  Patrick looked at Mary Louise. She said, “I’d like for us to get settled before we think of anything else.”]

  The families had left. Patrick carried their valises previously left at the front desk, turned to his bride and said, “Shall we go upstairs?”

  “Let’s”, she said.

  “You are the most beautiful bride, I have ever seen,” he said. “I’m so glad we found each other again. I’ve missed you all these years. I didn’t realize how much, until I saw you coming down the aisle today.”


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