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Steal My Heart (Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 3)

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by Mia Dymond

  Steal My Heart

  Heroes of Seaside Point, Book 3


  Mia Dymond

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2014 Mia Dymond

  Published on Smashwords

  Cover photo: Agencyby|

  Cover by Dara England

  * * *

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  Official uniform, my Aunt Fannie.

  Alexa Sharpe balanced a cardboard box on one hip while she tugged at the hem of her t-shirt with her free hand for at least the millionth time in the last twenty minutes, only to expose the tops of her breasts in the process. Never mind that the unforgiving cotton hugged her body like a second skin, one more good tug and she’d all but fall out.

  She exhaled a hard breath as she practically stomped across the dirt, headed for the dugout. She knew better than to make a bet with the devil, but those hypnotizing chocolate-dipped gaze and cocky grin had sucked her in. Again. And honestly, when he’d poked her with his silver-tongued pitchfork, pleasure flooded her lust-filled brain and dared her to spoil the fun.

  Unable to help herself, she pulled on the garment again, still convinced this was some sort of joke. No one played baseball in clothing this tight. No one in their right mind, anyway. And certainly not her.

  Determined to remedy the situation, she took a deep calming breath, and approached the dugout, prepared to negotiate.

  “Hey, Sexy Lexi.”

  She shifted the box on her hip and glared at the man who appeared to appreciate the scenery. “Maverick.”

  He lifted his gaze and grinned. “The girls are looking good this morning.”

  “Obviously you ordered me the wrong size.”

  “You told me to order a small.”

  “This is not a small.”

  “Yes, it is. Check the tag.”

  “Did you wash it first?”


  “Then I’m sure it’s a child’s size small.”

  He released a hearty laugh. “Don’t be a sore loser just because you couldn’t get your fine little ass up and over that wall.”

  As badly as she wanted to argue, he had a valid point. They had made an honest wager a month ago; she bet him that she could climb the endurance wall faster than he, and she didn’t. In fact, he had to boost her over the top. She’d always admired Maverick Ryder’s physique, she just didn’t realize how hard it was to carve it. And at least his t-shirt hugged his bulging muscles as well.

  “Fine,” she mumbled as she gestured at the box with her head. “These are the t-shirts for the carwash.”

  She bit her bottom lip as he took the box and pulled out a shirt, hoping he wouldn’t be disappointed with her choice. She’d chosen navy blue shirts to match the one she’d seen him wear numerous times during his off-duty hours. Except, instead of Seaside Point FD printed on the front, she had the printer move the fire department emblem to the right corner and the Sharpe Realty sponsorship to the left. A white seagull with a large, orange beak occupied the majority of space on the front, its mouth opened to spew Seaside Seagulls. The player’s name and number were printed on the back.

  “These are great! Thanks for donating them.”

  A wave of relief swept over her. “You’re welcome. What is your team raising money for?”

  “We raise money every year so the girls can throw a Christmas party for the less fortunate kids in the area.”

  Her heart swelled with admiration. “That’s wonderful.”

  “We can always use more volunteers. You up for the task?”

  “Sure.” She smiled and glanced around the field. “Where are the boys?”

  He frowned. “What boys?”

  “Your baseball team,” she drawled.

  He gave her a grin that made her want to yank that pesky top over her head and press the girls to his hard chest. “I don’t coach boys or baseball.”

  “Really? Then why do you need a bat girl and why am I here?”

  “The Seaside Seagulls are an eight-year-old girls’ softball team.”

  Extreme shock electrocuted her nerves. “Oh.” She unfolded her arms and poked a loose strand of hair behind one ear. “At least I won’t have to worry about flashing them. Then again, is this the type of example you want to set for them?”

  “Good point.” He turned and reached into a duffle bag on the wooden bench. He then handed her a grey baseball jersey, obviously the correct size and probably two times bigger than the t-shirt she wore. “Put this on.”

  “Turn around.”

  His eyes bulged. “Huh? No, put it on over your t-shirt.”

  She gave him a big, cheesy smile. “I’m not an exhibitionist, Maverick. I knew what you meant.”

  “And I purposely ordered that t-shirt too small.”

  “I knew that too.” She unbuttoned the jersey and then poked her arms into it. “Do you want me to button it?”

  “No, but you probably should.”

  She rolled her eyes and pushed the buttons through the holes.

  “The girls will be here any time,” he told her. “They usually all get here about the same time.”

  “How many girls?”


  “All fifteen of them play?”

  “Not all at once,” he drawled. “We’re only allowed nine players at a time.”

  She lifted both eyebrows. “I’m aware of that particular rule. What exactly do you want me to do?”

  “You entertain the bench.”

  “You said you needed a bat girl. I assumed that had something to do with bats.”

  “Well yeah, when it’s our turn to bat, you make sure helmets are fastened securely and that the batter gets her equipment. The rest of the time, you entertain the team.”

  “Won’t they be watching the game?”


  “Explain sometimes.”

  “They’re eight years old. Occasionally they get distracted.”

  “No sweat. Anything else?”

  He shook his head. “That’s about it. Think you can handle it?”

  “Piece of cake.”

  “Good, because you’re on.” He gestured with his head across the field where several little girls walked toward them.

  Lexi rolled her eyes at his lack of confidence. She was a girl, for Pete’s sake, of course she could entertain his female team.

  Unless the
re was something else Maverick failed to mention.

  Nah. She dismissed her momentary suspicion and gave each child a smile as they approached.

  The first, complete with big brown eyes and a long ponytail, crammed her glove under one arm and then stuck out her free hand.

  “I’m Emma Brady. Are you Lexi?”

  Lexi gave Emma’s hand a shake, somewhat surprised by the little girl’s knowledge. “Yes, I’m Lexi. Nice to meet you, Emma.”

  “Coach told us you’d be here today.” She pointed at each of her friends, both with blonde ponytails and blue eyes. “This is Katie and Gracie.”

  “I’m glad to meet you girls, too,” Lexi told them. “What positions do you play?”

  “I pitch,” Emma answered first.

  Katie grinned. “I’m the catcher.”

  “And I play third base,” Gracie said.

  Lexi smiled. “I’m the bat girl but I’ve never done the job before.”

  “We’ll help you,” Emma assured her.

  Lexi noticed Emma glance back at her friends, who shook their heads as if they encouraged her to continue.

  “Ask her,” Gracie whispered.

  “Uh, Lexi.” Emma stuck one hand on her hip. “We were wondering if you’re Coach’s girlfriend.”

  She glanced at Maverick and watched his eyes widen as he spoke. “Girls, that doesn’t –“

  “That’s a big fat NO,” she answered with a grin. Maverick’s interruption didn’t surprise her, but she didn’t hesitate to cut him off. After all, since opportunity presented itself, she took full advantage. “He’s way too bossy for a girlfriend.”

  “Okay, girls.” Maverick rubbed the back of his neck. “Hit the field and start stretching.”

  Once they were out of earshot, he turned and gave her one of those panty-dampening smirks.

  “Bossy, huh?”


  “Just you wait, Sexy Lexi, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

  She shook her head as he headed to the field. No doubt, he had plenty to show her.

  As practice progressed, Maverick stood behind Emma on the pitcher’s mound and watched Lexi interact with his team, impressed by her knack. Although he hadn’t really intended to hold her to the bet, he was certainly glad he did. His original plan had been to watch her squeeze herself into the t-shirt long enough for him to appreciate it and then let her off the hook. Now however, he was extremely satisfied with the way things had worked out. Except he was strung so tight, he was almost dangerous. All he could think about was how much he wanted to strip that t-shirt and tight, low-slung jeans off her body and touch her. All over. Taste her. Everywhere.

  Something told him his plan had worked in her favor.

  He quickly forced his thoughts back to softball and how Lexi blended right in. Although she had readily admitted she didn’t know much about the game, she seemed to learn quickly. She buckled helmets in a matter of seconds and made absolutely sure the batters were sent to the field in order. Better yet, the girls bonded with her immediately, which made sitting on the bench a lot more tolerable.

  He chuckled to himself. Lexi’s presence had calmed his team but caused major chaos in the coach’s mind. It took every ounce of control he had to concentrate on the action on the field.

  “Okay, girls.” He waved toward the dugout with his glove. “Let’s go in.”

  He gave Lexi a wink while the girls took a seat on the bench and then he proceeded to wrap up practice for the day.

  “You guys looked really good out there today. Our next game is scheduled for Tuesday against Mourning Dove Harbour. If you play like that on game day, we’ll win for sure.”

  “What about the carwash, Coach?”

  “Tomorrow at two o’clock at the fire station.” He thumped the cardboard box on the end of the bench. “Lexi brought you guys some t-shirts.” He glanced back at Lexi. “Are these in order?”

  “Yes, numerical order, beginning with number one on the top.”

  He chuckled to himself as he reached inside to grab a handful of shirts, relieved that distributing t-shirts would not be the usual chaotic event. She’d taken time to organize the clothing and for that, he could kiss her senseless. Not that he really needed a reason.

  “Line up, girls,” he said as he handed half of them to Lexi to distribute. “Thanks to Lexi, this won’t take long.”

  True to his word, in the next several minutes each player had a shirt and parents began to arrive.

  “Thanks, Lexi.” Emma gave Lexi a hug around the waist. “They’re cool. You’re coming to help, right?”

  “You’re welcome, Emma.” Lexi returned the hug. “Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon.”

  As soon as several sets of pigtails left the field, Maverick reached to take her hand. “Thanks for helping today.”

  She gave him a sideways look. “Like I had a choice.”

  “You had a choice.”

  “Uh-huh, sure I did.” She grinned. “I’m not a sore loser, remember?”

  “No, you’re not. How about a drink?”



  “That would be wonderful. You buying?”

  “Unless you want to bet on something before we go.”

  She tilted her head to one side. “Like what?”

  “Like how much you enjoyed being with me today.”

  Although he had intended his response to be his usual tease, part of him was a little concerned about how she would answer. Lexi seemed to enjoy his company; the question was, would she admit it?

  “We can’t bet on that,” she said finally.

  “Why not?”

  “Because we both know I did.”

  A wave of relief smacked him in the face. “In that case, I’m buying, Sexy Lexi.” He gestured across the field. “I’m parked over there.”

  “I’ll meet you there. I’m supposed to meet the twins and Verity at Vanessa’s later. Vanessa’s testing a new dessert for the bakery.”

  He couldn’t resist but offer another challenge. “Wanna bet that I beat you there?”

  “No.” She released a full, hearty laugh. “Just drive carefully.”

  Since McGill’s was crowded when they arrived, Maverick gave Blake McGill a wave and then grasped Lexi’s hand. “C’mon, we can seat ourselves.”

  He pulled her across the main floor and finally to his favorite booth in the back.

  “Reserved seating?”

  “No, it’s just usually empty because it’s so far from the bar.”

  She slid into the booth across from him. “This place is busy this afternoon.”

  “Probably has something to do with the two for one draft beer. Blake figured it would be a good way to attract business.”

  “It worked.”

  He glanced around the room while he silently agreed with her. Not only was the place full of people he knew, there were quite a few he didn’t. The locals of Seaside Point were a close-knit group; tourists stood out like a sore thumb.

  He drew his gaze the rest of the way around the interior in hopes that the waitress was headed their way. Instead, a man at the bar caught his attention ten-fold.

  The tanned-skinned, dark-haired man was neither a local nor a tourist; Maverick placed him in a whole different class. His blood began a slow, rolling boil. Dimitri Santos. What the hell was he doing back here?

  “How did you end up coaching the team?”

  Lexi’s question brought his attention back to the table. Still suspicious of the other man’s appearance, he attempted to push concern to the side.

  He shrugged. “I love ball, they needed a coach.”

  “They play well. I’m impressed.”

  “With my coaching skills?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Those too. How do you manage to work around your schedule at the Fire Department?”

  “I don’t. If I’m on call, we park the truck at the field.”

  “What happens if you get a call?”

/>   “One of the parents takes over. We won’t have to worry about that now, though.”

  “I had fun today. I enjoyed being with the girls.”

  “They like you, can you tell?”

  She nodded. “I like them too.”

  He glanced toward the bar, relieved to see the waitress finally walking toward them. As bad as he hated to admit it, the service had been a little iffy since Blake lost Cindy Perry. Yet, after she’d attempted to kill Verity, prison had been her only option.

  Luckily, Blake knew both him and Lexi well enough that the server set a bottle of beer and a glass of white wine on the table. He gave her a quick smile of gratitude and then lifted the bottle to his lips, tossing his next question through his brain for a few more seconds as he swallowed the cold liquid.

  Finally he set the bottle back in front of him. “Would you be willing to do me a favor?”

  “Another one?”

  “Being a bat girl is not doing me a favor – you lost a bet.”

  “As you keep reminding me,” she mumbled.

  “This would really be a favor, one you don’t have to accept.”

  “Okay, hit me.”

  “Would you be willing to sell my house and find me a new one?”

  Her eyes widened and by the shock he read in her gaze, he knew he had thrown her for a loop.

  “Sure,” she said finally.

  “You’re surprised?”

  “I am. That’s not what I expected you to ask.”

  “And what did you expect?”

  “Oh I don’t know, another escapade in the men’s room, maybe?”

  He laughed out loud at her response. As badly as he wanted to remind her the situation in the men’s room was her idea, he didn’t. Obviously, she failed to remember that she needed a pair of boxers for a scavenger hunt; he simply gave them to her.

  “No, not this time.”

  “Do you already have a place in mind?”

  He shook his head in denial. Any place other than the one he lived in currently would fit the bill. “I’ll leave that to you.”


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