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Keeper of the Realms: The Dark Army (Book 2)

Page 3

by Marcus Alexander

  Stumbling over on leaden feet, she stroked the side of his face. The sight of the cruel harness was enough to push her Will into a tight knot of concentration that twisted and burned within her soul. It swept out from her mind, down her arm and flickered with a wobbling intensity from the tips of her fingers. It was a puny display of power, nothing compared to her normal abilities, but it was enough to tear the harness from Nibbler’s face and the cruel chains from his wings and legs.

  ‘Ppfffft!’ spat Nibbler. He staggered backwards on unsteady feet with a wild look in his eyes. ‘Ugh! Yuck, yuck, yuck!! Do you know how long I’ve been dying to spit? That harness tasted of sewer fish! It stank of rotten underwear and mouldy broccoli and … and … two days I had it stuck in my mouth!’ Nibbler hopped up on his back legs and used his forepaws to wipe at his tongue. ‘Two days, you know! I can’t believe it. Ppft!’

  ‘Oh, Nibbler, are you –’

  ‘Ack! Eurgh! Ick!’ coughed Nibbler as he tried to spit out the taste. ‘Two days of foot cheese and toe jam in my mouth!’

  ‘Nibbler, did they hurt –’

  ‘Two!’ snorted Nibbler. His eyes spread wide with horror and he waved one paw above his head in protest.


  ‘Aaahh … urgh … ppft!’

  The young dragon continued to prance around, shaking his head in disgust and gesturing wildly. He was so caught in the moment that he failed to catch the look that crossed Charlie’s face. When Charlie finally opened her mouth it was like an explosion going off.


  ‘Huh? Oh … uh, hi, Charlie. How’re you doing?’ The silence, combined with Charlie’s tip-tapping foot, caused Nibbler’s eyebrows to wriggle in concern. His shoulders hunched forward and a flustered look passed across his face. ‘Uh, the, uh, taste …’ he tried to explain, realizing a little too late that he was in trouble.

  Charlie’s frown deepened. ‘Do you have any idea how concerned I’ve been? I’ve been stuck in a manky, rat-infested cell worrying about what might have happened to you and all you want to do is have a sissy fit about a bad taste. Do you have any idea what it feels like to be that stressed about the safety of your friends?’

  ‘Er …’

  ‘Do you?’

  ‘Well …’ began Nibbler, then paused to look around with a cheeky expression. ‘Before I answer your question I have one of my own which is … are you my momma?’

  ‘What?’ said Charlie, the unexpected change in conversational track causing her to mentally stumble. ‘No, of course I’m not! What kind of stupid question was that?’

  ‘Well, it’s just that you’re nagging me like an old woman and doing that squinty thing with your eyes … so I kinda thought it’d be wise to check.’ With an air of innocence he went on to shrug his shoulders. ‘Y’know just on the off chance.’

  ‘But …’ Nibbler’s rude grin caused her own lips to twitch and she could not stop a large smile creasing her face. ‘Ahhh, Nibbler, you’re a joker through and through.’ Reaching over she rubbed his muzzle. ‘I’m glad you’re OK, I was getting really worried and … well I’m just glad you’re safe.’

  Nibbler laughed at the sudden release of tension. ‘I missed you too.’ Leaning forward he batted his head beneath Charlie’s arm and pulled her into a hug. ‘So you’re not my momma then?’

  ‘Oh my gosh!’ huffed Charlie and pushed him away. ‘Two days of being tied up and you’re still a fool!’

  Nibbler chuckled in delight, secretly pleased to see her still smiling.

  ‘Enough of this idiotic prattle!’ snapped Darkmount. ‘Your companion is safe. It is time we hastened and freed the other three. Hopefully they won’t all be as foolish as this young Winged One.’

  ‘Who’s this?’ asked Nibbler, giving the brooding Stoman a look.

  ‘He’s Edge Darkmount –’

  ‘What! The one wh–’

  ‘And, no, he didn’t betray us,’ interrupted Charlie before Nibbler could go off on another verbal rampage. ‘To cut a long … well, medium, story short he’s trustworthy …’ She paused to look over at the Stoman bishop who, having picked up one of the unfortunate guards by the scruff of his neck, was now cruelly demanding the location of her friends. ‘Well, maybe trustworthy isn’t quite the right word for him. But I think he’ll help us in the short term. I’ve made a deal with him and till it’s sorted out he’s going to help us.’

  ‘Deal? What, are you crazy? I wouldn’t invite a dude like that to my birthday party, let alone consider making a deal with him!’ exclaimed Nibbler. He flinched as the huge bishop casually threw the guard across the room. ‘What kind of deal was it?’

  ‘I’ll tell you on the way. I think he’s found out where the others are.’

  Edge Darkmount strode back across the room. ‘Your friends are being held in the Autumn Winds Courtyard. It’s on the northern side of the university, next to the city gates.’

  ‘Did the guard say if they were OK?’

  ‘I didn’t ask, but knowing the Stoman army I would assume that they have been treated harshly – probably beaten or whipped.’ He shrugged. ‘We won’t know for certain until we get there.’

  Charlie scrunched her eyes shut at the thought of her friends taking such punishment.

  The bishop continued. ‘I would suggest we continue to be discreet and tunnel our way beneath the university. We don’t want to deal with every guard and soldier between here and there.’

  ‘Agreed.’ Charlie nodded, seeing the wisdom of his words. ‘Lead the way.’

  Darkmount grunted, turned round and strode back the way they had come, his voice blossoming into song and his fists erupting into light. Charlie and Nibbler shared a quiet look of determination before following the Stoman bishop into the tunnel.

  The colonel and the Shade passed from the well-kept corridors of the university into the dusty, darker vaults that lay beneath the city. Two bored guards straightened as they caught sight of the colonel. Throwing a hasty salute at him they opened the heavy door that led to the cells.

  ‘Which one is she in?’ queried the Shade.

  ‘This one,’ said the colonel, pointing at one of the doors. It took both of his hands to open the bolt, but once it was free he swung the door back and allowed the Shade to enter first.

  ‘You bungling idiot!’

  The colonel frowned. Dipping his head beneath the door-frame he glanced inside. It only took him a second to realize what had occurred. ‘Guards! You –’ he pointed to one. ‘You are to attend me, and you –’ he pointed at the other – ‘go and raise the alarm. Someone has freed the Keeper.’

  Drawing his sword and indicating that the remaining soldier do likewise, he began to jog briskly down the tunnel.

  The Shade stared venomously at them, but swiftly followed. Punishment for this idiocy was something that could be dealt with later; first, the Keeper had to be secured.

  Flitting from shadow to shadow the Shade overtook the two Stomen. Moving faster and faster, it charged on until it came to a split in the tunnel. It hissed in frustration; the scent of the Keeper was fresh in both directions. Slashing at an offending piece of rock, it spat in fury. The Shade didn’t like having to make hasty decisions. When it hunted it preferred certainty, not doubt. Now it would have to split its meagre forces. Tail coiling, it waited for the two Stomen to catch up.

  ‘The tunnel has split. You two will take the northern direction; I will continue along this path.’

  ‘Wait, what of your brethren?’ asked the colonel. ‘I was informed that a full pack of Shades would be arriving at Alavis. If there are more available, now would be a good time to call upon them.’

  ‘Sssssss … my brothers and sisters are on their way,’ spat the Shade. ‘They will arrive shortly, but for now I suggest you shut up and continue with your search!!’

  The colonel nodded his head in compliance before racing north with his guard. The Shade leaped to the wall and, using it as easily as the floor, sped down the other tunne


  The Courtyard

  Edge Darkmount folded back the brickwork with a flicker of his hands. When he was satisfied that the way was clear he stepped from the tunnel into one of the narrow corridors that bordered the Autumn Winds Courtyard. Nibbler slipped past and tiptoed to the corner so he could peer out.

  ‘I can’t see Kelko or Jensen,’ he whispered. ‘The square is empty!’

  The courtyard, with its rearing stone columns and impressive statues of great scholars and heroes, was indeed empty. Two guards patrolled the square, and another pair could be seen guarding the far gate, but that was it. No prisoners, no captives and certainly no friends waiting to be rescued.

  A small fragment of hope plunged from Charlie’s heart to wrestle its way into her stomach where it coiled uneasily like bad indigestion. What had happened to her friends?

  Darkmount frowned as he too peered out. ‘Perhaps they have been moved elsewhere. I will have to question those two soldiers to clarify this matter.’

  ‘What makes you think they’ll tell you anything?’ asked Nibbler.

  ‘The last guard I questioned gave up this location pretty quickly. I doubt that these soldiers will prove any different.’

  ‘Wait,’ hissed Charlie. ‘I thought we were going to be subtle about this? Marching out there and demanding directions is going to bring the whole army down on our heads!’

  Darkmount fixed his cold eyes on Charlie. ‘What makes you think I won’t be discreet? Little girl, we have all seen how weak your Will is. You will need sleep and food before you’re of any use and as we don’t have the time to pamper you back to health. I suggest you stand aside!’

  ‘But –’ began Charlie.

  ‘Bah, there are only two!’ snapped Darkmount.

  ‘What about the two by the gate?’

  ‘They will not see me.’

  ‘I can help,’ offered Nibbler.

  Darkmount turned on Nibbler. ‘I doubt, Hatchling, that you would be able to stalk those two half as well as I. You will stay here.’

  Without waiting for a reply he softly sang two notes of power, causing his hands and feet to glow. Walking to the nearest wall, he plunged his fingers and toes into the rock and swiftly scaled the side of the courtyard.

  Charlie gaped in astonishment as the Stoman bishop swept up the side of the wall, hands and feet actually sinking into the stone, giving him an unbreakable grip. Clinging first to the side of the courtyard, then the underside of the hanging eaves, he swung on to the roof then sneaked forward from gargoyle to gargoyle.

  Charlie couldn’t help but think that he moved like a creeping spider. She shivered in disgust and also a little in delight; it was like watching an evil superhero in action. The excitement of the moment briefly washed away her weariness and for a while she felt like her old self.

  ‘Charlie,’ hissed Nibbler.

  ‘What?’ she whispered, eyes firmly fixed on the events unfolding in the courtyard.

  ‘I know we need to work with this guy, but he’s powerful, I mean really powerful,’ continued Nibbler. ‘Do you really think we can trust him? What happens if he decides to turn on us?’

  Charlie was quiet for a minute as she considered Nibbler’s concern. As promised, she had explained the deal she’d struck with Darkmount as they’d approached the courtyard. The Winged One had not been pleased with the arrangement, and after witnessing the bishop’s display of stonesinging power Charlie wasn’t too sure how she felt about the matter herself.

  After a moment’s consideration Charlie had to admit that Nibbler was right; Edge Darkmount was brutally powerful, stronger than anyone she’d encountered since arriving in Bellania. As Charlie continued to weigh up her options, she reached for the pendant hidden round her neck. All she knew was that her parents had been kidnapped by Bane for the secrets it held and now they were trapped in his macabre Tapestry, which kept them in a terrible state of suspended animation. The Tapestry itself was beyond reach, heavily guarded by Shades and Stomen deep within the darkness of Bane’s Throne Room. Life had played a cruel trick in leaving Charlie’s parents’ fate in her hands. Surely parents were supposed to rescue their children, not the other way round? Charlie’s knuckles whitened as she tightened her grip on the pendant.

  ‘I don’t think we’ve got a choice,’ she said with resolve. ‘We need to know what the pendant does – without it we can’t move forward. As for trusting him, I don’t.’ Charlie could still remember the beating that Lady Narcissa and her twisted sons, the Delightful Brothers, had given her in pursuit of the bounty Bane had placed on her head. It would be a long, long time before she was stupid enough to trust a stranger again.

  ‘And what if he turns on us?’ insisted Nibbler.

  ‘I don’t think he will.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because he needs me to get his “god” for him. If he turns on us before then he’ll lose out. Until I actually hand this vessel thingy over to him we should be safe.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘No!’ chuckled Charlie with a wry laugh. ‘I’m not. Nothing ever seems to go the way I hope, at least not in Bellania. But it makes sense. Edge Darkmount knows he’s on to a good thing with me; it’d be crazy for him to do anything stupid before he gets his half of the deal. Besides, I think we’re stressing too much. As soon as Sic Boy, Kelko and Jensen are back, he’ll be outnumbered and outmatched. Right?’

  ‘Right … I guess, but don’t let your guard down. I don’t like the feel of him. He’s hard and he’s cold, and even I know that’s a bad combination.’

  ‘Yeah, tell me about it. But you watch my back and I’ll watch yours.’


  Nibbler raised his paw, Charlie raised her hand and the two of them exchanged a high five. Sharing a grin they turned to watch their formidable, but uncertain, ally in action.

  Darkmount had nearly reached the pair patrolling the courtyard. Slinking head first down the wall he paused just within arm’s reach and waited.

  Silent. Still.

  Then he blurred into action. Grabbing one guard by the head, he slammed his unsuspecting victim against the wall. Snapping his hand back, he gripped the second guard before he had a chance to react and knocked him unconscious in a similar manner. Checking to see that the soldiers guarding the gate hadn’t noticed his ambush, he stuffed his catch beneath an arm, retreated back up the wall, on to the roof and out of sight.

  Charlie’s mouth dropped open. She shut it, then opened it again. First the fight in the dungeon and now this.

  ‘Have you ever …’ she began, blinked, then shook her head in disbelief. ‘Wow. That was amazing. Just amazing.’

  ‘That’s one bad man,’ agreed Nibbler.

  ‘No kidding, it’s like he’s part ninja or something.’

  ‘What’s a ninja?’

  ‘You know those guys that dress in black, do Hong Kong Phooey and get all sneaky at night?’


  ‘Ninja!’ Charlie slipped into a bad impression of a martial artist, ‘You know, kung fu! Hi-yaaa!’

  ‘What are you going on about?’

  ‘Aw, I don’t know why I bother,’ grumped Charlie. ‘Ninjas, they’re deadly assassins that creep around, a bit like Darkmount was doing just now, they –’

  The unconscious body of one of the soldiers slammed down between them, making them both jump in shock.

  ‘What is it with you two?’ hissed Darkmount as he crept down the wall with the other guard still firmly in his grip. He glared ruthlessly at them. ‘Every time something needs to be done you two brats open your squabbling, petty mouths.’

  ‘Squabble? We weren’t squabbling we were talking about –’

  ‘Enough! I am not interested. Now be quiet while I interrogate this faithless fool.’

  Darkmount removed the guard from beneath his arm and shook him like a tambourine.

  ‘Er … are you sure that’s the best way to wake someone up?’ asked Nibbler, look
ing on with wide eyes.

  ‘Knocked out many Stomen lately?’

  ‘Er … no, I tend to flame them.’

  ‘So you haven’t knocked any out and had to revive them?’

  ‘Um … no.’

  ‘And would you consider yourself intimate with the physiology of the Stoman body?’

  ‘I’ll, er … just shut up and leave you to it, shall I?’

  ‘Answer the question!’

  ‘Ah … no.’

  ‘Well, why don’t you close your prattling mouth and leave this to me?’ snapped the bishop. Bending over, he glowered at Nibbler. ‘Or would you like to spend the rest of the day standing around cracking foolish, immature jokes?’

  ‘Stop picking on him,’ said Charlie, stepping forward. ‘He’s sorry, I’m sorry and I’m pretty sure that guard is going to feel sorry when he comes to. Let’s just please get on with it. I need to know what’s happened to Jensen and Kelko.’

  ‘Hey, he’s waking up!’ Nibbler pointed enthusiastically at their prisoner.

  ‘Gaaahh,’ groaned the guard, his head lolling around and his eyes unfocused. ‘What happened to me?’

  ‘I happened, you unrepentant worm,’ rumbled Darkmount, the baritone of his voice rolling off the wall like an avalanche.

  The soldier, realizing his predicament, reared back his head and opened his mouth. Darkmount slapped him before he could cry for help.

  ‘Enough of that nonsense! Tell me what happened to the two Tremen being guarded here or I’ll stuff your head into that wall and leave you hanging there like a festive ornament.’

  The guard’s eyes flashed to the wall then back to the bishop’s serious face. It didn’t take him long to crack.

  ‘They’ve been taken to the Soul Mines of Zhartoum,’ he babbled, then flinched as Darkmount raised a threatening fist.

  ‘When did this happen?’

  ‘This morning,’ gabbled the soldier. ‘They got processed pretty quickly and –’


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