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Spotlight on Love

Page 14

by Maxene Novak

  I rose up on my elbows and couldn’t tell if my senses were reeling from the alcohol or the way he was sucking and licking at my clit. Then I realized Jessie was undressed and seemed to be enjoying the act of slowly undressing Shane, peeling off his shirt then kissing a trail down his spine before reaching around to grasp Shane’s erection.

  Shane’s head arched back, his eyes closed and face contorted as he hissed, his hips flexing as Jessie’s hand worked over him.

  Shane moved away from both of us in a quick, surprising motion, and we watched as he dug in his jeans, retrieving a condom. Jessie wordlessly took it from him, and I thought he’d immediately put it on Shane. Instead, Jessie sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Shane to him by the hips, then took Shane’s erection into his mouth. And it was the hottest thing I’d ever seen, watching Shane’s last resistance crumble as his hands hesitantly slid into Jessie’s hair, Shane’s fingers gradually tightening into fists as he guided Jessie’s head motions.

  My clit zinged, and I looked down to realize I’d begun to play with myself, something I never would have done in front of a lover before. But now it seemed okay, and I let the fingertips of one hand circle my clit while I played with my breasts with my other hand.

  I must have gasped or made some kind of sound, because Shane’s eyes opened and he saw what I was doing. He watched me for several minutes, then he took Jessie’s chin and turned his head so Jessie too was watching me bring myself close to orgasm.

  “Don’t come,” Shane said. “Not yet. Not without us.”

  I nodded, stopping for a few seconds as needed to keep myself hovering right there on the edge for them.

  Jessie grunted and got up, putting on a condom from his own jeans pocket, then sliding me around on the bed until my butt cheeks were at the side edge. He kissed me for a head spinning moment, then plunged into me, forcing a cry of pleasure out of me as I arched off the bed. He was careful not to thrust in too far, for which I was hazily grateful as I wrapped my legs around him.

  I heard Shane spit into his hand and looked past Jessie’s shoulder to watch as Shane grabbed Jessie’s hips from behind then slowly began to enter Jessie.

  Jessie’s head arched back, and he stayed perfectly still as he hissed out, “Fuuuck yesss.”

  I could feel Jessie’s erection twitch inside me a few times, becoming even harder if that was possible as Shane filled him. Then Shane’s hands shifted, closing around my ankles, the rough pads of his thumbs making little circles on my skin there that forced my hips to begin to rock up and down on Jessie.

  Slowly, Shane began to move in and out of Jessie, the pressure of his hands on my ankles tightening and relaxing with each thrust. I matched his rhythm with my hips, and the thought that we were both working Jessie from different sides turned me on like nothing ever had before.

  The tempo increased, and Jessie began to move as well, thrusting into me as Shane pulled out of him, then seesawing out of me and back onto Shane. The quiet of the bedroom faded, filled with more and more gasps and grunts and flesh smacking against flesh as the shared need drove us faster and higher.

  I came first, crying out, losing all ability to control myself as my body seemed to explode into a million tiny fizzing particles that took minutes, hours, days—I no longer knew how long—to drift down to the earth, where I slowly recombined into some semblance of a human body again.

  I heard Shane groan long and low as he came, with Jessie right behind him. Then Jessie collapsed on the bed beside me.

  I managed to lift my head to see where Shane was. He was leaning back against the nearest wall by the doorway, his expression dazed, his head back against the wall while he stared at the ceiling, his breathing fast and harsh. His fists were pressed against the fronts of his thighs.

  Slowly he turned his head to look at me, and our gazes connected and held for the longest moment.

  He pushed off the wall and disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and turning on the sink.

  I must have fallen asleep, because I barely realized it when Shane returned and Jessie took a turn in the bathroom, all the lights now completely out. Then they both pulled the blankets out from under me, moved me up so my head rested on the pillows, and covered us all with the blankets.

  Sometime in the still dark hours of the morning, I woke up to a wall of heat curled along my entire backside from neck to toes, and a hand sliding up my stomach to lightly caress my nipples, bringing them to instant hard peaks. My hips bucked backwards as need speared through me, and I gasped and arched closer against all that hard heat. A tiny wiggle of my hips revealed a different kind of hardness nestled against my butt and growing longer by the second.


  I pressed my hips against him again in silent encouragement as I grew wet all over again, my hand sliding up to cover his as he kneaded my breasts and played with my nipples, pinching and tugging at them while his erection slid up and down in the cleavage of my butt.

  He paused, and I heard the tear of foil then felt his hands fumbling behind me as he put on a condom. I shifted away from him just a few inches, giving him the perfect angle to enter me from behind, and couldn’t stop another gasp as he slid into me.

  Suddenly, Shane was there closer before me, kissing me softly at first, his hand cupping my cheek, ghosting over my hair, sliding over my shoulder and down my side before circling back up to tease my breasts. He stopped kissing me, shifting his head lower to lick and suck at my nipples while Jessie began to steadily thrust in and out of me from behind, driving the pace.

  I pressed my knees harder together, tightening everything in between my legs even more, and Jessie groaned and sped up, his hips smacking against my butt.

  I heard myself whispering “yes” over and over, my hands gripping and clawing at Shane’s back. Then Shane reached down between my legs and stroked my clit, and I was flung over the edge into bliss as Jessie hit his own peak and cried out my name.


  At some point, my tablet beeped in the kitchen, and Jessie got up to get it for me. I managed to slur out a “yes?”

  “Ma’am, the bus driver says it’s time to go.”

  “’Kay,” I mumbled. “Tell him we’re good to go.”

  At the same time, Jessie’s and Shane’s phones beeped with incoming texts. Probably from the tour manager wanting to make sure nobody got left behind before the caravan rolled out.

  “Just tell ‘em you caught a ride on one of the busses,” I mumbled from beneath a cloud of hair, the tablet sliding out of my hands onto the floor beside the bed. “They won’t care which one you’re on.”

  Jessie grunted and sat up on the edge of the bed to grab his phone from his jeans on the floor. His phone made little popping sounds with each text button he tapped as he sent his reply. He hesitated then dug around and found Shane’s phone and handed it to Shane.

  Shane hesitated, and I could feel him looking at us in the darkness. After a minute, his forearm muscles flexed against my skin as he quickly sent off a text reply of his own. I smiled against my pillow, glad neither would be leaving me for a few more hours.

  Then we all collapsed back under the covers and into sleep again.



  I didn’t know what the hell I was doing anymore.

  When the Drakes signed on for this tour, I thought it was just a good business opportunity. It was supposed to be our band’s big shot at that break we’d needed. And according to our manager, we were definitely seeing an exponential increase in sales for our music and merchandise. Plus, more and more venue organizers were now reaching out to us, wanting us to include them in our own tour scheduled to start sometime later this year.

  I never counted on this combo tour turning into so much…more.

  And Sabrina and Jessie had turned out to be equally surprising complications.

  While I’d messed around a little in college with a dorm brother, I’d thought that was a one off. Just a kid expl
oring the options, so to speak. It hadn’t made me attracted to women any less, or men any more. I’d already been too into music by then to really find either sex all that distracting.

  But Jessie and Sabrina were major distractions from the music, and yet a part of it, so it was hard to keep telling myself that it was a mistake getting involved with them. The tour created too much of a sense of camaraderie, that we were all in the craziness together. That the sex with them was meant to be as much a part of the tour as the performances on stage.

  And I couldn’t get Jessie’s words out of my head. Because he was right. I did try to control everything. It was the only way I knew how to operate. I’d had so little of it in my life growing up one of the youngest in a huge family that I’d always believed I needed total control over my life as an adult.

  But Sabrina and Jessie were proving otherwise.

  I had no control over whatever it was we were doing together, the direction it was headed, how long it lasted. Or how good they both made me feel and their ability to make me forget everything but them.

  They weren’t just distractions. They were control wreckers. And I was worried I was fast becoming addicted to that sense of letting go and letting it all just unfold however the hell it unfolded between us.

  This wasn’t me.

  And yet, for the life of me, I couldn’t stop looking forward to the next time we could all be together, which was quickly becoming every night.

  Fortunately, the rest of my band mates didn’t care where I went every night, so long as I showed up for sound checks and performances. Which kind of worried me deep down. Weren’t we supposed to be a family? Weren’t we supposed to care what was going on with each other more now than ever?

  And yet with every passing day, with every additional night spent in Sabrina’s bed with her and Jessie, I was starting to have more and more trouble remembering why I ever thought of the Drakes as the family I’d always wished for as a lonely kid surrounded by chaos…and the more I began to wish that what Sabrina and Jessie and I shared could become that replacement family unit instead.

  Which was crazy. This was just sex. Wild and crazy threesome sex. But sex all the same. This was never meant to become anything meaningful or important. It was just supposed to be something that happened in the insanity of being constantly on the road, unhitched from normal life and reality.

  I kept telling myself this, reminded myself of it every time I climbed those steps into Sabrina’s bus or knocked on her hotel door the infrequent times the tour got to stay at hotels. And doubly reminded myself not to get too emotionally involved in all of it as I left their arms the next day.

  But it was getting harder and harder to believe it…even as we got closer and closer to the end of it all.



  I trailed the pads of my fingers down Sabrina’s bare back, dazzled all over again by the silky softness of her skin and the way she smiled and leaned in closer without hesitation any time I touched her.

  “You should get a tattoo,” I heard myself mutter, earning a raised eyebrow from her.

  On the other side of Sabrina, Shane lay on his side facing us, his head propped up on his fist, his free hand resting on the curve of her bare ass, his fingertips drawing their own circles on her skin and making goosebumps form all over her.

  Sabrina grinned. “I could never get a tattoo.”

  “Why not? Too edgy for the Princess of Pop’s good girl image?” I asked, only slightly teasing.

  She scrunched up her nose. “There’s that. But it’s more the whole deciding thing. Whatever I picked to have permanently inked onto me this week I’d only want to change to something new next week. I mean, we’re talking permanent artwork on your body here. How do you decide on just one thing for each tattoo?”

  I smiled. “So, what you’re really saying is you’ve got commitment issues?”

  She laughed, and the sexy huskiness of it made my dick twitch even though we’d already gone two rounds tonight. “When it comes to tats, yes, definitely.”

  “And in other areas of your life?” Shane murmured.

  She shrugged one shoulder, turning her head to stare at her fingers as they began to fidget with the pillow before her. “I’ve managed one or two longish relationships.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s the longest, most serious relationship you’ve ever had?” I challenged her.

  She licked her lips, and I knew her well enough now to know it meant she was thinking about something that made her nervous. “A few years ago, I bought a house and lived with a boyfriend for about nine months.”

  My eyebrows shot up. “Yeah? How’d that go?”

  She gave me a dark look. “Not well. We were both way too young for it. Ended up selling the house and deciding to be friends instead…from as long a distance apart as we can manage.” She sighed. “Of course, my manager was really happy about the breakup. So were the fans. The consensus was he was way too much a bad boy for me.” She shook her head and dropped her head to rest her chin on the pillow. “Oh well. Turns out it was a good thing all around, I guess. I mean, can you imagine anyone wanting to deal with all the lupus shit full time? That alone would be enough to doom any relationship, much less being gone all the time touring or in a recording studio. My life is just way too crazy to make keeping a relationship going ever possible.” She yawned. “I’ll probably end up some old, forgotten has-been on a ranch in the middle of nowhere with fifty horses and twenty dogs.”

  “No cats?” I asked, thinking about my cat currently hanging out at my sister’s house with her family while I was on tour.

  “Sure. Them too.” She yawned again.

  I laid my head on the pillow beside hers, pulling up the sheet over her back when she shivered and earning a soft smile of thanks. “So, if your fans hated Mr. Bad Boy, what do you think they’d think about us?”

  She snorted. “First, they’d never believe it. And even if they did…” One corner of her mouth tightened in a half frown. “Probably start boycotting me and protesting my sudden immorality everywhere I went. And of course, the paps would go crazy too.”

  Shane grunted, and we shared a dark look. We were still trying to be really careful about who saw us come and go from Sabrina’s bus and hotel rooms the few times the tour had stayed at hotels.

  She sighed. “Sometimes I think my marketing team is a little too good, if you know what I mean. They’ve made the whole world believe I’m this total good girl. And don’t get me wrong. I’d like to think I’m not some horrid bitch. But clearly, I’m not just this one thing all the time, either. Sometimes I want to be a good person. But sometimes, especially lately…” She closed her eyes, the muscles in her back and shoulders tensing up.

  “Is it the lupus or us?” Shane murmured, still staring at me, his expression turning stark and unreadable.

  “Oh, I always had these little urges to break out of that good girl box and do something at least slightly naughty. But then the diagnosis really ramped it up. And now you two come along like some amazing dessert I’m not supposed to have but want all the time…” Her lips curved, her eyes still closed, and her muscles relaxed beneath our fingertips. Her breathing gradually slowed and deepened. “Maybe you’re right.”

  “About what?” Shane murmured, going totally still.

  “Maybe…I should get a tattoo,” she mumbled, her words slurring as she began to fall asleep. “Or do something crazy…”

  Like fall in love.

  The thought came out of nowhere. Once it did, I went totally still, my gaze still locked with Shane’s, his grayish green eyes intense and mysterious, and all over again I wanted him. Just like that, with just one look, both of them could make me crazy turned on with a touch, a whisper, a gasp. I couldn’t get enough of them, and if not for fear of waking Sabrina, I could have happily fucked Shane’s brains out again tonight.

  But Sabrina needed her sleep, especially now that Shane and I were regularly interrupting her rest. I’d done a
little reading up on lupus on my phone the last few days, trying to understand what she was going through and how we could help her more. Sleep was important for her. So was trying to reduce the stress. But how the hell could anyone do that while touring night and day all over the country, and soon the rest of the world when the American half of her tour ended in a few days?

  Plus, she hadn’t outright admitted it, but Shane and I had both noticed her pain levels were going up, not down. Whatever meds her doctor had her on were clearly not helping. Sometimes she gasped when we touched her in certain places on her body, like the base of her neck at her shoulders, or the outsides of her hips, or certain places at her elbows or ankles. And I could tell it wasn’t a good gasp from the way she flinched. She always covered it by leaning back into our touch. But from what I’d read, these sensitive spots on her body weren’t lupus.

  And then there was the day I caught her crying over a hair brush full of her hair when I’d stopped by before her hair and makeup time to ask if she wanted something to eat from catering. She’d refused to talk about it no matter how much I’d tried to get her to.

  How the hell could anyone not feel stressed while in pain, trying to maintain a crazy music career on the road, and afraid their hair was falling out?

  It was frustrating as hell to not be able to do something to help her. Maybe that was why sex with her and Shane felt like so much more, deeper, more intense emotionally instead of just physically getting each other off. And why they pulled at me so hard equally. With Sabrina, I had to focus on making her feel good, not just reaching my own orgasm. I had to pay attention to every little thing in ways I never noticed before…how and where to touch her, discovering what she liked and what hurt her. She was this puzzle that sucked me in and made me think, and somehow that made the pleasure a hundred times better because she forced me to mentally stay in the here and now. And then, when I needed that roughness, I could turn to Shane and let it out all. They were the perfect contrast, like snacking on both salty and sweet stuff, so I could never get bored.


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