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Control: Power Series #3

Page 7

by Victoria Woods

  Frustrated at myself, I snatched the files off my desk and launched them across the room, sending white sheets raining to the ground. Dropping back down into my seat with a thud, I found the bridge of my nose with my fingers and pinched hard to ease the building pressure behind my forehead.

  “What crawled up your ass?” Zayn asked, unamused by my attitude. “Couldn’t get laid last night?”

  I glared at him.

  “Oh, come on. You know I’m just kidding.”

  His snarky ass comment didn’t warrant a response. I didn’t need him getting involved in my love life too. Amelia and Shyam had already interjected themselves where they didn’t belong, putting them on my bad side.

  “Really?” His eyes widened in disbelief. “When was the last time you had trouble sealing the deal?”

  I sighed loudly. The last thing I wanted to do was drone on about pussy problems, or rather my lack of one in particular. But I was agitated as fuck, so maybe venting about it would lessen my restlessness. “Not since I was a teenager.”

  “Shit…” Zayn whistled in astonishment like an old man who had just realized “penny candy” now cost a dollar fifty. “You finally met a girl who shot you down? I like her already.” He smirked.

  My throat vibrated with a growl, warning him to tread cautiously. He was my brother, but with the way I felt today, I’d hand him his ass if he weren’t careful.

  “You must really give a shit about her if you’re crying over your blue balls,” he said, continuing to poke at my buttons.

  I bolted out of my seat, ready to attack, but he stopped me by holding his hands up in surrender. “Okay. I’ll stop,” he said, chuckling.

  Narrowing my eyes, I backed away and took my seat again. Zayn was faster and stronger than me, but I wasn’t above flipping the desk that separated us and silencing him with my fists. As brothers, all strong-willed and stubborn in our own ways, we had grown up beating the shit out of each other over the smallest disagreements. Mom would try to separate us and diffuse the situation. To her, talking through things had been more important than violence. My father, however, had shared the opposite belief. According to him, men could only resolve disputes with fists, bullets, or explosives.

  “Who is she?” Judging from his gentler tone, I knew his interest was genuine.

  I let out a rush of air through my nostrils, mentally preparing myself to spill details. I was constantly ragging on my brothers about their life choices, as the most outspoken of the three of us. But lately, Shyam and Zayn had found their voices and used them to pry into mine. I guess they were getting soft with their old age.

  “Meena’s ballet teacher. We went out last night with Shyam and Amelia. Things seemed promising, but she ran away when I asked her to come home with me.”

  “Ouch,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

  That was my exact sentiment. “Tell me about it.”

  I couldn’t figure out why she had pushed me away. She had walls up like no other person I’d ever known before. I’d thought I had finally broken through them from the way she’d arched into my touch. Our chemistry was undeniable, and I knew she felt it too.

  The stickiness of her cum on my fingers had nearly made me blow my own load. I couldn’t stop fantasizing about how her cunt would feel around my dick, squeezing me tightly as her muscular dancer legs held my hips in place while I drilled into her. My dick tented in my pants every time my mind wandered to those dirty depths, only to have frustration at the rejection wash over me again. Fuck.

  “Maybe you need to leave that one alone?” Zayn pressed his fingertips together under his chin.

  I should just let her go. Chasing her would be too much work, and I could easily find another who was more than willing to warm my bed. But there was something about her that I couldn’t quite figure out. It was more than just her looks, which weren’t like anything I’d witnessed before—classic. “She’s fucking gorgeous, though.”

  She looked young, really young, but since she was able to get into Nirvana, I knew she was at least allowed to drink. She should have looked innocent, especially with her golden hair and crystal blue eyes. Though, nothing about her seemed naïve. In fact, her baby blues held more wisdom than I had seen in women nearly twice her age. Those eyes had seen things. Dark things. Things that had probably changed the rest of her life. I wanted to know more—peel back her layers and understand why she felt like she had to protect herself from me.

  “From what I see, you should try to win her over with flowers and candy or just move on. No sense pining over someone without doing anything about it.”

  That was some big talk from Zayn, who never brought women around us. His sex life was even more of a mystery than Shyam’s was before Amelia.

  Screw flowers and candy. I just wanted to fuck her. “I’m not into that girly shit.”

  “Then move on,” he repeated, his expression flat.

  He was right. Fuck her if she didn’t want me. She was just one woman. A girl, compared to my age. Jai Sethi had an unlimited library of pussy waiting for him to check out, and life was too short to waste it on some fickle girl.

  Happy with my decision, I stood up from my chair and walked to the door to check on the progress outside. “Round up the guys. Tell them to bring some fresh meat to the hotel suite.” Too much time had already been wasted on Claire. My job was far too stressful to be chasing even more stressful tail. Tonight, I would release of that tension.

  Zayn studied me for a moment before responding, like he wanted to say something more. Instead, he settled on, “Yes, boss.”

  Chapter IX


  I was completely sidetracked during Meena’s private class. I had almost cancelled because the anxiety of running into Jai again gnawed at my gut like a parasite. However, the need for money won out, and like I always did when it came down to receiving a paycheck, I showed up.

  “Mommy!” Meena ran to her at the end of class to chatter about the new moves she’d learned for the day. I had yet to see Amelia, since her butler had shown me to the studio instead. I wondered if she had been in bed nursing a hangover since she had probably stayed at Nirvana later than I had. I hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye to her because I’d been too flustered by what I had let happen in the booth. My face grew hot just thinking about how far I had let things get out of hand and how much I still wanted more.

  “I’m surprised you showed up today.” She eyed the bags under my eyes with concern. She looked surprisingly refreshed, in a flowy white blouse and jeans. I, however, looked like shit from the lack of sleep. I might have left early but I had spent the night stirring restlessly thinking about my stupidity. Everything I had fought so hard to protect would probably be endangered by my greedy hormones.

  Nervously, I laughed off her worry, hoping to avoid the conversation going any deeper. Explaining my hasty departure, especially without the friend that had come with me, to Jai’s sister-in-law would be too embarrassing. I didn’t want to have to resign from this job because I let Jai finger fuck me at her club.

  Meena let out a sigh of boredom too big to have come out of her little body, then turned and ran out of the studio, leaving us alone.

  “Everything okay?” Amelia’s brows knitted her forehead. “When we came back from dancing, you were gone.”

  I cringed inwardly, thinking of what to say next. Your brother-in-law rubbed me out until I came, and I got freaked out about letting someone get close to me. I was a loner for a reason. I couldn’t afford to bring other people into the shit show that was my life. Instead, I did what I was an expert at—I lied. “Yeah, everything was okay. I just had a headache and wanted to go home early to rest.”

  Her eyes remained glued to mine as if she didn’t buy my explanation. I blamed it on mothers’ intuition. “Did Jai do anything wrong? Do I need to smack him upside the head for you?” Her tone w
as stern like she meant it.

  Although I appreciated her defense of me, even against her own family, Jai wasn’t the problem. He had done everything right…so right. “No, it’s not him. It’s me. I’m just not looking to date right now.”

  If I didn’t carry so much baggage, I would have gone home with him and probably still been over at his place at this very moment. I could have woken up with him after a night of satisfying sex and probably even asked for seconds. We could have had breakfast together and argued over the last piece of bacon before showering together. If only things were different, and I could allow myself to have those kinds of experiences. But I couldn’t. Not with Jai or anyone else. I had to stay alone if I wanted to keep anyone I cared about safe. I barely knew Jai, but I couldn’t risk getting invested in him anymore than I had already become.

  She studied me carefully. “I get it. I wasn’t looking for anything serious when I met Shyam, and lord knows he always had one foot out the door, but somewhere along the road, we realized we were ready to open up our hearts to each other.”

  I wished it were that simple—just a matter being of open to commitment. “It’s just not a good time for me to get serious with anyone, no matter how good-looking they are.”

  “I’d kill to see his face if he ever heard you call him good-looking.” She chuckled. “It’d inflate his already too-large ego. We’d have to grease the doorway just to kick him out of here.”

  I couldn’t help the snort that left my nostrils, which sent Amelia into a fit of giggles. Hearing her talk about such a powerful and sexy man like she was his little sister knocking humility into him was too funny to shake. I gripped my belly, steadying my laughter so I could catch my breath. “He must get it all the time, though.”

  “Yeah. He does.” She rolled her eyes, probably fed up with all the women who showed interest in her brother-in-law. Resting a comforting hand on my shoulder, she looked toward the doorway of the gym. “I was just about to make myself some tea. Care to join me?”

  The only friend I’d had since I moved here was Lana. Our personalities couldn’t have been more opposite, but she had a good heart. She always checked on me throughout the day to make sure I ate and was safe riding the subway to and from work. Her boy-craziness was the only thing that made her flaky, but even then, she was still concerned about me. But she was the only person I spoke to regularly.

  Being here with Amelia was a reminder of how nice it was to talk to someone new. My conversations with her always flowed effortlessly. “Sure.”

  I followed her lead past the chic living room. It still amazed me that they had two small children yet kept all their furniture and rugs so clean.

  The kitchen was just as modern as the rest of the house. The cabinets and counters were all European style and white with natural wood stools in front of the massive island.

  Amelia occupied herself with the tea, pulling out a pair of mugs from one of the cabinets. “Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Easing myself onto the seat, I couldn’t help but remember the past. Sitting in a kitchen just like this one with my mother busying herself at the stove. The constant ache I carried in my chest twinged stronger. Though Amelia was younger than what my mother would have been if she were alive, there was something about her that reminded me of Maman. Amelia was nurturing and caring just like she had been, and so wise. Amelia didn’t seem old at all, maybe in her late twenties or early thirties, but she boasted a sensibility that was deep for her age.

  Moving to the stove, she stirred a pot that had been warming before we entered the kitchen. After dividing the liquid into the mugs that she had collected, she passed a steaming one over to me. Notes of cinnamon and cloves wafted out of the vessel, soothing me instantaneously. “Chai?”

  Amelia nodded, inhaling the contents of her own mug. “Ever since I learned how to make it myself, I drink it more than coffee.”

  Taking a small sip so as not to burn my lips, I savored the spicy warmth on my tongue. “It’s delicious. Thank you.”

  “Anytime.” She set her mug down, her expression turning serious. “I know it’s not my business to pry, but I think it’s safe to say that Jai really likes you.”

  My cheeks flushed with warmth. “He does?”

  She nodded as she swallowed another sip of her chai. “He can’t seem to take his eyes off you when you’re around. I’ve never seen him like that before.”

  As much as I was flattered, I just couldn’t let this go further than it already had. “I’m not trying to lead him on or anything, but I just can’t.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  I shrugged casually, hoping she wouldn’t ask any more questions. “I’m just a loner.” If I put this all on myself, maybe she’d drop it.

  I should have known better because she persisted. “Do you have any family still alive?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, but they’re not in the city.”

  She leaned over the island, so that we were eye to eye. “Were you close to your parents?”

  Honesty came pouring out of me. “Not so much with my father. But my mother was my best friend.”

  Her forehead creased with concern. “That must have been hard to lose her.”

  I felt my eyes well with tears, as they always did when I thought of Maman. “It still is.” My voice came out shaky, giving away the heartache that I carried with me every moment of every day.

  She nodded with understanding. “The pain never really goes away, does it? It just changes from a piercing feeling into a chronic ache.” The emotions in her eyes matched mine. That bit of despair that wedged its way into the skin around your eyes, leaving permanent scars of loss masquerading as wrinkles.

  “Did you lose someone?”

  A tear escaped the corner of her eye as she pressed her lips together. “My father. To cancer.”

  I gasped softly. “I’m so sorry.”

  She shook her head. “It’s okay. I’m lucky. My mother is still alive, and I’m really close to her.”

  “You’re both lucky to have each other.” What I wouldn’t give to see Maman again. Just one more hug. To smell her gentle fragrance of lilies and vanilla. The tears came rushing out after holding them in for so long. I wasn’t a crier, so these tears were long overdue to be shed.

  Amelia grabbed some napkins from the counter and offered me one while using another to dab at her own eyes. “Look at us. A perfectly good Sunday and we’re sobbing over tea like lunatics.”

  I chuckled. “Thank you for the tea and the talk. I think I needed to let some of this stuff out.”

  She reached over, taking hold of my hand. “Same here.”

  I took another sip of tea, feeling one of the many holes in my soul grow smaller.

  “Don’t close yourself off, Claire. I’m not just talking about Jai. You have such a free spirit, and you shouldn’t keep it locked away out of fear.” She held my gaze, keeping me from running away again.

  I understood what she meant, but it was harder to actually do.

  “And for what it’s worth, Jai isn’t looking for anything serious, either. So maybe he’s the perfect person to give you what you need without a commitment.”

  I eyed her warily, before staring into the abyss of the mug between my hands. “Perhaps.”

  Her voice echoed in my ears as I concentrated on the brown swirls of left-over spice grit on the surface of the tan liquid. “Your mother wouldn’t want a life of solitude for you. Don’t keep yourself from living just because she’s dead.”

  As much as I hated to hear it, she was probably right.

  Chapter X


  “Is this how you like it, Daddy?”

  A curtain of long chocolate-brown hair covered my pelvis as I felt lips wrap firmly around my dick. Leaning back on the couch, I watched her head bob quickly up and down as she pumped my shaft w
ith strong suction. Her mouth usually knew how to work its magic on me, but right now it didn’t feel like enough.

  One persuasive suck made me groan, more from pain than from the pleasure I usually felt when she went hard.

  Sensing something was off, she released me with a pop, glancing up to gauge my interest. Before she could open her mouth to cloud my ears with questions, I pushed her head back down over my crotch. She took me again, throwing her whole body into it this time, undulating her hips to the bass of the music blaring from the first floor of the hotel suite.

  We had been at this for a while now, and I had some work to get back to before the night was over. I checked my watch to see how much more time I could spare.

  My sigh of annoyance made Cassandra look up at me again. Her lips were swollen from the job she aspired to accomplish. Instead of the overly drawn lips smeared in red lipstick that were in front of me, I saw full pink lips reminiscent of those that had been sucking on a strawberry popsicle. They had been shaped into a perfect O only last night as I unleashed pleasure on their owner.

  Expecting the intoxicating sound of that mouth’s moan, I heard a high-pitched, nagging voice instead. “What’s wrong, baby? Making me work for it tonight?” A shrill of a laugh escaped her. “I know what you need.”

  She stood up from the floor and dipped her finger in my glass of scotch on the table next to the couch. Laving her pussy lips with the amber liquid, she positioned her knees on either side of me on the couch and then placed her hands on my knees, with her flesh exposed right in front of my face. She knew I was an ass man. The smell of liquor mixed with arousal was heady, but only the first half of the combination was appealing to me. My sense of smell longed for my new favorite fragrance—honey. Honey that made your fingers stick together in sweetness.


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